Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1882: Trial

The law enforcement elder's breakthrough went smoothly. After he was promoted to Venerable Universe, the Three Thousand Heavens Dao made up the sky above the entire Wild City. The three thousand Heavens Way so clearly visible made the disciples of the Dahuang Wuyuan very surprised. Three thousand heavens, his own cultivation base is growing rapidly.


   Except for the existence of the masters of the tenth-order universe like Ye Tian, ​​the rest of the disciples have all upgraded to the first level.


   It can be seen that the appearance of a cosmic venerable has brought too much benefit to a power, which is almost the same as giving a person a fruit of heaven.


   No wonder Dongfang Dao Chance said that the promotion of law enforcement elders symbolized the rise of Dahuang Wuyuan.


   "Let's go, let's go back!" Dongfang Xiongtian immediately stood up, turned and left.


   "Brother Ye, please prepare." Dongfang Daoji gave Ye Tian a look of care, and then left.


   Ye Tian looked at the law enforcement elder not far away, which had already been occupied by many elders of the Great Wilderness Martial Arts Academy. Everyone went to congratulate the law enforcement elder, and their disciples simply couldn't get in.


   However, the dreams in the crowd are boundless, but Ye Tian throws a murderous look at Ye Tian, ​​cold and merciless.


   Ye Tian dismissed this and turned around and left.


   The law enforcement elder was only promoted to the realm of the universe, and he had to retreat and consolidate for a period of time. It was not until the past few million years that the majestic voice of the law enforcement elder sounded in Ye Tian's mind.


   "Come to the square!"


   has only four simple words, but it is full of majesty and makes people unable to resist.


   The words come out the way!


   Ye Tian was shocked, this is the Venerable Universe, and he can easily kill you with a word.


  Speaking out of the law, that is, if the Venerable Universe utters a word, it will contain the law. This is the realm of the **** among the gods.


   "I don't know when I will reach this state!" Ye Tian sighed with emotion.


Immediately, Ye Tian opened the door, a black robe hunting under the cold wind, he looked at the direction of the square, there was already a crowd of people there, the elders and disciples of the Dahuang Wuyuan had obviously received law enforcement. The elder's notice gathered in the square.


   Ye Tian's expression was calm, his face was indifferent, his eyes were full of confidence, and he walked towards the square.


   By the time Ye Tian came to the square, the square was already full of people. The disciples of the Fourth Avenue Institute stood on both sides. At the front were four Taoists and many elders. The leader was the law enforcement elder.


   All eyes fell on Ye Tian, ​​this kind of pressure was huge, if it weren't for Ye Tian's deep foundation and strong strength, it would be difficult to move.


   In this way, Ye Tian walked into the square unhurriedly with countless sharp gazes. With his extraordinary demeanor, many elders present secretly nodded in praise.


The law enforcement elder led by    also showed a smile, and he looked at Ye Tian with relief.


   Upon seeing the boundless dream, he secretly said "not good" in his heart, and immediately shouted at Ye Tian, ​​"Ye Tian, ​​are you convicted?"


   Ye Tian was extremely calm. He glanced at Meng Wubian indifferently, and asked coldly: "Isn't this trial presided over by the law enforcement elder? Why, Meng Dao master, when have you been promoted to the law enforcement elder?"


   "You..." Meng Boundless heard the words and shook with anger.


The law enforcement elder beside    coldly snorted, "Shut up!"


  Meng Wu Bian suddenly did not dare to say any more, but his face was extremely ugly, and his cold eyes stared at Ye Tian.


   He is bullying, and he wants to give Ye Tian a prestige, making him panic.


   However, he was disappointed.


On the square, Ye Tian looked personable, with extraordinary bearing, his face was calm from beginning to end, and his eyes were calm. He saluted the elders and law enforcement elders: "Disciple Ye Tian, ​​I have seen law enforcement elders, and Elders."


   "Free gift!" The law enforcement elder smiled and nodded.


   Then, some elders hurriedly said.


   "This kid is nice and polite!"


   "Have a strong talent, and I also know that I respect the teacher, not arrogant or arrogant, and the future is unlimited."


"The old man heard that he swept all the geniuses in the chaotic world, and even the geniuses of the ancient gods and the ancient devil were defeated by him. Hahaha, when did our Great Desolate Martial Arts Academy be so excited? When I think about it, the old man feels happy ."


   "He is a good boy, honest and kind, how could he kill his fellow students? It must be slander."




   A series of compliments stunned everyone present.


   Even Ye Tian was dumbfounded, a little weird.


   However, Ye Tianyi suddenly realized that these elders who spoke were all wearing black robes. Dare to feel that these are all seniors of the Miedao Academy, so it's no wonder that they stood on his side and praised him without mercy.


   The dream not far away is boundless, his face is extremely ugly, isn't this trying to judge Ye Tian? How did it become the award ceremony? Before interrogating, he praised Ye Tian. How to interrogate later?


   Thinking of this, Meng Wubian quickly squeezed his eyes for some of the elders who were born in the Magical Academy. These elders of the Magical Academy immediately reacted and started to speak.


   "Elder law enforcement, let's judge first!"


   "Killing fellow senior is a serious crime, not to mention Xue Luohua is still a senior brother, this matter cannot be taken lightly."


   "High talent does not mean that you can kill the same sect brothers wantonly."


   "My Dahuang Wuyuan is to train disciples, not to train a one-eyed wolf."




   The number of elders in the Magic Path Academy is obviously much greater than that of the elders in the Miedao Academy. They spoke together, which immediately caused the wind to change, and the expressions of Ji Wu, the old drunkard and others changed.


   Ye Tian was very calm, and did not rush to argue.


   "Shut up all to me!" The law enforcement elder shouted loudly, and the power of Venerable Universe suddenly made the scene quiet.


   Before he was promoted to Venerable Universe, he was the strongest among the elders. Now that he was promoted to the realm of Venerable Universe, who would dare to be presumptuous in front of him?


   For a while, the entire square was quiet, and everyone's eyes focused on the law enforcement elder.


Although the law enforcement elder favors Ye, he still has a fair attitude on the surface. His deep eyes looked at Ye Tian below, and asked in a deep voice: "Ye Tian, ​​is Xue Luohua you? Killed?"


   "No!" Ye Tian said lightly.


   "You lied!" The dream on the side was boundless, and suddenly angered.


   "Lying?" The law enforcement elder looked at Meng Wubian coldly and asked, "What evidence do you have?"


   This attitude made it clear to favor Ye Tian.


  Meng took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart, he said solemnly: "We had a disciple in the Magic Path Academy at the time...Mo Zhongtang, Bailihua, you two are not coming out soon."


   In the crowd, two disciples of the Magical School walked out immediately, namely Mo Zhongtang and Bailihua.


   Ye Tian narrowed his eyes slightly. He knew both of them. At first, he killed Bailihua during the hunting activities in Xiaohuangjie. Later, he competed with Mo Zhongtang for the flower petals of the road, which was regarded as a grudge.



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