Seven World Martial God

Chapter 392: Arabian Nights


Everyone took a deep breath, the unity of human and sword, a supreme realm of kendo, which is not something ordinary people can comprehend. Even in the realm of King Wu, few people can comprehend the unity of human and sword. (Starting) (Starting)

Taking the body for the sword and the body for the sword, exploding all the strength of a body with the power of kendo, this kind of attack power is enough to reach the peak.

It can be said that the current king's attack power completely surpassed Ye Tian and reached an unimaginable level.

"The king's attack power has been increased by two or three times. I am afraid that ordinary invincible martial lords dare not hold on."

"But the human-sword unity cannot last. The king is almost burning his bloodline power. Once he doesn't kill Ye Tian in a short time, then he will lose."


Everyone talked a lot, watching the battle in the sky with dignified faces.

The current situation is very clear. With the king's attack power skyrocketing, as long as Ye Tian can stop his attack and drag it until the king withdraws from the state of combining humans and swords, he will win.

In the same way, before withdrawing from Human Sword Unity, the king only needs to kill Ye Tian to win.

This is the peak of attack power and the peak of defense power on both sides, it depends on who is better.

Everyone's eyes widened, watching the battle extremely solemnly.

In the state of the combination of human and sword, the king turned into a dazzling divine sword, coming towards Ye Tian with terrible sword light and sword energy.

This speed reached the limit, making Ye Tian unable to dodge, and at the same time a huge coercion enveloped Ye Tian fiercely.

Rumble...The vast sword field also came down, confining the void.

"It seems that it can only be blocked." Ye Tian frowned. He knew that this blow could not be dodged, and could only be blocked by force.

Ye Tian is still very confident about his three burial styles. He claims to be invincible defense. How can he be defeated by the king at the same level? Even if the king realizes that the human and the sword are unified.

After thinking about it, the ten small worlds in Ye Tian's body exploded together, and the vast "dangling" true essence poured into the blood devil knife. Then he used the three styles of burial heaven, the huge Tai Chi diagram, immediately blocked in front of him.


The vast and incomparable sword light slammed into the Tai Chi diagram, and the blazing light burst out from the Tai Chi diagram, illuminating the whole world.

At the same time, countless terrifying energies diffused out toward the surroundings, and the terrifying shock wave shredded the surrounding space.

In an instant, Ye Tian felt a huge force in his whole body, which came from the Taiji Diagram, and hit his body fiercely.

At this moment, even if the Ninth Revolution battle body reached the third floor, Ye Tian felt a pain in his whole body, and the whole person suffered a huge impact and slammed into the ground below. 【First Release】

Of course, the anti-shock force on the Tai Chi diagram also shook the king out.

On both sides, one flew to the sky and the other fell to the ground.

However, this blow was finally blocked by Ye Tian. He "touched" the blood "liquid" at the corner of his mouth, kicked his feet on the ground, and rushed towards the sky again.

"Very powerful, but unfortunately, it's not enough!" Ye Tian's eyes were radiant, his face was full of confidence, and the three-style invincible defense of Funeral Sky made him see the result of victory.


The king squeezed both fists, and the whole person stopped high in the sky. He looked deeply at Ye Tian, ​​once again the man and the sword were united, and came towards Ye Tian.

This time, the light on his body was even more dazzling, as if a meteor smashed down, full of terrible power.

"Come on, let's see who falls first!" Ye Tian's eyes burst with golden light, and the whole person greeted him with the Taiji diagram. When he collided with the king, a loud noise broke out.

The two sides flew out again, blood spurting wildly, of course, Ye Tian suffered more damage.

However, after two full outbursts, the king's human-sword unity state also began to be unstable, which made everyone guess that the king might be defeated.

"Come again!"

The king roared, his whole body strength increased to the extreme, causing his body to begin to collapse, but he still forcibly endured it and slaughtered towards Ye Tian.

"I can't be defeated..." The king gritted his teeth, and in his eyes, a peerless sword light and terrifying sword intent bloomed across the world, causing the souls of the people below to tremble.


At this moment, the swords in the hands of many people below couldn't help shaking. Then they walked out one by one, rushed to the sky, gathered with the king, and rushed towards Ye Tian together.

"Not good—" Yan Haotian's face changed.

Song Haoran and Yang Shaohua also widened their eyes and their faces were shocked.

The unity of human and sword, the first realm-the return of ten thousand swords!

No one thought that at this critical time, the king would have made a breakthrough and rushed to the first state of the unity of man and sword.

The unity of human and sword is originally a kind of supreme realm of kendo, but this supreme realm is also divided into several levels.

The first state: Wan Jian return to the clan!

The second realm: King over the world!

The third realm: Broken Void!

These are the three levels of the unity of humans and swords, and every level that is promoted has terrible power.

In the entire Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea, for so many years, I am afraid that only the king has reached the first state of the unity of humans and swords-the return of ten thousand swords.

Everyone watching the game was extremely shocked, and in this way, Ye Tian was defeated. After all, the attack power of the king at this time is estimated to have increased tenfold, which is stronger than the average Wu Wang first-level powerhouse.

People can even see that there are cracks in the space of the virtual world, as if to break apart.

Obviously, the attack power of the king is close to the limit that this virtual world can withstand.

In other words, the king's attack power has reached the limit that can be achieved in the realm of Wujun.

But in terms of offensive power, the king has definitely stepped into the stage of Heaven-defying Martial Lord. If his comprehensive strength can rise, then he will be a true Heaven-defying Martial Lord.

Everyone was shocked that the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea hadn't given birth to the Heaven-defying Martial Lord for many years. Is it about to appear again?

"What a terrible genius!"

Feeling the terrifying sword intent swept from the opposite side and the sky full of swords, Ye Tian's eyes condensed, his face was serious, and the power of his whole body exploded.

"It's a pity, when you broke through, I also broke through."

After Ye Tian said, the whole person turned into a **** light, and he merged with the Blood Demon Sword, revealing a heaven-shocking God Sword, exuding an endless sea of ​​blood.

This is a blade of Shura, with a fierce aura soaring into the sky, and a terrible demonic energy entwined on the blade's body.

"Human knife is one!"

Everyone watching the battle below was shocked.

No one expected Ye Tian to break through when he was in danger, reaching the legendary realm of the combination of man and knife. Although this was only the first time Ye Tian stepped into this realm, the power he burst out was not weak at all.

Because Ye Tian merged with the blood demon sword of the king's weapon, the innate condition was stronger than that of the king.

Moreover, Ye Tian used the three styles of burying the sky under the state of the combination of man and knife, with this invincible defense, forcibly blocking the king's peerless sword.

Rumble... countless sword lights and countless swords slammed on the Taiji diagram, bursting out the brightest light.

However, none of these could break through the Taiji Tu's defenses and was blocked by Ye Tian one by one.

In the end, Ye Tian and the king flew out again, and the two spit out a bit of blood, their breath wilting.

However, compared to the wounded King, Ye Tian is much better. Holding the Blood Demon Knife, he slashed down in the King's unwilling gaze.

Since then, the battle of the pinnacle is over.

"If it weren't for the Blood Demon Knife, you are not my opponent!" The king took a deep look at Ye Tian, ​​before leaving such a sentence, he disappeared into the virtual world.

Ye Tian put away the blood magic knife, wiped the blood "liquid" from the corner of his mouth, watching the king disappear.

"Yes, I did use the power of the Blood Demon Sword, but you have forgotten that I only have the ninth level of Martial Lord. When I am promoted to the tenth level of the Martial Lord, I can defeat you without the blood demon sword." Ye Tianman Face confident.

The king is indeed a terrifying opponent, breaking through repeatedly in the battle. He is the most powerful opponent Ye Tian has encountered over the years.

However, Ye Tian still has the confidence to beat the opponent.



Following the collapse of Tianyicheng, Ye Tian finally won the final victory and became the final winner.

When one month was up, all the young talents remaining in the virtual world were teleported out.

Ye Tian also returned to the original place. When he opened his eyes, he happened to see Shi San staring at him with satisfaction, his eyes full of admiration.

"Very good, with your cultivation base and your talent, you can still achieve the final victory. I have to say that you surprised me." Shi San smiled and nodded.

"But I want to seize the position of supreme." Ye Tian smiled faintly, and was not pleased with the final victory. He knew that he could not break through the tenth rank of Wujun in one day, and it would be impossible to win the position of supreme. Bit.

Because of the final battle, Ye Tian had to face all the young talents such as King, Wufeng, Zhao Wu, Gongsun Xuanxuan...etc.

A single king made Ye Tian full of pressure, plus the other four great kings and five great arrogances, as well as countless young talents, so there was almost no need to fight, Ye Tian would lose.

"You can't blame you. With the decline of the Nine Heavens Palace, countless martial arts classics have passed in the long river of years. The decline of your martial arts in the eighteen kingdoms of the North Sea is conceivable." Shi San sighed.

"Furthermore, the destruction caused by the First War of the Ancients was too powerful, and the entire North Sea gas transport was greatly affected, so there have been few geniuses in the North Sea in recent years. UU Reading"

"I remember that in ancient times, a Wujun disciple in the Nine Heavens Palace once fought unbeaten with a Wuhuang strong and became a legend."

Shi San's eyes were full of longing "color", but his words made Ye Tian's pupils shrink.

"What! Undefeated against Emperor Wu? Senior, are you kidding? The difference between Emperor Wu and Jun is too big?" Ye Tian's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

"Why? Was it surprising? I can tell that in ancient times, there was more than one genius like this in the Shenzhou Continent. Later, they all became titled martial sages at the lowest level, and some even became warriors." Shi San glanced. Ye Tian gave a glance and smiled.

"How could it be..." Ye Tian shook his head with a look of disbelief.

Emperor Wu and Jun Wu, this is too far apart. A Martial Lord, being able to defeat King Martial is already great, how could it be possible to fight King Martial?

It's a fantasy!

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