Seven World Martial God

Chapter 394: Small shift

Just as Ye Tian secretly buried himself, Shi San took a large turntable, which was similar to the one that Ye Tian saw in Yundian, except that all the items on it were changed. (Starting) {Starting}

"It's a pity, there is no dragon essence blood!" Ye Tian glanced around. He didn't know any use of the items on it. He didn't see the bottle of dragon essence blood. He was in a bad mood and was very disappointed.

Seeing Ye Tian's expression on the side, Shi San couldn't help but laughed and cursed: "What kind of face is your kid? The things on this are much stronger than what you saw in Yundian before."

"Hey, trouble seniors to solve the "confusion"!" Ye Tian smiled at the words.

Shi San shook his head, then pointed to one of the jade talisman and said: "Look, this is a dragon talisman. As long as you draw this, you can ensure that your cultivation level is raised by one level and it is not a problem to help you achieve the supreme position."

"A whole level...hiss!" Ye Tian took a deep breath when he heard the words, his eyes stared at the jade talisman closely, and he couldn't move it anymore.

"Boy, look at this again..." Shi San laughed and cursed for a while, moved his finger to a green "color" pill "medicine", and said: "This is called Xiantian Wudan. Isn't it a familiar name?"

"Does this thing have anything to do with Congenital Martial Fruit?" Ye Tian asked, his eyes lit up.

"Hehe, it seems that your kid really has eaten innate martial arts, this innate martial arts pill is refined from a innate martial arts." Shi San said with a smile.

"So, this kind of pill "medicine" can also increase martial arts will?" Ye Tian's eyes suddenly became red. If it is true, if he gets this pill "medicine", then he will be promoted to the realm of Martial King within a month. .

"Not only that, taking this pill "medicine" will not only increase your martial arts will by 10%, but you can also increase the cultivation base of a small realm." Shi San nodded and said.

"Heh..." Ye Tian suddenly felt his breathing hurried. He is now at the 9th level of Wujun. If he eats this innate martial pill, he will immediately be the peak of the tenth level of Wujun, and his martial arts will reach the realm of 50%. , Will be promoted to the realm of King Wu immediately.

"There is also this Tianyuan battle armor. This thing has very strong defensive power, and it changes with your strength. It can help you weaken the power of any attack below Emperor Wu by 70%." Shi San pointed to a blue "color" again. Battle armor.

"You mean, as long as it doesn't exceed Emperor Wu's level, the opponent's attack on me will be weakened by the Tianyuan armor by 70%?" Ye Tian was shocked.

This defense is too "forced", it's not much worse than his three funeral styles. If he puts on this armor and then uses the funeral three styles, even if he stands there and lets the king attack, the king can't help it. he. [More exciting novels, please visit]

"There is also this mountain cut, it is a heavenly peak martial art, a total of 18 styles, if you can cultivate it to the perfect state, your own combat power can definitely be two levels."

"And this blue "color" long knife is called the blue "color" life and death love. It is a royal weapon. It is very powerful. With your ice fist burst out, it is easy to leapfrog and kill King Wu."

"and this……"

Listening to Shi San introducing the treasures one by one, Ye Tian's eyes were hot, his eyes were red, and his heart was beating.

None of these are ordinary products, they are all treasures in a million, and if one spreads out, it will make the entire Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea tremble.

Ye Tian is relieved now, no matter which one he chooses, he won't regret it.

"This... this, senior, how many opportunities do I have to take?" Ye Tian asked eagerly, his eyes fixed on the big turntable in front of him.

"How many times? Fortunately, you guys can say that, like before, there is only one chance." Shi San scolded with a smile, "However, if you get the supreme position, you can still get another chance."

"Well, I want this Innate Martial Pill. Although the Heavenly Origin Battle Armor, Kaitian Slash, and the blue "color" are the most valuable for life and death, but for me, this Innate Martial Pill is the most important." Ye Tian After thinking about it, said.

"Your kid is beautiful, so you have to get it, and you don't want to think about it. Even if you don't have this Innate Martial Pill, you can still be promoted to King Martial in the future, so why waste this opportunity." Shi San scolded. Tao.

"It's okay, when I win the Supreme War, isn't there still another chance? Then I can draw the Tianyuan Armor." Ye Tian said with a smile.

"If you want to be beautiful, draw it quickly, it's better to draw this Zhanyan Pill, and make you angry." Shi San urged with a smile.

Ye Tian was immediately unhappy when he heard this. That Zhuyan Pill could be said to be a tasteless one, the worst of all treasures.

Of course, this does not mean that the Pill for Rejuvenation is not precious. You must know that as long as you eat this Pill for Rejuvenation, you will stay young forever and never grow old, even if you are 18 years old when you die.

You can imagine how powerful this fascinating pill is for those beautiful women, but Ye Tian doesn't want this, he wants strength, not beauty.

What's more, as long as the strength is strong, the appearance will not be old, and the war gods are all middle-aged, younger than some martial sages.

However, if the Zhuyan Pill is sold on the mainland of China, its value will be very high, not worse than a few of them.

However, what Ye Tian needs most now is some treasures that can enhance his strength and help him seize the position of supreme.

Such as Tianyuan battle armor, blue "color" life and death love, and innate martial arts pill, even if it is a dragon talisman.

"Please God bless me, you have allowed me to live my second life again, so please continue to bless me."

Ye Tian faced the big turntable, praying secretly in his heart, and then stretched out his hand to turn the pointer abruptly.


As Ye Tianyi exerted his force, the pointer quickly turned, like a gust of wind, it turned extremely fast on the big turntable.

Tianyuan Battle Armor, Xiantian Martial Pill, Blue "Color" Love of Life and Death, Rising Dragon Talisman... These treasures all turned quickly in front of the pointer.

As time passed, the speed of the pointer began to slow down.

"Tian Yuan Battle Armor...Tian Yuan Battle Armor...Tian Yuan Battle Armor..." When the speed of the pointer began to slow down, Ye Tian secretly murmured.

He is not an idiot, he would really choose Innate Wudan. In comparison, this Tianyuan battle armor is the most precious treasure. You must know that this thing can be used until the Emperor Wu level.

With this defensive treasure body, coupled with the invincible defense of the Funeral Three Types, Ye Tian will be an undead Xiaoqiang from now on, and he will be undefeated in battle with people of four or five levels.

If you don't want to put such treasures, how could Ye Tian ask for Innate Wudan.

As Shi San said, even if there is no Xiantian Wudan, Ye Tian can be promoted to the realm of King Wu in the near future.

Moreover, with this powerful armor, Ye Tian can also easily seize the position of supreme. Even the masters of the eighteen countries in the North Sea have no ability to threaten him.

However, God didn't complete Ye Tian this time, the pointer finally turned from the Tianyuan battle armor and stopped on a mysterious jade talisman.

"Small mover!"

Rune again.

I have to say that Ye Tian's fate with runes is really great, and he has obtained runes several times in a row.

However, Ye Tian was very dissatisfied with this small shifting talisman.

"Move around within a radius of 50,000 miles? Mad, what does I want this thing for? I don't want to move it until I have enough to eat. It's not just idle time!"

Ye Tian cursed inwardly, really wishing to slap himself twice. This is really cheap, and it was even more tasteless than Zhuyan Dan.

"Why? Look at your boy's appearance of dead parents, isn't it dissatisfied?" Shi San looked at Ye Tian with an iron face, and couldn't help laughing and joking.

"Don't laugh at me all the time. This time you have bad luck. Even the Dragon Talisman is better than this." Ye Tian smiled bitterly and shook his head, feeling that the goddess of luck was not on his side this time.

"Hmph, your kid is really blind, that baby is a trash, why wouldn't God kill you with a thunder." Shi San snorted coldly when he heard this.

"Huh? Senior, this little moving talisman is as good as you said?" Ye Tian's eyes lit up and he couldn't help looking at Shi San expectantly.

"Look carefully at the function of this jade talisman!" Shi San knocked on his head and snorted coldly.

Ye Tian immediately looked at the small moving talisman, no problem, this is introduced above, just randomly move around 50,000 miles, other than that, there is no benefit at all!

Ye Tian couldn't understand it, so he couldn't help but looked at Shi San suspiciously.

"Hey, the rune is really declining. If you let this senior Wu Zun who refined the small shifting talisman know what you think in your heart, you will definitely be killed with a palm." Shi San looked at Ye Tian and wondered. "'S expression, could not help but sigh.

"Wu Zun? This thing was made by a strong Wu Zun?" Ye Tian was a little shocked, but he was "confused" in his heart. Why would the strong Wu Zun be able to refine such a tasteless rib? Could it be that what a baby really is.

"Nonsense, this jade talisman contains a space. Only when you reach the realm of Wu Zun can you comprehend the ability of space." Shi San hummed.

"Yeah!" Ye Tian nodded when he heard this. Wu Dao had told him that when he reached the realm of Wu Zun, he could comprehend the power of a little space, could teleport, and his mysterious and unpredictable ability made him envious now.

"Unfortunately, this thing can't let me teleport as I want!" Ye Tian shook his head, still unable to see the benefits of this jade charm.


Shi San was really overwhelmed, slapped Ye Tian's head fiercely, and snorted coldly, "Smelly boy, think about it, if you are in a crisis, when you are chased and killed~ will happen with this little mover?"


Shi San's words, like a thunder, instantly exploded in Ye Tian's mind.


The road to martial arts cannot be smooth, and I will definitely encounter danger in the future. If there is this small shifting talisman then, wouldn’t it be equivalent to an extra life?

The small moving talisman can be moved immediately within a radius of 50,000 miles. It can help Ye Tian to escape in front of a powerful enemy at a critical moment. The value of this thing is immeasurable!

After all, no matter how precious the treasure, no matter how powerful martial skills are, it is more important than "life".

Only when you are alive can you climb the peak of martial arts, and when you die, there is nothing left.

Ye Tian suddenly looked stunned. He finally knew that on this big turntable, only this small moving talisman was the most precious thing.

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