Seven World Martial God

Chapter 318: War ended

"Want to go? Can you go? Kill Sun Lingtian, and you will go to the funeral with him!" In the sky, the Murder King roared to the sky, and the earth shook like an earthquake. (Starting)

The strong power of the half-step Wu Wang peak made the residents of Wu Zhou City feel trembling, this is the powerhouse closest to the Wu Wang level. Their every move exudes a terrifying breath, as if the sky has collapsed.

The Murder King was completely crazy. Sun Lingtian was the leader of the young generation of the Great Wei Kingdom and the future of the Great Wei Kingdom. They also expected Sun Lingtian to become one of the four kings and the strongest of the Wu Wang.

But now, such a young genius has been beheaded under his nose. How does this make him the King of Murder explain to the great Wei Kingdom? If you explain to all the people of the Great Wei Kingdom?

The most important thing is that the person who killed Sun Lingtian was still their mortal enemy of the Great Wei State, the strong man of the young generation of Great Yan State.

For hundreds of years, the Great Wei State and Great Yan State have fought endlessly, and the young generation also conquered each other. They have always overpowered Great Yan State.

Now, without Sun Lingtian, the Great Yan Kingdom gave birth to a peerless genius. This was not allowed by the Murder King, and even the Great Wei Kingdom Lord would not allow Ye Tian to exist.

So at this moment, the Murder King broke out with all his strength, no longer entangled with King Wu Zhou, and the two really entered the stage of death battle.

The Murder King wanted to kill Ye Tian, ​​and the Wu Zhou King wanted to protect Ye Tian. Neither of them would take a step back. A deadly battle became a must.

The entire sky has become their battlefield, and there are roaring sounds everywhere, like nine gods of thunder bombing the sky. Both the soldiers of the Great Wei State and the soldiers of the Great Yan State felt trembling.

Under the unmatched coercion of the two half-step martial king peaks, even the powerhouses at the martial level felt suffocated, not to mention those ordinary soldiers.

Fortunately, King Murder and King Wu Zhou both cared about their own soldiers, so they all moved the battlefield to high altitude in unison, so that the soldiers on both sides below avoided being killed by mistake.

On the battlefield, the real conflict between the two sides is the strongman at the Wujun level. Because of the orders of the King Wuzhou and the Murder King, the strongman on both sides is completely crazy.

This is mainly reflected in the powerhouses of Wujun ninth level and Wujun tenth level. After all, Ye Tian's strength lies there, and even Sun Lingtian of Wujun ninth level has been killed. Wouldn't it be that the martial artists below Wujun level nine have come? court death.

Therefore, all the powerhouses above level 9 of the Great Wei State Wujun were all going to kill Ye Tian. But the strong man above level 9 of Great Yan Nation Wujun stood in front of Ye Tian and protected him.

The ninth-level and tenth-level martial arts of the two sides were killed in a dim sky, with no light from the sun and the moon, and more intense than the battle between the two half-step martial king peak powers in the sky.

"Ye Tian, ​​hurry up!" General Li pulled Ye Tian, ​​begging. 【First Release】

"Young Master Ye, don't be impulsive. You are the future we promised. Over the years, Laozi, I have never relieved my anger like I am today."

"Yeah, Young Master Ye, don't worry. Leave it to us. Although we are not talented, we can still kill these people."

There are also many martial masters from Great Yan Nation around to persuade.

Ye Tian looked at the two martial masters who had already killed the red eyes in front, sighed in his heart, arched his hands towards everyone, and solemnly said: "Generals, I swear by Ye Tian here that I will be promoted to King Martial in the future. When sweeping the big Wei state."

"If there is such a day, if I am still alive, I will be willing to be the pioneer."

"If there is such a day, if I am still alive, I will be willing to be the pioneer."

"If there is such a day, if I am still alive, I will be willing to be the pioneer."

The generals said excitedly.

The Great Yan Nation has been silent for too long. Today, Ye Tian's killing of Sun Lingtian is an inspiration to the entire Great Yan Nation.

It is conceivable that Ye Tian will definitely be famous in the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea soon. He killed Sun Lingtian and will surely replace him as one of the new five great arrogances.

"Generals, take care!" Ye Tian held back the touch in his heart, saluted everyone, and flew away from Wu Zhou City.

In the sky, the Murder King was extremely furious and wanted to kill Ye Tian. But King Wu Zhou resisted desperately, making the Murder King unable to get away. He could only stare at him, and watched Ye Tian disappear from sight.

Many martial princes of the Great Wei State can only wait and see, after all, there are not a few martial princes in the Great Yan State, and they can do nothing about them.

This battle was too fierce, and both sides suffered heavy casualties, and as many as 3,000 people were killed by the powerhouse of Wujun level.

Moreover, because of Ye Tian, ​​two Wujun tenth-level powerhouses fell into this battle.

In this unprecedented battle, the morale of the Wei state was greatly reduced in the end, and the Murder King was unwilling to take people away.

Although the Wulin Army suffered heavy casualties, their morale was overwhelming because Ye Tian killed Sun Lingtian, and everyone had an excited smile on their faces.

Even some soldiers who were beaten and disabled, some soldiers who lost their combat effectiveness, and some soldiers who were seriously injured and dying, all had excited smiles on their faces.

Although Ye Tian had already left Wu Zhou City, the soldiers and residents of Wu Zhou City were calling Ye Tian's name.

A group of generals of the martial arts army gathered in the city lord's mansion, and their faces were all excited.

"Too much relief."

"It has never been so cool as today."

"It's a pity that I don't have a daughter, otherwise he must marry Ye Tian, ​​even if he is a concubine."

"Cut, Lao Zhang, just like your bear, can your daughter be worthy of Ye Tian?"

"Young Master Ye can kill the ninth level of Wujun at the seventh level, and he is still a genius like Sun Lingtian. His talent is definitely no longer under the four kings."

"The next Martial King of Great Yan Nation will definitely be Ye Gongzi."


The entire city lord's mansion was beaming with joy. The war just now and the loss of the martial arts army did not let these generals lose.

The residents outside the city also cheered and shouted one by one.

This is not only the victory of Ye Tian, ​​but also the victory of the entire Great Yan nation.

These generals have also gone abroad for training when they were young.

They can't forget how those foreigners despised their Great Yan people during their experience. The young talents of their Great Yan Nation are bullied by others, and no one will stand for them.

Why is that?

Because the strength is not as good as people!

Like the country where the five great tianjiao and the four great kings are located, no one dares to bully them, because behind them stand the four great princes and the five great tianjiao, standing behind the nine peaks of the young generation.

This world is the world of the strong. Without strength, it is destined to be bullied.

If the Lord of the Great Yan Kingdom is dead and there is no new King Wu strong, then the Great Yan Kingdom will be annexed by the Great Wei Kingdom. This is a cruel fact.

Today, Ye Tian killed Sun Lingtian, and the whole people of Great Yan Nation felt relieved. At this moment, even King Wu Zhou drank a bottle of wine in public and yelled out of relief.

"King Wu Zhou, Ye Gongzi has been away for a long time, do we need to send someone to protect it?" After everyone was pleased, a general asked.

Concerns appeared on the faces of other people. Although they were excited, they did not forget Ye Tian's safety.

Obviously, Ye Tian killed Sun Lingtian, the people of the Great Wei Kingdom would not let Ye Tian go.

"Protect? Who can protect him? Ye Tian's kid has concealed everything from me. Without Wujun's strength above level ten, he can't be killed at all. How many Wujun level ten experts are there in the Great Wei Kingdom?" Wu Zhou Wang waved his hand and smiled.

The generals were relieved when they thought of Ye Tian's strength, and they were also confused when they cared.

"King Wu Zhou, I have a suggestion. During this period of time, we have been harassing the army of the Great Wei Kingdom, so that the Killer King cannot be distracted and chasing Young Master Ye. This will also reduce the pressure on Young Master Ye." General Li said suddenly.

"good idea!"

When the generals heard this, their eyes lit up.

King Wu Zhou patted the table and said with a smile: "Okay, just do it, I'm fine to go to the Murder King to'talk to heart', hum!"

The generals suddenly laughed.

For Wu Zhoucheng, this is destined to be an exciting and exciting day.

For the army of the Great Wei State, this was a lost day.

When the troops were withdrawn from the war, the soldiers of the Great Wei Kingdom were silent, and their morale almost dropped to a critical point. This was also the reason why the Murder King had to withdraw his troops.

"Hateful! Hateful! Annoying!"

In the camp, the Murder King was full of anger, and his eyes flickered with blood, so that the generals of the great Wei state did not dare to breathe.

Everyone knows that the Murder King is angry at this moment, no matter who is in the early stage, the Murder King's anger will drown him.

The entire camp was silent, except for the sound of the Murder King's nostrils.

"It's a bunch of rubbish, so you can't kill anyone." The cold voice of the Murder King caused the temperature of the entire camp to drop. All the generals of the Wei State, including Wu Yanxue, bowed their heads. Face depressed.

The Murder King was very angry. He was honored as the Murder King, but today, someone killed Sun Lingtian in front of him. This is undoubtedly a slap in the face. Wang, the Murder King himself could not forgive himself. You must know that Sun Lingtian was also a talent he was optimistic about, so he died in front of him.

I was so ruined.

"Ye——Tian——Ah!!!" The Murder King roared, his scarlet eyeballs almost protruding, his face full of anger, like an erupting volcano, flooded the entire camp.

"King Murder, Ye Tian has already left Wu Zhou City. I have seen the direction he is leaving, and it is assumed that he must have entered the Great Song Kingdom. Obviously, he is going from the Great Song Kingdom to the Nine Heavens Palace to experience. Don't send someone back right away and let the country master send a strong man to chase him?" Looking at the Murder King who had been angry all the time, Wu Yanxue felt that he had no choice but to bite the bullet and stand up and said.

This statement immediately attracted the attention of the Murder King. He looked at Wu Yanxue with a grim look, and roared: "I still need my orders for this kind of thing? You can go to the Great Song Kingdom yourself now for me, or bring Come back with Ye Tian's head, or you don't have to come back."

"Yes, Killer King!" Wu Yanxue smiled bitterly, he hated Ye Tian in his heart, and was thinking that if he caught Ye Tian, ​​he must be tortured to death.

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