Seven World Martial God

Chapter 367: Test talent

The huge mountain gate exudes blazing divine light, like an invisible shock wave, sweeping across the square, swallowing all the young talents in. (Starting) [Starting]

In an instant, the number of warriors in the entire square was reduced by four-fifths, and only some elder experts who were not qualified to enter were waiting for the results.

"I don't know how it turned out this time?"

"The supreme is too difficult to be born. Although the king is powerful, Wufeng, Zhao Wu, Gongsun Xuanxuan, and even Ye Tian, ​​all four of them have the strength of a half-step martial king. The king cannot be one enemy four. Five Great Tianjiao and other warriors."

"However, if someone really swept all the young strong men with one enemy ten thousand, it would indeed be regarded as the name of'Supreme'."

"Our Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea have been born for so many years, even the Blood Demon Sword Lord did not get the supreme name, and this generation is probably the same."

"The supreme is too difficult to be born. I am afraid that only a great age as vast as ancient times can be born such a genius."

"How do you think the martial arts monument in Beihai City was refined? It divides each realm into sixteen stars. This shows that in the ancient times, there were 16-star martial masters who were truly supreme. No enemies."

"The ancient times are too far away from us. We all saw it from some incomplete ancient books. In the ancient times, those geniuses who leapfrogged to kill the enemy were like eating and drinking. They didn't have the talent for leapfrogging to kill the enemy. They were all embarrassed to say themselves. A genius."

"Moreover, this kind of leapfrog killing of the enemy is not a smaller realm, but like the blood demon sword king, who can kill the king in the realm of martial arts, in our generation, such a heaven-defying martial king has not appeared for a long time. ."

"Ah...I don't know what happened in the ancient times. Many strong men disappeared, even some of the remaining martial arts, inner power and mental methods have disappeared, which made the martial arts of the eighteen countries of Beihai decline."


When a group of old and powerful people were talking about it in the square, Ye Tian and a group of young talents also safely descended inside the Nine Heavens Palace.

A long ladder was placed in front of Ye Tian and the others, and a huge round platform was connected above it.

There is a pillar on the round table, and a crystal ball is placed on the top of the pillar. Next to it is a white-haired old man with his hands on his back, smiling at the crowd under the stairs.

Surrounded by the endless bright starry sky, everyone seems to be in the universe, which is very mysterious and shocking.

"It's another...I don't know how many years have passed, the old man can't remember it, hey!" The white-haired old man swept across the crowd, his face full of vicissitudes, and the voice full of the passing of years directly sounded in everyone's hearts. [More exciting novels, please visit]

Everyone was suddenly awe-inspiring, knowing that this person's cultivation base was earth-shattering, and he was probably a top figure in the ancient times.

Ye Tian was secretly surprised when he saw that the white-haired old man was a phantom. Like the original Xuanye Martial God, it did not appear to be the main body. It is right to think about it. If such a strong man is here, what would it be? It's shocking.

The white-haired old man glanced at everyone carefully, his eyes gradually revealed a hint of joy, and said with a smile: "Yes, this year is much stronger than the previous one. I hope some of you will be able to worship Heavenly Palace, even if I can’t inherit my Nine Heavenly Palace, I can still become a named disciple.”

Named disciple?

Everyone looked at each other. You must know that these people are the outstanding young people of the eighteen kingdoms in the North Sea, and any one of them is a powerhouse at the martial level, and they are called geniuses when they cross the eighteen kingdoms in the North Sea.

Geniuses like them, whether in aristocratic family or sect, are the focus of cultivation.

But they are even very small to be called as registered disciples of the Nine Heavens Palace.

However, everyone is also very clear that being able to become a named disciple of Nine Heavens Palace is better than becoming the lord of a country.

Therefore, after the voice of the white-haired old man fell, many young talents were full of excitement, and their eyes were hot, staring at the crystal ball.

Some of these people have come to the Nine Heavens Palace for the first time, and they don't completely know about the Nine Heavens Palace. Even some newcomers have learned about the Nine Heavens Palace from the old powerful.

Therefore, without waiting for the gray-haired old man to explain, everyone will know the magical effect of the crystal ball.

However, the white-haired old man explained to himself: "This talent ball, as the name suggests, can test your martial arts talents and bloodline talents. The way of heaven is to keep one for nine, so the talent is also divided into nine. Level. According to the regulations of our Nine Heavens Palace, only talents above level 7 are eligible to become a named disciple. Let's test them one by one. Just put your palm on it."

After speaking, the white-haired old man stood aside and looked at the group of young strong men below with an expectant smile.

However, the youths below were silent for a while.

"There are only nine levels in total, but the minimum requirement is seven. This Nine Heaven Palace is really strict in selecting disciples!" Ye Tian sighed secretly after hearing this.

Before coming, he naturally inquired about the information of the Nine Heavens Palace. As far as he knew, the Blood Demon Sword Sovereign, that is, his cheap master, only barely reached the seventh level in the test results.

It's just that the Blood Demon Sword Lord has a strong "sex" character. He doesn't like the quota of this named disciple, so he discarded it and didn't take it, which made many warriors of the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea full of regrets.

In addition, none of the four great kings and five great princes of this generation has reached level seven, even the most talented king is only a level six talent.

Therefore, after the voice of the white-haired old man fell, many young talents did not move. They all know their talents. Instead of going up and seeking shame, it is better to stay honestly, and after passing this level, look for other opportunities.

Moreover, in this session, many young talents have already tested, so there is no need to test again.

Of course, it cannot be said that everyone is not interested in this test. At least the newcomer young talents are curious and eager to try.

"I'll try it!"

With a loud shout, a figure rushed to the round platform.

This is a yellow-clothed youth, very young, not much older than Ye Tian, ​​and his cultivation is at the fifth level of Wujun.

"This is my first visit to Jiuxiao Tiangong, and I am a little curious about this thing. If the test result is low later, don't laugh at me!"

The yellow-clothed youth looked a little bit ashamed, looked at the white-haired old man next to him nervously, and then slowly placed his right hand on the crystal ball.

Below, everyone also watched with interest. Although he didn't think this young man could meet the requirements, he was idle anyway, and it didn't hurt to watch the excitement.


As the yellow-clothed youth placed his palm on the crystal ball, a dazzling white light burst out from it, emitting a fiery light.

"Third-level talent, unqualified!" The white-haired old man on the side suddenly shook his head and sighed.

"Only level three?"

Hearing this, the yellow-clothed youth suddenly closed his head, his face full of disappointment.

He is indeed very young, only forty years old, and he already has the fifth level of Wujun. His talent is indeed extraordinary, but he did not expect to only reach the third level.

"Boy, don't sigh, do you know that most of us have only one or two talents!" Someone yelled jealously after seeing the disappointed expression of the yellow-clothed youth.

"I didn't expect this kid to have a level three talent. You must know that the talent of the five great arrogances is only level four."

"This kid has a limitless future. Even if he can't become the five great talents, he is also a top powerhouse."

The following warriors talked a lot, looking at the yellow-clothed youth a little differently.

Hearing this, the yellow-clothed youth was stunned. He didn't expect that his talent at Level 3 was appreciated by everyone. Whether he was young after all, he immediately became happy, and he never felt disappointed.

"Lee also come to try!" Another newcomer went up to test.

"Innate talent, unqualified!" The white-haired old man shook his head and sighed.

"I'll try!"

"The talent is level one, unqualified!"

"I come!"

"Level 2 talent, unqualified!"

"I come……"


As some people went up, they mobilized the enthusiasm of others, and more and more people began to take the test, but most of the talents only reached one or two levels and were unqualified.

The warriors who happily went up to the test with anticipation, finally walked down with disappointment.

"Ye Tian, ​​your talent is known as the first person of our generation. You can't even compare to the king of the year. Maybe you have a chance to reach level 7." At this moment, Li Lanshan said from the side.

His voice is not loud, but those who can come here are all powerful people at the level of Martial Lord, so everyone heard it and looked over.

I have to say that Ye Tian's current popularity is second only to the five great arrogances.

Moreover, Ye Tian was the first time to come to the Nine Heavens Palace, so everyone was curious about his talent.

Some caring people even know that Ye Tian is not very young, but his achievements are already comparable to those of the Four Kings. This talent is definitely far superior to the power of his generation. It is not impossible to say that he is the first.

Therefore, everyone including the five great arrogances looked at Ye Tian expectantly.

" Ye, just go up and have a try. To be honest, I am also looking forward to your talent level." Not long after, Wu Feng also said with a smile.

Among the Four Great Kings, Wufeng and Ye Tian are somewhat familiar, plus the fact that Wufeng helped him resist the old man and Zhao Wu before, so Ye Tian still has a good impression of him.

Unlike others, Wufeng is one of the four great kings. As soon as his voice came out, Gong Sun Xuanxuan who was aside immediately attracted a look.

"It turns out that this young man is the most famous Big Flame Sword King recently, but Xuan Xuan has missed it." Gongsun Xuan Xuan said with a smile toward Ye Tian.

Ye Tianchao nodded her head, as a greeting.

Not far away, the king and Zhao Wu also looked over, the king's expression "come" indifferently, and he scanned Ye Tian with a scrutinizing gaze.

Zhao Wu's face turned a little gloomy. He only now knew that this person turned out to be the famous Great Flame Sword King recently. Although he was not afraid of Ye Tian, ​​he was still a little afraid of Ye Tian in his heart.

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