Seven World Martial God

Chapter 288: The king has no wind

Silence, deathly silence. 【First Release】

The palace was silent, and needles dropped.

Just now, with excitement, rushed through a group of young talents who were blocked by the five great arrogances. At this time, only 17 people were left.

Among these seventeen people, except that Ye Tian only had the fifth level of Wujun, the other weakest ones also had the cultivation base of the early sixth level of Wujun.

But just like this group of top young experts in Great Yan Nation, they looked at the gray-robed youth in front of him with fear, shaking all over, and the corners of their mouths trembled.

Even Ye Tian was full of shock at the moment.

You know, there were more than a thousand young talents just now, but nine out of ten people fell down with a look in the other's eyes. Only Ye Tian and a dozen top powerhouses were left. Not a minor injury.

How terrifying is such strength?

The five great arrogances are not comparable!

"The power of the king!" Ye Tian was shocked, and there was an incredible color in his twinkling eyes.

The huge momentum that rushed to the face just now was the power of the king, and only the power of the king could have such a terrifying deterrent and spiritual suppression, making these young talents faint instantly.

Of course, this is also the fact that the other party is close, otherwise, like the lord, the power of the king released from such a distance will definitely be much weaker.

Moreover, the country lord did not fully release the king's power, otherwise Ye Tian and the others would not even mention climbing the stairs, they would pass out before they took a step.

However, even so, this person can cause so many young talents to faint, so the strength is enough to make people awe, much better than the five great arrogances.

Ye Tian suddenly thought of a possibility. He couldn't help but turn his head to look at Princess Chang Tian and Xu Feng. At this time, the two of them also trembled, obviously still in shock.

I have to say that the scene just now was too shocking.

So many young talents fainted all of a sudden, there was no resistance at all, the gap was too big.

"Looking at the younger generation, there are only four kings who can have this kind of strength." Princess Chang Tian whispered to Ye Tian, ​​her eyes full of awe and helplessness.

She is almost certain that the other party is one of the four kings, because the five great arrogances have already appeared before, and now the guards here must be the four kings.

Although only one person came, Princess Long Tian had completely given up on this assessment. This was not an opponent at a level at all. Any one of the four kings could defeat the five great arrogances.

Ye Tian nodded. He guessed that way. At the same time, he was more aware of the terrible gray-robed youth. The other party had already understood the power of the king and was enough to challenge him. (Starting)

In other words, if the person in front of him is at the 9th level of Martial Lord, it is enough to be comparable to the tenth rank of Martial Lord, how can such strength allow them to compete.

"It's no wonder that the younger generation, who are called kings, can have such strength, even more powerful than the older generations, and indeed have a great chance to be promoted to the king of martial arts."

Ye Tian thought secretly, the light in his eyes flickered, he was still a little unwilling to make him give up now.

We have already reached this point and have overcome the obstacles of the five great arrogances. Are we going to drink hatred here?

I won't be reconciled to who it is.


Ye Tian glanced at Princess Chang Tian and Xu Feng, who had lost their will to fight, as well as a dozen other young talents. Their eyes only had awe and fear.

With a sigh in his heart, Ye Tian shook his head and said secretly: "I am afraid that these people have not dared to take action. I can only rely on me for this level."

Compare the strength of the two sides, Wujun tenth level, Wujun fifth level.

Ye Tian suddenly felt gloomy. He knew that his chance of winning was almost zero, unless it was a miracle.

"What I can bet on now is that this person will not put me in the eyes, and he has his own pride, he will definitely not deal with me with all his strength, but the chance is still very small." Ye Tian secretly thought.

But to make him give up here, this is not his character, he is the kind of persistent person who has to fight to death.


There was nothing to say. Ye Tian didn't even tell Princess Changtian anymore, and he stepped directly out. In his hand, the mysterious iron sword released a violent blade light, a shocking sword intent, and went straight into the sky.

The people around were shocked, and Princess Chang Tian and Xu Feng were also shocked.

They didn't expect that Ye Tian would challenge the gray-robed youth recklessly, but that is the four kings, even if the five tianjiao go together, they may not be able to win.

But they have to admit this fact, Ye Tian is indeed more courageous than them, even facing the strongest of the younger generation, dare to challenge.

At this moment, even Xu Feng was somewhat convinced by Ye Tian.

The other dozen young talents were also full of admiration. For some reason, they knew that Ye Tian was likely to fail, but they still hope Ye Tian can succeed.

"It's no wonder that his talent can surpass us!" Long Tian princess sighed lightly, looking at Ye Tian's back, her beautiful eyes were full of admiration.

If people know that Princess Changtian also has someone to admire, then the entire Great Yan Nation will be shaken. You must know that even Yan Haotian does not have this qualification.

But at this moment, Ye Tian did it.

Like moths battling the fire, Ye Tian took the only chance and tried his best to slash the gray-robed youth with a single blow.

At this moment, Ye Tian's body was so tall and majestic in the eyes of these young talents of Great Yan Nation, as if it were like the Lord of Great Yan Nation.

Da da da……

A sound of footsteps came from behind.

Princess Chang Tian and Xu Feng turned their heads slightly, and suddenly saw five familiar figures, the five great arrogances who had blocked them before.

At this time, the eyes of the five great arrogances were also full of surprise and curiosity.

Of course, there are also sneers and ridicules.

"Dare to challenge the windless... Tsk, this is the first time I have seen such a lifeless person." The harsh ridicule came, making a dozen young talents from Great Yan Nation full of indignation.

It was Sun Lingtian who was speaking, and he had always been hostile to the young talents of Great Yan Nation. Others would admire Ye Tian dare to challenge the Four Kings, but when he came to him, there was only ridicule and ridicule.

"Do you dare?" Princess Chang Tian looked at Sun Lingtian coldly.

Sun Lingtian was startled, he naturally didn't dare, but he wouldn't say it, so he sneered: "The same cultivation base, I am not afraid of anyone, even the four kings. However, a fool like him who is like him. This is the first time I have seen him. Look, he is only Wujun level five, hahaha!"

Two of the five great arrogances showed their ridicule when they heard the words. Although they were a little surprised that Ye Tian dared to challenge No Wind, they were only surprised. impossible!

At this time, the dozens of young talents from Great Yan Nation also knew the identity of the gray-robed youth in front of them.

There is no wind, the youth of the West is supreme, the third place in the fear of the supreme list, and the other three are ranked as the four kings, belonging to the strongest of the young generation of the eighteen countries in Beihai.

This is a youth supreme, the real strongest person. Although he is not the first of the four kings, the strength between them is not much different, and they can't help each other.

It can be said that he is the strongest of the young generation of the eighteen countries in Beihai, and belongs to the supreme youth.

Under the obstruction of such a person, can Ye Tian still succeed?

The dozens of young talents from Great Yan Nation suddenly did not hold any hope.

Everyone looked sympathetically at Ye Tian, ​​who was struggling to smash the windless young man in the gray robe. This sword was extremely bright, like a **** river in hell, flooding the entire hall.

Even Xu Feng was full of shock and disbelief when he saw Ye Tian's knife.

Because of this knife, it has threatened him.

He couldn't believe that only Wujun's fifth-level Ye Tian could make such a powerful knife.

Even the five great arrogances not far away were slightly surprised, and their eyes were more curious.

Sun Lingtian's eyes flickered and he didn't know what he was thinking, but there was a hint of cold light in his eyes that swept Ye Tian.

Princess Chang Tian noticed the look in Sun Lingtian's eyes, and she couldn't help but stunned. She decided to wait to remind Ye Tian to let him be careful of Sun Lingtian in the future.

At this time, everyone's eyes were focused on Ye Tian in front.

Is it really like a moth to a fire?

This is indeed the case, even though Ye Tian's sword is very powerful, and it is close to the blow of a Wujun eighth-level powerhouse. But Wufeng just waved his hand to make the entire river of blood flow back, and finally Ye Tian was hit by his own knife and flew out.


Blood spurted wildly, Ye Tian's face was as pale as paper, but his eyes were still full of fighting spirit, shining like a scorching sun, blasting out two blazing lights.

"Come again!"

Without any nonsense, Ye Tian raised the mysterious iron sword and rushed towards No Wind again.

At this moment, Wufeng's eyes finally changed, not as indifferently as before. He looked at Ye Tian with some surprise and curiosity, and shook his head slightly, "You have a good talent, but unfortunately I am too far behind in your cultivation. I am not afraid to tell you that I am already at the ninth level of Martial Lord. And my combat effectiveness. , Even close to the half-step king."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help being shocked.

What kind of young strong man is this Tamad, much better than some old strong ones, this is a thousand miles away from them, and he is not a figure above the level at Tian He was also shocked, but he gritted his teeth and shouted loudly: "In Lao Tzu's dictionary, there is no such thing as defeat without a fight. Lao Tzu won't stand and admit defeat. If you want to defeat Lao Tzu, use your strength. "

Four consecutive'Lao Tzu' completely urged Ye Tian's fighting spirit to the peak.

Ye Tian swung a knife, countless bright blades, densely covered with void, and then gathered into a shocking knife, and slashed towards the windless head.

Then, Ye Tian split out with one palm, and eighteen huge palms covering the sky, like mountain peaks, drowned the windless whole person.

The whole hall was trembling.

Ye Tian took this opportunity to leave the windless and rushed towards the back door of the palace behind him.

However, when he arrived at the back door, a black palm and a torn void grabbed his body severely, dragged him back abruptly, and smashed him to the ground.

Rumble...The hall trembles again and again, and the ground is cracked.

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