Seven World Martial God

Chapter 310: Golden figure

"Brother Ye, take care!"

"Brother Wu, take care!"

In Ye Tian's eyes, Wu Dao's figure gradually disappeared. He knew that the other party had used teleport and had already left the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea. See you next time, I don't know it's the year of the monkey. 【First Release】

"Emperor Wu! Wu Zun!"

Ye Tian gritted his teeth, and there was a brilliant divine light in his dark eyes.

In any case, he finally knew Lin Tingting's whereabouts, although the road ahead was full of countless bumps. But he believes that as long as he has an undefeated heart, he will succeed in the end.

Slowly retracting his gaze, Ye Tian twisted the treasure hunter out of the small world to let it examine the small world of the dead black robe killer, but unexpectedly, the treasure hunter shook his head and did not enter.

"What's the matter?" Ye Tian twisted the little thing with some confusion.

The little thing made two gestures at him and shook his head.

Now, Ye Tian understood that the little thing said that there is no treasure in the little world of the black robe killer.

"Rely on... these assassins!" Ye Tian felt very speechless. There was nothing in the small world of a martial prince tenth level powerhouse. The only reason was that the other party had planned to die long ago. Those babes are all placed elsewhere.

Ye Tian was right to think about it, a killer, always adding blood to the tip of the knife. A killer can kill people, but there are also times when they fail and are killed.

Therefore, the killer of **** usually puts the precious things in a safe place, so that even if he dies, these things can be left to his relatives or friends instead of being acquired by the enemy.

I have to say that this was a wise decision, but Ye Tian was very depressed at this time.

A Martial Lord's tenth-level storage is absolutely incomparably rich. He also hopes to make a big deal, maybe he can get some treasures of heaven and earth, so that his cultivation can be improved.

Unfortunately, all this has been turned into cannon fodder.

Ye Tian despised the black-robed man fiercely, and then he threw the corpse into the wilderness, which was regarded as venting his unhappy heart.

After that, Ye Tian put away the treasure hunter, ready to continue to deal with the Bodhi tree.

But at this moment, the treasure hunter turned into an afterimage and flew forward, shocking Ye Tian.

"What's the matter?" Ye Tian had just raised his doubts, and soon turned into joy, because he knew that this behavior of the treasure hunter was definitely the reason for the discovery of some kind of treasure.

Sure enough, after following the treasure hunter for a certain distance, a deep and secluded cave was revealed in the previous Grand Canyon, where the Bodhi Buddha tree was located. (Starting)

The little thing was pouting his **** at this time and was about to drill into the cave. It looked extremely excited, which made Ye Tian more certain that there must be some treasure in it.

The cave was almost as tall as a person, and it seemed to be the place where a branch of the Bodhi tree grew. He immediately twisted the small thing and walked into the cave.

After entering the cave, Ye Tian's body couldn't help but shudder, and his whole body instantly felt cold.

This kind of chill seems to rush into the soul, not the outside cold. You know, Beixue County snows all the year round, and the temperature is already low, but for Wujun's seventh-level Ye Tian, ​​he has already ignored this temperature.

Therefore, it is impossible for the temperature to cause a cold feeling to his body. The cold he feels at this time, as if directly immersed in the body through the body, is very strange.

Even at this time, Ye Tian found that the flowing True Essence in his meridians suddenly solidified a little, with a feeling of sluggishness, as if frozen.

Fortunately, the true essence in Ye Tian's body was very thick, like a rolling Yangtze River, which quickly offset this feeling.

However, this strange feeling caused a big question in Ye Tian's heart. With a strong curiosity, he twisted the little thing and approached the cave carefully.

The cave is not neat. This is the place where the branches of the Bodhi Buddha tree are located. At this time, the branches are pulled out, and some small branches and buds can be seen around. As they deepen, Ye Tian feels the strange chill. It's getting stronger.

After about an hour, Ye Tian felt that he had gone deeper than 10,000 meters, and the strange chill he had sensed at this time had already made him have to raise a true element defensive cover on the surface of his body.

After walking another distance, Ye Tian suddenly felt his eyes light up, and a huge space appeared in front of him. It was full of golden light, and it seemed to store a sun, so dazzling, he couldn't help covering his eyes.

After a while, when his vision recovered a little, Ye Tian carefully looked at this strange space, his face suddenly horrified.

This space is not very large, about the size of the living room of the City Lord's Mansion. In the center of the space, a golden figure is suspended. He closed his eyes tightly, like a sleeping god, except for the golden light released from his body, there was no sound in the entire space.

Ye Tian stared at the golden figure in a daze, with a shocked expression on his face. He couldn't think that there was such a great existence in this underground.

Ye Tian had a feeling that the person in front of him was stronger than Wu Dao in the realm of Wu Zun.

However, this senior seemed to be dead, and Ye Tian could not feel any beating in his heart.

At the same time, the strange chill that Ye Tian felt radiated from this person.

Strange, it is obviously golden light, but the golden light does not have a trace of warmth, but with an extremely strong chill, it directly immerses in the human bone marrow.

"I don't know who this senior is? But I think it should be someone who is famous in the Eighteen Kingdoms of Beihai."

Ye Tian was very curious in his heart. In the history of the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea, there has never been a martial emperor. How could such a powerful figure come from?

However, Ye Tian also knew that there were some strong men in the history before the Eighteen Kingdoms in the North Sea. Such as the Nine Heavens Palace, it was the martial arts a long time ago, but because of the long time, these martial arts and big figures are all submerged in the torrent of history.

Ye Tian felt that the senior in front of him should be from the ancient times, or the strong man in the ancient times.

"I am immortal after thousands of years. I really don't know how powerful this senior was before his death." Ye Tian secretly smacked his tongue. He carefully looked at this golden powerhouse and found that the other party had not changed at all.

Although the senior's eyes were closed tightly, Ye Tian admired Ye Tian from the fact that he carried his hands on his back, raised his head slightly, and the aura of contempt of the world that he inadvertently radiated.

Ye Tian looked around, he was very curious how this senior would sleep here, and see if there is any information here.

This space is not big, Ye Tian checked it out quickly, but it didn't get much.

The golden powerhouse exudes golden light, blocking the surrounding land, making this space form a circle.

Ye Tian stepped forward, bowed slightly, clasped his fist and said, "Senior, this junior took the liberty to interrupt, please forgive me."

No matter what this senior is doing, he rushed to the opponent's shocking cultivation base, and Ye Tian felt that he should salute.

After the salute, Ye Tian went forward to reach out to this senior's body. To be honest, he felt that if the other party was so powerful, if there was something left on his body, it must be a good treasure.

At this time, Ye Tian did not find any abnormalities in the treasure hunting mouse beside him.

Since entering this space, although the treasure hunter was very excited, he did not dare to approach this senior's body, and only dared to watch from a distance.

"Does this senior have also cultivated the Rank Nine Battle Body?" Ye Tian thought to himself as he stretched out his hand to explore the body of the senior.

The whole body of this senior was radiant, and it was almost like Ye Tian's state after the outbreak of the Ninth Revolution, so he felt that this senior might also have cultivated the Nine Revolution.

At this moment, Ye Tian's palm finally touched Senior's body.

But Ye Tian's body fell all by one and fell forward.

Why is this?

Because Ye Tian's palm didn't touch anything, his palm passed through Senior's body without a trace of touch. This sudden inertia made his body leaning forward and almost fell to the ground.

Ye Tian quickly reacted, shocked in his heart.

How is this going?

Ye Tianman had a question mark in his head, he reached out and probed again, and found that he still didn't touch anything with his palm, as if the senior in front of him didn't exist.

This seems to be an image, which can only be seen, not touched.

"What kind of martial skill is this? Or is it a technique, or something else?" Ye Tian was puzzled. He had never seen such a thing before, and it was not even recorded in ancient books.

"The knowledge is still too bad. If Wu Dao is here, you should be able to know the reason." Ye Tian shook his head secretly.

Suddenly, a burst of black energy emerged from Ye Tian's palm, which made Ye Tian's expression stagnant. He knew that this was energy that swallowed martial souls. Generally, when encountering martial souls, this energy would come out and swallow them. Other Wuhun.

"Is this thing in front of me a Martial Spirit?" Ye Tian's eyes lit up, and he suddenly remembered that Martial Spirit was also visible and intangible.

However, among the seven martial souls, there is no golden existence at all!

With a strong curiosity, Ye Tian simply urged the Devouring Martial Soul to explore the golden figure.

" Don't blame me, you are dead anyway, if you can become the junior, the junior will be grateful." He muttered silently in his heart, and Ye Tian tried his best to devour Wuhun.

A mass of black energy, like a black cloud, swallowed the entire golden figure.

During this process, Ye Tian looked at his dantian and saw a golden energy slowly flowing into his body, enveloping his blue martial arts soul.

Very strange, this is not swallowing, it seems to be absorption.

This golden energy was not swallowed and digested by Ye Tian's martial soul, but attached to the surface of Ye Tian's martial soul, as if to put a golden dress on Ye Tian's martial soul.

For this situation, Ye Tian was very surprised, with an incredible face.


At this moment, Ye Tian suddenly felt a tremor in his mind, a huge memory converging in his mind.

At this moment, Ye Tian fell into a sluggishness.

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