Seven World Martial God

Chapter 285: 5 great talents

Under the golden sunlight, the entire palace seemed to be covered in a splendid dress, dazzling. [For more wonderful novels, please visit] A famous young man climbed up the stairs, like a pilgrimage, to the underside of this magnificent complex.

The seven days are over, and only more than 2,000 people can finally pass the first level of assessment. The remaining more than 90,000 people have been eliminated directly, and they are not eligible for the final competition.

A group of young talents formally stepped into the palace. Everyone raised their heads and looked ahead with excitement and excitement. The Lord of the Great Yan Kingdom floating high in the air looked like a group of children waiting for the teacher's praise.

However, the Lord of Great Yan Nation glanced at everyone blankly, and said indifferently: "You... are even more disappointing than I thought."

It's just that this indifferent sentence, like a basin of cold water, violently spilled from the top of the heads of the young talents, and everyone was stunned.

In front of the crowd, Ye Tian, ​​Yan Haotian, Xu Feng, Princess Chang Tian and others all had their faces tight, their eyes full of solemnity.

"There were more than 100,000 people, but in the end only this few people came before me. I sigh that there is no successor in my Great Yan Nation!" The lord sighed slightly, his indifferent face filled with disappointment and disdain.

Upon hearing this, a group of young talents bowed their heads, or pondered, or were unwilling, or ashamed...

"Come with me, the next assessment will be even more cruel. I hope that one of you can pass. It won't be a waste of my pains." The Lord of the Great Yan Kingdom did not continue to pay attention to everyone, and moved towards the front line. Walk to Baiyu Avenue.

Behind the lord, King Shenwu followed respectfully.

A group of young talents looked at each other, at a loss, and finally could only follow.

"Hey, I didn't make a mistake just now, did I? The Lord said that at most only one of us will pass the next level of assessment?" a young handsome whispered.

"Impossible, the Lord is joking." Someone shook his head, and the Great Yan Supreme Ranking was ranked 180. How could it be possible that only one person passed? If it was passed out, wouldn't it be a joke by other kingdoms.

"Something is wrong. In the past, after passing the first level, we had to compete to select the strongest 180 people. Why has it changed now. I don't know what assessment is the next level?" Someone wondered.

"King Shenwu also said before that this year's Great Yan Supreme Ranking is different. It seems that an assessment has been added, but I don't know what to test."

"They come, the security……"

A group of young talents whispered, and followed the leader of the Great Yan country through the Baiyu Avenue.

There are clear springs with flowing water around, and in the middle of the avenue, there is a huge fountain, spraying rain and dew, nourishing the surrounding flowerbed trees. (Starting) The entire palace has a beautiful scenery, but it looks like an ink painting of mountains and forests.


In the sky, there are crisp birdsong, and some colorful phoenixes fly by. They are extremely beautiful, with long emerald feathers and bright eyes, hovering above the palace, peaceful and calm.

Not far away, there was a huge arch. Everyone walked in and saw the end of the avenue at a glance. There was a majestic and huge black palace.

Everyone was shocked at once, even the fourth prince Yan Haotian showed doubts at this moment.

In this magnificent palace, when did a black palace appear, it seemed a bit discordant.

Seeing Yan Haotian's complexion, everyone was even more puzzled, because even the fourth prince didn't know about this palace, which was obviously built only recently.

It seems that this is where the assessment of the second level is.

Everyone secretly thought that those who can pass the first level are the top figures in the young generation of Great Yan Nation. Both their talent and intelligence are extraordinary.

"There is a door on both sides of this palace. You enter through the front door, and then come out from the back door. You will be considered as passing this test. I will wait for you at the back door." The Lord of the Kingdom of Great Yan stopped and pointed at that The black palace said lightly.

Everyone heard that their expressions were complicated, with surprises, doubts, surprises, and puzzles. In short, they had all expressions.

"This is too simple, but it's just a palace. Could it be possible to block us like this?" Someone wondered.

"Maybe there may be some mechanism inside." Someone worried.

"This palace doesn't look too big. From the front door to the back door, it can be up to one hundred meters. I don't believe that with my Wujun level five strength, I can't pass this one hundred meters distance." Some people are confident.

The Lord of the Great Yan Kingdom ignored everyone, and after speaking, left alone.

The King Shenwu on the side glanced at the crowd coldly, and reminded faintly: "You better be careful, this palace is not that easy to pass, maybe you will not be able to pass in the end either."

After speaking, King Shenwu said no more.

A group of young talents didn't take his words seriously, jokes, no one can pass, so what do you want to do? Doesn't it make people laugh!

Everyone felt that it was definitely not simple inside, otherwise King Shenwu wouldn't remind them like this, and they were all right now.

However, for a time, no one took the lead.

Ye Tian, ​​Yan Haotian, Xu Feng, Princess Changtian and others were all watching, their faces were extremely solemn, and they were not eager to step into the palace.

Unlike the others, they knew that the Great Yan Nation would not speak casually. Since even the Lord of the Kingdom and the Shenwu King thought that it was difficult for one of them to pass this test, then this test must be extremely difficult.

Everyone saw that Ye Tian, ​​Yan Haotian, Xu Feng and other strong men did not enter, so they naturally did not dare to be the first bird. For a while, there was silence in the field.

The Shenwu King on the side closed his eyes to rest his mind, and did not urge them.

However, not everyone is patient. After half an hour, a young talent finally walked out of the crowd.

"You are not talented in the next stage, this level, let the younger brother give the brothers the first battle." This is a young man of the third rank of Wujun, from the imperial capital, is a child of an aristocratic family, and many people know.

"Xiao Ming, come on, if you pass first, you will definitely become famous." Someone yelled with a smile.

A flash of heat flashed in Xiao Ming's eyes, and with his strength, it was impossible for him to rise to the top of the Great Yan Supreme Ranking. But if he was the first to pass this test, he would definitely be famous in the world, and his heart suddenly became hot. At the moment, he arched his hands towards everyone, walked to the black palace in front of him, and stepped into the door in the eyes of everyone's attention.

At this moment, everyone including Ye Tian stared at the figure of Xiao Ming, eyes full of solemnity.

"This person's strength is not strong, but not weak. According to the previous rules, he will definitely be able to enter the 180 places. This level should not be difficult for him." Ye Tian looked at Xiao who was about to enter the gate. Ming, thought so in his heart, but there was a deep dignity in his eyes.

The Lord of the Great Yan Kingdom and King Shenwu will not aim for no reason, so this level must have its advantages.

"Huh!" Suddenly, there was an exclamation from the crowd.

Ye Tian frowned at the gate of the black palace and was about to step into Xiao Ming.

At this time, they saw Xiao Ming's pupils shrink, and his face was full of terror, as if they had seen something terrible. His body was trembling violently, but the raised leg couldn't fit into the palace. His whole person seemed to be imprisoned, and big beads of sweat from his forehead fell quickly, soaking his clothes.

"what happened?"

A huge question arose in the hearts of everyone.

How did Xiao Ming say he was also a third-level martial artist, even if he faced such a strong man like Yan Haotian, he couldn't be scared to sweat and his body trembled. This was a complete loss of will.

"Trash!" King Shenwu didn't know when he opened his eyes, and coldly glanced at Xiao Ming who was standing in front of the black palace, and spit out two words with disdain.

Everyone was shocked.

Especially those young talents with strength and Xiao Ming's face suddenly became worried, even Xiao Ming was shocked so that he couldn't even enter the palace gate, so what about them?

The eyes of Ye Tian, ​​Yan Haotian and others were also full of solemnity. It seemed that this second level would not be easy to pass.

"Look, Xiao Ming has passed out." Suddenly, an exclamation sounded.

Everyone looked up and found that Xiao Ming, who was trembling, had fainted at the gate of the black palace. Even if he fainted, his face was still horrified.

"What did he see?" Everyone was puzzled.

For a while, no one went to the Black Palace anymore, and more people turned their eyes to Yan Haotian, Xu Feng, Princess Changtian and others, because they were the strongest present.

Yan Haotian didn't talk nonsense, his eyes were full of firmness, and he walked towards the black palace.

When Xu Feng saw this, although he was a bit solemn, he was not far behind and went out together.

Princess Chang Tian glanced at Ye Tian and walked towards the black palace.

Ye Tian was glanced at by Princess Chang Tian, ​​somewhat inexplicable, but couldn't help but curiosity, stepped out and walked towards the black palace.

With these four top young powerhouses taking the lead, the others felt more at ease, but they couldn't help but curiosity, and everyone followed.

Behind everyone, King Shenwu opened his eyes again. He looked at everyone's back, and a faint smile formed at the corner of his mouth.

The black palace is like a great ancient beast, with its mouth wide open, as if it is about to swallow everyone.

Yan Haotian came to the gate of the palace first, staring solemnly, looking into the hall, his whole person trembled suddenly, his pupils shrank, his face was shocked and unbelievable.

Seeing that his face was like this, everyone was even more puzzled.

Xu Feng and Princess Chang Tian ran to the gate almost at the same time and looked inside the palace, just like Yan Haotian. When they saw the scene inside, they were all shocked.

Ye Tian couldn't help being curious, and he looked inside. In his line of sight, five young people appeared. They stood side by side, standing in the center of the palace, watching them coldly.

"Who are they?" Ye Tian suddenly wondered, there is no need, isn't it just five young people, do you need to be scared like this?

Princess Chang Tian, ​​knowing that Ye Tian had not been abroad, understood the doubt in his heart, took a deep breath, and said solemnly, "They are the five great arrogances on the supreme list!"

Just such a sentence made the field fall into a dead silence.

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