Seven World Martial God

Chapter 365: Fleeing

"Old man Frost, your strength is nothing more than that, it's really disappointing!" After the powerful domain impact, Ye Tian stared coldly at the old man Frost with a gloomy face on the opposite side, with a disdainful smile on his mouth. (Starting) (Starting)


Seeing that Ye Tian's strength is so powerful, there was a loud noise in the square below, and a series of surprised eyes scanned Ye Tian's body continuously. Each face was covered with shocked colors. .

"Damn little beast!" The old man cold ice gritted his teeth secretly. He didn't expect that Ye Tian also comprehended the cold ice field, and he was not much weaker than him. Although his cultivation level had declined, cold ice palm did not. , Is still the pinnacle of 40%.

But Old Man Han Bing didn't know that Ye Tian's Han Bing fist intent was also at a level of 45 percent, not much worse than him.

Coupled with Ye Tian's comprehension of the king's power, the two sides added together, and immediately became even with Old Man Frost's domain.

"The old man can't be defeated by this little beast!" The old man Hanbing looked at the startled gaze from below, and felt very embarrassed. If this was defeated to Ye Tian in full view, he would have to live in shame all his life. in.


The old man Hanbing roared, and the whole body's cold air soared. Amid the surging of his true essence, a huge ice sword was condensed by him, like a Changhong penetrating through the world, coming toward Ye Tiandong.

Seeing the old man Hanbing still not giving up his hands, Ye Tian narrowed his eyes, and a cold light bloomed in his eyes. He roared, and the majestic true essence suddenly emerged from the ten small worlds. It is like a torrent, surging and surging around.

"Thirty thousand miles of ice!"

Ye Tian roared, the unparalleled field of ice swept out, followed by an astonishing cold air, wherever it passed, the void was frozen, the air was frozen, and the world was frosty.

"Through the sky!" The old man Han Bing also roared, the vast energy exploded from his body, making the whole world tremble.

Both of them are half-step Wuwang level powerhouses, and this time their full shot was shocking and terrifying.


The huge ice sword descended from the sky, but stopped dozens of meters before Ye Tian, ​​because it was frozen by the cold.

"Kill the old man!" The old man cold ice roared, and his true essence exploded, abruptly causing the ice sword to advance again, tearing the surrounding ice.

"Boom--" Ye Tian's eyes condensed, and ten small worlds around his body burst out together. The terrifying true essence, like a flood that broke the embankment, filled the entire sky, trying to rush to the Ninth Heaven.


The old man cold ice's ice sword stopped at the foot of Ye Tian, ​​and finally couldn't make an inch. It was exploded by Ye Tian's fist and shattered between the world. (Starting)

"Damn it!" Seeing this scene, the old man Han Bing suddenly shrank his pupils, his face full of shock and anger. With a palm of his hand, he shoots out, if a giant mountain strikes, the terrifying energy "sway" between the heaven and the earth, exuding a terrifying aura, full of terrible oppression.

"Old Man Frost, are you already poor?" Ye Tian sneered, his backhand greeted him with a knife. Under the infusion of the true essence of his whole body, the blood magic knife burst out with a bright light, and directly flew a long shot. Hundreds of feet of blood "colored" sword light, tore the void, breaking the world.

"Damn—little beast, the old man is going to kill you!" The old man Hanbing was so angry that he waved his palms again and again, and the terrible cold air, as the ice field enveloped the world, frozen the void.

"Thirty thousand miles of ice!"

"Blood World Slash!"

Facing the madness of Old Man Frost, Ye Tian's mouth was taunting, but his heart was full of dignity. He held the Blood Demon Knife tightly, and slashed his blood and frozen 30,000 miles to the limit.

In an instant, countless blood "colors" cut across the sky, slashing the old man Frost. At the same time, the terrible cold air swept along Ye Tian's feet towards the old man with ice on the opposite side.

Looking from a distance, the two huge ice fields collided again. At the same time, countless ice giant palms pressed towards Ye Tian, ​​and countless **** swordsmen slashed towards the old man.

The battle scene of these two people is not inferior to Zhao Wu and the windless battle not far away. It is even more shocking and shocking.

"What a terrifying battle..."

"This is the strength of the four kings?"

"With them, when will we get ahead?"

"It seems that this session of the Jiuxiao Tiangong Supreme Battle is much more exciting than we thought."


The crowd watching the game kept exclaiming and excited.

Zhao Wu, Ye Tian, ​​No Wind, and Old Man Frost, these four are all half-step martial arts, their battles are very exciting, so many people are very addicted.

Some young strong men even learned a lot from the fighting of the four of them.

"Five-finger world, Ju Luotian!" The old man Han Bing roared, his five fingers upturned to the sky, and he shook his hand abruptly. The terrible power seemed to tear this world away.

Rumble... Suddenly, the sky "swayed" and the endless cold, like a majestic cloud, flooded towards Ye Tian.

"It's worthy of being a strong elder, there are indeed many methods, but unfortunately you are already old." Ye Tian sneered, he stomped his feet, and his whole body rose into the sky.

In the high air, Ye Tian raised the Blood Demon Knife and slashed straight down fiercely. The horrible light of the sword suddenly broke out from this powerful royal weapon, tearing the sky apart.


The sky and the earth quake, the sound is like thunder, sweeping through nine days.

Ye Tian's Blood Demon Knife smashed the endless cloud and mist abruptly, and the powerful force blasted the old man Frost away fiercely.

"Puff--" The old man Han Bing's face flushed, and he couldn't help spouting a mouthful of blood. Obviously the injury was serious. He stared at Ye Tian, ​​his face unwilling.

"If the old man had not been calculated by this kid, how could he have fallen to this point? It's really a tiger who was bullied by a dog!" The old man Han Bing roared, he bit the tip of his tongue, and a boiling blood was in his body. Burning, unleashing the power that makes this world terrifying.

"Are you going to work hard?" In the distance, Ye Tian frowned as he looked at the old man Frost Bing who suddenly exploded, and his heart suddenly became awe-inspiring, full of solemn "color".

The lean camel is bigger than the horse. After all, the old man Hanbing is a strong elder. He once reached the pinnacle and was "compelling" the realm of King Wu.

Even if the old man Frost had fallen back to his realm, and had fallen to the half-step of the early days of King Wu, he should not be underestimated. Who knew what forbidden methods he had hidden, he would definitely explode under desperate efforts.

Therefore, Ye Tian has always been vigilant. He doesn't want to become the second old man on ice because of his arrogance.


Sure enough, as the old man Frozen burned his essence and blood, an incomparable breath of terror rushed from him to the sky, sweeping the world.

The void trembles, Zhen Yuanhao "sway", a terrible shock wave, escaping towards the surroundings, causing the square below to shake.

"Little beast, go to death for the old man!"

The old man Hanbing yelled, and at this moment he was full of energy, as if he was on the top again, his palms were pressed down severely, and the surrounding void was shattered.

This blow was so powerful that even Wufeng and Zhao Wu who were fighting in the distance stopped and stayed away.

"Huh?" Ye Tian trembled, and he felt a trace of danger. This move was absolutely terrifying and could not be blocked.

Right now, Ye Tian didn't have time to think about it. The Nine Revolutions battle body broke out in an instant, turning his whole body into a golden "color", like a golden "color" God of War, towering in the sky.

At the same time, Ye Tian held up the Blood Demon Knife and displayed the three burial styles, a huge Tai Chi picture, almost materialized, appeared in front of him, and slammed into the repressive giant palm in the sky.


The giant palm is in the sky, unparalleled in power, like a skyscraper, it will wipe out all the world, full of terrifying power, and let out a frightening atmosphere.


The Taiji Tu was like a moth fighting the fire, and it greeted the giant palm. The terrifying power suddenly broke out from the giant palm and hit the Taiji Tu fiercely.

Rumble...The sky trembled constantly, and countless rays of light were so bright that everyone couldn't open their eyes.

Terrifying energy erupted from the giant palm, and smashed into each other fiercely.

At this moment, Tai Chi Tu's defenses were displayed to the extreme, and 70% of the impact was completely resolved, but in the end, the 30% of the strength caused Tai Chi Tu to collapse, and Yu Wei blasted towards Ye Tian.

"Is it just that?"

Feeling the giant palm weakened by 70% of the energy, Ye Tian's mouth was slightly raised, with a sneer in his eyes, he raised the Blood Demon Knife and rushed up.

"Tear it to me—Blood World Slash!" Ye Tian roared, a dazzling divine light burst into his dark eyes. He is like a **** of war, roaring up to the sky, shaking the sky and the earth.

The huge giant palm was hit by Ye Tian in two strokes, and the terrible shock wave broke out in the sky and swept out in all directions.


The old man Hanbing was hit hard again, and his whole body was lifted out, blood spurting wildly.

"Little beast, you wait for the old man... until the old man recovers his strength, it is your death!" Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, the old man Han Bing ran away without looking back. He did not have the demeanor of an old man. Shocked the eyes of a group of people.

No one expected Old Man Hanbing to run away like this.

In the square, everyone was sluggish.

Even Wufeng and Zhao Wu were! "Ye Tian looked at the old Frost Bing who was running away, and did not chase him, because the opponent's strength is not much worse than him. If you want to kill the other party, you can't do it in a moment, and if you provoke the Frost Old Man, Who knows what else this old man has.

Ye Tian still feels a little worried about this elder powerhouse. He doesn't want to face the old man Hanbing now, and waits until he is promoted to the tenth rank of Martial King, or he is promoted to the half-step Martial King.

After thinking about it, Ye Tian put away the blood magic knife and stared at Zhao Wu not far away. His cold eyes were extremely sharp, like two blades.


Feeling Ye Tian's gaze, Zhao Wu's eyes condensed. This time he didn't underestimate Ye Tian. After all, Ye Tian had already proven his strength to everyone in the battle with Old Man Frost.

"Why? Want to do it with me?"

Zhao Wu looked at Ye Tian, ​​a hint of coldness appeared at the corner of his mouth.

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