Seven World Martial God

Chapter 389: Defeated

"They chose to go heads-up. It seems that Brother Yan has guessed wrong. [Starter] [Starter]"

Not far away, Song Haoran, who led the army, entered Tai Chi City and said with a smile.

Originally, he brought people to assist Ye Tian in attacking Yin Yang City, but he never thought that Wu Feng would bring people to attack Tai Chi City. He hesitated for a long time, and finally came.

"I calculated from the perspective of the final victor, but the goal of the two of them is the supreme position. If they want to become the supreme, they have to face the best of the world sooner or later, so a fair fight is the most appropriate." Yan Haotian He smiled bitterly.

"I guess the victor among them will still fight a fair fight with the king and decide the ultimate victor." Li Lanshan said.

Everyone nodded, and then continued to watch the battle of the pinnacle in the sky.

Above the sky, the windless black hair danced "flurryly", hitting it with a punch. The domineering arrogance of Zhigangzhiyang, like a dragon, wrapped around his body. The terrible breath came out from his body, and it made him look like an invincible God of War.

Wufeng comprehends the two extreme martial arts will of Yin and Yang, and has studied deeply. Although the level of this fist technique is only the ground level, the power he exerts is close to the sky level.

Since ancient times, boxing should be strong, so Wufeng is also known as the Beihai boxing king. His fists are awe-inspiring to the strong.

Now, Ye Tian finally felt the power of this Beihai boxing champion. The violent and domineering arrogance made him horrified. He held the Blood Demon Sword in one hand and the Black Iron Sword in the other, performing the three burial styles. .


The huge Tai Chi picture was conceived and transformed into a yin and yang qi, wandering in the void, blocking the windless punch.


The two collided, bursting into bright light, and the entire sky was blazing.

The Tai Chi Tu trembled violently, as if it was about to collapse, but in the end it lost most of the windless fist power. The remaining residual power was shattered by Ye Tian with a single blow, making it vulnerable.

After that, Ye Tian took advantage of the momentum and exuded a thick murderous aura. A huge blood "color" blade light traversed the sky, pierced the void, and killed it towards no wind.

"The three styles of the burial sky are really powerful, worthy of the reputation of invincible defense!" Wufeng retreated extremely fast, his face was extremely dignified, the place where he stood just now was covered by that **** sword light, terrible energy fluctuations, He was shocked.

"With this defense, among the same level, the one who can defeat me has not yet been born." Ye Tian let out a long roar, shaking the earth, he danced wildly, and his whole body was full of blood. He raised the Blood Demon Knife, and his murderous aura swept across the sky, like the same demon god, erupting from the dark abyss, and the demon's might and the whole world "swayed". 【First Release】

The windless eyes condensed, he knew that Ye Tian was not arrogant, and if he wanted to defeat Ye Tian, ​​he had to face the invincible defense of the funeral three styles.

But since it is invincible defense, how can it be cracked?

For hundreds of years, the great burial elder has been in the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea. No one can defeat him except the powerhouse of King Wu. This is a real record.

Wufeng frowned deeply, and then his eyes shrank suddenly, and he said in a condensed voice, "It seems that I can only try the combination of yin and yang. Originally, this is my trick to deal with the king, and it seems I must use it in advance."

After thinking about it, Wufeng lifted his left palm, and an extremely yin power appeared on the side of his body, revealing a dark area.

On the other side, Wufeng made a fist with his right hand, and his domineering fist intent from the mere Sunshine, filled the entire void, with a huge force, making the world bright.

These two completely different forces suddenly began to merge at this moment, a true fusion, rather than a mutual dependence.


Opposite, Ye Tian held the Blood Demon Knife, and suddenly felt a chill rise in his heart. Seeing the windlessness on the opposite side, he suddenly felt a hint of danger.

"With my current strength, I still have this feeling. What is Wufeng's trump card?" Ye Tian trembled secretly. He thought he was among the invincible Martial Lord and could easily defeat Wufeng and King, but now It seems that it might not be that simple.

Compared with Zhao Wu and Gongsun Xuanxuan, Wufeng and Wang had a big opportunity in the Nine Heavens Palace, and their strength became more and more unfathomable.

"Yin! Yang! Life! Death! Wheel!"

While Ye Tian was waiting intently, the opposite wind uttered a loud roar. In front of him, two completely different forces from Yin to Yang were completely fused together, revealing a huge two-color wheel of life and death. Coming towards Ye Tian, ​​with the aura of destroying everything.

Ye Tian was suddenly horrified.

"Yes, yin and yang are combined into Tai Chi, but no wind merges them in the opposite direction. That is... the cycle of life and death!"

Ye Tian had to be shocked by Wufeng's talent, but he couldn't allow him to think about it at this time, and quickly raised the Blood Demon Knife, ten small worlds burst out together, and he didn't dare to hide a bit of it anymore and use his pinnacle knife.

Suddenly, an invincible breath erupted from Ye Tian, ​​rushing straight into the sky, shaking the clouds, making the world tremble.

"Invincible Jun Wu!"

Opposite, the windless pupils shrank, the confidence on his original face instantly solidified, and his heart was full of shock.

He did not expect that Ye Tian had surpassed him and entered the realm of Invincible Martial Lord first.


The huge yin and yang wheel of life and death, with the aura of obliterating the common people, rolled from the distant void, shattering the world.

But at this moment, a **** sword beam, which was thousands of meters long, tore the space, hit Huanglong with a single blow, and slammed into this huge yin and yang wheel of life and death.

Rumble... the world trembled, terrible energy burst out, a brilliant light in the sky, dazzling light, people couldn't open their eyes.

Wufeng and Ye Tian both suffered the shock of this terrifying force, and their bodies flew out, blood spurting wildly.

Ye Tian is better, because he used the three methods of burying the sky, dissolving most of his power.

If there is no wind, it will be bad. This is his full blow. Not only was it cracked, but in the end he was hit by two distances and suffered heavy injuries, leaving only 30% of his strength.

"It seems that I was defeated. I didn't expect that I didn't lose to the king, but to Ye Tian!" Wu Feng felt his injury, his heart sank, and his face was full of wry smiles.


The distant earth trembled because of this violent blow.

The king who was attacking Chongding City suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of Taiji City, his face suddenly became dignified, his eyes filled with unprecedented fighting intent.

"They actually "touched" to this state..." The king was shocked. He has been practicing hard for many years and has been ahead of his peers. It wasn't until this time in the Nine Heavens Palace that he had the opportunity to reach this step.

However, judging from the blow just now, Ye Tian and Wufeng both reached this step.

It's okay to say that there is no wind. After all, he is a strong peer of his generation, but Ye Tian is a generation behind, and he did not expect to catch up. This talent made him the first person of the young generation a little jealous.

"Maybe in a few years, when I quit the younger generation, this position of supremacy will be yours. But now, with my king in one day, you will never want to be supreme."

The king took a deep look at the direction of Tai Chi City. Ye Tian didn't know whether he was talking to Ye Tian or Wufeng.

The heavy cauldron city that was tragically attacked by the king, although it was already shaky, but under Yang Shaohua's resistance, it remained steady and continued to hold on.

"Brothers, we should work hard, insist on one day, that is, ten more days of cultivation. If this kind of good thing is missed, there will be no next time." Yang Shaohua stood on the city gate and shouted, while still attacking those who want Tianyicheng powerhouse who climbed the city.

Except for the king, no one can stop Yang Shaohua's edge. His strength surpassed the five great arrogances and shocked everyone.



A group of young talents in the Great Ding City heard the words, all of them were vigorous and able to support the second round. They had already won and were very satisfied.

Therefore, they did not have the slightest grievances, and were very convinced of Yang Shaohua. In this battle, they all broke out their peak combat power and fought desperately.

In the face of these young talents who defended the immortality, they were also covered by the city formation, even if the king wanted to take it, he would have to break a few teeth.

"Damn it, if it hadn't been for the great loss that Gongsun Xuanxuan had caused, this city would have been taken down." The king thought bitterly.


"No wind, you are defeated!"

In the high sky of Tai Chi City, Ye Tian slashed the windless body with a single knife, and his indifferent words resounded throughout the world.

Only 30% of the strength of the windless, naturally lost to Ye Tian, ​​was slashed in the chest by Ye Tian, ​​breaking his heart.

"I am defeated... I hope you can defeat the king and become the supreme!" Wufeng was very calm at the moment, as if he had let everything down, he even blessed Ye Tian.

"According to your auspicious words...but you and I still have a battle!" Ye Tian said with a smile, and after he won the victory, he had to face the attacks of all the young talents. Only by passing this level can he achieve the supreme position.

Otherwise, Ye Tian can only become the second king, the first person of a young generation, but not the youth supreme.

"At that time, I won't be merciful." Wufeng also smiled.

"It's just a temporary gain or loss. My martial arts journey has just begun. One day in the future, I will definitely defeat you... Ye Tian!" Wu Feng thought of at this moment, he completely understood. He put aside his competitive spirit and set his goal on the road of martial arts.

Jun Wu, this is just the beginning. King Wu, Emperor Wu, Emperor Wu... even the **** of war, only the last victor will be the winner.

Wufeng has been entangled with this since losing to the king, making his "heart" trapped, and defeated by Ye Tian today, finally liberating his "heart".

From now on, no wind will become more terrifying than before. This is something Ye Tian didn't expect.

Of course, even if he knew it, Ye Tian was fearless. For him, he is not afraid of opponents, but he is afraid of no opponents.

The world is invincible, glorious, but also extremely lonely.

Many of the Valkyrie on the Shenzhou Continent, eventually disappeared, I don't know where they went. Because they are invincible in the world and very lonely, they travel far away to find an opponent that can fight against them.

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