Seven World Martial God

Chapter 345: Hokkai Castle

"Tsk tsk, this time the ancestor of the Shenjianmen is dead, I am afraid that the strength of the Shenjianmen will plummet, and maybe he will be removed. [For more exciting novels, please visit]"

"Leave here first, although I am not afraid of them, but more trouble will also delay my time."

After putting away the black Valkyrie nails, Ye Tian groaned for a moment before heading north.

A few days later, some disciples of the Divine Arrow Gate found this place, looking at a large forest covered by ice, one by one was stunned and shocked.


When these Shenjianmen disciples saw the corpse of the ancestor of Shenjianmen, they were shocked and desperate.

Although Shenjianmen is powerful, but the foundation is still the ancestor of the half-step Wuwang level.

In these years, Shenjianmen has not offended people less, and those people are afraid of the ancestors of Shenjianmen before they dare to commit the crime.

Today, once the ancestor of the Shenjianmen dies, these former enemies will probably come to the door soon.

"Quickly, quickly transport the ancestor's body back. No one is allowed to say what happened today... No! Everyone present, the disciples below Wujun, gave me a closed-door practice. Starting today, I am not allowed to leave the sect. ."

After a while, an elder of the God Arrow Gate shouted, his eyes full of worry and anxiety.

This is the second elder of the Shenjianmen. Once the ancestor and the great elder of the Shenjianmen died, the whole Shenjianmen was what he said.


As time passed by, Ye Tian finally celebrated his 30th birthday.

Because of his strength, even though he was thirty years old, Ye Tian still looked like a teenager, very immature, only the breath that came out inadvertently made people feel palpitation.

"Wujun eighth level late!"

In the vast forest, beside a towering tree, a bonfire was rising. Ye Tian sat cross-legged beside him, slowly opened his eyes, and two bright lights shot out.

Chi Chi... The bonfire was beating, and a thigh of a one-eyed mermaid was roasted on it. The fragrance had spread all around, causing fierce beasts to roar.

Eight months have passed. During this time, Ye Tian, ​​relying on eating the flesh and blood of a one-eyed mermaid, and refining those 100 middle-grade spirit stones, finally made his cultivation reach the late stage of Wujun eighth level. .

Ye Tian was very satisfied with such progress.

"When I break through to the ninth level of Martial King, then even if I meet the half-step Martial King, I am sure that I will fight head-on." Ye Tian's eyes were brilliant, his face was confident, and his spirit was flying.

Although he didn't get Ten Thousand Years Ice Marrow this time, his gain was not small, even said it was very huge. (Starting)

Now, Ye Tian felt that he was already able to compete with the four great kings of the younger generation, and he was looking forward to the upcoming Battle of the Nine Heavens Palace.

"Squeak!" The treasure hunter stood on Ye Tian's shoulders, staring straight at the roasted leg above the campfire with both eyes, drooling.

Ye Tian smiled and tore a big piece of meat to it, and then the little guy ran aside for a big meal.

"Unfortunately, this half-step Wu Wang level flesh and blood has reached the limit for me, let's leave it to the people of the Ye family to eat!" Ye Tian also took a bite, although the energy in this piece of flesh and blood is still huge, but for him The improvement was so small that he couldn't help feeling disappointed.

The body of the one-eyed mermaid is very large, Ye Tian can't finish it at all, and most of it exists in the small world. It's a pity that this thing is useless to him, otherwise, after eating these, he might be promoted to the ninth rank of Wujun.

"It's time to go. The time since the opening of the Nine Heavens Palace is within these two years. There is not a lot of time. I have to get to Beihai City as soon as possible."

Ye Tian stared at the stars in the sky, squinting his eyes, his dark eyeballs bloomed with fiery light.

The Nine Heavens Palace, the Meeting of Winds and Clouds, the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea, and countless young powerhouses gathered. The eighteen superpowers on the top rankings, such as the Five Heavenly Pride and the Four Kings, will all appear in the Nine Heavens Palace.

This is the prosperous age of the young generation, and it is also the prosperous age of the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea. It is said that by then, the eighteen masters of the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea will directly watch the supreme battle in the Nine Heavens Palace through the treasure Xuan Tian Jing.

The purpose of this supreme battle is to select the strongest supreme of the young generation of the 18 North Sea countries.

In the past, although the four great kings looked down upon the heroes, and the five great arrogances were famous in the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea, the true supremacy has never appeared.

Because the true youth supreme can rely on his own power to suppress all young strong men, and can push his opponents horizontally in the Nine Heavens Palace, and no one can beat them.

The king ranked first among the four kings, although the strength is the strongest among the young generation, even he can't fight all the young talents on his own.

This is almost impossible.

Wanting one person to fight one hundred thousand or one million strong young men is a myth. It has never appeared in the history of the Eighteen Kingdoms in the North Sea.

However, even though the supreme has never appeared, the young powerhouses of the eighteen countries in the North Sea still work hard towards this goal and never give up.

Ye Tian is not a humble person, and he desires this supreme name very much in his heart. This name symbolizes the strongest and invincible, and no one can ignore it.

"Nine Heavens Palace!"

Ye Tian drank in a low voice, rising up into the sky and disappearing to the north.


The red sun slowly rises from the distant sea level, and the sky is shining brightly with a thousand purple rays. After that, the blazing light of the sun illuminates the entire world, and the eighteen kingdoms of the North Sea are bathed in warm sunlight.

And on that seashore, a huge city, like an ancient behemoth, lay down there, gazing at the rough sea.

This is Beihai City.

The Beihai City of the Great River Kingdom is very famous, because all the young and powerful who set out to go to Jiuxiao Tiangong will start from here, which can be said to be the port to the Jiuxiao Tiangong.

Not only that, if you want to leave the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea and go to the true mainland of China, you have to start from this Beihai City.

Therefore, Beihai City has a large population and martial artists are popular. There are countless powerful Wujun, just take two steps, maybe you will meet a Wujun strong.

Especially during the period when the Nine Heavens Palace was about to open, the entire Beihai City was overcrowded, and all the restaurants and inns were already full of people.

Even near Beihai City, warriors set up tents as temporary shelters.

"It's really lively!" Ye Tian stepped down into the sky and appeared at the gate of Beihai City. He was dressed in a purple star robe, dancing with the wind under the breeze, looking extraordinary.

At this time, there was a long line in front of this city gate, with hundreds of people waiting to enter the city.

It was the first time that Ye Tian saw such a lively city. There were so many people waiting to enter even the city gate, so the city might be even more crowded.

Ye Tian couldn't help but look forward to it. He needs to take a boat from Beihai City to Jiuxiao Tiangong, so he may have to stay here for a while.

Finally, it was Ye Tian's turn to enter the city, but it was already noon. Ye Tian was going to find a restaurant to have a glass of wine first, and by the way, take a look at the recent important news of the Eighteen Kingdoms in the North Sea.

Good guys!

As soon as he entered Beihai City, Ye Tian was stunned. He looked at the crowd coming and going with shock on his face.

There are too many warriors in Beihai City. The roads on the street are very crowded, almost shoulder to shoulder. Some warriors are shouting and telling the people in front to get out, but there are too many people.

In addition, groups of soldiers in black armor patrolled the crowd, their faces were very solemn.

There is no way, there are too many warriors who come to Beihai City, and these warriors are available in various countries. Maybe there are enemies of each other. If there is a battle, it would be unimaginable.

Therefore, during this period of time, Dajiang Country sent many soldiers to garrison this Beihai City.


Just as Ye Tian was feeling the crowds of Beihai City, huge energy fluctuations came from the sky. He quickly looked up, and the other martial artists around also looked towards the sky.

At this moment, from the city gate, there was a figure flying directly into the sky. He crossed the crowd on the street and flew towards the center of the city, his expression unrestrained.

"Who is this person? If you dare to fly in Beihai City, aren't you afraid that the patrol soldiers will shoot him down?" A warrior asked in surprise.

Ye Tian was also very surprised. Beihai City had regulations that even a strong man at the Wujun level could not fly at will, unless there was an amnesty order from the City Lord's Mansion.

"Huh... do you know who he is? He is the second-ranked Feixue Sword in our Dajiang Kingdom Supreme Rankings-Hu Tianhua. He has already received an amnesty from the City Lord's Mansion, so he can naturally fly." One is obviously Da Jiang. The warrior of the country said proudly.

When the surrounding warriors heard the words, their faces were suddenly shocked.

After all, this is the territory of Dajiang Nation. Since Hu Tianhua is the second strongest in Dajiang Nation's supreme list, it is not surprising that he received an amnesty from Beihai City City Lord's Mansion.

At the moment, everyone left one after another.

Ye Tian also retracted his gaze and walked forward.

"Amnesty? Interesting!" Ye Tian's eyes flashed brightly, and he smiled slightly. He didn't go too far and found a restaurant to enter at will.

The situation in the restaurant is the same as on the is already overcrowded.

A young second saw Ye Tian walk in, and originally wanted to send Ye Tian away. After all, the restaurant had already run out of seats. But when he saw Ye Tian's purple star robe, he felt awe-inspiring and his face was full of awe.

"The son, our restaurant is full. If the son wants to eat, I am afraid that he will have to fight for a seat with other people. I don't know what the son feels like?" Xiao Er said respectfully.

Although the restaurant is full, some tables have only one or two seats. If both guests agree, the restaurant will also arrange for them to sit together.

The situation in Beihai City is special, and the warriors who come here are also very bold. After all, most of them are the strong men of the younger generation, and they are happy to make friends with the strong from various countries, so outsiders are very welcome to sit with them.

No, Ye Tian just heard Xiao Er's introduction, and a rough voice came from the table beside him.

"This little brother, come and sit here. I invite you to have a drink."

This voice was very strong, and after his voice fell, the whole restaurant seemed to tremble.

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