Seven World Martial God

Chapter 379: 1 up

As the holy bell of the Nine Heavens Palace rang, the long-awaited Supreme War finally arrived. 【First Release】(First Release)

In the virtual world constructed by nine spiritual formations, nine huge ancient cities appeared on a vast land. The walls of these ancient cities are very tall, with formations guarding them, and you can see that they are easy to defend and difficult to attack.

"Tai Chi, Yin Yang, Shura, Ice, Xuanwu, Tianyi, Chong Ding, Bai Zhan, Mad Demon!"

The nine ancient cities represent the nine holy palaces.

However, the Ice City, which represents the Ice Palace, was empty at this time and withdrew from this supreme battle.

In this supreme battle, only the eight holy palaces actually participated.


Tai Chi City!

The light flashed, and Ye Tian suddenly felt his eyes light up. At this time, he appeared on a huge square.

Swish...When Ye Tian opened his eyes, he saw brilliance flashes around him, and then a strong young man appeared.

"It's a bit like playing online games in the previous life... This is Tai Chi City!" Ye Tian looked around with interest. At this time, they were in the square of Tai Chi City.

In the center of the square, there is a flagpole, the flag on it has not been raised.

Ye Tian narrowed his eyes and took a deep look at the flagpole. He knew that only the city lord of Tai Chi City, who controlled the city lord's Great Seal, could raise the flag.

"Ye Tian!"

"Young Master Ye!"

"Brother Ye..."

Just as Ye Tian was looking at the flagpole, several young martial artists around suddenly saw Ye Tian, ​​their eyes lit up, and they walked towards him.

"Huh? It's you!" Ye Tian looked at the people coming, narrowed his eyes, and instantly recognized them. These people were all young warriors who had entered the Tai Chi Sacred Palace with him, and they were separated in Gale Valley.

"Young Master Ye, the supreme war has begun. Our Taiji City is your strongest, and you must be the city lord. You said, how should we fight this battle?" A young warrior looked at Ye Tian with admiring eyes. .

"This..." Ye Tian hesitated, was about to speak, but was interrupted by the ridicule from the side.

"Cut, who is your kid? Who do you say is the city lord? When the rest of us don't exist?" A cold-faced young man sneered. He didn't look at Ye Tian, ​​just talking to the previous one. The young warrior mocked.

The young warrior's face turned red, but he still argued: "It doesn't matter who I am, but Ye Gongzi's strength is well known. Let him be the city lord, and we are convinced."

"Yes, we are also convinced!"

"The strong is respected, so Master Ye should be the lord of the city!"

The dozens of young strong men who had been rescued by Ye Tian said in unison.

At this time, all the martial artists of the Tai Chi Holy Palace had arrived. Nearly 20,000 people appeared in this square together, making the place full of noise. (Starting)

However, Ye Tian's fame is obviously very big, so he immediately attracted everyone's attention, and many young and powerful people gathered around to watch.

The young man with a cold face saw Ye Tian's'many people and powerful people', and his eyes suddenly became a little jealous, but he still said, "The strength of the Great Flame Sword King is indeed stronger than me, but the lord of the city must have command. The ability of the city is not just about strength. Otherwise, he can attack the city alone. What use is it for us?"

After his refutation, dozens of people around Ye Tian didn't know what to say. Indeed, the Lord of One City looked at his commanding ability, not his own strength.

Unless Ye Tian's strength can sweep a city.

"Ma Wentao, you said Ye Gongzi can't be the lord of the city, then who is qualified? Is it possible to let you Ma Wentao be the lord of the city? Tell me, do you think Ma Wentao is qualified to be the lord of the city? Haha!" At this moment, a loud and bright The voice came from among the crowd.

Ye Tian and others looked back.

A dozen familiar figures walked out of the crowd, including Sun Yun, Zhang Hu, Li Lanshan, and Po Jun.

It was Zhang Hu who had just spoken. He communicated very extensively and recognized the cold-faced youth.

"Are you all in the Tai Chi Sacred Palace?" Ye Tian's eyes lit up and his face was full of joy. How can I say that I am happy to meet friends, and there are so many.

"Hey, we know that you must choose Taiji Sacred Palace, so we will follow. After all, when the Supreme Fight, there will be a response." Zhang Hu said with a smile.

Ye Tian was immediately moved. Because there were too many people at that time, he didn't notice which holy palace these friends had chosen. He didn't expect that they all chose Tai Chi holy palace.

"City Lord Ma, why are you not talking? Just like you are a bear, how do you command us to fight? Haha!" Sun Yun stepped forward at this time, looking at the cold-faced youth opposite with a mocking face.


"The surnamed horse is not at the fifth level of Wujun, and he dares to "intervene" in the battle for the city lord. It's really looking for death!"

The young strong men around sneered and ridiculed.

Ma Wentao immediately blushed with shame, and he glared at Zhang Hu and Sun Yun with very resentment, and then squeezed into the crowd dingyly, never daring to speak any more.


Yan Haotian arched his hands at the crowd at this time, his face serious.

Before Ye Tian grew up, Yan Haotian was the number one person on the Great Yan Nation's supreme list, and at the same time he had a martial king-level dad. Therefore, although his strength is not as good as the five great arrogances, he is also well known by everyone and has a great reputation.

At this time, seeing Yan Haotian speaking, everyone around him calmed down.

Yan Haotian looked around, glanced at everyone, and then said loudly: "My friends, Yan is a warrior of the Great Yan Nation, so I naturally recommend Brother Ye as the city lord of Taiji City. Of course, the warriors of the Great Yan Nation are also reasonable. , If someone thinks they can compete with Brother Ye for the seat of city lord, then please stand up and let us compete fairly, how?"

Ye Tian was a little touched when he heard this. Obviously these friends were trying to help him fight for the position of City Lord. Even from the beginning, I helped him, otherwise he wouldn't enter the Tai Chi Holy Palace together.

Listening to Yan Haotian's words, the surroundings were quiet, no one spoke, everyone looked at each other, but no one dared to come out.

Ye Tian's strength was achieved. Before entering the Nine Heavens Palace, he fought with the old man of Frost, and publicly demonstrated his powerful strength not to lose to the half-step Wu Wang.

Although Tai Chi City Lord may not need the strongest strength, but without strong strength, who would dare to compete with Ye Tian?

If there is one of the five great arrogances here, they can compete. But the problem is that compared with Yan Haotian, there are very few young strong people here, so how can they compete with Ye Tian?

However, although no one dared Ye Tian to fight for the position of City Lord, the people around did not vocally echo Yan Haotian, obviously many people were very unwilling.

Yan Haotian frowned and his face was a little ugly. He didn't expect that he had already understood very well, but these people still looked like this. Is it possible that they still want to compete with Ye Tian for the position of City Lord?

Sun Yun, Zhang Hu, Li Lanshan and others were also calm, their faces were very ugly.

Yan Haotian wanted to say more, but was held back by Ye Tian.

"Ye Tian..." Yan Haotian suddenly looked at Ye Tian suspiciously.

Ye Tian shook his head and said, "Let me come!"

"This...well!" Yan Haotian hesitated when he heard the words, but finally realized that it was Ye Tian who was vying for the position of City Lord after all, so he naturally wanted to speak.

At the moment, everyone watched Ye Tian walk to the center.

After that, Ye Tian climbed into the sky, carrying his hands on his back, like a god, looking down at the crowd below.

Everyone was also looking at Ye Tian, ​​with complicated thoughts. Some people supported Ye Tian, ​​some were dismissive, some did not care, some were a little cautious, and some were jealous. In short, there are people with all kinds of minds.

"You are all young talents from the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea. Each of you is a genius in your own country. So, I think you should all be sensible people." Ye Tian said lightly.

With the amplitude of Zhenyuan, Ye Tian's voice spread throughout the square.

Everyone was listening, without speaking.

"I admit that I want to be the supreme, but again, you will also get generous rewards. This is a win-win situation. If we delay this way, we will be eliminated immediately after the other city lord returns. Fall. At that time, I will certainly not be the supreme, and you will not get the rewards that you deserve."

As soon as Ye Tian said this, some people's faces in the crowd changed suddenly. Some people who didn't care or were cluttered started to talk in a low voice, thinking that they should support Ye Tian.

"With profit to lure it, Brother Ye is really amazing!" Li Lanshan's eyes lit up on the square and his face was full of admiration.

"Just benefit is not enough, this is the world of the strong, especially in the face of these self-righteous geniuses, you have to conquer them with great strength!" Po Jun said coldly.

Li Lanshan fell into contemplation upon hearing this.

Yan Haotian on the side looked at Po Jun with some surprise, and said with a smile: "Yes, just let Ye Tian do this. I think he will succeed."

As his voice fell.

In the sky, Ye Tian's body stepped up into the air and stood on the flagpole in the center of the square.

"I have said what I should say. From now on, anyone who wants to support me will stand behind me." Ye Tian looked down at the crowd, and his cold voice filled the entire square with a powerful force. .

Suddenly, everyone felt their bodies sank and was under tremendous pressure.

"The power of the king!"

Some young strong men were shocked and secretly surprised.

The others also took a breath, and only when they truly felt Ye Tian's strength could they know how powerful this Great Flame Sword King was.

Gradually, some people who originally supported Ye Tian began to walk behind Ye Tian.

The same goes for Yan Haotian and others.

There were also dozens of people who were rescued by Ye Tian.

There are also some grass on the wall, or some people who didn't care, all walked behind Ye Tian under the power of Ye Tian's king.

With the departure of this large group of people, the originally silent crowd began to discuss.

People are all the same Seeing so many people choose to support Ye Tian, ​​some people who were not firm at first also followed suit. Anyway, it is the same for them whoever is the lord of the city, they think they are not qualified to be the lord of the city.

After half an hour, there were more than 5,000 people behind Ye Tian.

However, in the square, there are still more than 10,000 people standing there, with no choice.

Ye Tian stepped down into the air at this time, and shouted coldly to the more than 10,000 people in front of him: "Since you don't want to support me, then use our martial artist's way to solve it, let's fight!"

"How to fight?" a strong young man shouted in the crowd opposite.

"You go together!"

Ye Tian took out the black iron sword, looked at the more than ten thousand people on the opposite side with a cold face, and a blazing divine light burst into his dark eyes.

There was an uproar in the square.

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