Seven World Martial God

Chapter 399: Against the sky

At the last moment, Ye Tian finally broke through, that terrifying aura, like a comet, hit the sun above the sky, exuding terrifying energy that made the entire virtual world tremble. (Starting)

Ye Tian raised the blood knife and swung a blood cut towards the king and the others. The huge **** sword light, which was thousands of feet long, was like a wave of blood that flooded the tens of thousands of young talents who rushed into the city.


Including the king, all the young talents who were swept by the **** swordsman were beheaded and disappeared into the virtual world.

In just a short time, there was a large number of people missing outside the walls of Tai Chi City, and the coalition forces who were about to rush in not far away suddenly stopped.



Thousands of people fell under a single knife.

Even the king, Wufeng, Gongsun Xuanxuan and other strong men can't withstand such a knife. What are they going to beat?

The remaining coalition forces were pale and horrified, and their morale disappeared.

In fact, they got it wrong. Although Ye Tian's sword is powerful enough to kill the Wuwang first-level powerhouse, it is also because the king and Wufeng are close. If they are farther away, then Ye Tian's sword can at most Hit them hard.

As for the young talents behind, they were actually only killed by the aftermath of this sword. It is true that their cultivation base is too low, even if the aftermath is enough to destroy them.

However, no matter what, with Ye Tian's breakthrough, after he was promoted to the tenth rank of Martial Lord, he finally stepped from the level of Invincible Martial Lord to the realm of Heavenly Martial Lord.

After the Blood Demon Blade Lord, someone in the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea finally became a Heaven-defying Martial Lord. This is definitely a big news that will make the entire North Sea boil.

"It's your turn!"

Ye Tian's indifferent tone, cold voice, with a breathtaking power, made everyone in the coalition trembled.

Afterwards, everyone saw a **** sword light that was even more fierce than just now, like a wave of blood that was hundreds of feet high, rushing towards them.

In the face of such a force, the coalition forces did not act one by one, because their full blow could not shake the knife. Besides waiting for death, they didn't know what else they could do?

After only three slashes of the blood world, the coalition forces were almost killed by Ye Tian, ​​and some of the remaining people did not need Ye Tian to take action at all. The remaining young talents in Tai Chi City rushed up first.

Soon, with the fall of the last coalition army, the entire Tai Chi City burst out with brilliant golden brilliance, like a holy city. [More exciting novels, please visit]

"Congratulations, junior!"

A light flashed in the sky, and the old man who had tested their talents at the beginning appeared in front of Ye Tian and the others again, and he looked at Ye Tian with joy.

At this time, with the death of those coalition forces, everyone in Tai Chi City was also teleported out. They followed Ye Tian to seize the position of supreme and also received some rewards.

Of course, Ye Tian's rewards are so generous.

"You use your strength to give yourself a bright future. I think you will never forget this day." The white-haired old man waved his hand, and a golden light shed.

Ye Tian was bathed in golden light, and his whole body felt very comfortable. From the beginning of Wujun's tenth level, his cultivation instantly reached the peak of Wujun's tenth level, and then he entered the half-step Martial King level.

"Go, go and accept the inheritance of Tai Chi Sacred Palace. I'm not afraid to tell you that among the nine sacred palaces, Tai Chi Sacred Palace has the most powerful people. I hope you will not insult the prestige of Tai Chi Palace."

The white-haired old man disappeared immediately.

Ye Tian was surprised to sense the terrifying True Qi in his body. He didn't expect that the white-haired old man would improve his cultivation level, which made him promoted from the early tenth rank of Martial Lord to the half-step Martial King realm.

Before, Ye Tian was already a Heaven-defying Martial Sovereign, and now I am afraid that his strength is even stronger, even he himself does not know how strong he is.

"I'm afraid I don't need to use the blood demon sword of the king's weapon, my strength is enough to kill the powerhouse at the first level of King Wu.

Ye Tian thought secretly.

Before he sighed, he disappeared into Tai Chi City with a burst of light.

Before the mental formation, Shi San looked at Ye Tian inside with a smile and slowly opened his eyes, and said with satisfaction: "Congratulations, kid, come and accept your reward!"

"Senior, don't forget, I still have another chance for a big turntable." Ye Tian said with a smile.

"I know you kid can't forget this, hurry up, and later follow me to accept the inheritance of Tai Chi Sacred Palace. Alas, how many years have passed, Tai Chi Sacred Palace finally has an inheritor." Shi San scolded with a smile.

Ye Tian hurriedly came to the big turntable and began to turn the pointer, his eyes fixed on the Tianyuan battle armor.

"As long as you get this treasure, no one in the eighteen kingdoms of the North Sea can do anything to me." Ye Tian looked expectantly, his current strength is very close to the third-level powerhouse of Wu Wang, killing the second-level Wu Wang It's not a problem.

If Ye Tian gets this treasure again, then the 18 rulers of the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea will not be Ye Tian's opponents, and he will be truly invincible in the North Sea.

"Boy, it looks like you're going to be disappointed, it's the blue love of life and death!" Shi San smiled.

At this time, the pointer finally stopped rotating and pointed to a blue sword.

Blue love of life and death, the royal weapon.

"Fortunately for me!" Ye Tian sighed lightly, not disappointed. With this imperial weapon, his strength can be said to have truly reached the third level of King Wu. In the entire Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea, there are probably no more than three people stronger than him.


The light flashed, and the dazzling blue light was very bright. From Shi San's hand, it shot into the sky, exuding a sad and terrifying sword intent.

"The owner of this knife is an extraordinary genius, don't insult this knife, alas!" Lightly stroking the blue long knife in his hand, Shi San looked a little embarrassed and regretful.

Ye Tian immediately knew there was a story, and couldn't help but ask curiously: "Senior, who is the owner of this knife?"

"He is an inheritor of the Taiji Sacred Palace, with outstanding talent. In the realm of Emperor Wu, he killed a strong man of Emperor Wu. He was famous in the mainland of China. He was the peerless genius of that generation who had the most opportunity to step into the realm of gods and demons. ." Shi San was full of reverence.

" strong? He must have become a titled Martial Saint, or a Martial God?" Ye Tian asked in shock.

"If he is alive, he does have a chance to become a Valkyrie. Unfortunately, he committed suicide." Shi San lamented with a bitter expression on his face, "It's really sighing that a generation of talents has fallen like this."

"What! Suicide?" Ye Tian suddenly widened his eyes, what a joke, this kind of strong man wants to commit suicide because he has no ideals.

"Because of a woman, she is also a proud girl of heaven, both of whom are the pinnacle geniuses of that generation. Once they agreed that when they were promoted to Martial Saint, they would hold a wedding that shocked the mainland of China."

"It's a pity that Tian is jealous of talents. When the arrogant girl of heaven died in a secret realm to help him obtain a treasure that would allow him to step into the forbidden realm of gods and demons. He learned the news, with white hair all night, sad. Roar Zhentian, extinct himself in that secret realm."

Shi San sighed.

Ye Tian suddenly felt shocked in his heart. This is really a man of love and sex. He has the talent to become a Valkyrie. He is still willing to die in love. His love for the proud girl of heaven is really deep and worthy of the world's admiration.

"The strong man sent by the Nine Heavens Palace finally saw him holding the body of the proud girl of heaven, leaning on a boulder, looking at the blue sky, and his eyes were sad and desolate. On the boulder beside him , There is a row of blood words: Without your company, even if you become a Valkyrie, what can you do?" Shi San shook his head. As a puppet, although he has considerable wisdom, he still does not understand the so-called'love'. There is such a magic.

"Don't worry, you have not completed the road of martial arts, I will finish it for you." Ye Tian listened and patted the blue life and death love in his hands lightly.

The blue long knife seemed to feel, and it trembled slightly, making a sound that shook the soul, which surprised Ye Tian.

"It seems that thousands of years have made this treasured sword lonely. It desperately wants to fight hard." Shi San said with a smile when he saw it.

"The sword is alive, it is indeed a good sword." Ye Tian's eyes condensed, he gently poured a little true essence into it, and found that this blue love of life and death suddenly awakened like an ancient god, exuding a huge sword intent to the sky.

"So strong!"

Ye Tian was shocked and quickly put away his true essence, only then did the majestic sword intent slowly disappear.

"Let's go, quickly enter the Tai Chi Holy Palace to accept the inheritance." Shi San urged from the side.

The Tai Chi Holy Palace not far away is like a great ancient beast that has slept for hundreds of millions of years. Although the gate of the palace is open, it is silent and no one has stepped into it for thousands of years.

Two months ago, when Ye Tian came for the first time, he was blocked and unable to enter.

But now, after winning the Supreme War, Ye Tian finally no longer suffered any obstacles, and smoothly entered the Tai Chi Holy Palace.

"A lot of statues, are these all the titled martial sages of Tai Chi Holy Palace?" After entering the palace, Ye Tian was stunned by the scene in front of him.

The huge palace is very bright. On the floor, there is a huge Tai Chi picture exuding a faint brilliance.

On a high platform in the innermost part of the hall, there is a golden statue. They include old people, middle-aged people, young people, and women. They all carry a treasured sword, looking up into the sky, with deep eyes.

The sculptures of these statues are lifelike. If you don't look carefully, you will think they are real people. Ye Tian is very shocked. After a closer look, there are dozens of them.

"A lot, there have been so many martial sages in just one Taiji Sacred Palace, it's no wonder that the Nine Heavens Palace is in the ancient era." Ye Tian secretly smacked his tongue.

These people are not ordinary martial sages like the blood demon sword saint, they are the strongest among the martial sages, once invincible to the first rank of the martial sage, second only to the superpowers of the sage.

"It's a pity that if you don't become a **** of war, no matter how strong the power is, you can't resist the swallowing of time. After all, they are submerged in the long river of history."

Ye Tian shook his head and sighed. No matter how powerful these titled martial sages were, their life span was exhausted and they died in the past.

Only the **** of war can cast the immortal body, live the same life as this world, immortal and immortal.

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