Seven World Martial God

Chapter 227: Leave

It turned out to be the third layer of the Nine Revolutions Battle Body!

Ye Tian’s eyes were full of excitement. It really didn’t take much effort. When the cultivation base became more difficult, he could only continue to strengthen his strength by practicing some powerful martial arts. And the third layer of the Ninth Revolution battle body, It is one of the most important martial arts. 【First Release】

Ye Tian has now cultivated the Ninth Revolution combat body to the second level of Dzogchen realm. If he trains to this third level, then his physical strength is very terrifying in the Martial Lord realm, and his combat effectiveness has doubled.

However, Ye Tian also knew that the first level of the Ninth Revolution battle body was getting tougher and harder, and it might not be so easy to train to this third level.

Right now, Ye Tian opened this ancient book and looked carefully.

Suddenly, a piece of mysterious text came into view, obscure and difficult to understand, but with the foundation of the first two layers, Ye Tian felt that it was not a problem to master these contents.

But when he continued to watch, he was stunned.

"If you want to practice this third level, you actually need the talent of the blue martial arts!" Ye Tian stared at a paragraph of text on the book, his eyes showed horror.

This third level of the Nine Revolutions battle body has senior characters on it. After some verification, it seems that it needs to have the talent of the blue spirit in order to successfully cultivate.

"I am afraid that the entire Great Yan Nation may not be able to find a genius with the talent of blue martial arts!" Ye Tian put the book away depressed.

Although he already had a cyan martial soul, it was too difficult to evolve from a cyan martial soul to a blue martial soul.

As the strength of the martial artist becomes stronger and stronger, it is very difficult for each additional level of cultivation to be added.

Similarly, the martial spirit level is the same. Low-level martial spirits, with Ye Tian's devouring physique, can strengthen their martial spirits by devouring the martial spirits of others.

But now, Ye Tian's martial soul has reached the level of the blue martial soul.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple... Ye Tian's martial arts soul was already ranked third among all beings. It can be said that in the entire Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea, there are almost a handful of people more than Ye Tian Wuhun.

Therefore, even if Ye Tian wants to devour other people's martial arts, there are not so many high-level martial arts for him.

For top geniuses like Sun Yun, Pojun, and Lang Fantian, the martial arts are only green rank, and if you want to evolve by devouring green martial arts, then Ye Tian needs to swallow hundreds of them.

However, in the entire Great Yan Nation, are there hundreds of geniuses like Sun Yun?

Even if there is, can Ye Tian kill them and devour it?

This is obviously impossible. It is not an ordinary person who can possess a powerful martial soul. Behind these people, the power is very large.

If Ye Tian dared to kill these people and devour their martial souls, then he would soon become the demon of the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea and be hunted down by everyone. (Starting)

Because of this, Ye Tian seldom swallows other people's spirits now, because those low-level spirits, even if swallowed, can't enhance his spirits.


Ye Tian sighed slightly. He had always wanted to obtain the exercise technique behind the Ninth Revolution's battle body, but when he got it, he didn't expect the cultivation conditions to be so difficult.

Now he finally understands why even if this god-rank martial skill is open to the entire Shenzhou Continent, no one can successfully cultivate it. Only the third level requires the talent of the blue martial arts.

What about the fourth floor? What about the fifth floor? What about the sixth floor?

I'm afraid that even if you have the strongest purple martial arts, you may not be able to cultivate this martial art to the top. I really don't know how the Martial God senior created this martial art, I can't imagine it!

"Anyway, take it first. With the devouring physique, one day, I will evolve into a blue martial soul, and it won't be too late to practice this third level."

Ye Tian secretly thought that his eyes were full of firmness. This was a martial skill of the gods. Although the cultivation conditions were difficult, he would not give up easily.

What's more, he has a devouring physique, and if he encounters someone with a powerful spirit in the future, he can completely strengthen his spirit by swallowing it.

He has a hunch that this martial skill will become his biggest hole card in the future.


Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, Ye Tian frowned, and a strange light flashed in his eyes. Then he put away his mind and said lightly: "Come in!"

In the induction of his will, the one who knocked on the door was a martial artist in the realm of martial arts. For him, a martial artist of this kind could be crushed to death with a finger.


As Ye Tian's voice fell, a guard of the Ten Thousand Beast Palace wearing battle armor walked in. He glanced at Ye Tian and then bowed and handed two tips.

"Young Master Ye, this is what Yu asked Xiao to give you, and he asked you to leave Beast King City immediately."

The guard of Ten Thousand Beast Palace said respectfully.

"Huh?" Ye Tian frowned even more when he heard this. He took the two tips and asked in a deep voice, "What else did Elder Yu say?"

"My son, Mr. Yu said that these two tips should not be opened easily. You can only open them when you are in doubt." The guard said quickly.

"Go down!"

Ye Tian listened and waved his hand.

The guard immediately saluted respectfully and then left.

In the room, Ye Tian looked at the two kits in his hands alone, with a face full of doubts.

"What does Lao Yu mean?" Ye Tian's eyes flickered, and he was a little curious about what was in the kit, but he hesitated when he thought of the guard.

"Young people should have passion, and being sharp is sometimes not necessarily a bad thing..." In a daze, the words of Kaohsiung, the lord of Beast King City, appeared in Ye Tian's mind.

Ye Tian's eyes suddenly narrowed, and he said coldly: "Hmph, whatever he cares about, I only follow my heart."

After all, Ye Tian opened the two tips in turn, each with a piece of information in it, each with a sentence written on it.

The note in the first kit read: Beware of the Beast God Cult.

The note in the second kit says: Beware of Ye Tian.

When he saw the words on the first piece of paper, Ye Tian was surprised. He didn't expect Lao Yu to know that he had offended the Beast God Sect. This old man is really magical.

However, after seeing the second note, Ye Tian was stunned for a while, and then he was dumbfounded, not knowing what to say, and his heart was full of doubts and depression.

"Be careful about Ye Tian?"

Ye Tian touched his nose, eyes full of incredible.

What does Yu Lao mean?

Let him be careful of himself?

Or is this Ye Tian someone else?

All this is full of confusion, leaving Ye Tian confused.

Also, the guard said that Mr. Yu asked him to leave Beast King City immediately. Why?

"What riddle is this old man playing!" Ye Tian shook his head helplessly, with a wry smile on his face.

After thinking about it, he was about to leave Beast King City anyway, and Ye Tian started to pack things up and left Beast King City that day.


In a room in the Pantheon.

Old Yu's face was pale, and occasionally he coughed a few times and looked exhausted. But those old eyes still showed a deep light, as if they could see through three thousand red dust.

"Checking fate against the sky, although it is dangerous, with my cultivation base, I have suffered such a major backlash. The future of that kid is unlimited..."

"But... that kid's life star is missing half, why is this?"

"Brother, this kid may be the blessing of your **** star gate, but it may also be the disaster of your **** star gate."

Old Yu murmured to himself, and then slowly closed his eyes.

At the northern gate of the Beast King City, a young man in a blue star robe, holding a blood knife, headed away.



In the forest full of towering trees, an angry roar suddenly sounded, and then a huge figure, with a terrifying aura, broke the trees and rushed out of the forest.

Looking closely, this huge beast was covered with clearly visible scars. Inside the hideous wound, there were abundance of bones, blood flowing out like a stream, and finally it struggled and fell to the ground.

When the fierce beast fell, a blue figure came and stopped in front of the huge fierce beast, with an excited smile in his eyes.

"I finally succeeded in my cultivation in one step. Although I haven't reached the realm of Dzogchen, my speed has also increased several times."

This is a young man, wearing a blue star robe, black hair shawl, dancing with the wind, looking a little chic. The look in his eyes is sharper than the blood knife in his hand, and the whole person is sharp.

Needless to say, this person is Ye Tian.

After leaving the Beast King City, Ye Tian marched all the way towards Daning City, and at the same time, he also practiced on the way to reach the sky and refine the blood of the eight-legged flying dragon and snake.

Finally, two months later, Ye Tian reached the Xiaocheng realm in one step, and the blood of the eight-legged flying dragon snake was also refined by him, making his cultivation reach the peak of Wujun level one.

"As long as I refine the ginseng that has been heated for tens of thousands of years, I should be able to be promoted to the second level of Wujun." Ye Tian's eyes are full of expectation, don't look at the increase from Wujun level 1 to Wujun level 2. One level, but this strength has undergone earth-shaking changes.

When you reach the realm of, your strength will increase several times for every additional level. If there is no special means, it is almost impossible to leapfrog the enemy in the realm of Wujun.

Like Lang Fantian and Wan Yunxia, ​​they have been more famous than Ye Tian for many years, but now they are only the first level of Wujun. I am afraid that Ye Tian will surpass them this time.

"At the beginning, the waves of the sky could change the rules of the **** star rankings. Even my master could not stop it. Now, I also have this kind of strength, hum!" Ye Tian's eyes were blazing, and he couldn't wait any longer, he wanted very much. See what kind of expression Lang Fantian would look like when he discovered that he was promoted to Jun Wu.

There are also the great elders, the second elders, the Hundred Poison Sect, and those who are secretly against him.

The cold light in Ye Tian's eyes flickered, and his face was full of confidence. With the strength of the Wujun realm, he was not afraid of being known about his talents. This time he wanted the entire Nanlin County to tremble for him.

Just as Kaohsiung, the lord of the Beast King City, said, young people should have blood and sharp edges.

Ye Tian didn't know what Kaohsiung meant by this, but he did feel the blood boiling in his body now, that majestic fighting spirit, he wanted to rush to the nine heavens.

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