Seven World Martial God

Chapter 373: change of weather

"Long live the beast god!"

"Long live the beast god!"


The dark night sky was suddenly shattered by a loud sound, and countless shouts went straight into the sky and shattered the sky. 【First Issue】{First Issue}

On this earth shrouded in darkness, countless figures lay prone on the ground, bowing to an altar in front, calling out long live.

On the tall altar, there was a gray figure standing at this time, his whole body was covered in gray robe, only one head was left outside.

"Second Elder!" If Ye Tian was here, he would recognize that this person was the second elder who betrayed the God Star Gate.

To be precise, this is the leader of the Beast God Cult. The second elder at the time was just one of the nine clones of the Beast God Cult.

This is the main body of the Beast God Sect.

On the altar, in addition to the leader of the Beast God Sect, there is a **** heart that is beating rapidly, full of magical power, filling the entire space.

Below, all the followers of the Beast God Cult were looking at the heart on the altar with scorching eyes, and their eyes were full of awe and fanaticism.

That's right, this **** heart is exactly the one that Ye Tian found in Xiongwu County.

"My child, it's been more than thirty years. Today, you can finally be born." The leader of the Beast God Sect looked at the **** heart in front of him kindly, and said softly.

It is hard to imagine that the leader of the Beast God Sect would have such a scene.

Below the altar, the ten Beast God Sect warlords watched this scene in surprise, secretly wondering "Confused" in their hearts. Although they knew the preciousness of this **** heart for a long time, what was the purpose of it was always Not sure.

Today is the big day of the Beast God Sect, and all mysteries will be revealed today.

The leader of the Beast God Sect carefully held up the **** heart, and then his figure flashed and disappeared into the sight of everyone.

On the dark earth, countless Beast God Cultists were waiting, and time slowly passed...


Suddenly, someone felt a tremor in the earthquake, thinking it was an illusion.

Rumble...This is not an illusion, because the earth really trembled, as if an earthquake, trembling violently, as if something rushed out of the ground.

"What's the matter?" The ten warlords of the Beast God Sect changed their appearances together, and they all felt a terrible power, awakening below the ground.

"Could it be..." One of the kings suddenly shrank, as if thinking of something.

At this moment--


A sudden thunder fell in the sky.

Afterwards, the dark land boiled completely, and a huge monster the size of a mountain rushed out of the surface. It opened a huge mouth of blood and roared towards the moon in the sky. 【First Release】


This is a flood dragon, a complete flood dragon. What's more peculiar is that it has five claws, which means that this flood dragon is the king of the flood dragon family-the flood dragon king.

The Dragon King has extraordinary talents, once he reaches the level of the Martial King once he reaches adulthood, he doesn't need any training at all.

And some powerful dragon kings can reach the level of Emperor Wu, and some even reach the level of Emperor Wu.

The Flood Dragon King in front of me didn't know what level it was. As soon as it appeared, it released a terrifying aura, which made it impossible for countless Beast God Cultists to stand up and could only lie on the ground.

Even the ten most powerful warlords of the Beast God Sect were trembling and shocked at this time.

"It turns out that the preparation of the leader over the years is for it!" The ten war kings were shocked.


The horrible breath of the Dragon King immediately spread out, covering the entire land, and the terrifying fierce might immediately swept the entire Great Yan Nation.

This night, doomed to sleepless.


Imperial capital!

Inside a palace in the imperial palace, the Lord of the Great Yan Kingdom suddenly opened his eyes, his bright eyes staring at the direction of King Flood Dragon.

"Is it finally going to start?...Puff!" The Lord of the Great Yan Kingdom spouted a mouthful of blood. He looked down at his waist. The black evil energy had extended to his heart.

"My days are not far away... burial day... old friend... we should meet."

The leader of the Great Yan country sighed.


Golden light "shot", a mighty figure suddenly descended in front of the palace. The blazing golden "color" light, like the sun in the sky, illuminates the entire palace.

"King Shenwu!" The Lord of the Great Yan Kingdom raised his head and looked at King Shenwu who was kneeling in front of the door.

"Lord of the country!" King Shenwu stood up, with worried and questioning eyes, he looked deeply at the country lord of Great Yan above.

"Oh!" The Lord of the Great Yan Kingdom sighed softly, but his gaze immediately became firm.

"All the plans are carried out immediately... Besides, you personally go to Beixue County and take away all of Ye Tian's family!" The Lord of the Great Yan Kingdom ordered.

"Yes!" King Shenwu took the order to retreat, his face that had been motionless like a mountain was full of dignity and worry at this time.

"This day... is going to change!"

...Xiongwu County.

In Beast King City, in an ordinary room, Yu Lao squirted out blood suddenly, dyed the crystal ball in front of him red, and his face suddenly paled.

"I can't see through...why? Ye Tian can't see through, and he can't see through. Why on earth is this?"

"Is it really impossible to stop this?"


Old Yu had a miserable face, and his deep eyes were full of worry and despair.


North Snow County.

In a room of the City Lord's Mansion, the Third Elder suddenly opened his eyes, he stretched out his palm, and the light flashed, and a crystal ball suddenly appeared.

The only difference is that this crystal ball, which was originally crystal clear, was now stained with a layer of blood, which was so sad and beautiful.

"Big fierce!"

The pupils of the three elders shrank.

"Traitor of Nine Heavens Palace, is your curse finally coming true?"

"Master, it seems that the disciple is coming to see you."

"Ye Tian... don't live up to my expectations!"

The three elders left a letter that was already prepared, and then quietly left the City Lord's Mansion.

Soon after, King Shenwu came, with the five elders, star elders, and Ye Tian's family, all disappeared, as if the world had evaporated.


North Sea.

At the bottom of a huge volcano, the Fire Dragon King suddenly opened his eyes. He raised his huge head and looked in the direction of Great Yan Nation, his pupils shrinking.

"Familiar, it's an evil aura, the king of my Flood Dragon clan has been desecrated, **** it!"

"Unfortunately, due to the oath, I cannot enter the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea, ah..."

The Fire Dragon King roared loudly, shaking the sea.


Nine Heavens Palace.

"Yun Temple!" After coming out of the palace, Ye Tian looked up at the door plaque. The two words on it made him a little bit grinning.

"Fortune Palace... Sure enough, the test here is air luck. It seems that my air luck is not bad. Although I didn't get the blood of the dragon dragon, I also got the Tai Chi martial charm."

Ye Tian was satisfied at this time.

For him, the most important thing is the sword meaning, especially the Taiji sword meaning and the killing sword meaning.

Before that, he had the Blood Demon Knife and the techniques taught by the Blood Demon Knife Sage, so he didn't worry that the killing sword intent would not progress.

However, the slow progress of Taiji Sword Intent made Ye Tian feel very depressed. After all, if you want to truly exert the power of the Three Forms of Funeral, you still have to look at the power of Tai Chi Sword Intent.

It's all right now. With 4 and a half of the Tai Chi sword intent, Ye Tian Zangtian's three-style defense has improved. I am afraid that the half-step Wu Wang who faces the peak is not afraid at this time.

Of course, this was just defensive power, and it didn't mean that Ye Tian had the strength to compete with the pinnacle half-step Wu Wang.

However, being able to have such strength at the ninth level of Martial Lord, he is also enough to look down upon the world.

Ye Tian immediately looked around. It turned out to be a mountain peak. He was now located halfway up the mountain, surrounded by mists and mists. On the top of the mountain not far away, there were still a magnificent palace.

"Huh! Who is that?" Suddenly, Ye Tian's eyes condensed, and he saw a figure in front of him.

This is a tall and burly middle-aged man, carrying a long knife on his back, facing Ye Tian with his back, standing in front of the steps not far away.

This step is the only way to the mountain.

"I can't even feel a breath. It's not a dead person, or my strength is far beyond me." Ye Tian trembled in his heart, he walked forward cautiously, and slowly said, "Pre...senior!"

If the opponent's strength really surpassed him, wouldn't it be a King of Martial Arts? Or Emperor Wu, or even Wu Zun.

The young strong who came in didn't have this kind of strength at all, so there was only one explanation, this person was from the Nine Heavens Palace.

"Are there still local residents in the Nine Heavens Palace?" Ye Tian was very puzzled.

at this time--

The figure in front finally moved, as if awakening from thousands of years of deep sleep, he slowly turned his head, a pair of green eyes suddenly made Ye Tian feel his body tremble.


A strong momentum made Ye Tian snorted, and stopped after several hundred steps.

This is because the other party quickly put away his momentum, otherwise, Ye Tian would have sat on the ground.

"Senior..." Ye Tian looked at the figure in front of him in amazement, the green eyes? Oh my god, who the **** is this?

A calm person like Ye Tian is a little flustered at this time, is this really a human?

Just as Ye Tian thought about it, the person opposite finally spoke.

"Junior, newcomer? Haha, it's been a long time since a newcomer has come to Yundian...13 thousand years ago, remember when that kid came..."

This person is very weird, he can't stop talking without stopping.

Ye Tian didn't have a chance to "interrupt" at all, so he looked at him blankly and said.

"For more than 13,000 years... This senior has lived for so long? Impossible..." Listening to this senior's Ye Tian trembled secretly in his heart, knowing that even Wangqiang Wu Those who can only live for a thousand years at most.

From some ancient books, Ye Tian learned that the life limit of a Wujun level expert is 500 years. There has never been a Martial Lord able to live to be over five hundred years old, not even the Invincible Martial Lord or the Heaven-defying Martial Lord.

The life span of King Wu will be doubled, the limit is a thousand years. Emperor Wu doubled once again and was two thousand years old.

The same was true for Emperor Wu and Wu Zun, who were four thousand years old and eight thousand years old respectively.

Wu Sheng's limit is 16,000 years old.

Only by becoming a Valkyrie can you be immortal and live in harmony with the sky. As long as this world exists, the Valkyrie will not die unless it is killed.

The predecessor in front of him lived at least ten thousand years old, wouldn't it be a martial sage?

Ye Tian was suddenly shocked.

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