Seven World Martial God

Chapter 334: Apprentice

To Ye Tian's surprise, this martial skill called ‘Treading the Cloud’s Feet’ was not an offensive martial skill, nor a defensive martial skill, but a speed-assisted martial skill used to drive. [More exciting novels, please visit]

There are three levels of Tayunjiao. The first level can double the speed of flight, the second level can increase the speed of flight by five times, and the third level can increase the speed of flight by ten times. .

Ye Tian secretly estimated that if he cultivated this Yunjiao to the third level of Dzogchen realm, then based on his cultivation level, coupled with the Yunjiao, his speed is definitely the fastest under the realm of King Wu. of.

"I'm afraid that even a strong man at the peak of the half-step Martial King will not be able to catch up with me. This martial skill is definitely a martial skill that will save your life at the critical moment."

As soon as Ye Tian saw this martial skill, he knew that he had to learn this martial skill. His current weakness was speed.

Although one step to the sky is fast, it is only limited to one step. It is okay to fight, but escape and chase the enemy are not good, unless he can get the full version of the seven steps against the sky.

"Unexpectedly, the Blood Demon Sword Lord has such martial skills, this is really a big opportunity, I should thank the Zhou family for giving me this opportunity." Ye Tian secretly thought.

The Blood Demon Knife and the Foot of the Clouds, these two things definitely increased Ye Tian's combat effectiveness by ten times, more than a hundred times.

Ye Tian thanked the Zhou family very much. If it weren't for them, I'm afraid he would never get such an opportunity.

"I have a chance to repay this favor in the future." Ye Tian put away two martial arts, walked to the side bookshelf, and continued to check.

At this time, Yang Shaohua also put away the Falling Foil Sword Technique. He excitedly said: "Brother Ye, in addition to the third-order martial arts, there are dozens of profound-order martial arts and hundreds of yellow-order martial arts. The family, the martial arts collection."

"Lord Blood Demon Blade doesn't like these things, but it's cheaper for us." Ye Tian smiled.

"Well, with these martial arts, my Yang family can also develop into a big family." Yang Shaohua said excitedly. Although he is a genius, their Yang family's momentum in the Great Song Dynasty is not great, and it can't compare to Broken Dragon City. Zhou's house.

However, with these martial skills, any family can develop rapidly.

What is a warrior?

The foundation of a martial artist is martial skills. With enough powerful martial skills, why not worry about improving your strength.

Those big families and martial arts have been immortal for thousands of years because they have stored many martial arts. (First episode) Even if a strong person falls, there will be a strong person born later, so it will continue to multiply.

Take the Divine Star Gate as an example. Although the Great Elder's Funeral Sky has fallen, Ye Tian has grown up. After Ye Tian leaves the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea, other geniuses will be born.

The reason for this is because the Divine Star Gate has countless martial arts, countless resources, countless teachers, and they are able to cultivate geniuses and ensure their inheritance.

"With these martial arts and the great foundation of Beixue County, a few hundred years later, our Ye family can also become a big family of the Great Yan Nation." Ye Tian was also full of excitement.

Over the years, although he has acquired a lot of martial arts, most of them are high-level martial arts, which are not suitable for the people of the Ye Family to practice, and many of them are martial arts of the Star Gate, which cannot be passed on to the Ye Family casually.

Therefore, at present, what Ye Family lacks most is these low-level Huang-level and Xuan-level martial arts.

With these martial skills of the Blood Demon Sword Master, Ye Tian was able to solve his urgent need. After he returned from the Nine Heavens Palace, he could spend some time improving the strength of the Ye Family.

"Brother Ye, here are paper and pens. We will copy these martial arts by hand and divide them equally." Yang Shaohua said.

Ye Tian saw that Yang Shaohua had already picked up a pen and was copying martial arts. Only then did he realize that this was a study room, which should be used by the Blood Demon Sword Master to rest and read.

"There are hundreds of martial arts here. Just two of us copy them. When do we want to copy?" Ye Tian frowned upon hearing this.

Indeed, martial skill is different from the blood demon knife, there is only one blood demon knife, which cannot be divided equally, but the martial skill can be copied into several copies, and you can divide as much as you want.

"Brother Ye, we only need to copy these three local martial arts, and the rest of the martial arts will be copied by the Zhou family after we return to Broken Dragon City." Yang Shaohua smiled.

Ye Tian understood that Yang Shaohua did this to make them both at ease, after all, the martial arts of the ground rank were the most precious. As long as the ground-level martial arts are allocated well, the remaining martial arts, the two of them are not afraid to use each other.

Ye Tian was very satisfied with this. He nodded and said, "Good idea! But, Brother Yang, after I leave here, I will go to the Nine Heavens Palace. After copying these martial arts, I hope Brother Yang can give me one. Go to the city lord's mansion in Beixue County, Great Yan Country."

"So...that's really a pity, I still want to go to Broken Dragon City with Brother Ye to have a happy drink, it seems that I don't have this chance." Yang Shaohua was a little disappointed when he heard this.

"Hehe, Brother Yang must also go to the Nine Heavens Palace, we will meet again sooner or later." Ye Tian smiled.

"Yes, when I and Xiaoyun are married, we will go to Jiuxiao Tiangong, but it's a pity that Brother Ye can't drink this glass of wedding wine." Yang Shaohua smiled.

"Although you can't drink the wedding wine, my blessings will definitely be delivered. I wish Brother Yang and Miss Zhou grow old together and stay together forever." Ye Tian clasped his fist.

"Thanks for the good words, I will meet you in the Nine Heavens Palace in the future, and I will make up your glass of wedding wine." Yang Shaohua also clasped his fists and said.

"A word is final." Ye Tian nodded.

The two immediately copied these three martial arts, Ye Tian took the real copy, and the copy was collected by Yang Shaohua.

"That's it. Brother Yang will bring the remaining martial arts back to Broken Dragon City!" After copying the third-rank martial arts, Ye Tian did not agree to continue copying the dozens of profound martial arts. He believed that Yang Shaohua would not be a little too small. Xuanjie martial arts offended him.

"Just according to Brother Ye's words." Yang Shaohua smiled unavoidably when he heard the words. He naturally wouldn't offend Ye Tian for some profound martial skills. The reason why he said that was to show Ye Tian his sincerity.

The two swept the entire house, and only after they found nothing of value, they left together.

After returning to the hall, the two continued to look around and found a few more rooms, but they didn't get anything valuable.

Among these rooms, one was the secret room where the Blood Demon Sword Master practiced, it was empty and there was nothing.

There was also a messy room, full of blood stains, and there were traces of fighting. After entering, Ye Tian and Yang Shaohua almost became vomiting.

Finally, from some traces, Ye Tian and Yang Shaohua judged that this place was where the Blood Demon Sword Master raised the beast.

There should have been many fierce beasts in it, but after the food was consumed, these growing fierce beasts broke free from the cage because of their strength.

As the saying goes, one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers, let alone dozens or hundreds of fierce tigers, these fierce beasts immediately fight, and in the end the one-armed mantis beast of Wujun tenth rank is left.

After sweeping a few rooms, Ye Tian and Yang Shaohua came to the secret room where the Blood Demon Sword Master was practicing.

Although it is empty, there is a portrait hanging on the wall behind the secret room.

The portrait above is a middle-aged man with a **** magic knife on his back. He looks very handsome. His slightly cocked mouth, with a trace of evil, blood-red eyes, is staring at the incoming Ye Tian and Yang Shaohua.

"I don't know why, I always feel that this portrait is weird. Senior Blood Demon Sword Sovereign seems to be looking at us." Ye Tian looked at the portrait carefully and said inexplicably.

"I also have this feeling, as if what we are facing is not a portrait, but a real person like Senior Blood Demon Sword Sovereign." Yang Shaohua said with some palpitations as he looked at the portrait on the wall.

"Are we going to worship? How to say, we also got a lot of treasures." Ye Tian looked at Yang Shaohua, anyway, he was going to worship, after all, he not only got the blood devil sword, but also the blood devil way, if someone said He is not a disciple of the Blood Demon Sword Lord, I am afraid no one believes it.

"It should be bye bye!"

Yang Shaohua nodded when he heard the words, then stepped forward, bowed and bowed three salutes to the portrait hanging on the wall.

"The younger generation knows that their aptitude is dull, and I'm afraid they won't be able to enter the predecessor's Dharma eyes, so I would like to thank the senior for making encounters." Yang Shaohua finished speaking and stood up.

Seeing this, Ye Tian got up and knelt down to the portrait hanging on the wall.

"Brother Ye, you--" Yang Shaohua was shocked when he saw this, as he said that men have gold under their knees. In the mainland of China, warriors only kneel down and worship the elders of their parents, or masters and ancestors. In addition, for the other seniors, just bow and bow. He didn't expect that Ye Tian would give such a big gift to Lord Blood Demon Blade. This was entirely for the master.

Of course, this is because Yang Shaohua didn't know that Ye Tian had cultivated the blood demon way, otherwise he would not be so shocked.


Ye Tian not only knelt down, but also performed the ceremony of three kneeling and nine beatings ~ Yang Shaohua who looked aside was dumbfounded, and the whole person was stunned.

"Master, the disciple is fortunate to be inherited by the master. Regardless of whether the master recognizes the disciple or not, the master has great kindness to the disciple, and the disciple is grateful."

Ye Tian raised his head, looked at the portrait of Lord Blood Demon Blade, and said solemnly.

Over the years, he has been able to cross the Great Flame Nation and become the enemy of the younger generation. In addition to his martial arts talent, the Blood Demon Dao has helped him a lot.

This time he got the Blood Demon Sword of Lord Blood Demon Sword again, Ye Tian felt that no matter what, he should treat Sovereign Blood Demon Sword as a master, otherwise, he himself would be a little embarrassed.

In fact, there are also such rules in the mainland of China. Some seniors like to leave Dongfu and inheritance. Those who are lucky enough to get these things are the descendants of these seniors.

"Brother Ye!" Yang Shaohua on the side looked at Ye Tian suspiciously, as if thinking of something.

"Brother Yang, let's not tell you that, I have obtained the inheritance of the skills of the blood demon sword master a long time ago." Ye Tian turned his head to look at Yang Shaohua, and said this secret for the first time.

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