Seven World Martial God

Chapter 297: Vulnerable

The lively palace square is full of voices and constant noise. (Starting)

The sun gradually went down, but Ye Tian did not appear for a long time, making many people's hearts full of doubts.

A group of people from the Xu family clamored even more fiercely. They thought Ye Tian was afraid, so they didn't dare to fight.

However, a group of people led by Li Lanshan and Zhang Hu tried their best to refute. They thought that Ye Tian met with the Lord in the palace, so they delayed.

Everyone in the entire square was talking a lot at this time, and all kinds of speeches continued.

But as time passed, more and more people began to think that Ye Tian was scared.

This made Li Lanshan, Zhang Hu and a group of Ye Tian's friends all anxious and secretly worried.

This year, Ye Tian finally made it to the top of the Great Yan Supreme Ranking. If it ruins his reputation, it is really not worth it.

clatter! clatter! clatter!

Suddenly, a sound of footsteps came from above the high stairs.

Suddenly everyone shut their mouths and all looked at the stairs. A familiar figure gradually came into view and appeared in everyone's field of vision.

This person is Ye Tian.

Slightly scanned the entire palace square, Ye Tian pulled a faint smile at the corner of his mouth. He carried his hands on his back, step by step, unhurriedly walking down the stairs.

At this moment, everyone stopped talking and looked at Ye Tian in the distance.

Much attention, that's it now.

In the face of everyone's gaze, Ye Tian didn't have the slightest timidity. His face was calm, like a king from above, looking down at the thousands of subjects below.

Seeing Ye Tian's calmness, everyone lost consciousness, and only recovered after a while.

The Xu family members were the first to shout, and they shouted: "Ye Tian, ​​why are you here now? Are you afraid? It's very simple, as long as you kneel down and knock your head a few times and admit that you are not as good as Xu Feng, this The war will spare you, hahaha!"

People in the Xu family ridiculed and ridiculed.

Everyone did not speak, including Li Lanshan, Zhang Hu and others, all looked at Ye Tian.

Xu Feng in the center of the square also looked at Ye Tian from a distance, with a hint of resentment and viciousness in his eyes.

Ye Tian glanced at everyone in the Xu family indifferently, a sneer tucked at the corner of his mouth, and hummed softly, "The tongue is dry!"

The voice fell and turned into a billowing thunder, which sounded in the entire square, like bells and drums ringing, the thunder sounded vigorously, and everyone's ears numbed on the spot.

A group of people from the Xu family, including a Wujun's seventh-level elder Xu, were dizzy by the sound wave.

Several people with low strength in the Xu family were directly shaken to the ground, foaming at the mouth. 【First Release】


Deathly quiet.

The entire square was silent for an instant, and the needle drop was audible.

Everyone looked at Ye Tian blankly, with shocked faces.

What is this method?

Even Yan Haotian, Xu Feng and others showed a look of disbelief, and a dignity rose in their hearts.

"It seems that I underestimated you, but even so, you still won't be my opponent." Xu Feng shouted loudly, breaking the silence first, and awakening a few of the Xu family who were shocked.

"Go ahead, if you can make me move half a step, you win this battle." Ye Tian looked like a flash of lightning, and his whole body quickly appeared in the center of the square. He looked at Xu Feng coldly and stretched out. He made a **** and hooked towards the opponent.

There was an uproar in the surroundings, everyone was shocked, they all felt that Ye Tian was too arrogant, even the fourth prince Yan Haotian didn't dare to be so arrogant.

Xu Feng was even flushed with anger. He stared at Ye Tian, ​​eyes full of anger and endless killing intent. He shouted with a gloomy face: "Well, since you are so arrogant, Xu will fulfill you. "

Having said that, Xu Feng stopped talking, he immediately acted, and with all his strength, he obviously wanted to kill Ye Tian with a single blow, and no matter how bad he was, he would severely injure Ye Tian and make him crippled.

"Thousands of people pointed out!" But seeing Xu Feng pierced the sky with a sword, with a piercing roar in the air, making the world tremble, exuding a terrifying sword intent.

I have to say that Xu Feng's strength is very strong, and the offensive power he exerts is almost comparable to the early stage of Wujun's eighth level.

Of course, Ye Tian also noticed that the opponent was able to display such an astonishing attack power by relying on the peak-level spirit weapon sword in his hand.

I saw a sharp sword light across the void, with terrifying energy, crashing towards Ye Tian.

At this moment, everyone's eyes widened and stared at Ye Tian. They thought that even if Ye Tian could block the blow, he would definitely not be able to stand in place.

"Ye Tian's support is big this time." Li Lanshan frowned and his face was full of worry. He was confident in Ye Tian and believed that he could defeat Xu Feng. But if you want to persist under this blow, it is almost impossible, even the fourth prince Yan Haotian can't do it.

"No! How do I feel that he is very confident, and based on my understanding of him, he will not be so unreasonable, he must have the confidence to win." Zhang Hu said.

"I hope so!" Li Lanshan nodded, he also felt that Ye Tian was not the kind of arrogant person.

At this time, everyone in the square, almost 90% of them, thought Ye Tian had lost.

They believed that even if they were replaced by a Wujun eighth level strong man, they could not keep their feet still when facing Xu Feng's sword.

This time, Ye Tian was obviously arrogant.

"Arrogant kid, this time the old man will see how you die, huh!" The Wujun seventh-level elder of the Xu family sneered.

Several of the Xu family's children who had been fainted just now were also full of cheerful expressions, as if seeing the result of Ye Tian being severely injured by this sword.

In the sky, countless sword auras were vigorous, and then gathered together to form a sky-shattering sword light, a torn void, which smashed from the top of Ye Tian's head.

No tricks, just a powerful blow. Since Ye Tian chooses not to move his feet, Xu Feng's sword doesn't care about speed, but does his best to increase his strength. Anyway, the slower speed will also hit Ye Tian. .

Everyone shook their heads when they saw this scene. They felt that Ye Tian was asking for trouble, otherwise this trick would not hit Ye Tian at all.

"Hmph, Ye Tian, ​​I see how you can handle this sword." On the other side, Xu Fengyin sneered, his face full of confidence.

The vast sword light brought a terrifying storm and swept the entire palace square.

At this time, everyone could only vaguely see a purple figure in the boundless storm of sword energy, remaining still, like a green pine, standing under the sky.

Feeling the terrifying sword aura around him, and the peerless sharpness from above his head, Ye Tian's expression did not change at all, it was still extremely calm and natural.

"too weak!"

Ye Tian shook his head lightly. He didn't continue to waste time, stretched out a palm, and patted overhead.

"Super Star Hand!" With a low drink, the ten small worlds in Ye Tian's body erupted together, and the terrifying true essence made the entire palace square tremble.

And everyone around the square felt that the sky was suddenly dark at the moment, as if it suddenly changed from day to night, and the entire square was instantly darkened.

It wasn't until people looked up that they were shocked to discover that at this time, huge palms appeared above the square, covering the sky like huge mountain peaks, covering the entire sky.


The giant palms that only cover the sky and the sun, carrying monstrous energy fluctuations, exuding a frightening atmosphere, filled the entire sky.

"How is it possible!" Xu Feng raised his head to look at the sky, his pupils tightening, his face full of disbelief.

That bright sword, like tofu dregs, was easily destroyed by the hand of a star.

The hands of eighteen stars, like giant peaks, were severely suppressed towards Xu Fei.

In just a few moments, Xu Feng was buried alive. He couldn't even remember the hand of a star, and was slapped into the Son of the Earth by a powerful force.

What followed was the hand of the remaining seventeen stars, and every time the shot fell, the ground in the square trembled.

As if it was an earthquake, all the people around who watched the battle retreated one after another, all with their faces full of horror. Such a terrifying power shocked the soul.

"It's really vulnerable!"

When all the hands of the stars fell, Ye Tian never looked at Xu Feng again, strode out of the square, and greeted Li Lanshan and others.

Li Lanshan and others were stunned and didn't react until they heard Ye Tian's call.

Then, they shouted excitedly.

"Go, go to Happy Forest to celebrate!" Zhang Hu shouted excitedly.

A group of people, surrounded by Ye Tian, ​​left in the direction of Happy Forest in the shocking eyes of everyone.

When the seventh-level Wujun elder of the Xu family fished out Xu Feng from the ground, everyone found that this guy had passed out and suffered serious injuries, and he didn't even want to get out of bed for a year or two.

At this time, the audience was completely boiling, everyone was impressed by Ye Tian's powerful strength, and each one was shocked.

Since then, no one has dared to doubt the strength of Ye Tian Dayan's top ranking.

A group of people in the Xu family, as if their parents were dead, left with dark faces and unwillingness.

"I can't believe it, Xu Feng couldn't stop Ye Tian's blow."

"Ye Tian's strength is really terrifying, I am afraid it will end up in the same way as the Fourth Prince is replaced."

"I didn't expect that Ye Tian's strength was so strong, and the number one on the Great Yan Supreme Ranking really deserved it."

"This son is really the dark horse of this year's Great Yan Supreme Our Great Yan Nation may have a five great arrogance in the future."


Everyone who watched the battle was very excited, and they spread the results of the battle throughout the entire imperial capital.

Suddenly, this ancient imperial capital of Great Yan Nation suddenly plunged into the boiling volcanic eruption on one side.

This is destined to be another sleepless night, and like the last time, the culprit for everyone's insomnia is still Ye Tian.

At this moment, Ye Tianzheng and a group of friends gathered in the happy forest, and everyone had a drink to celebrate Ye Tian.

When everyone learned that Ye Tian was named the Great Flame Sword King, they all exclaimed and were shocked.

So that night, Ye Tian was filled with a lot of wine and fell asleep drowsy.

In a daze, Ye Tian moved his nose, he smelled a trace of his daughter's body fragrance, which was a bit familiar.

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