Seven World Martial God

Chapter 361: arrival

Mu Bingxue's strength was unexpectedly strong, and his combat experience was terrifying, which shocked people. 【First Release】(First Release)

In comparison, Zhu Hongming was a little aggrieved. He found that unless he broke out with all his strength, he was not Mu Bingxue's opponent at all.

But the problem is that Zhu Hongming can't pull this face down. After all, he is one of the five great arrogances. If he defeats Mu Bingxue with his cultivation base, he may not be able to do it no matter how thick the face is.

Thinking of this, Zhu Hongming gradually became a little embarrassed, and there was a trace of anxious "color" in his eyes. Is it possible that the reputation of the world will be destroyed today?

He couldn't help regretting agreeing to Ye Tian.

"Thirty thousand miles of ice!"

At this moment, a chill came.

"It's this trick again--" Zhu Hongming was shocked, and quickly prepared, his face was full of vigilance.

But suddenly, Zhu Hongming realized that this voice was a little special. It was not Mu Bingxue's voice, but the voice of a man-Ye Tian.


When Zhu Hongming was "confused", the extremely cold fist intent froze the sea in this area, and a huge iceberg rose from the ground and rushed into the sky, blocking Zhu Hongming and Mu Bingxue in front of them.

As a result, Zhu Hongming and Mu Bingxue could not continue to fight, so they had to retreat, standing in the distance, looking at Ye Tian who suddenly shot with doubts.

"Big Brother Ye?" Mu Bingxue frowned slightly. She felt that she was playing more and more refreshed. That kind of wonderful realm made her very excited and excited, so she didn't want to stop for a while, but she didn't expect Ye Tian to stop it. Suddenly, she was filled with doubts.

Although Zhu Hongming on the opposite side was also very suspicious, but he was relieved, because he knew that if he continued to fight, there were only two situations. One was that he was defeated, and the other was that he defeated Mu Bingxue by virtue of his cultivation. .

But no matter what the situation is, Zhu Hongming has no face to face, so this situation is the best now.

"Brother Zhu, your strength is really strong. Among the five great arrogances, you are probably the strongest. Let's end this battle. Why don't we go to the Nine Heavens Palace together?" Ye Tian said with a smile. .

Although Mu Bingxue was "confused" in her heart, she obeyed Ye Tian. He nodded towards Zhu Hongming and walked to Ye Tian's side.

Zhu Hongming was moved in his heart. Only then did he know that Ye Tian stopped fighting for his consideration and not to make him embarrassed. He was very grateful at the moment and clasped his fist and said: "Brother Ye has passed the award, my sister-in-law is amazing. Mou is definitely not an opponent. And with Brother Ye, how dare Zhu claim to be the top five arrogance?"

"Master Zhu is overwhelmed!" Mu Bingxue said modestly after hearing this. (Starting)

Ye Tian waved his hand and said with a smile: "Let's stop touting each other. Why don't we go on the road together and verify the martial arts while rushing?"

"Okay, it's Zhu's honor." Zhu Hongming smiled upon hearing the words, and then he waved his hand and a huge warship appeared on the sea.

"Brother Ye, please!" Zhu Hongming reached out and invited.


Ye Tian and Mu Bingxue followed.

This warship is very luxurious, and it's worse than Hu Tianhua's. A warship like this requires too much money, and even the rich can't build it because there is no such technology.

Only a prince of a country like Zhu Hongming can have such power.

Ye Tian couldn't help but sighed secretly, if one day he leaves the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea, he will have to have such a warship.

The North Sea is so vast that you can't fly all the time. There is a warship, which is convenient and easy.

Ye Tian looked with envy for a while.

"Brother Ye, come, I will toast you a glass."

"Brother Zhu, please!"


Soon after, the three of them sat on the bow of the boat and talked about each other, occasionally demonstrating their martial arts, and they all had great gains.

The three of them are all powerhouses at the ninth level of Wujun, and they are all overlords wherever they are placed, and they are even the pinnacle of existence among the younger generation.

Although Mu Bingxue was inferior in comparison, she gained a lot because she accidentally triggered that kind of magical state. Some of her insights far surpassed Ye Tian and Zhu Hongming, making them very surprised.

And Zhu Hongming has long been among the five great arrogances and has been famous for a long time. His own combat experience is naturally not bad, and he is definitely at the pinnacle of the young generation.

Needless to say, Ye Tian has been fighting continuously since the beginning of his cultivation, and he has always challenged one level higher, so his combat experience is not much worse than that of the four kings.

It can be said that the three of them possess unique skills, verifying the road of martial arts with each other, naturally they have gained a lot and are very satisfied.

After a discussion on martial arts, Zhu Hongming left. He has gained a lot today, and he needs to retreat for a while to learn and understand.

The remaining Ye Tian and Mu Bingxue looked at each other.

"Xue'er, how did you feel when you fought today?" Without Zhu Hongming, Ye Tian had no scruples, and directly asked the surprise in his heart.

Mu Bingxue had already expected it, and immediately shook his head when he heard the words: "Brother Ye, I also feel very strange...At that time, I really wanted to be immersed in a wonderful state. Every time I shot, I would do whatever I wanted, as if by instinct. , I don’t need to think at all, I just hit a perfect blow, and the more I hit it, the easier it will be... the state is like... it’s wonderful."

At the end, Mu Bingxue's cheeks were flushed, a little shameful.

Just now she wanted to say that that state seemed to be very beautiful when it reached its peak when doing something like Ye Tian.

Ye Tian heard this, and he didn't say a word for a long time. He pondered for a while before he said: "There is no doubt that this must be related to what Elder Hanbing did to you. If you think about it carefully, Elder Hanbing said something. what?"

"This..." Mu Bingxue fell into the memory after hearing this, and the scenes of encountering the old man Hanbing began to appear in her mind.

But after a while, Mu Bingxue said: "When I went to the Nine Heavens Palace with the fourth prince, I ran into the old man Frost Bing while passing through Cold Iceland. The first time he saw me, he laughed and said something. One hundred and eighty years, finally let him wait for the body of ice... Then, he killed the entire ship, wounded the fourth prince, and captured me to Han Iceland."

"Ice body?" Ye Tian's eyes lit up.

"When I was in Cold Iceland, I also heard him mention the body of ice again and again, as if saying that I have the body of ice, and the aphrodisiacs he fed me also had the effect of opening my body of ice. "Mu Bingxue said.

"The body of ice... In other words, Xue'er, your current changes are related to your physique, but what is this body of ice? Have you heard the old man of ice mention it?" Ye Tian asked .

"Yeah..." Mu Bingxue groaned, shook his head, and said, "I don't know, in the next few days, I have lost consciousness and don't remember what Old Man Hanbing said."

"It seems that this body of ice is very difficult. After I return to Great Yan Nation, I will ask the Lord of the Kingdom for advice." Ye Tian nodded and said.

Although a little surprised, at least for now, these changes are only good for Mu Bingxue, and Ye Tian is not worried.


The warship sailed at extreme speed, splashing waves on the sea, shining with crystal clear light.

Two or three months later, Ye Tian and the others discovered that there were more and more warships and practitioners along the way.

"The Nine Heavens Palace is not far ahead!" Zhu Hongming stood on the bow and pointed to the far front. Ye Tian looked around and suddenly saw a huge phantom floating in the sky, as if it were a sky. City.

"This is the first time Ye came to Jiuxiao Tiangong. I heard that Jiuxiao Tiangong is hidden in the sky. Usually there is only a huge sky square. Only when it is opened can you see the entrance of Jiuxiao Tiangong." Ye Tian sighed. Although the imperial palace of the Great Yan Kingdom also floats high in the sky, it is much smaller than the Nine Heavenly Palace.

With Ye Tian's current strength, it is not a problem to let a mansion float in the air, but the Nine Heavens Palace is extremely vast, and it seems to be another world, with an area larger than a kingdom.

To let such a huge ‘thing’ float up, the power required would be too terrifying, even a powerful man at the level of King Wu could not do it.

For a long time, the Nine Heavens Palace is the biggest legend of the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea, because nine out of ten of the eighteen kingdoms of the North Sea have gained the opportunity to be promoted to the King of Wu.

If there is no Nine Heavens Palace, I am afraid that the kings of the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea would be even rarer.

It seems to be the cradle of the martial arts of the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea. It has nurtured a powerful king of martial arts.


A huge wave rolled up from the bottom of the sea, seen from a distance, connected to the sky, flew into the clouds, and flowed to the huge land floating high in the sky.

This is where the Nine Heavens Palace is located.

At this time, warships docked here, and some newcomers watched this scene in shock.

Nine Heavens Palace, the oldest remains of the Eighteen Kingdoms in the North Sea, its origins can be traced back to ancient times. For this ancient relic, the warriors of the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea regarded it as a myth. They couldn't imagine what kind of era it was, how many powerful people came out in large numbers, and how many talents were peerless.

That was undoubtedly a great era that is desirable.

Time is like a knife, making all the eighteen countries of the North Sea vicissitudes of life. I don't know how much has changed.

But this Nine Heavens Palace has never changed. It was what it was like thousands of years ago, and it is the same now. Everything seems the same.

This is all the credit of the huge formation that enveloped the Nine Heavens Palace. This is a huge formation that even the king of Wu could not imagine. It covers the entire Nine Heavens Palace, resisting outside invasion and time. Swallowed.

The Nine Heavens Palace can be preserved to the present because of this huge formation.

When Ye Tian and the others rushed here, there were already many figures here, all of them powerhouses above Wujun, and they looked at a large area of ​​darkness and countless.

In addition to these young talents, there are also many old powerful people. Although they can't get in, they can wait for news outside and know the first-hand information in the Nine Heavens Palace for the first time.

The Supreme Battle of the Nine Heavens Palace, this is the prosperous age of the eighteen kingdoms in the North Sea. At this time, including the kings of the eighteen kingdoms, everyone is paying attention to this grand ceremony.

This is the peak moment of martial arts in the eighteen kingdoms of Beihai!

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