Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1888: Contempt

When Ye Tian came out of the stone house, he found that there were a lot of people around him. The elders of the Dahuang Martial Arts Academy and many other disciples had all come out.


   "It's a person from the nine heavens!"


   "What are the people from Jiuzhongtian suddenly coming to us for?"


   "I'm afraid that the person who came is not good."


   "What are you afraid of? This is the base camp of our Great Desolate Martial Arts Academy. Not to mention that they have come to a Cosmos Venerable. Even if they come to three or five Cosmos Venerables, we can't make waves in our Great Desolate Martial Academy."




   The disciples talked a lot.


Ye Tian looked around and found that four Taoists had also come out. Among them was the new Taoist of the Magical Academy. This person was also a cosmic overlord-level elder born in the Magical Academy, and occasionally glanced at him with sharp eyes. Coldness.


   A moment later, the former law enforcement elder Zhan Yuantang also came, and behind him followed a familiar person, who had just been promoted to the law enforcement elder, the dream was boundless.


   Two people one after another, then led the four Taoists towards the gate of Dahuang Wuyuan.


   The disciples looked curiously in the distance.


   At the gate of Dahuang Wuyuan, an old man with a childlike face and three young men and women walked in.


   "Hahaha, why did the ancient bell ring when I was the landlord? It turned out that it was the old friend of Zhan Yuantang who was promoted to the realm of the universe, congratulations!" Hefa said with a smile on his face.


   "Xuanyuan Sky, if you don't have a few Yanji, your style is still the same!" Zhan Yuantang looked extremely solemn.




Not far away, Ye Tian looked at the three young men and women behind the old man Hefa, his expressions condensed slightly: "What a powerful aura, none of the auras of these three are below the descendants of the Blood Moon Ancient Sect, especially those two. The men and women of slightly older grades are probably as strong as the descendants of the Dugu Family, the Sun Shooting Family, and the Lieyang Sect."


   If Ye Tian and Ouyang Wugui hadn't entered the chaos before they had entered the chaotic world, these three nine-layered people would have come, and they would definitely sweep all the disciples in their Dahuang Wuyuan.


   "Ye Tian!" A familiar voice sounded. Ye Tian turned his head to look and found that Dongfang Daoji had come, and Ouyang Wugui, and even Yan Sandao.


   Ye Tian found that the expressions of these people were very solemn, even if it was Ouyang Wugui, they all changed from the past, their eyes sharp, like a sharp sword out of the sheath.


   "I didn't expect them to come too!" Yan Sandao said in a low voice, his face heavy.


   Ye Tian wondered: "Do you know them?"


Dongfang Daoji said, "That man is called Wang Lie. He is the big brother of Nine Heavens and One Heaven. Nine Heavens is a super power that combines nine worlds. Every Heaven will have a great brother, this Wang Lie’s strength. It is unfathomable, but I defeated Ouyang Wugui at the beginning."


   Ye Tian couldn't deny it. If it was Ouyang Wugui, who hadn't entered the chaotic world, he would definitely not be Wang Lie's opponent, but now, that's not necessarily the case.


   "The older woman was called Zhang Lin. She was the big sister of San Zhong Tian, ​​and she was no less powerful than Wang Lie. As for the younger woman, I had never seen it." Yan San Dao said.


Ouyang Wugui said in a solemn voice: "She's named Li Wan'er, she is very famous in Nineth Heaven, because the first beauty of Nineth Heaven is his sister Li Xian'er. Moreover, Li Xian'er is also the great sister of Seventh Heaven, already at the level of the overlord of the universe. exist."


"It's actually Li Xian'er's younger sister!" Yan Sandao took a breath after hearing the words, and he said, "You probably don't know, the nine big brothers of Jiuzhongtian, the more powerful they are, the stronger Li Xianer is as the seventh heaven. My master sister is probably stronger than the Taoist master of our Fourth Avenue Institute."


   Ye Tian was shocked when he heard this.


Dongfang Daoji looked at Ye Tian and said in a deep voice, "Ye Tian, ​​the last time the law enforcement elder took four senior elder brothers to Jiuzhongtian for exchanges, the result, including Ouyang Wugui, was a complete defeat, which is a shame to our Dahuang Wuyuan. This time, if you have a chance, you must give us Yang Wei from the Great Desolate Martial Arts Academy."


   "Yeah! Ye Tian, ​​our Great Desolate Martial Arts Academy has been suppressed by Nine Heavens, Heaven Temple, and Demon Temple for so many years, this time you must raise your eyebrows for us." Yan Sandao also said, with a heavy tone.


   When facing the dignity of Dahuang Wuyuan, they seemed very united.


   Ye Tian nodded slightly and said: "I won't keep my hands if I have a chance. However, Ouyang Wuhui's strength has improved a lot, and I don't need to take action anymore."


   Dongfang Daoji and Yan Sandao heard this and couldn't help turning their heads to look at Ouyang Wugui.


Ouyang Wugui smiled faintly, looked at Ye Tian, ​​and said, "I also want to thank you. I used to be arrogant and thought that I could cultivate the Four Dao Academy's exercises to the tenth floor at the same time, so as to build a foundation to attack the universe overlord. Realm. But you gave me tremendous pressure, which made me have to give up the exercises of the other three avenues and concentrate on only practicing "Neverending Life". Now I have broken through to the tenth level, and the foundation has been completed, anytime. Can be promoted to the realm of universe overlord."


   Dongfang Daoji was full of joy upon hearing this.


Yan Sandao's complexion is a bit complicated. Among the four big brothers, Ye Tian's strength is unfathomable. Dongfang Xiongtian has also practiced the ninth level of "Indestructible Calamity", and he is now attacking the realm of universe overlord in Arai. No regrets even practiced the tenth-level "Endless Decision", whose strength is far superior to him.


   After thinking about it, he, the big brother of the deadly temple, has already become the bottom one.


"It turns out that Ouyang Wuhui was delaying his time by practicing the exercises of the Fourth Avenue Institute at the same time. It seems that he was very ambitious before and wanted to understand the strongest skills of the deserter." Ye Tian secretly thought, but this is also normal behavior, after all, Ouyang No regrets are talented, and it is normal to have that kind of courage.


   No, Ye Tian himself is walking this way now.


   However, Ye Tian was full of confidence in During the conversation, Zhan Yuantang had taken Jiu Zhongtian and his party into the Dahuang Wuyuan, and the four Taoists were accompanied by them.


Wang Lie, Zhang Lin, and Li Wan'er, the three disciples of Jiuzhongtian, are curiously looking at the surrounding Dahuang Wuyuan disciples, but everyone can clearly feel that, except that Li Wan'er is too young to have any thoughts, the other two People are full of disdain, which makes the disciples of Dahuang Wuyuan very angry, but it is because Zhan Yuantang and the four Taoists dare not attack here.


   "See? They are too arrogant!" Dongfang Daoji sneered.


   Ouyang Wugui said indifferently: "It's normal. A Wang Lie has beaten me. It is normal for them to look down on our Dahuang Wuyuan."


"Huh, now our Dahuang Martial Arts Academy is different. When we find a chance, we must make them look good." Yan Sandao was also full of anger. He had been ridiculed and insulted when he followed the law enforcement elder to the Jiuzhong Heaven to communicate. .


   At this moment, Wang Lie not far away suddenly pointed to Ye Tian and said something to Zhang Lin beside him. Zhang Lin turned her head and glanced over here, her indifferent face, with disdain.


   For an instant, Ye Tian, ​​Dongfang Daoji, Yan Sandao and other Dahuang Wuyuan disciples were all angry.


   "Huh!" Ouyang Wuhui finally couldn't help it. He walked out of the crowd and walked towards Wang Lie pedestrian.


   Ye Tian and the others hurriedly followed.


   (End of this chapter)

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