Seven World Martial God

Chapter 430: Dragon Tomb

Following the two powerful dragons, Ye Tian finally landed on the Dragon Island, and when he saw his eyes, they were all huge buildings, very majestic, as if they had come to the kingdom of giants. [More exciting novels, please visit]

On Long Island, Ye Tian saw many large and small flood dragons with strange appearances, seeing Ye Tian dazzled.

The Fire Dragon King was very excited. He kept laughing along the way and greeted some acquaintances from time to time.

As for Ye Tian, ​​a strange human being, the flood dragons on Long Island were also very curious, each holding up their huge heads, staring at Ye Tian curiously.

Ye Tian also discovered that there are many unfathomable human beings, all of which have emerged from powerful flood dragons.

From the Fire Dragon King, Ye Tian received information that in the Dragon Clan, as long as they reach the realm of Emperor Wu, they can transform into a human form.

Precisely because of this, only the children of the Jiaolong clan who have the Wuhuang level cultivation base can go out to practice.

The Wuhuang-level Flood Dragon powerhouses are the backbone of the Flood Dragon clan, with the largest number.

There are few dragon elders at Emperor Wu level, but they are the real power of the dragon family.

There is also the Dragon Emperor in the realm of Wu Zun.

And, the largest number of King Wu, and the little dragons below King Wu.

These constitute a powerful Dragon Island.


On Long Island, in the largest palace, Ye Tian finally saw the Dragon Emperor of the Jiaolong clan.

The Dragon Emperor was a white-haired old man with a very kind appearance. He didn't look like a king over the world, but like an old man next door.

Ye Tian couldn't even feel a little breath in Dragon Emperor.

Of course, Ye Tian couldn't feel a breath of other people in the hall, but at least, he could feel some powerful threats from these people.

But the Dragon Emperor was like a mortal, except for those deep eyes, and the gaze that contained wind and frost, everything seemed so ordinary.

"Farewell to the Dragon King!" The Fire Dragon King was already kneeling on the ground and kowtow, his face was full of respect, and he did not dare to breathe.

Ye Tian also bowed respectfully.

However, the Dragon Emperor raised his hand, and Ye Tian's waist could no longer bend. Right now, Ye Tian shook his head with a wry smile, and stopped being polite.

"Holy Son, don't have to be polite." Long Sovereign smiled slightly, and he could see that he had a good impression of the polite Ye Tian.

The elders of the Jiaolong clan in the hall also nodded secretly, with expressions of appreciation.

Originally, they thought that the saint son of Nine Heavens Palace must be arrogant, or some arrogant people, it is difficult to get along with. [More exciting novels, please visit]

If this is the case, the Jiaolong clan will take care of Ye Tian at best, and then just ignore it.

However, now that Ye Tian is so approachable and polite to see, including Dragon Sovereign, all the powerful dragons have a good impression.

The Dragon Emperor said with a smile: "The holy child came from afar. He must be tired. I won't talk today. I will arrange a banquet in a few days to pick up the dust for you."

"Dragon Emperor is polite." Ye Tian arched his hands.

Whatever the guest!

Although he didn't feel tired at all with Ye Tian's cultivation base, he did not refute, and went directly to rest with a strong dragon.

Ye Tian felt that it was better to listen to others in other people's territory.

Although the Jiaolong clan has an extraordinary relationship with the Nine Heavens Palace, no one knows how much affection there is in the past such a long time.

Had it not been for the Dragon Clan to know the existence of the Guardian Elder, I am afraid Ye Tian would not dare to come to Dragon Island.


After Ye Tian left the hall, the Dragon Emperor's gaze suddenly changed. The majestic aura made the atmosphere in the hall condensed and filled with a strong sense of oppression.

The elders of the flood dragons were solemn and looked at the dragon emperor respectfully.

"You have also seen just now that this saint child has a good temperament. If he builds a good relationship when he is weak, it will definitely be a great help for our Beihai Flood Dragon Clan in the future." said the Dragon Emperor.

All the elders nodded.

To be the saint son of the Nine Heavens Palace, he must have extraordinary talents, and the worst achievement in the future is also a martial saint.

With such potential and relationship, the Jiaolong clan naturally wanted to win Ye Tian.

However, the Jiaolong clan was also afraid that Ye Tian was a white-eyed wolf, and would forget about them if he achieved high levels in the future.

Therefore, everything depends on Ye Tian's character.

Combining the information that the Fire Dragon King received from the Eighteen Kingdoms in the North Sea, coupled with Ye Tian's attitude just now, all this has allowed the Dragon King to determine that Ye Tian is a genius worth training.

"This time, two saints appeared in the Nine Heavens Palace, and these two saints are still husband and wife. The old man thinks this may be a sign of the prosperity of the Nine Heavens Palace, so we must have a good relationship with the two saints." The powerful Jiaolong clan elder said in a deep voice, his wise eyes gleaming with dazzling spirit.

Hearing this, the Dragon Emperor nodded in appreciation, and said: "What the Great Elder said is true. This son has amazing luck and extraordinary talent. Coupled with the inheritance of the Tai Chi Holy Palace, he will definitely be a strong man who will shake the Chinese mainland in the future. As the saying goes, icing on the cake is not as good as giving charcoal in the snow. Now is a good time for us to draw him in."

"The Dragon King is wise!" the elders of the Jiaolong clan said in unison.

Since then, there has been no objection to wooing Ye Tian.

However, how to win it?

The Dragon Sovereign looked at the group of elders below again, and the elders suddenly became meditative. After a while, there was a lot of discussion in the hall.

At this time, the fire dragon king knelt on the ground for a long time, raising his head, a little nervous, and whispered: "Lord Dragon, I wonder if I can let Master Shengzi enter the dragon tomb?"

As soon as these words came out, the hall suddenly became quiet, and all the elders looked at the Fire Dragon King.

"..." The Fire Dragon King was shocked. The eyes of the elders put him under tremendous pressure, making him sweat dripping from behind.

The Dragon Emperor also looked at the Fire Dragon King below, with a soft light in his eyes, smiling and raising his hand.

"Almost forgot you little guy, get up quickly." The Dragon King's voice fell, and the Fire Dragon King was lifted by a soft energy, and he stood up excitedly.

"You have a good idea, this time you made a great contribution, go down and receive the reward!" The Dragon Emperor waved his hand, letting a powerful Flood Dragon Clan go down with the excited Fire Dragon King.

Afterwards, the Dragon Emperor calmly looked at the elders in the main hall and said, "What do you think of this little guy's idea?"

"The Dragon Tomb has always been a forbidden place for our Jiaolong clan. Only some elites who have reached the realm of King Wu can enter the Dragon Tomb to receive the baptism of the dragon soul. is not convenient for outsiders to enter." An elder hesitated.

"We also belong to the Nine Heavens Palace, so Shengzi is not an outsider. I think this is a good idea. Not long after the Shengzi was promoted to King Wu, he was extremely talented, and it was a good time to receive the Dragon Soul baptism." Some people have different opinions.

"I agree that the Saint Son enters the Dragon Tomb. The Nine Heavens Palace has much more treasures than our Jiaolong Clan. If we are not willing to pay even this amount of capital, how can we win the Saint Son?"

"I don't agree. I won't let you go, but you can't have a bottom line. The Dragon Tomb is our forbidden place. How can anyone enter it except for the children of the race?"

"I agree with this matter. I can't bear to let the child be unable to hold the wolf. If you want to win over a genius like the Son, you must spend a lot of money."

"I also agree that our Dragon Clan will not fall because of the Saint Son entering the Dragon Tomb, but because the Saint Son is strong and powerful."


There was a lot of discussion in the hall.

Gradually, more and more elders agreed to let Ye Tian enter the Dragon Tomb.

The remaining few stubborn elders could only grit their teeth and shut up, and did not dare to object anymore.

Obviously, the general trend.

The Dragon Sovereign coughed lightly to restore calm in the hall. With a deep gaze, he swept the elders and slowly said: "Then it's so decided. When the dragon tomb is opened this time, the holy son will enter it together. Accept the baptism of the Dragon Emperor."

"The Dragon King is wise!" the elders of the Jiaolong clan said in unison.

"I hope you don't let this emperor down!" The Dragon Emperor smiled slightly, looked at the sky outside the hall, and muttered to himself.


In a secluded other courtyard, Ye Tian saw the Fire Dragon King who was rushing with his face full of excitement, and immediately greeted him.

"Why did you come out so soon?" Ye Tian said with a smile. He thought that the Dragon King had many questions to ask the Fire Dragon King.

"Hehe, what I should say, I have already passed it back to Long Island with a secret method, and Lord Dragon Sovereign naturally doesn't need to ask again." Fire Dragon King laughed, his eyes couldn't hide his excitement, making Ye Tian very curious.

"What's the matter? Seeing you look so happy, could it be that Dragon Emperor rewarded you?" Ye Tian asked.

"Hey, you are right this time, Lord Dragon Emperor just authorized me to enter the Dragon Tomb with you and receive the baptism of the Dragon Soul." Hearing this, the Fire Dragon King was full of excitement and couldn't wait to tell Ye Tian.

"Dragon Tomb? I can also go in? Is there anything good in it? What is Dragon Soul baptism?" Ye Tianyi asked several questions.

Fire Dragon King felt his head was big, and he quickly raised his hand and said, "Don't ask, listen to me carefully..."

"The Dragon Tomb is the home of the dead souls of our Jiaolong clan powerhouse, and it is also the place where the corpse is buried. Moreover, only those who have reached the realm of the Emperor Wu are eligible to be buried in the Dragon Tomb after death. In the Dragon Tomb, With their own opportunities, the best of them are the unconscious souls of the predecessors. These are powerful men above the Emperor Wu, although they have died, there are still some memories in the remnant soul."

The Fire Dragon King continued: "Some of these memories some recorded powerful martial arts, some recorded mysterious secret methods, or some other useful information... In short, the Dragon Tomb is a good place, although I I haven't been in, but I know that every child of the Jiaolong clan who enters the dragon tomb has the worst cultivation level and can be upgraded to level four or five."

"It's really a treasure place!" Ye Tian's eyes lit up. He is now slow to improve his cultivation level, and he needs this kind of treasure land. This is really a great opportunity.

"Not only that, I once heard that someone found a treasure in the Dragon Tomb, got a lot of treasures, and the cultivation base rose all the way, and finally became the powerful elder of our Flood Dragon Clan." The Fire Dragon King said enviously.

The Dragon Tomb is definitely where all the children of the Jiaolong tribe want to go in.

However, the Dragon Tomb is also restricted, only the Wuwang level cultivation base can enter, and it does not work if it is high or low.

Moreover, only some geniuses of the Jiaolong clan can enter the Dragon Tomb, and others are not allowed to enter.

An ordinary child like the Fire Dragon King was originally not qualified to enter the Dragon Tomb, but this time he was allowed to enter by the Dragon King by exception. I think he is happy.

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