Seven World Martial God

Chapter 272: Xu Family 3 Tianjiao

The bamboo forest is faint and beautiful. [More exciting novels, please visit]

Under the glamorous eyes of several beautiful women, Ye Tian and his party walked into a floating bamboo house.

"In Happy Forest, this is Yajian. Look at the people below, they are not qualified to enter Yajian." Zhang Hu said proudly.

This is not only a symbol of power and power, but also a symbol of status.

Outsiders, even if they have money, are not eligible to enter the private room.

Ye Tian sat cross-legged and watched the scene below through a huge glass mirror in front of him.

At this time, the Gongsun Sanniang came again, she also brought a person, a beautiful woman, a little unbelievably beautiful, extremely coquettish, like a delicate flower, making Ye Tian's eyes bright.

"Worry-free fairy!" Li Lanshan aside was a little obsessed, looking at the beautiful woman who came by foolishly.

It turns out that this is the worry-free fairy, and it's no wonder that Li Lanshan keeps talking all the way, and indeed has a peerless appearance.

Ye Tian thought secretly.

"Huh?" Fairy Wuyou glanced at Ye Tian in surprise, then smiled at Zhang Hu and asked, "Master Zhang, who is this?"

"Ye Tian!"

Zhang Hu smiled and said: "Worry-free, you should put away the charm technique, my brother is not an ordinary person, you can't shake his will."

"It turns out that it is Young Master Ye, who can not be charmed by little girls. Young Master Ye is enough to be ranked second in this imperial capital." Fairy Wuyou smiled lightly.

Ye Tian was suddenly stunned, no wonder he felt a strange breath from this woman before, it turned out to be her charm.

Unfortunately, they didn't know that Ye Tian's martial arts will had reached two and a half levels. Among the young generation, they are definitely one of the best, and they are naturally not seduced by Wuyou fairies.

"Worry-free, why did you forget me? You know how bitter I miss you. In the past few years, I haven't thought about tea..." At this time, Li Lanshan, who had already been waiting impatiently, quickly got together come.

"No matter what Li Gongzi said, the little girl missed you very much. No, as soon as Sanniang said you are coming, the slave family rushed over." Fairy Wuyou cast a wink and directly amused Li Lanshan. .

Zhang Hu and Ye Tian on the side were so speechless that they didn't bother to pay attention to him.

Afterwards, some maids came with a plate of spirit fruit and wine, Zhang Hu hugged the two beauties and laughed.

Next to Ye Tian were two beautiful girls with hot bodies and transparent clothes. The pure fragrance made him rein in a cliff, but fortunately he was determined. [More exciting novels, please visit]

"Brother Ye, I don't know what your goal is this time on the Great Yan Supreme Ranking?" Zhang Hu asked curiously.

"First place!" Ye Tian replied without thinking.

"Uh..." Zhang Hu's face suddenly became dull, and even the beauties who were waiting for them next to them looked at Ye Tian blankly.

After a while, Zhang Hu laughed and said, "Brother Ye said and laughed, but in my opinion, it is certain that with Brother Ye's strength, he will enter the top 20."

Ye Tian was able to stun Xing Wuhuo with a single punch. In Zhang Hu's view, Ye Tian's strength should also be at the sixth level of Wujun. This strength is enough to rank in the top 20 of the Great Yan Supreme Ranking.

"Top 20!" The beauties all around exclaimed one after another, looking at Ye Tian's eyes, filled with small stars.

Especially the two beauties around Ye Tian leaned forward, squeezing the full pair of twin peaks into Ye Tian's chest, almost squeezing into his arms.

Ye Tian smiled and didn't explain. Since he participated in the Great Yan Supreme Ranking, he naturally rushed towards the first place.

After all, soldiers who don't want to be generals are not good soldiers.

Although Ye Tian asked himself that he was not the opponent of Princess Long Tian, ​​the Fourth Prince, and Xu Feng, as long as he broke through another level and was promoted to the fifth level of Wujun, then it was not certain who would win by then.

What's more, according to his understanding, the Great Yan Supreme Ranking is not so simple to compete. It takes time, even one or two years, when his cultivation level will be raised to a certain level.

In short, Ye Tian has confidence in himself.

If you want to do it, do a big job, reach the top, dominate the young generation of Great Yan Nation, and then represent Great Yan Nation and participate in the competition for the supreme ranking.

The Great Yan Supreme Ranking first, the five great arrogances, the four great kings... this is Ye Tian's next goal.

Suddenly, a loud shout came from the gate not far away.

Ye Tian and the others turned their heads and saw that a group of gorgeously dressed young talents were coming. The headed young man, full of anger, shouted at Gongsun Sanniang: "Fart, when I come, you say Fairy Wuyou has picked up the guest. , When I am Xu Fei good bully?"

"Xu Er Gongzi, Fairy Wuyou has really picked up the guests, how about another day? I must arrange for her to accompany you another day, how about?" Gongsun Sanniang smiled.

"Gongsun Sanniang, I don't think your Happy Forest is going to open anymore. Our brothers are here to cheer you up today. Don't you know how to promote, let Fairy Wuyou come over and drink with my second brother." Next to Xu Fei, A young son scolded.

Gongsun Sanniang had no choice but to keep laughing.

"It's the **** of the Xu family again!" Zhang Hu's curses came from Ye Tian's ears in the room.

Ye Tian was very surprised at this time, because he recognized that the young man who had just spoken was Xu Jie who had been beaten up by him in Xiongwu County.

"Brother Ye, the next two brothers, one is called Xu Fei and the other is called Xu Jie. They and Xu Feng are called the Three Heavenly Pride of the Xu Family. You must be careful when you meet them in the future." Zhang Hu said solemnly.

"The Three Heavenly Pride of the Xu Family?" Ye Tian was slightly awe-inspiring.

This Xu family is really amazing, not only its own power is huge, even the younger generations are talented people. If Xu Feng didn't say anything, the Xu Fei in front of him actually had the sixth level of Wujun cultivation base, plus the second level of Wujun Xu Jie.

I have to say that the name of the Three Heavenly Pride of the Xu Family really lives up to its name.

"Xu Feng is a little better. He has no bad reputation for pursuing martial arts. But Xu Fei and Xu Jie, two bastards, are definitely the kings of the imperial capital. Relying on their own strength and the power of their Xu family, they are simply rampant in the imperial capital. , Is for a hegemony." Zhang Hu coldly snorted, it can be seen that he has suffered from the two brothers of the Xu family.

"Master Zhang, or I'll go there first, otherwise it will cause you trouble." At this time, Fairy Wuyou said hesitantly.

Li Lanshan on the side immediately refused: "No, that **** Xu Fei doesn't know how many good girls have been harmed, don't go there."

Zhang Hu was still a little hesitant at first, but thinking that there was Ye Tian on the side, he nodded immediately and said: "Brother Li is right, don't worry, Fairy Wuyou. Behind the happy forest is a generation of sword dancers, grandmother Gongsun. Even their Xu family dare not presumptuously here."

Fairy Wuyou nodded when she heard this, and she could see that she didn't want to drink with the two brothers of the Xu family either.

Although Li Lanshan was lustful, Ye Tian found that this guy had a lot of respect for Fairy Wuyou, and nothing happened except for the two talked.

Fairy Wuyou knows Li Lanshan's character, so he is willing to come with him.


Suddenly, a loud slap in the face spread throughout the happy forest.

Suddenly, the surroundings fell silent and there was no sound.

Everyone's eyes widened, and they looked down in shock.

Ye Tian, ​​Zhang Hu and others also looked over.

I saw that Gongsun Sanniang was holding half of his pretty face, looking at Xu Fei who was opposite with a dull face, and didn't seem to expect that the other party dared to slap her openly.

"Smelly lady, is this young master really joking with you? What kind of thing are you? If you don't bring the Wuyou fairy to this young master today, I will tear down your happy forest." Xu Fei was full of arrogance.

Gongsun Sanniang's face was very ugly at this time. She pointed at Xu Fei, shaking all over with anger, unable to speak.

The surrounding happy forest guards wanted to rush up, but they were afraid of the power of the Xu family.

In this imperial capital, no one knows the strength of the Xu family, even the children of the royal family are afraid of three points.

Although Happy Forest is also a big power in the imperial capital, it is not worth mentioning compared to the Xu family.

The young talents present here can only watch and dare not intervene.

"Sanniang!" Fairy Wuyou couldn't help it anymore, and flew out of the room, staring at the two brothers of the Xu family angrily, and asked: "What are you doing to beat Sanniang?"

"Why hit her?"

Xu Fei sneered after hearing this: "Can you come out without beating her? I want to see, Xu Fei, who is so sacred you are, so you won't be able to invite me, hum."

Fairy Wuyou was furious when he heard the words, and, like Gongsun Sanniang, was trembling with anger, unable to speak.

Xu Jie on the side was sharp-eyed, looking at the private room where Fairy Wuyou came out, and sneered: "Who is inside? Get out of this young master, or wait for this young master to get in and let you crawl out."

Everyone immediately looked at the room where Ye Tian and the others were.

"Pop!" Li Lanshan slapped the table and said angrily: "It's too much, they are absolutely lawless. In this imperial capital, at the feet of the emperor, they dare to be so presumptuous."

"No way, the Xu family is too powerful, even if the royal family is afraid of three points. Alas, this time I am harassing Wait for you to stop talking, I will fight it alone, big deal Being beaten by them, they dare not kill in the imperial capital anyway." Zhang Hu said helplessly.

"Brother Zhang must be said that, although their Xu family is big, Li Lanshan is not easy to provoke me, hum!" Li Lanshan heard the words, snorted, and walked out of the room.

"Ah...Brother Li!" Zhang Hu suddenly became anxious, and hurriedly followed.

Ye Tian frowned and followed.

On the huge round stage, the Xu family and his party sneered at Ye Tian and others who came out of the private room.

"Who am I? It turns out that it is the waste of your Li Lanshan and Zhang family, so you dare to compete with me for the Wuyou Fairy, I think you are impatient for living." Xu Fei saw Li Lanshan and Zhang Hu, Suddenly sneered again and again, his face was full of arrogance.

Xu Jie saw Ye Tian at a glance, and a hint of anger and surprise suddenly appeared in his eyes. He quickly said to Xu Fei next to him, "Second brother, that’s him. He was the one who injured me in Xiongwu County last time. Today you must give I take revenge."

After that, he stared at Ye Tian fiercely.

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