Seven World Martial God

Chapter 349: Li Junhao

In front of the huge martial arts sacred stele, there was a lot of bustle and noise. (First issue) [First issue] A famous martial artist talked about the martial arts sacred monument. From time to time, someone stretched their hands on the martial arts sacred monument, and suddenly there was a flash of light, and white "colors" appeared on the martial arts monument.

"It's amazing. Just stretch your hand on it. This is similar to the mysterious wall of the test cultivation base." Ye Tian looked at the huge stone monument in front of him with surprise in his eyes, but he knew that the test cultivation base and combat effectiveness were tested. Are two different things.

The cultivation base is well tested, and sometimes it can be seen with the naked eye. After all, what kind of cultivation base has what kind of true essence level.

But the test of combat effectiveness is very difficult. After all, who knows what martial skills and secrets you have cultivated?

If you want to know a person's combat effectiveness, you must combine the person's comprehensive situation, and you must take martial arts, weapons, and everything else into consideration.

It is hard for Ye Tian to imagine that this stele has such a great ability to test the combat effectiveness of a warrior.

After watching for a while, Ye Tian found that some people showed a faint golden light on the stone tablet during the test, or there was a little golden light in the white light.

Ye Tian asked Luo Ganglie and his wife about this strange change.

"Ye Gongzi, ordinary people test, the stone tablet will only display white light or white "color", but if it is a real genius, then it will display golden light and gold "color". In addition, the stronger the talent, the "reveal" The golden light is more dazzling.” Luo Ganglie explained.

"I think that after Young Master Ye's test, she will definitely be golden." Hu Xueji said with a smile.

"So that's the case, I'll give it a try--" Ye Tian suddenly smiled when he heard the words, with a trace of expectation in his heart, he slowly stretched out his hand to the martial arts monument.


At this moment, a tyrannical aura fell from the sky and blasted towards the side of the martial arts monument.

People were shocked. It was so sudden that many people did not react at all.

Rumble... The square trembled, everyone turned their backs on their backs, and their hearts were terrified.


Standing next to the martial art monument, Ye Tian couldn't help but frowned. This powerful aura, very domineering, descended like a king, wanting everyone to surrender.

At this moment, except for Ye Tian, ​​everyone beside the martial arts monument, including Luo Ganglie and his wife, was shocked by this powerful momentum.

For a while, no one else could approach the entire martial arts monument.

"Hahaha... It's been a long time since I saw the martial arts monument, I don't know how many stars I have now?"

Just when everyone in the square was shocked, an overbearing laughter resounded throughout the square, making everyone feel buzzing in their ears. (Starting)

This is definitely a strong one, and everyone is shocked.

Some people stabilized their bodies and looked at the martial arts monument in shock, where besides Ye Tian, ​​there was a stranger.

This person is also a young man, wearing a golden "color" robe, holding his hands on his back, and standing proudly in front of the martial arts monument, looking at the world.

"It's him... Li Junhao, one of the five great arrogances!"

"Li Junhao of Great Wu!"

"This person has not yet gone to the Nine Heavens Palace, and is interested in running here to test combat effectiveness."

"The five great arrogances have not been tested for combat effectiveness for a long time. I wonder how this person's combat effectiveness is now?"


Among the crowd, there was a cry of exclamation immediately, followed by discussions. Obviously, someone recognized the person.

The five great arrogances are definitely the five people who have received much attention from the Eighteen Kingdoms in the North Sea. Li Junhao has been among the five great arrogances for many years. Although these people are low-key, his reputation is not weaker than the others.

Because, as long as he is still one of the five great arrogances, then he will always receive everyone's attention.

Take the king as an example. People have never seen the king since the last battle of the Nine Heavens Palace Supreme.

But no matter who it is, he cannot ignore this person, because he is the king.

"It's really arrogant!" Ye Tian was also looking at Li Junhao next to him. This is the second time he saw this person. When he saw him last time, his eyes were higher than the top, and he didn't even look at him. , I'm afraid it was the last battle between him and Wufeng, which caused this person to pay some attention.

"Hey, someone is blocking my momentum? Very good!"

With a slight surprise, Li Junhao soon discovered that there was a figure next to him. He was taken aback for a moment, and then he looked over with a smile indifferently.

"Boy, I have some strength, I can actually block my momentum impact, what is your name, which kingdom is it from?" Li Junhao asked condescendingly, looking down at Ye Tian, ​​his face full of arrogance.

Li Junhao obviously didn't recognize Ye Tian, ​​after all, he and Ye Tian had only one side, and he didn't pay attention to Ye Tian at all.

Although, I thought that Ye Tian and Wufeng's battle had attracted the attention of the five great arrogances. However, Ye Tian and Wufeng fought very fiercely at that time. They could only see the back, so they couldn't see clearly.

Although Li Junhao felt that Ye Tian's figure and face were a bit familiar, he never thought that the young man in front of him would be the big flame sword king Ye Tian who came from behind and made him very afraid.

"This kid is so powerful, he actually blocked the imposing impact of Li Junhao, one of the five great arrogances, I am afraid his strength is not weak."

"What's the matter? Li Junhao didn't try his best, otherwise, apart from the four kings and the other five princes, who can stop him."

"That kid is so lucky, he can be so close to Li Junhao, you see! They are talking, I really envy that kid."

"If you let me talk to Li Junhao, then I will become famous, hehe!"


The people around him talked a lot, and when they recognized Li Junhao, one of the five great arrogances, their previous dissatisfaction disappeared.

At this moment, everyone looked over expectantly, and they all wanted to know how far Li Junhao's combat effectiveness was now.

As for Ye Tian?

Except for Luo Ganglie and his wife, no one looked at him at all, after all, no one recognized him.

"The nameless, it's not worth mentioning!"

Facing Li Junhao's question, Ye Tian sneered in his heart and said lightly.

With his current strength, he really didn't put Li Junhao in his eyes, even though he had sensed that Li Junhao's cultivation had reached the ninth level of Martial Lord.

But what?

Sun Lingtian of Wujun's ninth level was not killed by him in the same way. Even at Wujun's tenth level, he could not kill him.


Li Junhao's pupils shrank slightly, and his eyes suddenly became cold. He didn't expect Ye Tian to be so uninterested. In his opinion, he asked Ye Tian's name, it was worthy of Ye Tian. In the past, when faced with such a situation, I am afraid that others would have saluted him respectfully and would like to confess the eighteenth generations of his ancestors.

This kid is so ignorant, huh!

Li Junhao snorted in his heart. Although he was very upset with Ye Tian's answer, he didn't care. After all, it is one of the five great arrogances, this kind of tolerance is still there.

"Boy, be optimistic, it is your honor to be able to witness me testing my combat effectiveness on the martial arts sacred monument." Li Junhao said proudly, and then ignored Ye Tian, ​​and walked in front of the martial arts sacred monument. Raised a palm.

As Li Junhao raised his palms, everyone around him looked forward with great anticipation.

At this time, no one looked at Ye Tian anymore, everyone was looking forward to Li Junhao's test.

"Huh!" With a cold snort in his heart, Ye Tian looked at Li Junhao who was about to test, the corners of his mouth slightly cocked, and a sneer appeared in his eyes.

Li Junhao is one of the five great arrogances. He is extremely powerful and tops the young generation of the eighteen countries in Beihai. He does have the strength of conceit and pride.

However, Li Junhao behaved the wrong object, because the one standing next to him was not someone else, but Ye Tian, ​​who personally killed one of the five great arrogances.

"Boy, look at it with wide eyes. I don't think you can forget this moment in your life."

Suddenly, Li Junhao roared, and the whole momentum exploded, like a cloud of sun, exuding fiery light.

Ye Tian squinted his eyes, and the moment he saw Li Junhao put his palm on the martial arts monument, the whole stone monument trembled suddenly, and it was as if an ancient mysterious power was awakened.

At this moment, Ye Tian's ears even heard a roar of a dragon, which made the soul tremble.


The dazzling golden "color" light, like a sun, exudes a dazzling light, illuminating the entire sky, making the "color" of the sun lose its color.

Li Junhao stood in front of the martial arts sacred stele, and his whole person also emitted a golden "color" light along with the martial arts sacred stele.

In the surrounding crowd, many women saw this scene, all exclaiming with excitement.

Others also "exposed" awe-inspiring "color", worthy of being one of the five great arrogances, Li Junhao's talent is too powerful.

"Fifth place: Li Junhao. Grade: Wujun. Combat power: ten stars."

As the golden light on the martial arts monument slowly dissipated, a line of gold "color" writing gleamed into everyone's eyes.

When they saw that Li Junhao's combat effectiveness was ten stars, everyone took a breath, which showed that Li Junhao's combat effectiveness was comparable to that of Wu Jun tenth level.

"Ten stars!"

Li Junhao naturally saw his own test results, his face flushed and he looked very satisfied.

However, when saw the four people above his ranking, Li Junhao's eyes flashed, and a kind of ambition rose in his heart.

"Four Kings... Hmph, one day, Li Junhao will become the Four Kings too!" Li Junhao is full of confidence, he feels that he has surpassed the other five great arrogances, and now he can really put it in his eyes only The four kings.

"Boy, did you see it?" Li Junhao turned his head to look at Ye Tian at this time, a smug "color" flashed across his arrogant face. Xindao: You dumbfounded, now you see how powerful Li Junhao is.

However, in Li Junhao's horrified gaze, Ye Tian glanced at him dismissively, walked straight beside him, and printed a palm on the martial arts monument.

"Boy, you..." Li Junhao was furious at once, and this kid actually dismissed him, which made him feel that his majesty had been provoked.

However, just when Li Junhao was about to teach Ye Tian, ​​a group of extremely blazing golden "color" light burst from the martial arts sacred stele and Ye Tian, ​​piercing everyone's eyes.

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