Seven World Martial God

Chapter 370: Valley of the Storm

On the vast and boundless ground, the calm scene was instantly broken by huge beasts. (Starter) The breath of killing in {first game} immediately filled the entire space, a **** and cruel one.

Ye Tian tore through the huge fierce beast with a knife, and his whole body rose into the sky, looking down at the scene below in mid-air, frowning slightly.

"These fierce beasts..." Ye Tian whispered, his face solemn.

These fierce beasts are all of the rank of Martial King and above, and can hide their aura, so that he, a strong man who is comparable to the half-step Martial King, has not found it, I have to say it is very strange.

"Huh? No! These fierce beasts are not hiding their breath, but they combine their own breath with the breath of this space, so I can't tell them apart."

Suddenly, Ye Tian's eyes flashed, and he saw the mystery.

I saw that the young strong men who suddenly came not far away were all attacked by huge beasts, and no one had noticed beforehand.

Moreover, Ye Tian obviously saw that many of them came out of the vigilant "color" as soon as they came in, but in the end they suffered a surprise attack. No matter how vigilant and careful, it was useless.

"These are my second visits to Jiuxiao Tiangong. They must be aware of the situation here, so they stay vigilant in advance, but unfortunately their vigilance is useless for these fierce beasts."

Ye Tian thought to himself.


While Ye Tian was meditating, another fierce beast took off and killed Ye Tian in midair with one blow. It was strong and domineering, full of killing.

"Roar—" This fierce beast opened its huge mouth, full of fangs, and gleamed with dignified cold light. Its fierce scorpion stared at Ye Tian, ​​with a fierce face and drooling.

"Humph!" Ye Tian snorted coldly, his eyes flashed, and the mysterious iron sword in his hand had already spit out a fiery blade, splitting the fierce beast in half.

Afterwards, Ye Tian swept all the way, the blade light was blazing, and all the beasts fell wherever he passed, and the beasts in this place were swept away.

"Thank you Great Flame Sword King for your help!"

"Thank you Great Flame Sword King for your help!"


The warriors who were rescued by Ye Tian clasped their fists and thanked them one by one.

Ye Tian nodded calmly, but then his face suddenly changed. He saw the ground trembling. It was the sound of fierce beasts burrowing out of the ground.

"Hurry up!" Ye Tian shouted loudly, and took the lead to move away.

The other strong young men were not idiots, and hurriedly followed.


But after a while, there was a boil in this place, and countless fierce beasts broke through the ground, with a terrifying breath. [First episode] They looked up at the sky and roared loudly. The scarlet eyes were full of bloodthirsty aura.

However, they looked at the direction in which Ye Tian and others fled, a faint fright flashed in their eyes, and did not catch up, but reluctantly got into the ground.



"What a strong heaven and earth aura, one day of cultivating here is comparable to ten days of cultivating outside. It is no wonder that the young powerhouses who entered the Nine Heavens Palace have increased a lot of cultivation."

Seeing those fierce beasts no longer chasing, Ye Tian sighed in relief, he took a deep breath, and suddenly felt a strong spirit of heaven and earth, shocked in his heart.

"It's really a treasure place, not to mention the hidden treasures here, just being able to cultivate here can make me a lot." Ye Tian was a little surprised, but also a little regretful.

Because there is a time limit to enter the Nine Heavens Palace, after a year, the Nine Heavens Palace will be closed again, and everyone will be kicked out.

Therefore, Ye Tian and the others stayed here for only one year, and the young and powerful people who came here were all for their treasures, so naturally they would not waste time on cultivation.

Even if Ye Tianming knew that one year of cultivation here would allow him to be promoted to the tenth rank of Martial Lord, but he would not stop practicing, but decided to look for the treasures in it and strive for the affirmation of the Tai Chi Holy Palace.

Every strong young man is ambitious. Once he is affirmed by the holy palace, there are countless exercises and martial arts, and it is not a problem to become a king or emperor.

"Before the great elder is dying, let me visit the Jiuxiao Tiangong anyway. This is the Taiji Holy Palace. Maybe the great elder's funeral ceremony was found here."

Ye Tian suddenly heard the elder's explanation before his death, and combined with the name of the Tai Chi Holy Palace, he suddenly had some guesses in his heart.

Funeral Three Forms... Such a powerful martial arts cannot be created by the Great Elder, but the Great Elder obtained it by chance here. Unfortunately, he only got the Three Forms.

But these three styles have already made the Great Elder become an invincible Wujun, famous in the Eighteen Kingdoms of Beihai.

It is conceivable that the following moves are probably even more powerful.

After thinking about it, Ye Tian's heart was suddenly full of expectations, and he looked around with some excitement.

After some escaping, they came to a large canyon, surrounded by high mountains and a jungle. Only the two walls of this sloping valley contained caves.

"I don't know why, in the surrounding jungle, I feel terrified and terrifying!" Ye Tian took a deep look at the surrounding jungle, and his heart trembled. He has a strong directness. If he stepped into these forests, he would die tragically in an instant. The only safe place was the Grand Canyon in front of him.

Huh huh!

At this time, dozens of warriors behind also caught up.

"The Great Flame Sword King!"

"Young Master Ye!"

Everyone clasped their fists and saluted, whether it was Ye Tian's strength or Ye Tian's behavior in helping them just now, they deserve their respect.

Ye Tian didn't have any arrogance, and he nodded in return.

At the same time, Ye Tian also took the opportunity to ask some of the'old men' who had been to the Nine Heavens Palace and asked, "Do you know what is hidden in these jungles?"

Although he felt terrified in his heart, Ye Tian was still a little curious about these jungles.

However, to his disappointment, these ‘old men’ shook their heads.

"Young Master Ye, in fact, a long time ago, some people stepped into these jungles without giving up, but without exception, they never came out again alive." One of them explained.

Ye Tian suddenly felt horrified in his heart, as he felt, the jungles were very scary.

Suddenly, a young strong man's eyes lit up and he quickly said: "The Great Flame Sword King, in fact, the Blood Demon Sword Sovereign had also approached these jungles back then, but according to records, he spurted blood suddenly at a distance of 100 meters from the jungle. He fled back without looking back. This caused a lot of shock at the time, but Lord Blood Demon Blade didn't explain anything, so we didn't know the secrets in these jungles."


Ye Tian was moved when he heard this. He didn't expect his cheap master to have such a history, but after thinking about it carefully, with his master's fierce "sex" personality, it is not impossible to do such a thing.

"I don't know what great horror Master saw back then, I have to ask if I have a chance." Ye Tian thought secretly.

"Brother Ye, the only way we have now is this oblique valley in front of us. Have you seen those caves on the mountain wall? In fact, they are all roads leading to the Tai Chi Sacred Palace. "Acupoint", the greater the opportunities contained in it. If possible, you'd better sprint with all your strength, don't hide your strength here, otherwise you will regret it." A young strong man reminded at this time.

Ye Tian looked at the Grand Canyon not far away, and on the rock walls in it, he did see many caves, emitting a hazy light.

On the opposite side of the Grand Canyon, there is a golden portal, exuding fiery golden light, which is very dazzling and dazzling.

"Sprint? Is this gorge difficult to pass?" Ye Tian asked in surprise.

Because this canyon is very calm, there is no breath of fierce beasts, and it is clear at a glance, it is difficult for Ye Tian to imagine any danger in it.

"Brother Ye, this is called Gale Valley, there is usually no wind at all, but if someone steps into it, it will be raging, and it is difficult for ordinary martial princes to move forward in it." Someone explained.

Later, someone said: "For me, you can go to the third hole at most, and you can't move forward half a step."

Ye Tian was suddenly startled, because he saw that the speaking person's cultivation was at the sixth level of Martial Lord. With such strength, he could only go to the third hole.

You know, there are totally eighty-one caves in this grand canyon, and Wujun's sixth-level cultivation base can only go to the third one?

Ye Tian suddenly knew that this gorge was not easy.

"In ancient times, someone should have rushed to the last cave "Acupoint". It is said that you can go directly to the Taiji Palace to get the inheritance." Someone sighed.

"Great Flame Sword King, I have the worst strength, so I have to go one step ahead." Not long after, a young man with only Wujun level 3 in his cultivation rushed towards the Grand Canyon in front of him.

Ye Tian squinted his eyes and paid close attention to this gorge.

When the young man stepped into the Grand Canyon--


With a loud noise, a terrifying hurricane broke out in an instant, and it rushed straight from the front, like a boiling flood, swaying and flooding the entire Grand Canyon.

"Hiss--" Ye Tian outside the Gale Valley couldn't help taking a breath. He saw that the young strong man only rushed to the first hole "acupuncture", so he couldn't move forward anymore and could only enter this first one. cave".

"What a terrifying hurricane, wave after wave, so that the warrior in it has no time to rest for a moment. If I don't go all out, I'm afraid I won't be able to rush far." Ye Tian suddenly felt awe-inspiring. A strong young man reminded him well that he must go all out here, and he must not hide a trace of strength.

"The more forward the "hole", the greater the hidden opportunity, the strength, and the farthest it will naturally be."

Ye Tian has sharp His eyes are bright, staring at the caves on both sides of the Gale Valley.

"Great Flame Sword King, I'm going one step ahead too, goodbye!"

"Young Master Ye, thank you very much this time. If you have a chance in the future, I will definitely invite you to drink."

"Great Flame Sword King, take care!"

In a moment, a strong young man rushed towards the Valley of the Storm.

Ye Tian took a closer look. Even one of the strong men whose cultivation has reached the seventh level of Wujun can only rush to the fifth cave "acupoint". 』It stopped.

"Look where my limit is?"

When everyone left, Ye Tian's eyes flashed brightly, and a **** magic knife, exuding a terrifying breath, appeared in his hand.

Later, Ye Tian stepped into the Gale Valley.

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