Seven World Martial God

Chapter 262: Against the Sky Demon Tree

The lush forest, green and verdant, among the mountains and forests, birds and birds fly by from time to time, making this forest look vibrant. [More exciting novels, please visit]

But Ye Tian, ​​who had been wandering for a long time in it, was surprised to find that in this forest, except for some birds and some small beasts, there weren’t even half beasts, even large ones. There are no beasts at all.

This made Ye Tian very puzzled. It stands to reason that in such a large forest, not to mention the beasts, at least there are some mountain tigers and leopards.

"It's really strange!" Ye Tian frowned and continued to fly towards the depths of the forest.

I don't know why, Ye Tian feels that a crisis is coming in his heart. This is an intuition. He believes in his instinct very much.

But Ye Tian wasn't ready to avoid it. He had confident strength and could resist all external crises.

Going further, Ye Tian saw a huge sloped valley and a dark cave. He didn't know where it led to or what was hidden inside.

The oblique valley is about tens of meters wide, like a huge crack in a big mountain, surrounded by ivy, dark and damp. Strange trees are scattered with roots, bald branches are strange and strange, and green leaves occasionally dot the roots.

The strange rocks on the ground were rugged and covered with the bones of monsters. Occasionally, the blood on the bones was not dry, and the meat was still stuck on the bones. It seemed that it had just been thrown, and the stench was disgusting.

"There won't be a fierce beast in it, right?" Ye Tian couldn't help being surprised. Just now he wondered why there was no fierce beast in this forest. Now it seems that it might have been eaten up by the big fierce beast in the inclined valley. .

However, this made Ye Tian even more curious. After all, this is a large forest. It stands to reason that there should be many fierce beasts living in it.

What kind of big fierce beast it is that can eat so many of its kind.

With a strong curiosity, Ye Tianyi was bold and not afraid, and walked directly towards the Grand Canyon. An extremely fishy smell came on his face, almost not killing him.

But Ye Tian didn't have much thought to cover his nose at this moment. He looked at everything in front of him, and his whole body was stunned for an instant.

Looking around, within the Xiegu, there is a cave, a huge underground world, which appeared in Ye Tian's sight, revealing a different kind of magnificence.

The earth was piled with abundance of bones, like thick snow outside. I don't know how many fierce beasts died here.

Some white bones are still stained with flesh and blood, and it shouldn't be long before they died.

The entire underground world is as huge as ten football fields, and the ground is full of bones. Stepping on it makes a creaking sound. 【First Release】

And at the end of this underground world, a crystal-clear treasure tree, swaying a gorgeous figure on this mountain of bones, as if welcoming Ye Tian.

"What kind of tree is this?" Ye Tian was moved inexplicably and shocked, the treasure tree growing in the endless bones, this is really a world wonder.

"Squeak!" A familiar cry came into Ye Tian's ears, and he found that the little golden mouse had emerged from his little world. The little thing was drooling, with a pair of green eyes, staring at a golden leaf on the treasure tree in front of him.

It is strange to say that the leaves on this treasure tree are all aquamarine, but this leaf is golden, leading the coquettish, dominates the group, and disregards the leaves.

Although Ye Tian didn't know the origin of this treasure tree, when he saw the little golden mouse, he suddenly guessed that this leaf is not a mortal thing, it must be some kind of natural treasure.

Right now, Ye Tian took one step to reach the sky, and his body instantly appeared in front of the crystal clear treasure tree, and he took off the golden leaf in one hand.

But at this moment, an extreme crisis suddenly rose from Ye Tian's heart.

"It's not good--" Ye Tian exclaimed, he felt a trembling under the ground, as if something huge was about to rush out of the ground.

Ye Tian quickly put away the little golden rat and retreated outside of Xiegu, but soon, thick vines swept from all directions, blocking Ye Tian's retreat.

At the same time, a thick tree trunk, like the tentacles of an octopus, emerged from the ground, tearing through the void, and with a frightening breath, it culled towards Ye Tian.

"Second burial style!" Ye Tian felt a great crisis, and without thinking about it, he took out the mysterious iron sword and used the second burial style, blocking behind him.


The huge tree trunk turned out to be stronger than the sword. Even though it was blocked by Ye Tian's second burial style, there was still a powerful force that blasted Ye Tian out.

However, Ye Tian also happened to follow this force and escaped from the oblique valley.

"This should be the demon tree Wu Dao said. I didn't expect the strength to be so abnormal. I'm afraid it's not Wujun level six or Wujun level seven." Ye Tian was secretly shocked.

As soon as he escaped from Daxie Valley, Ye Tian immediately soared into the sky and rushed to the outside of the Snowless Forest. He didn't want to fight against this powerful demon tree anymore.

You know, any such demon tree can hardly die without being killed. Because this forest is its main battlefield, Ye Tian couldn't find its main body, and even beat it.

"However, with this golden leaf, it is not worth my visit." Looking at the golden leaf in his hand, Ye Tian was full of excitement. He found that this leaf was the same as the one Wu Dao made tea for him. It's just that the color is golden, and it's a little big.

call out!

Like a stream of light, Ye Tian rushed straight into the sky and fled out of the forest.

But the next moment, Ye Tian's eyes were about to stare out, because he saw the towering trees in the entire forest, like huge tentacles, they soared frantically, and slaughtered towards him.

In an instant, the entire forest boiled, towering trees blocking the sky, like rocket missiles, coming towards Ye Tian.

"Damn! Don't tell me, the entire snowless forest was transformed from this demon tree, right?" Ye Tian's heart was overwhelmed, and the sea was boiling. He took out the elder's treasured sword and used the three methods of burial to death Protect.


The towering trees around Ye Tian's body were blocked by the Tai Chi diagram, and then exploded. The huge impact made Ye Tian's three burial styles unstoppable, and he blasted his whole person down abruptly.

When Ye Tian finally stopped, he also saw the true appearance of the entire snowless forest, and he was stunned.

I rub!

How could this be a forest? This is clearly a huge monster tree.

Looking from a distance, a huge demon tree, towering over the sky, broke out of the earth. Before, the towering trees that Ye Tian saw were just the branches of this demon tree.

The main trunk of this demon tree is buried under the ground. The lush branches on its body have broken out of the soil and are regarded as towering trees, forming this snow-free forest that is rare in the entire North Snow County.

Gradually, Ye Tian thought of a rumor that in Beixue County, the Snow-Free Forest is a taboo, but so far, none of the warriors who broke into it can escape.

It now appears that those warriors who broke in were all killed by this demon tree.

Judging from Ye Tian's eyes, this demon tree is simply against the sky. I am afraid that it has the strength of Wujun's seventh level, and the entire Beixue County cannot find a warrior to be its opponent.

What's more terrifying is that this demon tree is too huge, even bigger than the King City in North Snow County. With such a huge body, you can't kill it even if you stand there and let you kill it.

Compared with its defensive power, the defensive power of this demon tree is comparable to that of Ye Tian, ​​who has practiced the three styles of Burial Heaven, in Wujun's seventh level.

Of course, this is a talent, someone is born with a talent, which is not envious.

"Ye Tian, ​​it turns out that you are here to bury my son with him——" Suddenly, Ye Tian heard an angry roar from behind him. He immediately turned his head and saw a middle-aged man with a majestic and majestic character, who was about to kill him.

But when this middle-aged man saw the huge demon tree in front of Ye Tian, ​​the beads of his eyes suddenly appeared. Like Ye Tian before, his face was dull and shocked.

"This...this is the Bodhi tree!" The middle-aged man said shockedly.

"Bodhi tree?" Ye Tian couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard the words, and sarcastically said, "Jun Zhou, I think this is a demon tree."

Needless to say, Ye Tian guessed his identity when he heard the roar of the middle-aged man before. He must be Zhou Hai's father, the king of Beixue County, Zhou Xiong is undoubtedly.

It now appears that Zhou Xiong has learned that he killed Zhou Hai and is about to avenge him.

"Boy, you wait for this king, even if you die, this king will thwart your corpse and turn your corpse into ashes." Zhou Xiong gave Ye Tian a grimly look, then turned around and fled at that speed. All were extremely surprised.

However, Ye Tian looked at Zhou Xiong's back with contempt, this guy was really timid, a dignified county prince was so frightened.

But after despising Zhou Xiong, Ye Tian also turned around and fled, not daring to fight this sky-defying demon tree at all.

If Zhou Xiong learns about Ye Tian's thoughts, he will probably be scolded with anger: isn't your kid too scared!

There is no way, this demon tree is too bad for the sky, even a strong man of the eighth rank of Martial Lord, it is impossible to kill it in a short time. Ye Tian’s current strength is barely able to challenge Wujun's sixth-level strong, and relying on the invincible defense of the funeral three styles ~ Wujun's sixth-level strong can not hurt him, at least he can guarantee Undefeated.

However, Ye Tian could only run away when encountering such a sky-defying demon tree, and had no idea of ​​fighting with it.

Huh huh!

Huge tentacles came from all directions, sealing Ye Tian and Zhou Xiong's roads, leaving them nowhere to escape.

Ye Tian was a little more relaxed. He continuously performed one step to the sky, very fast, shuttled between the huge tentacles, and continued to flee.

And Zhou Xiong was in a tragedy. When he was halfway through his escape, he was chopped back by Ye Tian's blood world.

Zhou Xiong, who was alive and well, had no time to scold Ye Tian for being despicable and shameless, and the whole person was entangled by huge tentacles.

I saw a burst of explosions, and Ye Tian looked back at Zhou Xiong's direction, muttered ‘Amitabha’ in his heart, and continued to flee.

And Zhou Xiong's arrest attracted a lot of tentacles' attacks, which relieved Ye Tian a lot of pressure.

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