Seven World Martial God

Chapter 421: The last one

The promotion of King Shenwu to the power of King Wu quickly spread throughout the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea. (Starting) {Starting}

Following the king and Mu Bingxue, this is already the third Wu Wang strong promoted this year.

You know, for so many years, the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea have not been as strong as this, and three martial kings were born within one year. They didn't even think about it before.

The king and Mu Bingxue are also counted. After all, they are powerful and inherited from the Nine Heavens Palace. It is reasonable to be promoted to the realm of King Wu.

However, King Shenwu is an older generation powerhouse, and many peak powerhouses like King Shenwu King in the 18 North Sea countries are trapped in this realm and cannot break through.

Therefore, after seeing the breakthrough of King Shenwu, those old powerhouses suddenly saw the opportunity to break through, and their confidence increased.

At the same time, King Shenwu was promoted to the realm of King Wu, just like the original king, who wanted to entertain the world's heroes.

Yan Haotian knew that King Shenwu was going to be promoted to King Wu, so he prepared the banquet in advance, so after King Shenwu broke through, he immediately posted the invitation.

Ye Tian also received the invitation as soon as possible.


In just one month, countless powerful people rushed to Dalin County, making this huge county also appear to be overcrowded.

Throughout the eighteen kingdoms of the North Sea, the powerful people who have the head and face have come, and some powerful people who have not received the invitation also rushed cheeky.

Among them, there are many powerful people of the same generation of King Shenwu, who have been trapped at the peak of King Shenwu for many years and have been unable to break through.

This time, in addition to congratulating them, they also hoped to get some guidance from King Shenwu.

Generally, those who are promoted to King Wu will give pointers to the martial artists of the same generation or younger generation during the feast, which symbolizes the tolerance of King Wu.

King Shenwu did not have any secrets, and he spoke out his breakthrough experience, and many old and powerful people and younger generations have gained a lot.

During the big banquet, a group of old and powerful people gathered to discuss martial arts and exchange practice experiences.

Similarly, the young talents also gathered together to speak freely and talk about the world.

"Brother Ye, how is it? Are you ready?" Yang Shaohua said with a toast and smile.

In the circle of the young generation, there is no doubt that Ye Tian, ​​the supreme youth, is the object of everyone's attention and the focus of attention.

Around Ye Tian, ​​a group of young elites such as Mu Bingxue, King, Wufeng, Yang Shaohua, Zhu Hongming, Su Qingfeng, and Song Haoran gathered.

Many people are watching this circle and listening carefully. In the eighteen countries of Beihai, the younger generation is now the mainstream, and even the older generations have been compared. [More exciting novels, please visit]

"Do you still have to ask? Look at Brother Ye's red face, obviously he has made another breakthrough. This battle will undoubtedly be won." Zhu Hongming laughed.

The king's eyes condensed, nodded, and said: "Although you have reduced your breath, the invisible aura is indeed more pressing than before, not worse than Fairy Mu."

There was no wind, and he nodded and smiled bitterly: "You are really a pervert. You are so strong, and you can still improve. I am afraid that in the realm of Martial Lord, no one can surpass you."

"Hehe, don't you want to be promoted to the realm of King Wu!" Ye Tian joked with a smile upon hearing this.

No wind suddenly smiled and said nothing.

The king's expression on the side remained unchanged. Obviously, like Ye Tian, ​​he had long seen that no wind had broken through, and he was not far away from being promoted to King Wu.


"No wind, you can hide enough!"

Some strong young men next to them didn't know about this, and when they heard about it, they couldn't help being full of envy and jealousy.

However, they also knew that Windless's breakthrough was reasonable and reasonable. After all, his windless talent was second only to King, Ye Tian and others, and it was not impossible to be promoted to King Wu.

"It seems we are being thrown farther and farther by you." Yang Shaohua sighed pretendingly.

Wufeng heard the words and said with a smile: "You just pretend, now in the eighteen kingdoms of the North Sea, who doesn't know that you have practiced the Heavenly Sword Swordsmanship to a high level. Reach the realm of Heaven-defying Wujun."

"Hey!" Yang Shaohua chuckled quietly.

At this time, among the younger generation, Ye Tian and Mu Bingxue were headed, followed by King and Wufeng, followed by Yang Shaohua and Gongsun Xuanxuan.

If it weren't for Gongsun Xuanxuan's strength in the past, I am afraid Yang Shaohua would surpass Gongsun Xuanxuan.

In today's eighteen countries in the North Sea, Yang Shaohua is very famous. He has been honored as the four new kings along with Wufeng, Gongsun Xuanxuan, and Zhu Hongming.

After the king was promoted to the realm of King Wu, he withdrew from the ranks of the four kings.

"Hey, staying with your group of perverts, really Alexander!" Yan Haotian shook his head and sighed.

"How do you say your kid is also the lord of a country. If you gather the power of a country, it is not a problem for you to break through King Wu. We are the real silk. I don't know when we will be promoted to King Wu!" Li Lanshan rolled his eyes and said.

"Maybe, leaving the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea is our way out. You guys, tell me what kind of world is outside?" Zhang Hu asked curiously.

Speaking of this topic, the eyes of a group of young talents suddenly lit up.

In today's 18 countries in the North Sea, the young generation is most concerned about the topic of leaving the 18 countries in the North Sea. Many people are eager to try and secretly look forward to it.

However, they have never left the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea, so they don't know what kind of world it is outside.

"Ye Tian, ​​Mu Fairy, you have the inheritance of the Nine Heavens Palace, do you know what it looks like outside?" No wind looked at Ye Tian and Mu Bingxue.

Everyone also looked over.

Undoubtedly, for their group of hillbillies, Ye Tian and Mu Bingxue, who have been passed down from the Nine Heavens Palace, are the only ones with the most knowledge among them.

"I know very little!"

Ye Tian shook his head and continued: "As far as I know, we are in the deepest part of the Eighteen Kingdoms in the North Sea. The closest to us is the forces of the Jiaolong clan. They have sealed off the entire depths of the North Sea. However, the Jiaolong clan treats us in the North Sea. The people of the Eighteen Nations are not hostile, so we only need to be careful of the fierce beasts in the sea, then it is not very dangerous to leave here."

"The real danger is the outer area of ​​the North Sea and the sea area that leads to the mainland of China. These two places are not restricted by any major forces. There are many fierce beasts, as well as all kinds of evil cultivators, evil sect powerhouses, and independent powerhouses. Wait... You know, sometimes, humans are more terrifying than fierce beasts." Mu Bingxue obviously read the classics of Hanbing Sacred Palace and knew some secrets, so she was worried.

"Yes, I have also heard that some evil strong men like to train other warriors into "medicine" to improve their own cultivation skills." The king said in a deep voice.

"I have also seen in the classics that there is a kind of evil faction powerhouse who likes to devour the blood of warriors. This kind of person specializes in hunting down warriors with low strength." Wu Feng also has a solemn expression on his face.

A group of young talents were said by them that their faces were pale, and they were full of worries about the road ahead.

Ye Tian glanced at everyone, smiled and comforted: "You don't have to worry too much. Since you have chosen to go out, you should have been prepared for death long ago. Either die or survive to become stronger. There is no third way. "

"Brother Ye is right. If you can't be promoted to King Wu, it doesn't matter if you die." Zhu Hongming roared arrogantly.

A group of young talents immediately recovered their minds and nodded secretly.

They all have great ambitions, and they all hope to become kings of war, kings of war, and even pursue better martial arts.

In order to reach the top, even the danger of death cannot block their way forward.

"Everyone, when we go out, we are alone, and our strength is low, and we are easy to encounter danger. Therefore, I advise you to find opportunities to join some forces and take the opportunity to improve your strength when you are practicing outside. , And then go to the mainland of China, it is not too late to visit those big sects." Ye Tian reminded.

Everyone is not an idiot, naturally knowing Ye Tian's kindness, nodded one by one.

Even the arrogant king knows that he can only rule the roost in the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea. Outside, there are many more powerful people than him.

Therefore, in the early stage, joining some small forces is the best way to save your life, and it can also improve your strength.

Even Ye Tian planned in this way.


After the feast, Ye Tian returned to Yecheng with Mu Bingxue's three daughters.

On the road, the third daughter and Ye Tian didn't speak, and they looked extremely dull.

It wasn't until the four of them saw Ye Cheng that Yanhuo broke the silence first, looked at Ye Tian faintly, and sighed: "Did you decide to leave the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea after the first battle with the Son of God?"

"Take us together!" Mu Bingxue and Lin Xue also looked at Ye Tian, ​​looking forward to them. They hoped that Ye Tian could take them out of here together.

But Ye Tian shook his head and said, "My strength is too bad, and the outside world is too dangerous. You follow me, I am not at ease. Moreover, I also need you to take care of my parents... Forgive my selfishness!"

"But when will we see each other again?" Yanhuo's eyes turned red. The two had been married for a long time, but Ye Tian had been outside for a long time, and the two had very little time to get together.

"Let's go..." Ye Tian looked at Mu Bingxue and said, "After Xue'er is promoted to the realm of Emperor Wu, the three of you will come to the Chinese mainland to find me together."

Ye Tian estimated in his heart that Mu Bingxue had already cultivated into the Seven Wonders of Frost Ice, and could fight the enemy beyond the seventh level.

If Mu Bingxue was promoted to the realm of Emperor Wu, even if he was at the first level, he would be able to fight against the eighth level of the emperor. Such strength would be enough for her to take Lin Xue and her two daughters to the Chinese mainland safely.

"Okay, that's it." Mu Bingxue suddenly smiled when she heard this. Since receiving the inheritance of the Nine Heavens Palace, she is very confident in her cultivation.

Yan Huo and Lin Xue nodded happily when they heard this.

"Don't worry, even after the first battle with the Son of God, I will stay in the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea for a few before I leave." Ye Tian said with a smile.

The three women suddenly "showed" a happy smile.


One month later, Ye Tian's battle with the Son of God finally came.

this day--

Yecheng, City Lord's Mansion, backyard.

After Ye Tian freshened up, under the service of Mu Bingxue's three daughters, he put on a purple "color" star robe representing the true disciple of God Star Gate.

Although he has the current cultivation base and the inheritance of the Nine Heavens Palace, Ye Tian has always regarded himself as a true disciple of the Divine Star Gate, and he will not forget the school that cultivated him.

"This is my last battle in the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea!"

Ye Tian looked at the blue sky, his eyes were like stars, his face was calm, and he muttered to himself.

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