Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1917: enter

After hearing Xuanyuan Changkong's words, everyone began to prepare.


  In the dangerous chaotic battlefield, few people are willing to act alone. They all found some familiar friends, formed a company, and prepared to enter the chaotic battlefield together.


   There are only five people in Dahuang Wuyuan, Ye Tian and the others, and their relationship with each other is pretty good, so they all decided to go in together, and they have a care for each other.


   Deputy Dean Zhan Yuantang reminded Ye Tian and others: "The Chaos Battlefield is too reluctant for you. You must always remember that saving your life is the most important thing, and experience treasure hunting is the second."


   Ye Tian and the others nodded, and when they reached their current state, they didn't need to work hard. First, there is no crisis in the Great Desolate Martial Arts Academy, and second, they have an endless life span and can cultivate slowly and seek opportunities. In comparison, safety is the most important.


   No matter how talented you are, if you die, you will be a hundred.


  In the history of the Great Desolate Martial Arts Academy, there have also been many geniuses who are better than Zhan Yuantang, but now Zhan Yuantang has become the Venerable Universe, and those geniuses have died.


   Sometimes, if you live, you win.


"There is one thing you should pay attention to. The chaotic battlefield is full of dangers, but with the exception of the strong who surpasses the strongest in the universe, everyone else, even if they have the strength of the strongest in the universe, will be affected after coming out of the chaotic battlefield. Erase all memories."


   Zhan Yuantang looked very serious and said: "Therefore, no one can know everything about the Chaos Battlefield."


   Ye Tian heard the words and said curiously: "Associate Dean, what is the realm beyond the strongest in the universe?"


   "When you step into the realm of the strongest in the universe, you will naturally know." Zhan Yuantang glanced at him, did not answer, but continued: "Think twice before acting. This is my advice to you."


   Ye Tian shrugged helplessly, then looked at each other with Ouyang Wuhui and others, and flew out of the chaotic flying boat together, rushing towards the black vortex.


   At the same time, the disciples of the three major forces of Nine Heavens, Heaven Temple, and Demon Temple also united with each other and entered the black vortex.


   As soon as they entered the black vortex, Ye Tian and others had already joined hands in advance, but the tearing force in the surrounding space was too strong, and their clothes were torn to pieces in an instant. Fortunately, they are all wearing powerful armors, which can prevent the "spring of light leaking".


However, with the passage of time, the space tearing force in the black vortex became stronger and stronger. Ye Tian saw with his own eyes a dozen disciples of the Nine Heavens holding hands to form a circle, and the result was instantly torn apart, one by one. The force of space rolls into the unknown depths.


   "I can't hold on!" At this moment, Yan Sandao suddenly showed anxious expression.


   "Me too!" Dongfang Xiongtian looked ugly.


As soon as   's words fell, the hands held by the two were torn apart by the force of space.


   The five Ye Tian originally held hands to form a circle, but now that Dongfang Xiongtian and Yan Sandao released each other's hands, they suddenly changed from a circle to a line.


   And, Yan Sandao, who was held by Ouyang Wuhui, was about to be unable to hold on, and would be swept out by the power of space at any time.


   On the other side, Ye Tian's eyes condensed, and he firmly held Dongfang Xiongtian's hand. His whole body was radiant with golden light, and "Indestructible Tribulation Body" was pushed to its limit by him.


   "Ah..." Yan Sandao screamed, and the hands held by him and Ouyang Wuhui suddenly loosened, a huge spatial tearing force wrapped around him, pulling him deep into the darkness.


   In a daze, Ye Tian saw Yan Sandao's eyes incomparably resentful, like a poisonous snake, staring at them hard, his face full of anger.


   Ouyang Wugui looked at Ye Tian and the others, and apologized: "Sorry, I have tried my best."


   Ye Tian and Dongfang Xiongtian did not blame Ouyang Wuhui, because the space here was too strong to tear, and Ye Tian couldn't hold on anymore, let alone Ouyang Wuhui.


   Dongfang Daoji's situation is better. He is caught between Ye Tian and Ouyang Wuhui one by one, and there is less danger of being rolled away. Obviously, Ye Tian and Ouyang Wugui are also selfish. For them, Dongfang Daoji has the best relationship with them. Of course, they must protect Dongfang Daoji.


   After all, Dongfang Daoji's strength is the weakest. If he is allowed to travel alone in the Chaos Battlefield, then the chance of surviving is very small.


   "Ye Tian, ​​I can't hold on anymore, let me go." Suddenly, Dongfang Xiongtian's voice came.


   Ouyang Wugui frowned, but he didn't say a word, because he couldn't protect himself now, and he had no spare energy to help Dongfang Xiongtian.


   Ye Tian grasped Dongfang Xiongtian's hand tightly, but the more and more powerful spatial tearing force pulled away their palms bit by bit.


   Dongfang Daoji's face changed drastically, and he quickly called to Ye Tian: "Brother Ye, Big Brother Ye, help out, give me strength."


   is the eldest brother after all, of course he is worried about Dongfang Xiongtian.


   Ye Tian did not give up Dongfang Xiongtian, not to mention that the two were both disciples of the Miedao Academy, even if it was in the face of Dongfang Daoji, Ye Tian would not let him go.


   "Don't bother, I can't hold on anymore, Ye Tian, ​​you help me protect Daoji..." Dongfang Xiongtian began to struggle to speak.


   Then, Dongfang Xiongtian and Ye Tian's palms were forcibly torn apart.


   Ouyang Wuhui's expression changed, and Dongfang Daoji exclaimed.


   At this moment, a black figure rushed out of Ye Tian's body. One hand grabbed Dongfang Xiongtian's palm, and the other hand held Ye Tian tightly to avoid them separating.


   It is worth mentioning that this black figure has exactly the same face as Ye Tian.


   "What!" Ouyang Wugui looked at Ye Tian in shock.


   "Two... Brother Ye?" Dongfang Daoji was also stunned.


   "This is my clone, but it won't last long." Ye Tian said, his face solemn.


   The eight heavenly demons can divide a total of eight clones that are as powerful as the main body, but Ye Tian only cultivates one now.


   Moreover, the clone is a clone after all, unable to maintain its peak combat power for a long time. As time goes by, its power will begin to weaken until it disappears.


   However, before Ye Tian's clone power weakened, the four of them finally passed through the black vortex and came into a vast void.


   This piece of emptiness There are no stars, no universe, only a few large and small meteorites, it looks dead and lifeless.


   When Ye Tian and the others came here, a message suddenly appeared in each of them.


   "After an era, we will be randomly teleported out?" Dongfang Daoji couldn't help but say it.


   Ouyang Wugui said, "This information should have been passed to us by Chaos Avenue. Obviously, this place is still controlled by Chaos Avenue."


  "Not only that! Ye Tian said solemnly: "This place is managed by Chaos Avenue, just like Chaos Universe. "


   "No matter what, we finally don't need to worry about how to leave this place. In the time of an era, we have to explore this place." Dongfang Daoji said with a smile.


   At this moment, in the void in front of them, a behemoth ran into them.


   Ye Tian's pupils shrank suddenly because they could see clearly that it was a huge corpse, the whole body was golden, as if pouring out of gold, exuding a powerful pressure.

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