Seven World Martial God

Chapter 426: Pointing

Today is destined to be a lively day, and the entire eighteen countries of the North Sea are immersed in a boil. [More exciting novels, please visit] {First issue}

Since Ye Tian defeated the Son of God and was promoted to King Wu, he finally stood at the pinnacle of the Eighteen Kingdoms in the North Sea.

As Ye Tian's promotion banquet for the supreme young man, countless warriors from the eighteen kingdoms of Beihai have come from all over, like a pilgrimage, crowding the entire Dalin County.

The banquet was held in Yecheng and was handled by Yan Haotian and Ye Family.

This day was crowded with people, and the whole Yecheng was crowded with people. The extra people could not enter the city, so they had to camp outside the city.

Even so, the entire Yecheng was surrounded by more than a dozen floors. Looking around, a large area was crushed, all of which were martial artists.

In the entire Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea, nearly 90% of the powerhouses have arrived, and a master of the Martial King level sits in the void, exuding powerful energy fluctuations.

Every old powerhouse also stood high in the sky, releasing extraordinary powers.

Because there were too many people, Yan Haotian had to arrange the place of the big banquet high in the sky. In this way, the sky and the earth were so big that no matter how many people they could hold.

"A lot of strong people!"

"Nonsense, who dares not come to Ye Zhizun's big banquet?"

"This is definitely the peak moment of our eighteen countries in the North Sea!"


The following warriors talked a lot.

Ye Tian's big banquet, not only the powerhouses of the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea all came, but some other low-level warriors also took the opportunity to increase their knowledge.

In addition, everyone knows that Ye Tian will leave the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea soon. Such an enemyless, a legendary figure, if you don't look at it now, you will probably not see it in the future.

Moreover, the kings, Wufeng and other young powerhouses gathered at this time, and this alone was enough to attract a crowd of people who worshiped them.

In the eyes of everyone's expectation, the feast kicked off quickly, and after Ye Tian's speech, the whole Yecheng suddenly boiled.

Ye Tian just said a few words in the scene, but this also caused countless people to applaud and cheer, and the audience was boiling.

Afterwards, a maid sent spirit fruit and spirit wine to the strong. As for those low-level warriors, they can only take a look, and there is no such treatment.

Of course, they don't care about it. In addition to watching the demeanor of a group of young geniuses, they also hope to hear Ye Tian explain some cultivation experience.

This is the process that every person who is promoted to King Wu must complete, and the same is true for King Shenwu.

As a Wuwang powerhouse, you have to be generous and tell your own experience of being promoted to Wuwang for the reference of peers or younger generations. (Starting)

This is a matter of immense merit.

Of course, many powerhouses who have been promoted to the rank of King Wu have reservations when explaining their experience and will not make selfless dedication.

After all, these are all secrets. It's good to say a little bit. No one is so selfless and tall.

However, as the supreme young generation, even if Ye Tian said a little, it was enough to make people yearn for.

Even Wang Zhe, Wufeng and others, when they saw Ye Tian preparing to explain, they closed their eyes and concentrated, for fear of missing any byte.

"King Wu..." Ye Tian sat in the void, solemnly, and preached.

Ye Tian didn't have any reservations about the experience and insights of being promoted to the realm of King Wu.

He is different from others. He hopes that the eighteen countries of the North Sea can be strengthened and developed, so it is his duty to take this opportunity to help the eighteen countries of the North Sea.

Although many country masters had already been promoted to King Wu, after listening to Ye Tian's talk for a while, they knew that Ye Tian hadn't concealed anything. His eyes condensed and his faces were shocked and admired.

With such courage and selflessness, it is no wonder that Ye Tian will become the supreme youth.

"If the king of Wu is like Ye Zhizun, why don't I worry about the development of the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea!" The Lord of the Heavenly Kingdom sighed and said with some shame.

The host of the kingdoms were all ashamed, but their gazes towards Ye Tian were full of admiration and admiration.

As for the king and windless, there are also some old powerful people, or some young talents who have not been promoted to the king of martial arts. They are listening carefully to confirm their martial arts path.

Ye Tian spoke for a long time, and he spoke very carefully, which benefited everyone a lot.

On the spot, three elder strong men were full of surprises, and the light of Ming Wu appeared in their eyes, and they actually worshiped Ye Tian three times in public.

"The old man has been trapped at the peak of King Wu for more than a hundred years. Today, I finally had the privilege to see the realm of King Wu. Thank you Ye Zhizun for your accomplishment."

"Thank you Ye Zhizun for your advice. If the old man is promoted to King Wu, please give instructions to him if he has anything to do with him in the future."

"Xie Ye Zhizun pointed..."

The three old men bowed in excitement.

The surrounding elders were full of envy, but there was no trace of jealousy. They also gained a lot. Although it's not like these three people can be promoted to King Wu immediately, but they also see the clues that they are not far away.

"As expected of Ye Zhizun, a preaching gave birth to three martial kings in the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea!" Everyone praised.

Ye Tianpan sat in the void, smiled and glanced at the three old men who fell down below, raised his hand and lightly supported it, and the three old men could no longer worship.

The three elders were shocked in their hearts, and their gazes at Ye Tian became more respectful. As expected, Ye Zhizun's strength was truly unfathomable.

"This is your chance, don't thank me!" Ye Tian smiled faintly, and he was also very happy to see the three martial kings born in the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea.

"Without Ye Zhizun's guidance, is there any chance for us?" The three old men were grateful to Ye Tian.

Upon seeing this, Ye Tian stopped talking.

The Lord of the Kingdom of Heaven, the Lord of the Western Kingdom, and others were full of envy. The three old men received Ye Tian's guidance. They had almost half a master-disciple relationship, and they would definitely help Ye Tian and Ye Cheng in the future.

I am afraid that even if Ye Tian leaves the Eighteen Kingdoms in the North Sea, Ye Cheng is also the most powerful force in the Eighteen Kingdoms.

"Brother Ye, you were promoted to King Wu that day. We saw that you have ten small worlds. I don't know what's going on?" Wufeng said.

Upon hearing this, all the strong men closed their breaths and looked at Ye Tian expectantly.

After explaining the experience, the newly promoted King Wu also needs to accept some questions, which can be regarded as pointing to everyone.

And this question from No Wind was exactly what everyone present was concerned about, so the court suddenly fell silent, all staring at Ye Tian expectantly.

Ye Tian had expected someone to ask this question, so he was prepared and smiled lightly when he heard the words.

"Actually, it is normal to have more than two small worlds in the realm of Wuzong on the Chinese mainland. As far as I know, some powerful geniuses even have a hundred small worlds or even more. However, we are Beihai Ten The Eight Kingdoms Martial Arts has fallen, and there are no related classics, so there are very few geniuses who have cultivated more than two small worlds."

Ye Tian continued: "I can cultivate ten small worlds, but also relying on Master Blood Demon Blade's inheritance technique "Blood Demon Dao", even if it is very difficult to practice."

Everyone was shocked and envious.

"Brother Ye, I have already been promoted to King Wu, I wonder if I can practice other small worlds?" The King asked at this moment.

Ye Tian looked at the king, shook his head and smiled: "It's okay, but I don't think you would do it, because it's a fool to do it."

"Oh?" The king "exposed" the "color" of doubt and "confusion".

The others also looked at Ye Tian suspiciously.

Ye Tian explained: "The more the small world, the stronger it is. I saw in the classics of the Tai Chi Sacred Palace that the true geniuses of the Shenzhou Continent have only one small world, which is called the only real world."

"I will combine the ten small worlds into one in the future, and develop into the most powerful and only real world."

Ye Tian didn't disclose that the Blood Demon Blade Lord had been promoted to Martial Saint, so he lied and explained it with Tai Chi Sacred Palace.

However, everyone has no doubt about this, because it is the Nine Heavens Palace, no one dares to question it.

"The only real world is probably not just a small world, right?" Wufeng asked with a flash of eyes.

Ye Tian nodded appreciatively, and said: "Yes, the only real world is a small world, but a small world may not be the only real world. I don't know this now. When you join some martial arts, you will know. What I want to say is that no matter how many small worlds we cultivate, the final path is the same, to become the only real world."

"In this way, we don't need to spend time and energy to cultivate other small worlds." The king nodded, and suddenly realized.

"The only real world!" The lords were also very excited. This path is also suitable for them. Although it is difficult to succeed, at least there is a direction.

Next, some young talents asked questions, and Ye Tian answered them one by one.

Everyone gained a lot, and they were all satisfied. They looked at Ye Tian's eyes, becoming more awed and respectful.

Finally, as an old friend of Ye Tian, ​​Yan Haotian, who was of great help to Ye Tian, ​​asked a question everyone wanted to know.

"Brother Ye, we really want to know what level of your current strength has reached?" As soon as Yan Haotian's voice fell, the court suddenly fell silent, and everyone looked at Ye Tian expectantly.

Ye Tian laughed dumbfounded when he heard this, but he didn't expect everyone to care about this, and he couldn't help being speechless.

However, seeing the expressions that everyone was expecting, Ye Tian flashed a sly in his eyes. He smiled and said, "My cultivation base is at the first level of King Wu!"


Everyone was immediately discouraged when they heard this, and their faces were full of contempt.

Everyone knows that Ye Tian has just been promoted to King Wu ~ ~ is naturally the first level of King Wu, but they care about Ye Tian's strength, not cultivation.

Shenwu King Wuwang only has the strength of Wuwang first level, but Ye Tian is a peerless genius. Before being promoted to Wuwang, he can kill the son of the super power at Wuwang fifth level.

Now that Ye Tian has finally been promoted to King Wu, his strength is at least above the fifth level of King Wu, perhaps the sixth, seventh, or even the eighth or ninth level of the Wu King.

But Ye Tian didn't say, everyone was helpless, and could only secretly swallow this curiosity.

Of course, some people went to Mu Bingxue to inquire about the news, because Mu Bingxue was Ye Tian's pillow, and Mu Bingxue's strength was strong, it was most likely that Ye Tian's strength could be seen.

However, Mu Bingxue kept silent, a goddess of ice and snow that made people inaccessible and could only sigh.

"Hahaha..." Ye Tian laughed loudly, looking very happy as everyone slumped.

Of course, this has also been despised by a crowd.

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