Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1945: Soul tree

The few people continued on their way, and after their previous encounters, they seemed more cautious. Especially Ye Tian urged his spirit power from time to time, looked around, found a few spirit beasts in advance, and beheaded them.


This is also because Ye Tian has a strong soul and huge soul power. If they are replaced by Ouyang Wugui, they dare not use soul power like this, because soul power is difficult to recover. If it consumes too much, then when they encounter soul wind, Then it must die.


   "These soul beasts are really difficult to deal with!" Dongfang Xiongtian carefully looked around and exclaimed.


   "Hmph, a bunch of villains who only know how to bully and fear the strong." Dongfang Daoji was full of angrily, because the spirit beasts they encountered were basically directed at him. Ye Tian, ​​Ouyang Wugui, and Shi Tiandi were so powerful that the soul beasts did not dare to attack.


"Okay, speed it up, we try to reach the old soul demon's chest as soon as possible." Shi Tiandi solemnly said: "With Sun Haoran's cleverness, he must have guessed that we came in from another road soon. He will definitely Go to the old soul demon's'chest' to intercept, we have to arrive before him."


   "Yes, yes!" Dongfang Daoji nodded, and then muttered: "Didn't you say that there is always soul wind in it? Why haven't we come across it for so long?"


   "Isn't it better not to meet? Is it possible that you still want to find death by yourself?" Shi Tiandi glanced at him.


   Dongfang Daoji smiled after hearing this.




   At this time, Sun Haoran and Sun Lintian were guarding here at the two ‘pales’ of the old soul demon.


  Sun Haoran guessed that Emperor Shi Tian would come here, so he and Sun Lintian had been ambushing here, preparing to hunt down Emperor Shi Tian and his party.


   It's just that they haven't seen the whereabouts of Shi Tiandi and others for a long time, and the two are also a little confused.


   "Haoran, are you sure that the boy Shitian will come here?" Sun Lintian asked from the other ‘sole’.


   Sun Haoran nodded and said: "Shi Tiandi once obtained many treasures here. He wants to restore his cultivation base and rise again. He will not miss this place."


   "You can think of this, and maybe he can think of it, so I guess we will be in ambush here." Sun Lintian said.


   Sun Haoran sneered when he heard the words: "Of course Shi Tiandi would guess that we were ambushing here, but with his pride, even if he guessed that we were ambushing here, he will definitely come."


  Sun Lintian thoughtfully.




   Suddenly, four figures entered Sun Haoran's eyes.


   The Four Great Wars are coming.


   "Why are you here?" Sun Haoran frowned and said gloomy face when he saw the four generals. He had a bad premonition.


The   Tian-brand battle commander bowed and saluted, and then wondered: "The three princes, Shi Tiandi and others broke through our blockade. It should have been here for a long time. Haven't you and Senior Sun met them?"


"What!" Sun Haoran's expression changed. Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and couldn't help but smile in anger: "Hahaha, good, very good, Shi Tiandi, I didn't expect you to keep one hand, knowing that there are other roads. Entering the old soul demon, I didn't even tell me."


   Sun Haoran's face was a bit ugly. He thought that he had had a good relationship with Shi Tiandi at the beginning and talked about each other very well, but he did not expect Shi Tiandi to still hide this hand, which was beyond his expectation.


   "Three princes, what should we do now?" asked the Tianzi Commander.


   Sun Haoran's face was gloomy, and his eyes stared at him sharply: "With the strength of the four of you, how could Emperor Shi Tian and the others pass through the teleportation formation? Did that kid named Ye Tian use that powerful golden corpse again?"


The Tianzi warrior smiled bitterly: "Three princes, this time there was an accident. When we found them in the Teleportation Square, we accidentally encountered another group of outsiders. The four of us were restrained by those outsiders. The rest of me and the name of the land can not stop Shi Tiandi and the others. Especially the one named Ye Tian, ​​who is very strong, and he also has a Yanhuang Divine Soldier."


"He was right. The strength of that person named Ye Tian is very strong. There is a Yanhuang Divine Soldier. If they really want to escape, they will not be able to stop it. However, Shi Tiandi can stop the ground-name warrior, and I am afraid that his cultivation base will be restored. "Sun Lintian came over. He had fought with Ye Tian and knew Ye Tian's strength. Although Ye Tian relied on the power of the golden corpse at the beginning, if Ye Tian himself was not strong enough, he would not be able to use that corpse to exert powerful combat power.


Sun Haoran groaned: "Uncle San, since they have come in from another road, they must go to the'chest' of the old soul demon, because only there will they get the soul tree. In this way, you and me will be divided into two. Road, enter together, if you meet them, contact again."


   "Okay!" Sun Lintian nodded, and immediately entered the old soul demon.


  Sun Haoran took the four major generals and entered from another road.




   "Is this the old soul demon? Interesting!"


   Soon after, a group of people came down and entered the soul old demon.


   Soon, some people entered.


   Although the old soul demon is dangerous, people often come in to explore, whether it is to get the chaotic rough stone or the soul tree, it will not go for nothing.




  The old demon in the soul.


   "Hey, how come there are fewer and fewer soul beasts here? We seem to have not encountered an attack for a long time." Dongfang Daoji's voice came.


Shi Tiandi explained: "The soul beast is also afraid of the soul wind. We have now finished the'arm' of the old soul demon and will soon enter its'chest'. The soul wind here is so frequent that even the soul beast dare not come. So, everyone, be careful, you know, soul wind is much more dangerous than soul beast."


   After that, Shi Tiandi took out the soul flag and held it tightly in his hand, his expression was extremely solemn.


   Ye Tian and the others, seeing Emperor Shi Tian so solemn, did not dare to be careless and remained vigilant.


   Suddenly, a gust of wind blows.


   Dongfang Daoji's face changed, and he was shocked: "Is it Soul Wind?"


"Idiot!" Shi Tiandi glanced at him and said with a smile: "I have already said that the soul wind is invisible, how can you feel it? This is just ordinary wind, you see, soul flag Nothing moved."


   Dongfang Daoji looked at the soul flag in the hands of Emperor Shi Tian, ​​and found that the flag hadn't moved. He couldn't help but sneered: "I'm sorry, I'm a little nervous, who told you to describe the soul wind so terribly."


   "Soul wind is more terrifying than I described!" Shi Tiandi said solemnly.


   "Someone!" Suddenly, Ye Tian whispered.


   Everyone stopped immediately and looked in the direction that Ye Tian pointed.


   After a while, a small crystal tree as tall as a person hopped around, like a rabbit, rushing from a distance. And behind this small crystal tree, a group of people were chasing quickly.


   "Soul Tree!" Shi Tiandi was surprised.


   "They are from the Celestial Temple." Ouyang Wuhui looked at the group of people and whispered.

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