Seven World Martial God

Chapter 410: wake

As everyone knows, if you want to become a martial king, the biggest difficulty is that you need to reach 50% of the martial arts will. [More exciting novels, please visit]

As long as you have a martial arts will of 50% realm, you will basically become a martial king steadily, and the rest of your cultivation will only need to be promoted to the tenth-level peak of Martial Lord.

With the insight of the Fire Dragon King, he found that Ye Tian's cultivation had already reached the half-step Martial King peak, and the cold ice fist intent had just reached the 50% realm.

In this way, Ye Tian can definitely be promoted to the realm of King Wu.

However, the Fire Dragon King discovered that Ye Tian was still at the half-step Martial King peak. Although his strength had increased a lot, he had not been promoted to the Martial King realm.

This is very weird, making the Fire Dragon King puzzled.

"Strange, really strange, what the **** is going on with this kid?" The Fire Dragon King frowned. He really couldn't figure out why Ye Tian had not been promoted to the realm of King Wu. This was completely unreasonable.

After thinking for a long time, the Fire Dragon King didn't understand the reason, so he stayed aside, waiting for Ye Tian to wake up.

The effect of the Life and Death Talisman has been completely absorbed by Ye Tian, ​​and he will wake up soon after.

However, Ye Tian's Nine Revolutions battle body has not yet been promoted to the fourth level. I am afraid that even if he wakes up, he will still stay closed for a period of time to rush the Nine Revolutions battle body to the fourth level.

Time rushes by...

During the period of Ye Tian's practice, the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea were surging and wars flew.

The Beast God Sect was ambitious. After occupying the Great Yan Nation, they did not stop, they continued to expand.

The Great Wei Kingdom didn't know why, but it formed an alliance with the Beast God Sect, and the two sides sent troops to attack the Great Song Kingdom.

The Lord of the Great Song Kingdom resisted for three months, and finally led the remnant army to the Kingdom of Daming for help. The Lord of the Kingdom of Daming was a wise monarch. He knew that the Beast God Sect would sooner or later hit his kingdom, so he not only took in the Lord of the Song Kingdom. , And also united several surrounding kingdoms to form a coalition army.

With the huge army advantage, in the next few months, the coalition finally blocked the invasion of the Beast God Cult.

However, just as everyone was about to celebrate the victory, the five kingdoms headed by Dongguo and Dawu suddenly announced their alliance with the Beast God Sect.

Suddenly, the entire eighteen countries of the North Sea boiled over, and countless people were shocked.

The strength of the Great Wu Kingdom is only stronger than that of the Song Kingdom, and the East Kingdom is one of the three strongest kingdoms. These two kingdoms allied with the Beast God Sect at once, which greatly increased the strength of the Beast God Sect.

Under this situation, the Heavenly Kingdom and the Western Kingdom, which have always been in a neutral position, had to express their views. They took over the power of the coalition forces of the Ming Dynasty and became the new coalition allies.

In this way, after Ye Tian was in a coma for half a year, the pattern of the Eighteen Kingdoms in the North Sea was completely changed. (Starter) The current situation is that the two coalition forces oppose each other, and there is a chaotic country in between.

The seven kingdoms headed by the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of the West form the Anti-Beast Alliance and are the most powerful. But they are not very popular, so their combat effectiveness is not high, they can only defend, not attack.

With the Beast God Sect as the center, plus the Eastern Kingdom, Da Wu Kingdom, Da Wu Kingdom and other kingdoms that took refuge in them, they formed the Beast God Alliance with very strong strength.

Although in terms of numbers, the Beast God Alliance may be worse than the Anti Beast Alliance, but because of the powerful strength of the Son of God, several kingdoms including the Eastern Kingdom Lords are willing to submit. Therefore, the Beast God’s order is forbidden, and the combat power is very powerful, far exceeding the Anti-Beast Alliance.

The two major alliances now occupy nearly 80% of the land of the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea. The rainbow grassland near the death swamp of the Song Kingdom is the red line, separating the two.

It has to be said that Dajiang Country has a good position, they are located behind the death swamp and are very safe.

The Beast God Alliance did not want to enter the dangerous place of Death Swamp, and there was no need to waste troops for a chaotic kingdom, so it was too lazy to pay attention to Dajiang Country.

Yan Haotian took the remnants of the Great Yan Nation and was stationed in the chaotic Great River Nation, watching the two major alliances attack each other, while waiting for Ye Tian's return.

The so-called troubled times make heroes, and troubled times make heroes.

In today’s chaotic Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea, it is an era of heroes and heroes. The young geniuses who rushed back from the Nine Heavens Palace, after returning from retreat, showed their great strength, shocking the entire Eighteen Kingdoms. .

Among them, the five great arrogances, especially those of the young generation, are the most dazzling. They have all benefited from the Supreme Battle of the Nine Heavens Palace. This time, all of them have greatly increased their strengths, and they have shocked the world.

The first one to be famous was Su Qingfeng, the first genius of the Great River Nation. When the Great River Nation was in chaos, he helped the royal family and stabilized a new regime.

What made him famous is that he killed a half-step martial arts master in the first battle. With his popularity, coupled with the background of the royal family, they finally kept the orthodox position of the royal family.

At least, all the major forces in the Great River Country on the surface, including Yan Haotian, chose to submit to the Royal Family of the River Country.

Of course, just surrender in the mouth, and have their own little nine in their hearts.

After Su Qingfeng, Li Junhao, a fellow who took refuge in the Beast God Sect, also exploded with great strength. In World War I, he killed a half-step martial arts king of the Anti-Beast Alliance and Yang Wei the world in one fell swoop.

Zhao Wu, the first genius of the East Kingdom, one of the four kings of the young generation of the Eighteen Kingdoms in Beihai, also officially left. According to rumors, with the help of the Son of God, his strength has reached the level of invincible Wujun.

The Anti-Beast Alliance was unwilling to lag behind. Wufeng, Gongsun Xuanxuan and others went out one after another, and their strength increased greatly.

Among them, Wufeng and Yang Shaohua are the most dazzling. Wufeng is the strong man who killed a half-step Wuwang peak in the first battle.

Yang Shaohua's swordsmanship is the number one in the Eighteen Kingdoms in the North Sea, and even some of the kings of the Martial Kingdom sigh. His strength has finally reached the realm of the half-step Martial King, and his combat power has surpassed the peak of the half-step Martial King, infinitely close to the invincible Martial King.

Gongsun Xuanxuan's strength is the same as Yang Shaohua, but she used to be one of the four kings after all. Compared with Zhao Wu and Wu Feng, who reached the realm of Invincible Martial Lord, her progress is not much.

In addition, Zhu Hongming and Song Haoran, one of the five great arrogances, also broke out with half-step martial arts level strength, and became famous in one fell swoop.

Of course, in addition to the four great kings and the five great arrogances, other people in the younger generation also have some famous names in the world.

Among them, many of Ye Tian’s friends, such as Po Jun, this young strong man who understood the meaning of immortal swords, finally showed his talent for swordsmanship to the world after his cultivation was upgraded, and some even called him the second sword in the North Sea. .

As for the first cut, needless to say, it must be Ye Tian.

In front of Ye Tian, ​​the North Sea Sword King, no one dared to say that he surpassed him on the sword path, even the powerhouses of the Wu King realm were like this.

In addition to breaking the army, there are also many young talents in the Great Yan Country.

It has to be said that the more years of war raging, the bigger the strong will be born.

Because many times now, the warriors of the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea are facing death threats. Once they survived the catastrophe of death and survived, their cultivation bases will be improved.

Even Yan Haotian, under the meticulous guidance of King Shenwu and King Wu Zhou, reached the half-step Wuwang level.

However, the improvement of Yan Haotian's cultivation level did not make him happy, because more than half a year had passed and there was still no news of Ye Tian.

Now, more and more people begin to believe that Ye Tian was killed by the Lord of the Eastern Kingdom.

Even among the remnants of the Great Yan Nation, such news began to circulate.

If it weren't for the unparalleled prestige of King Shenwu and King Wuzhou, I'm afraid this remnant army would be in chaos.

But no matter what, as time passed, Yan Haotian's mood got worse and worse. He knew that if Ye Tian really died, then it would be the time when Great Yan Nation was truly destroyed.


On this day, a vast sword intent rose from the heavens, shattering the void, piercing the sky, and shaking the world.

The warriors of the entire Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea, including the Fire Dragon King who was sleeping in the North Sea, felt this terrifying aura.

For a while, all warriors turned their eyes to the direction of heaven.

"A terrifying sword intent, much stronger than the general martial king."

"Idiot, this is someone who has been promoted to the realm of King Wu. Oh my god! For many years, some of our eighteen countries in Beihai have finally been promoted to King Wu."

"Wu Wang... The old man has been trapped in the half-step Wu Wang peak for more than a hundred years, and he did not expect to be left behind again, alas."

"It came from heaven. There are a few old guys in heaven. Could it be that they broke through?"


The entire eighteen kingdoms of the North Sea were talking a lot at this time, and many people were talking about the origin of the newly promoted King Wu.

Of course, most people think that it was the older generation who broke through. After all, there are many strong people who are trapped in the half-step Martial King peak. Maybe someone broke through.

However, three days later, a news made the entire Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea boil.

This news revealed the identity of the newly promoted Wu Wang strong. He is not the old strong, nor is he someone else. He is one of the four kings.

This once the first person of the young generation, the head of the four kings, retreats after returning from the Nine Heavens Palace. After more than half a year, he finally broke through the imprisonment and was promoted to the realm of King Wu.

The whole heaven was suddenly caught in cheers, and even the anti-beast alliance was greatly boosted.

As everyone knows, in the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea, once someone is promoted to King Wu, there will be a big banquet to invite the world's heroes to congratulate.

The king is from heaven. Although his identity as an illegitimate child is a bit embarrassing, no one dares to laugh at them at this moment.

Everyone, including those of the country, admires this father and son very much. Lao Tzu is the first ruler of the Eighteen Kingdoms in the North Sea, and his son is the first person in the young generation, and he was promoted to King Wu.

Both father and son are kings of Wu, which can be said to be a good story for the generation of the Eighteen Nations in Beihai.

At the Xiongguan Pass of the Rainbow Grassland, the banquet held by the Kingdom of Heaven to celebrate the king began. All the major families in the anti-beast alliance all major families have received invitations.

Even some strong men in casual repairs have arrived, ready to see the style of King Wu.

Including some forces in Dajiang Country, and Yan Haotian, they all received invitations.

Leaving King Wu Zhou in the army, Yan Haotian personally took King Shenwu to congratulate him.

North Sea.

"Boy, the king who was defeated by you has been promoted to King Wu, but he didn't expect him to be ahead of you this time, hehe!" The Fire Dragon King naturally also got the news. He looked at Ye Tian who was in a coma, and said with a smile. .


As if hearing his voice, Ye Tian, ​​who was in a coma, suddenly opened his eyes. Suddenly, those sharp divine lights, like two bright blades, cut through the void and the sky.

The frozen volcano suddenly appeared a series of terrible cracks, and the glacier was shaking.

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