Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1894: Beat the Overlord

"So strong!"


   Ye Tian's face changed slightly, the other party just slapped a palm at random, and the leaked aura had already caused chaos around him and shattered time and space, showing that it was not terrifying.


   Obviously, this person has at least understood more than a thousand ways of heaven, at least stronger than the city lord of the Dead Sea that Ye Tian had fought against.


"Fortunately, I have a big killer. Otherwise, even if I urge the Demon Tribulation to Destroy the World Wheel, I won't be able to resist his moves." Ye Tian secretly thought, his projection disappeared immediately, and the body hiding in the dark looked at it from a distance. The direction of that countless array.


   I have to say that the elders of this Magical Academy are too powerful, and the formations arranged by Ye Tian didn't show up at all, so they were easily shattered by the opponent.


   This method of breaking the formation is too rough. It is completely forced to break open with brute force. It is simply a typical example of overwhelming force.


   However, after the formation was broken, the middle-aged man did not see Ye Tian's figure. Instead, he saw the corpses of the demon shattered, and countless curses swept from all directions.




   The face of the middle-aged man changed drastically. From these curses, he felt that there were many deadly curses in them, and even he felt terrified.


   Nonsense, these are the curses that Ye Tian put out in the sea of ​​curses, but that is the forbidden world of chaos that even Venerable Universe goes to die. It is naturally more sharp to deal with him as a small universe overlord.


   "Damn it!" The middle-aged man roared, trying to escape, but found that there were curses in all directions, and some curses had entered his divine body.


   Originally, with his strength, as long as he was more vigilant, these curses might not be able to win him. After all, even the Lord of Dead Sea City had persisted in the Cursed Sea for a while, and he would definitely be able to persist for a while.


However, the city lord of Dead Sea City knew the terrible nature of the Cursed Sea. Before entering, he exploded with all his strength, urging his own chaotic soldiers, prepared in advance, and after hitting Ye Tian’s divine body, he immediately did nothing. He hesitated and left.


The elder of the Illusion Academy did not expect Ye Tian to come. He felt that with his own strength, he could easily kill Ye Tian, ​​so he didn’t even urge his own Chaos Divine Weapon to be moved by these unexpectedly. Cursed.


   "Ye Tian, ​​you are despicable and shameless!"


   The roar of the middle-aged man spread throughout the chaos.


   However, what greeted him with a roar was a huge world-destroying roulette, carrying a terrifying power, suppressing it towards the middle-aged man's head.


"You little beast..." The middle-aged man was frightened and angered. He was suppressing the curse in his body. At this moment, his strength was greatly reduced, and he was much weaker than the original Dead Sea City Lord. The Yanhuang Divine Soldier that Ye Tian fully urged had already dealt with him. Posed a threat.


   But the middle-aged man has to suppress the curse in his body, and he has to guard against other curses around him. He can't use extra power to resist the devil and destroy the world wheel.




   A terrible roar blasted through the chaos.


   The next moment, the middle-aged man spurted blood all over his mouth, disheveled his head, and looked very embarrassed. At the same time, his divine body was surrounded by a lot of black energy, and it was obvious that more curses had entered his body.


"Old Pifu, your Magical Academy knows that the geniuses of the Great Desolate Martial Arts Academy have to kill even the geniuses of the Great Desolate Martial Arts Academy. No wonder the Great Desolate Martial Arts Academy has been declining for so many years, and you don't know how many geniuses have been killed by you." Ye Tianlen He hummed, and at the same time continued to urge the Demon Tribulation World Chakra, constantly bombarding the middle-aged man.


   Taking advantage of your illness to kill you, Ye Tian will not let go of such a good opportunity.


"Puff!" The middle-aged man kept coughing up blood and flew upside down. Originally, with his strength, even if Ye Tian urged Yanhuang Divine Soldier, he could not be his opponent, but all his current cultivation bases are suppressing the curse in his body. He didn't dare to fight back at all, and could only use the divine body to resist, otherwise, the curse in his body could kill him.


"Boom!" Ye Tian kept urging the Demon Tribulation World Wheel, with a happy face. Who would have thought that he, the Lord of the Universe, could violently beat a Universe Overlord. If this spreads out, the entire wilderness It will be boiling.


"Ahhhhhhh..." The middle-aged man was going crazy. He was a cosmic hegemon, and he was also the cosmic hegemon of the Great Desolate Martial Arts Academy. Even if he was placed in the wilderness, he was a strong one. In the end, he was caught by a junior. The Lord of the Universe beat him violently, which is simply a shame, a huge shame.


   But he has to endure, because the curse in his body is too many and too strong. If he doesn't suppress it with all his strength and does not need Ye Tian to do it, he will be done by himself, unless he blew himself up and chooses to fight Ye Tian desperately.


   But how many people are willing to commit suicide after they have cultivated to the realm of the universe overlord? He and Ye Tian didn't have the hatred of killing their father. At best, they could only be regarded as jealous of Ye Tian's talent. The jealous Ye Tian would threaten them in the Magic Dao Academy in the future, but when it comes to hatred, it is really weak.


   He can help Meng Wu Bian make a move, but if he has to pay his own life, then he is not so "selfless", even Meng Wu Bian can't do it.


   Therefore, he immediately ran away, and in order to escape, he threw a Chaos Magical Weapon and made it explode, used the Chaos Magical Weapon's huge self-detonation force to block Ye Tian's Demon Tribulation World Wheel, and then quickly fled.


   Ye Tian was taken aback, because the power of the Chaos Divine Soldier was so powerful that he blew himself up, he quickly hid behind the Demon Tribulation World Destroying Wheel, and could no longer pursue the middle-aged man.


   After the self-detonation power disappeared, Ye Tian had already seen the middle-aged man. After all, he was the overlord of the universe. If he wanted to escape, it would be difficult for him to catch up.


However, Ye Tian never thought about killing the opponent. After all, he is a cosmic overlord. If he pushes the opponent in a hurry, the opponent will definitely blew himself up. He chooses to kill him A chaotic warrior says he blew up. He blew himself up, really brave! "It is a pity that Ye Tian detonated the Chaos God Soldier. He immediately put away the Xueluohua battle armor in the center of the formation, and quickly left the place.




   Xing Luohai, there are countless chaotic universes here, and many casual cultivators will place their universes here and hand them over to Chaos Avenue. Here, the chaotic universe is as numerous as the stars in the sky, everywhere.


   After Ye Tian came to Xingluohai, he found Wangfeng Universe according to the coordinates Wang Feng had left him.


   Yes, the universe Wang Feng stays here is named Wangfeng Universe. This name was not because Wang Feng was narcissistic, but because he wanted to use his identity as a disciple of the Nine Heavens to frighten the surrounding universe, thereby playing the purpose of protecting Wang Feng's universe.


   After all, Jiuzhongtian is not a declining Great Desolate Martial Arts Academy. As a disciple of Jiuzhongtian, even if the Heavenly God Temple and Demon God Temple must give some face, the other big and small forces in the wilderness do not dare to offend.


   Ye Tian agrees very much.




PS: Khan, I said that four chapters are updated every day, but there are also accidents. What I said is very clear. There are many accidents or emergencies during the Chinese New Year, so four chapters may not be updated every day, and the time is not necessarily. Say as much as possible. In addition, I also reminded on the WeChat public account (ezhifan520) that everyone can rest assured that the Seven Realms Warriors will not be interrupted during the last period of time.

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