Seven World Martial God

Chapter 245: Sibling


"It's really hateful, I'm so angry..."

The thirteen prince was furious, and his anger was about to rush to Jiuzhongtian. Ye Tian, ​​who looked at him, was a little worried, for fear that he would become crazy. (Starting)

Fortunately, Prince Thirteen soon calmed down. He stared at Ye Tian closely, "This time you must teach me a lesson, so that this ignorant boy can meet our young generation in Nanlin County. It's amazing."

"No problem!" Ye Tian immediately responded, and then asked: "Which little white face do you say that Zhou Hai is difficult to achieve? He is the prince?"

"The fart prince, just like Lao Tzu, is just a county prince." The thirteen prince snorted coldly, and then followed the history of Zhou Hai.

In addition to Xiongwu County, there is a North Snow County adjacent to Nanlin County. And this Zhou Hai is the eldest son of the King of North Snow County, so he is called the Great Prince of North Snow County.

"How is his cultivation level?" Ye Tian asked afterwards.

" seems to be Wujun!" Prince Thirteen said embarrassingly. The same prince is Wujun, but he can't even reach Wuzong.

"Mr. Wu..." Ye Tian's eyes flashed when he heard the words, and he said curiously: "I'm afraid that someone who can have the cultivation base of Monarch Wu is not an ordinary person. Why would you like a woman like Princess 17?"

"Huh, it's not just to use the power of the royal family to get to the next level. I have inquired about some information from Zhou Hai, this person is very ambitious, and he is not willing to be just a county king." The thirteenth prince squinted his eyes. , Said coldly.

"Ambitious... It seems that you have met a powerful opponent, and you have not lost injustice." Ye Tian smiled.

"Stop talking nonsense!" The Thirteenth Prince curled his lips and asked immediately, "How about it? Are you sure?" After all, Ye Tian had only been promoted to Jun Wu, and he was a little worried.

You know, it is also the younger generation, but Zhou Hai is about twenty years old than Ye Tian.

"Even if your father comes, I am sure to beat him now." Ye Tian was full of confidence when he heard the words.

"Arrogant!" The Thirteenth Prince couldn't help rolling his eyes. His father, King Nanlin, was a powerhouse at Wujun level 5. Even if Ye Tian had already been promoted to Wujun realm, in his opinion, he wanted to reach Wujun level 5. I am afraid it will take several years.

It's just that he didn't know that Ye Tian already had the third level of Wujun cultivation base, and coupled with the profound iron sword in his hand, even if he fought against the fifth level of Wujun Nanlin King, he might not lose.

Of course, Ye Tian didn't bother to argue with the thirteen princes. After they continued to chat for a little bit, they went to their own affairs.

The thirteen princes need to prepare something, and try to give the pair of dogs and men a color tomorrow, so as to wash away his shame. 【First Release】

As for Ye Tian, ​​under the leadership of a guard of the palace, he went to a military camp. It is said that this is the military camp of the Thirteen Princes Guards, which is only under the jurisdiction of the Thirteen Princes.

This barracks, near a mountain range near the West City Gate, is usually rarely visited by people.

The barracks are triangular in shape, capable of offensive and defensive, and there is a tall wooden tower in the center, as high as dozens of floors. There are four guards standing on it, and everything in the four directions can be observed.

After all, Ye Tian was a special force in his previous life, and he was very good at garrisoning a barracks. When he looked at the camp, he admired it.

Under the leadership of the royal guards, Ye Tian and the others directly entered the barracks without encountering any obstacles.

Before long, Ye Tian met some acquaintances.

There are Li Tie, Ye Feng, Ye Ba who are training with the army, Lin Xue who chats with his mother, and other people in Yejia Village. They live together and let Ye Tianyou kind return to Yejia Village. feel.

"Ye Tian!"

"Ye Tian is back!"

Suddenly seeing Ye Tian standing not far away, everyone in the Ye family thought they were dazzled, and it was not until after rubbing their eyes that they realized that Ye Tian had really come back.

Suddenly, the entire military camp was a sensation, and many Ye family members ran over to surround Ye Tian, ​​and they kept on twittering.

After the arrival of the old village chief Ye Shi, the crowd converged.

That night, the entire military camp was full of joy. Everyone drank and sang and danced. It was so lively, it looked like New Year.

Ye Tian also drank a lot, even though he had now been promoted to the realm of Lord Wu, standing on the pinnacle of the young generation of Great Yan Nation. But for him, being with these relatives is the most relaxing time.

That night, Ye Tian didn't practice, and he was rarely lazy once. He leaned on Xiaobai's huge and soft body, just sleeping in the moonlight.

Suddenly, a scent of scent came from her daughter's house.

Ye Tian's nose moved, but without opening his eyes, he sensed that someone was wearing a thick sweater.

After a while, Ye Tian heard a sigh, the voice was a bit familiar, as if it belonged to Lin Xue.

Ye Tian couldn't help but opened his eyes, and from the corner of his eyes he caught a fluttering figure, disappearing into the corridor. Although he did not see his face, he knew that this person must be Lin Xue.

"Oh..." Ye Tian shook his head and sighed. Of course he knew what Lin Xue thought of him. Unfortunately, Lin Tingting was already in his heart. The concept of monogamy in his previous life affected him, so he could only treat Lin Xue. Say sorry.

Not only Lin Xue, but also Liu Hongwu, Mu Bingxue, and the demon girl who took his virgin body, he has complicated feelings and cannot face it.

Finally, Ye Tian simply didn't want to, just let it go.


The sun rises in the east, and the autumn morning sun is very warm, falling on Ye Tian, ​​showing a golden light.

Under the kiss of Xiaobai's wet tongue, Ye Tian quickly woke up from his dream, he stretched his waist, stretched his body, feelings all over his body, feeling relaxed like never before.

"Hoho!" Xiaobai happily wandered around Ye Tian. He hadn't seen him for many years. He missed the master very much. Since Ye Tian came back, he hasn't left.

"Haha, Xiaobai, you have grown up like this." Ye Tian stroked Xiaobai's soft hair, feeling deeply moved.

He remembered that when he met Xiaobai's mother in the mountains of Yejiacun, Xiaobai was still a young tiger cub who had just been born. He didn't expect that in a blink of an eye, Xiaobai's body had already surpassed his mother.

Moreover, today's Xiaobai has been promoted to the realm of Wuling, which surprised Ye Tian.

You know, the big white tiger back then was only in the realm of a martial artist. However, Xiaobai surpassed his mother and was promoted to the realm of martial arts, which is very powerful among the fierce beasts.

"Roar!" Xiaobai enjoyed Ye Tian's touch, lowered his head and squinted, looking very comfortable.


At this time, the little golden mouse got out of Ye Tian's small world, ran to Ye Tian's shoulder, raised his paw, pointed at Xiao Bai, laughed, and seemed to laugh at Xiao Bai.

"Roar!" Xiaobai immediately became angry, and opened his mouth to bite the little golden mouse, but the little golden mouse was so fast that Xiaobai couldn't catch up with it.

Two spirit beasts, one after another, chased in the yard like this.

Ye Tian smiled and looked at it for a while, and then went to see his parents. He missed his parents very much after he had parted for many years.

At this moment, Ye Tian's mother had just prepared breakfast, and when she saw Ye Tian coming, she immediately served him a bowl of porridge, and the family was eating together like they were in Yejia Village.

"Tian'er, when you come back this time, when are you going to leave again?" After sitting down, Ye Tian's mother asked caringly. She knew that her son could not stay here forever. His future belongs to a broader future. The place.

"Mother, I should stay in Beast King City for a few months." Ye Tian said with a smile. Anyway, Lang Fantian hasn't returned yet, so he is not in a hurry to go to the Imperial Capital to participate in the Great Flame Supreme Ranking, so stay in Beast King City and stay in God. Stargate is no different.

Ye Tian's mother nodded happily upon hearing this.

Ye Meng said, "Don't worry about me and your mother. We have a very happy life here. There is no need to worry about food and clothing. Someone taught me to practice and live a very fulfilling life."

"Yeah!" Ye Tian nodded.

After eating breakfast, while his mother was going to wash the dishes, Ye Tian finally asked his doubts.

"Father, do I still have a sibling brother?" Ye Tian asked suddenly.

"Huh?" Ye Meng's pupils shrank, but he soon hid. He shook his head and said, "What are you talking about? My mother and I only gave birth to you. How could there be a brother, you? Where did you hear the rumors?"

Ye Meng was hiding well, but he didn't know that his son was already a powerful man at the Wujun level. The change he had just made in an instant could not escape Ye Tian's eyes.

Ye Tian's heart suddenly stunned. He knew that the third elder had guessed right. He really has a brother, but why didn't he have any impression?

Although in the future, Ye Tian also knew that his father would not tell him. He shook his head casually at the moment and said: "There are no rumors. I just saw that others have older brothers and younger brothers, but I don't have them, so it's a bit regretful. "

"What's so regrettable about this? When you come back next time, maybe you will have a younger brother or younger sister." Ye Meng didn't think much about it, hehe smiled.

In fact, Ye Meng had already thought about it when Ye Tian went out and wandered around. He decided to have another child. After all, as Ye Tian's cultivation base increased, the family's life together became shorter.

"Then I'll wait for the good news from Daddy." Ye Tian agreed with Ye Meng's and couldn't help laughing.

The two masters laughed loudly.

"What are you guys laughing at?" Ye Tian's mother said in surprise when she washed the dishes and came out.

Ye Meng and Ye Tianye immediately said in unison: "Nothing!"

Ye Tian's mother shook her head when she heard the words, and ignored them.

Ye Tian then left and ran to find the old village chief Ye Shi. He knew that without his parents telling him, he could only find out what happened in the past from the old village chief.

After all, he is the head of a village, and his parents may be able to hide it from others, but Ye Shi absolutely cannot hide it.

With such thoughts in mind, Ye Tian found Ye Shi and expressed his intentions. He didn't hide it, because Ye Shi is so old and good, Ye Tian knew it would be better to say it directly in front of him.

"How did you hear about this?" Ye Shi stared at Ye Tian closely, as if he wanted to see something in Ye Tian's eyes. But then he sighed. With his cultivation base, he couldn't see through Ye Tian.

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