Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1911: Academic test

The seventh heaven of the Nine Heavens is very strange. Only female disciples are recruited here. Even the elders are all women, not a single man. Having said that, there are the most men in this city, and disciples from other great heavens come here to find a partner, and even some disciples from the Demon Temple have also come here.


   Therefore, when Ye Tian and Dongfang Daoji walked on the street, all they saw were young disciples coming and going.


   "There are so many people, Mad, these perverts!" Dongfang Daoji cursed in a low voice, his face full of confusion.


   Ye Tian curled his lips and said: "Aren't you too!"


   "I'm pure appreciation!" Dongfang Daoji said politely, his face was righteous.


   "Cut!" Ye Tian was full of disdain, and he sneered: "Let's talk about it, what the **** is it for bringing me here? I don't believe you just came to see beautiful women."


   "This...this...hehe!" Dongfang Daoji blushed suddenly, stammering in speech.


   Ye Tian stared suspiciously, "Are you not a female disciple of the seventh heaven?"


   "What is ‘fuck’? Your uncle, can you speak more civilized, buddy, it’s a happy relationship." Dongfang Daoji glared at Ye Tian.


   "Since the two love each other, what do you want me to do? Be a light bulb?" Ye Tian said with a curled mouth.


   "This is a long story..." Dongfang Daoji was a bit tangled, as if he was hesitant to tell Ye Tian.


   "Then stop talking!" Ye Tian turned around and left.


   "Hey hey, Ye brother, Ye big brother, wait a minute." Dongfang Daoji quickly grabbed Ye Tian, ​​and the two entered a nearby restaurant and chatted while eating.


"That's it!" Dongfang Daoji said to Ye Tian: "When I first came to Jiuzhongtian, the disciples of Jiuzhongtian were very disdainful of us. Once I had a conflict with a disciple of Qizhongtian and was beaten by the other party. Suddenly, a female disciple came to me and gave me some healing pills."


   "Then you fell in love at first sight?" Ye Tian's eyes widened and his face was full of curiosity. This is too bloody.


   Dongfang Daoji gave him a white look, and said with a wry smile: "People are the overlord of the universe, you think they are innocent girls in the mortal world, we can only say that they are friends, we have some good feelings."


   "Then you continue to be friends." Ye Tian snorted coldly.


   Dongfang Daoji smiled bitterly: "The problem is that I did some calculations and found out that she is my future partner. How can I be friends with her!"


   "I wipe it, can this be counted?" Ye Tian was a little unbelievable.


   Dongfang Daoji proudly said: "In terms of cultivation, I am at the bottom of my peers, but my destiny can be counted as chaos, and marriage is among them."


   Ye Tian didn't bother to pay attention to his bragging, and said: "Since you have a predestined relationship, why bother now, you will naturally come together in the future, what are you eager for?"


"In the beginning, I was not in a hurry. After all, we only knew each other not long ago. We can only say that we have a good impression of each other and have not yet risen to the point of feeling." Dongfang Daoji said this, with an angry expression: "But, I got the news. , She is going to be engaged to the big brother of Sixth Heaven. Mad, if we were just friends, of course I would bless her. But now I count that we have a marriage, how can I leave it alone? Could it be that she was arched by a pig? ?"


   "Hey, they are the big brothers of Sixth Heaven. His strength is estimated to be no worse than your elder brother Dongfang Xiongtian. He is a super genius. If he is a pig, what are you?" Ye Tian said with a curled mouth.


   Dongfang Daoji angrily said, "Why did you turn your elbow out?"


"I'm telling the truth!" Ye Tian said with a smile, "Besides, people are about to get engaged, what are you doing here? Do you want me to grab someone for you? Although I am a little confident, this is the nine heavens and there is a universe. A powerful person of the noble level sits in town, I don't want to be shot to death by them."


   "Who asked you to grab someone? I asked you to help me meet her. I don't believe she would be willing to get engaged with that person." Dongfang Daoji said.


   "I'm an outsider, how can I help you?" Ye Tian asked in confusion.


Dongfang Daoji smiled and said, "Brother Ye, don’t you know that, disciples of the seventh heaven are also thinking about finding a partner outside, but they have a very high vision, so they set up some difficult challenges. Without sufficient strength, you simply can't get in."


   "Damn, I was asked to be a thug." Ye Tian rolled his eyes, but Dongfang Daoji was friends with him. He had to help with this.


   At the moment, the two rushed to the seventh heaven.


   Nine Heavens, every Heaven is an institution, and the Seventh Heaven is no exception. Their school is in the middle of the city, covering a very large area, surrounded by immortal spirits and tumbling chaos, just like the place where the ancient gods lived.


   "Brother Ye, have you seen the three gates?" Dongfang Daoji pointed to the three gates in front of the school, one tall and two short, and the disciples entering and leaving them were different.


   "I saw it, what do you mean?" Ye Tian asked in confusion.


"The high gate in the middle is where the disciples of the seventh heaven are allowed to enter and exit. Outsiders are not allowed to enter. There are two gates next to them, one can only allow the Lord of the universe to enter, and the other can only allow the Lord of the universe to enter. Outsiders who want to go in can only pass through the tests." Dongfang Daoji explained.


   "It looks like you have tried it, is it very difficult?" Ye Tian asked.


   "I can't get in anyway!" Dongfang Daoji smiled bitterly.


   "Let's go, which door?" Ye Tian asked as he walked forward.


   "Left!" Dongfang Daoji said.


   The two immediately entered the school through the door on the left.


   As soon as they entered it, Ye Tian and Dongfang Daoji were in a huge formation, and a fierce light came towards them, all in all directions, and they were not given a chance to dodge at all.




   Ye Tian squinted his His eyes burst out, he urged "Indestructible Calamity", the whole person was shocked, the bright golden light suddenly swept out, shaking the void.


   "Boom!" Ye Tian unfolded the Emperor's Fist, his fist shone like a galaxy, flying straight down three thousand feet, one by one, golden fists filled the entire array space, smashing all the array attacks.


   The next moment, a passage appeared in the formation, Ye Tian and Dongfang Daoji stepped into it, and came to a garden.


"I rely on, Brother Ye, you are too fierce. The formation is so powerful that it is difficult for even a person who understands a thousand heavenly ways to crack it. I didn't expect you to get it done with a few punches." Dongfang Daoji said with excitement. .


   Ye Tian looked around and asked, "Is this the Seventh Heaven Academy? Are we in?"


"It's still early. This is just the periphery. Although you can also see the female disciples, the person I'm looking for is not low, and there is still a test." Dongfang Daoji finished speaking, and took out a map. , And walked forward with Ye Tianchao.


   Ye Tian was stunned, and couldn't help but smile: "You guys are fully prepared, you really are a professional pick-up girl!"

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