Seven World Martial God

Chapter 329: Underground palace

"The one-arms of these two one-armed mantis beasts are simply natural swords, comparable to medium-sized spiritual weapons. [For more exciting novels, please visit]"

Cut the one-arms of the two one-armed mantis beasts with a knife, Ye Tian waved vigorously, splitting a bright blade, and smashing a big tree not far away.

Not only that, Ye Tian also found that the leather armor of the one-armed mantis beast was thick enough to create a strong armor.

This fierce beast is almost a treasure.

He put away the corpses of the two one-armed mantis beasts with joy, and Ye Tian carefully looked at the place where Yang Shaohua left his handwriting. Like the information he had received, Yang Shaohua obviously encountered danger here, so he left the handwriting.

Moreover, Ye Tian checked the surroundings and found that there had been a big battle here, and the two sides of the battle were probably Yang Shaohua and the two one-armed mantis beasts that Ye Tian had killed.

However, Yang Shaohua was not as strong as Ye Tian. Facing the two one-armed praying mantis beasts, he could barely block it, remained undefeated, and then fled to another place.

Because the escape was relatively hurried and flustered, Ye Tian quickly judged the direction of Yang Shaohua's escape from the surrounding traces.

"It should be here. Two one-armed mantis beasts are chasing this way." Ye Tian looked at a big tree that was cut in half, and a scene suddenly flashed in his mind.

In midair, Yang Shaohua retreated while fighting. Two ferocious one-armed praying mantises chased him behind him. One of the one-armed praying mantis slashed at him, but did not hit him. Instead, he smashed a big tree beside Yang Shaohua Become two halves.

Concentrating slightly, the scene in Ye Tian's mind suddenly disappeared. He smiled faintly, lifted the mysterious iron sword, and flew in this direction.

This time, Ye Tian's speed was very slow, and he looked for Yang Shaohua's trace all the way.

Moreover, every time he walked through an area, Ye Tian would draw it on the map, so that if someone came here in the future, he would have a complete map.

At this time, Ye Tian became an explorer.

"Strange, all the traces have disappeared?"

Three days later, in an empty marshland, Ye Tian frowned and looked confused.

In front of me is a huge circular basin surrounded by towering trees, which looks a little special. There was nothing else in this basin, only mud. Above the muddy swamp, there was no movement and it was very silent.

Ye Tian stood on a big tree next to the basin and looked at it carefully.

All the way to this place, there was no trace of Yang Shaohua, but the two one-armed mantis beasts left some marks here. (First episode) From the analysis of the traces, one result was also obtained, that is, two one-armed mantis beasts chased Yang Shaohua here, they did not continue to chase and kill, but returned.

"The fierce beasts almost never die. Since they chased Yang Shaohua so far, how could they give up here?"

"Moreover, the shape of this basin is too strange, this circle is very round..."

Ye Tian frowned, carefully looking at the basin in front of him, carefully exploring the martial arts will.

Judging from the feedback from the will of the martial arts, Ye Tian found that this circular basin was not a normal circle, but rather round and round, almost like a drawing drawn with a compass bit by bit. If it is natural, it can't be so round, it's definitely artificial here.

"Artificial...Is there something down here?" Ye Tian suddenly brightened his eyes, and his powerful martial arts will leaned toward the bottom of the basin.

The mud couldn't stop Ye Tian's martial arts will from eroding. He quickly saw the bottom of the basin through layers of mud.

A golden palace, lying 10,000 meters below the basin, the palace is very huge, the whole body is golden yellow, emitting a pale golden light, blocking the surrounding mud and keeping the palace clean.

Very shocking!

Ye Tian retracted the will of martial arts, opened his eyes, his face was full of shock.

There was a huge golden palace under this basin. Judging from the handwriting of that palace, Ye Tian judged that the master of this palace was at least a powerful king of Wu.

Obviously, here are the relics left by the Wuwang strong.

"It seems that Yang Shaohua has entered the palace. No wonder there are no traces." Ye Tian squinted his eyes, his eyes filled with expectant light. There may be some treasures left by a powerful king of Wu.

Until Ye Tian's current cultivation base, only the powerhouse above Wu Wang was attractive to him.

After thinking about it, Ye Tian propped up the defense Zhenyuan, sank into the basin, and dived toward the palace.

"Huh? The pressure is getting stronger and stronger!"

Suddenly, Ye Tian's eyes flickered, and he found that the more he dived, the pressure he was under increased.

"Is this palace the source of that powerful pressure?" Ye Tian immediately thought, and he became even more curious. To know that the powerful pressure almost enveloped the entire depths of the death swamp, he was very curious about what was emitting.

Continuing to dive, Ye Tian's body turned golden yellow, exuding blazing golden light, even more dazzling than the golden palace below.

After transporting the Ninth Rank battle body, Ye Tian suddenly felt relieved. He accelerated his speed and dived towards the palace.

Like a small sun, the light from Ye Tian is getting more and more dazzling, which is a manifestation of his Ninth Revolution battle body is about to move to the extreme.

At this time, Ye Tian was still one kilometer away from the Golden Palace.

"Impossible... Yang Shaohua's physical body may not even reach the second floor of the Ninth Revolution. How could it be possible to enter this palace?" Ye Tian was surprised and puzzled again when he felt the tremendous pressure on him.

You know, before arriving at the palace here, Ye Tian urged the Ninth Revolution to the limit.

How can Yang Shaohua, who hasn't practiced the Ninth Revolution battle body, enter this palace?

"Even with my third-tier Ninth Revolution body, I am afraid I can only be able to enter this palace. The younger generation, except me and Wufeng, I am afraid that no one else has the qualifications to enter this palace."

Although he was very confused in his heart, Ye Tian became more curious about the golden palace below. He gritted his teeth and urged the Ninth Revolution to continue diving.

When he was 500 meters away from the palace, Ye Tian's speed was already very slow, and the huge pressure made him feel like he was carrying a hundred thousand mountains, and he was struggling.

One hundred meters away from the palace, Ye Tian's speed was already like a snail, and the palace was in front of him, but he found it difficult to reach.

"Relying on... so much pressure, I don't believe that Yang Shaohua can enter this palace." Ye Tian's face was distorted by the strong pressure, and his body sank a little bit.

At this moment, Ye Tian could clearly see the frame of this golden palace. It was very large, and Ye Tian looked like an ant in front of it.

The periphery of the palace was covered by a light golden aperture, and Ye Tian was only a dozen meters away from this aperture.

It seemed that he could reach it with a stretched hand, but Ye Tian felt that his body could no longer move forward. The boss was staring, his eyes were red, and he was startled and angry.

This step has already been reached, if he wants to fall short, wouldn't he have to scold him?

Ye Tian was very unwilling, very unwilling, he almost used all the strength of feeding, he gritted his teeth and rushed towards the palace, but his body was like a snail, and his progress was very slow.

"Ordinary Wujun, when he gets here, I am afraid he will be directly crushed by this huge pressure."

Ye Tian couldn't help but bury Tai. In the face of such a strong pressure, I am afraid that only the powerful King Wu can enter.

As for Yang Shaohua, Ye Tian is one hundred people who don't believe he can enter this palace.

"who are you?"

Just as Ye Tian was muttering secretly, a surprised voice came.

Vaguely, Ye Tian saw a vague figure in the golden aperture not far away, looking at him curiously.

This is a person!

Ye Tian quickly judged it, and he was very surprised. It's hard to say that the person in it is a martial king, otherwise how could it be possible to enter this palace.

But soon, Ye Tian dispelled this idea. If the opponent is really a powerful king, his current behavior is to invade others' homes, and they would have slapped himself to death.

After thinking about it, Ye Tian couldn't help but said, "Who are you again?"

The vague figure was silent for a moment, and then said: "I asked you first, who are you? Don't play any tricks. Although your Ninth Rank combat body has been trained to the third floor, you still can't enter this palace. "

The man's words are full of vigilance.

"This person's strength should not be as good as me!" Ye Tian flashed his eyes and thought to himself that if the strength of the person inside was stronger than him, then he would not be so vigilant.

"Could it be Yang Shaohua?" Ye Tian suddenly thought.

Although Ye Tian didn't think Yang Shaohua had the ability to enter this palace, he couldn't think of anyone other than Yang Shaohua in such a deserted place.

Right now, Ye Tian asked again: "My name is Ye Tian and I come from Great Yan Country. You may not have heard of me. This is my first experience abroad. Are you Young Master Yang Shaohua?"

When asked if the other party was Yang Ye Tian obviously saw the other party's body shake, he was immediately convinced that even if the other party was not Yang Shaohua, he might have something to do with Yang Shaohua.

"Ye Tian? In addition to the windless among the four kings, there are still people who have cultivated the Nine-Ranked combat body to the third level. I really admire it. This is the first time I have heard of a young powerhouse like Dayan State. "The vague voice said slowly.

"I know you don't believe me, but I can tell you that I'm here to save you." Ye Tian said slowly, he could see that Yang Shaohua was very wary.

"Help me out? Humph, I want to go out, why do I need you to save?" The person inside snorted coldly, but undoubtedly admitted that he was Yang Shaohua.

Ye Tian secretly breathed a sigh of relief, Yang Shaohua was okay, and he was considered worthy of the Zhou family's father and daughter, and he didn't use one of their recommended places in vain.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Tian continued: "Young Master Yang, you may not know that you have been trapped here for the past six months. Miss Zhou and Patriarch Zhou have been anxious. They sent many powerful men here. I looked for you, but they all failed."

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