Seven World Martial God

Chapter 436: Legacy of Thunder

The wind and the clouds are changing, the dark clouds are dense, the thunder and lightning are in the sky, the speed is extremely fast, and they bombard Ye Tian's body. 【First Release】

Ye Tian grinned in pain, not because his will was not firm, but because it was so painful that his whole body seemed to be scorched. The force of the radiant sun made him tender inside and outside, as if it were ripe.

It was too horrible, Ye Tian seemed to be crossing the catastrophe. The terrifying lightning power enveloped this void, making people's souls trembling.


In the thunder sea, purple light was dazzling, and a thick thunder and lightning blasted down fiercely. The horrible electric light spread in all directions, and the sky seemed to be torn apart with unmatched power.

Ye Tian revolved the Ninth Rank battle body to its peak state, his whole body was radiant, and his whole body turned golden. He is like a golden **** of war, standing proudly in the sky, facing the thunder and lightning.

"Nine-turn combat body!"

In the sky, the ancestor of the Jiaolong tribe condensed his eyes, watching Ye Tian who was constantly bombarded by thunder and lightning with interest, and finally there was a trace of fluctuation in his eyes.

"Unexpectedly, that guy's technique was passed down. It's a pity that this technique is too difficult to practice. The early stage is not strong enough. Only after reaching the seventh level can it erupt." The ancestor of the Dragon Clan thought secretly.

The Valkyrie who created the Ninth Rank battle body was an ancient superpower. Even among the Valkyries, he was in the top rank and was already very close to Tianzun.

The ancestor of the Jiaolong tribe, was fortunate enough to have seen this martial arts powerhouse make a move. His Nine-Ranked combat body had already surpassed the ninth level, and his physical body was very powerful. He stood there and allowed several Valkyries to bombard with all his strength, but none of them left him. A little hurt.

The prestige of Shenzhou Continent's No. 1 physical training exercises also comes from this.


A series of terrifying thunder and lightning bombarded Ye Tian's body, and the golden light on his body suddenly dimmed, blood was flowing out of the corner of his mouth, and his face was pale for a while.

Rumble... the thunder and lightning continued to bombard down, Ye Tian suffered heavy injuries, his body was scarred, his body was scorched and bloody.


Ye Tian spurted blood, he encountered an unprecedented crisis, countless thunder and lightning drowned him, and the terrifying thunder power enveloped his entire body.

Ye Tian felt that his whole body was numb, and even his soul was trembling. The blue Martial Soul in his body was also shining with electric light, and suffered terribly severe damage.

so horrible!

This kind of lightning power reached its extreme, and after every bombardment, it would remain in Ye Tian's flesh and blood meridians, as if charging him.

"Huh? No!"

Ye Tian suddenly narrowed his eyes, and he thought of a possibility.

He carefully sensed that after the thunder and lightning entered his body, in addition to the destruction, there was a pure power that was washing his body.

"This is transforming my body, so that my body is suitable for thunder and lightning... This is the inheritance!" Ye Tian's eyes lit up and he realized instantly. [More exciting novels, please visit]

This is necessary to obtain the inheritance of thunder and lightning, without a suitable body, it is impossible to accept such a terrifying amount of lightning.

The ancestor of the Jiaolong tribe is using his own power to transform Ye Tian's body.

Of course, if he is too bad, then Ye Tian will die in this transformation, and everything depends on himself.

After figuring it out, Ye Tian gritted his teeth, stood up persistently, and began to welcome the baptism of thunder and lightning in the strongest state.

"I want to be stronger!"

"If you can't even accept this, how can you climb the pinnacle of martial arts?"

"My talent is poor, so I will endure harder than others!"


Ye Tian shouted in his heart, the whole person went crazy, he roared, and the light on his body became more intense. Those dark eyes shot out two dazzling rays of light, which were more brilliant than the lightning in the sky.


A large wave of thunder and lightning blasted down, like a blazing ocean, submerging Ye Tian's whole person in it. The power of terrifying thunder and lightning covered the entire sky, and the sky was trembling.

Ye Tian's body was about to collapse, he spurted blood, his whole body was blurry, blood began to bleed in his eyes, his body was burnt black, and the meat was cooked.

"I! No! Yes! Down! Down!"

Ye Tian roared, his whole body glowed again, a cosmic starry sky map appeared behind him, and a hundred small worlds burst out together, like the bright sun, emitting fiery brilliance.

"Oh my God!"

Up and down Shenglong Road, as well as the dragon emperor, elders and others in the palace, all suddenly exclaimed.

Ye Tian burst into a hundred small worlds, which shocked them extremely.

Obviously it was the second-level cultivation base of King Wu, but at this moment, in Ye Tian's body, it was showing a power comparable to Emperor Wu.

The boundless thunder and lightning was blocked by a cosmic sky map composed of a hundred small worlds.

"It's interesting, but it's on a crooked road!" In the sky, the ancestor of the Jiaolong tribe hummed slightly, and Lei Hai trembled violently, and the boundless Lei Wei became more majestic.

Boom boom boom!

A wave of lightning that was stronger than before, bombarded Ye Tian, ​​and every blow made the void tremble again and again.

Ye Tian's face changed drastically, he felt the dangerous breath of death, the universe starry sky map composed of a hundred small worlds was about to collapse, and the terrible power made his soul tremble.

"Has the transformation not been completed yet?"

There was a trace of worry in Ye Tian's eyes, he had exhausted all his strength, and if he couldn't succeed, then he would really die.

Rumble... the boiling Thunder Sea, all suppressed, engulfing Ye Tian in it.

The boundless thunder and lightning caused this void to collapse, and the world was brilliant.

"Hmph, this kind of talent is not worthy of being the saint son of the Nine Heavens Palace. How could the guardian elder choose this son?" In the sky, the ancestors of the Jiaolong tribe didn't have the slightest sympathy, only incomprehensible color in their eyes.

He was a figure in the ancient times. At that time, the Nine Heavens Palace where he was located was the most powerful force in the mainland of China, because their palace lord was the invincible Heavenly Venerable-Nine Heavenly Venerable.

At that time, the saint sons of the Nine Heavens Palace were also the strongest geniuses in the mainland of China. Each was a peerless asset and qualified to be promoted to the **** of war.

The worst can also become a titled Martial Saint.

With a talent like Ye Tian, ​​there were a lot of people in the Nine Heavens Palace at that time, it was impossible to become a saint, even a true disciple.

"Could it be that the Nine Heavens Palace has fallen to this point, and even the guardian elder has lost hope?" The ancestor of the Jiaolong clan sighed.

At this moment, in the boundless sea of ​​thunder, a dazzling golden light suddenly burst out, a huge phantom, shining like a god, looking down at the sky.

"How could it be!" The ancestor of the Jiaolong tribe was shocked, staring at this stalwart figure with a face full of disbelief.

Like an immortal god, it released an unparalleled aura, causing the ancestors of the Flood Dragon tribe to tremble again and again.

This is the breath of Valkyrie!

That stalwart figure grew taller and taller, and finally surpassed the ancestors of the Jiaolong tribe, as if breaking through the sky and standing at the highest point of the entire Shenzhou continent.

At this moment, not only the ancestors of the Jiaolong clan trembled, but the entire Dragon Island and even the entire Shenzhou Continent trembled.


In the sky, the stalwart figure opened his eyes, and those eyes that were as bright as the scorching sun penetrated the sky, tearing apart the void, as if coming from the depths of endless darkness.

This substantive gaze swept across from the ancestors of the Jiaolong tribe, and across the entire Dragon Island.

Suddenly, everyone's souls were trembling, as if being seen through.

"It's him!" In the Nine Heavens Palace, a white-haired old man opened his eyes and looked in the direction of Long Island, with a trace of sadness in his eyes.

"What a powerful breath!"

"It's a Valkyrie powerhouse!"

"No, it's just a remnant soul, about to dissipate!"

"From the direction of Beihai, it seems to be from the Nine Heavens Palace!"


The entire Shenzhou Continent was surging for a while, and all the terrifying existences sensed this vast aura, awakened from their deep sleep, and looked towards Dragon Island.

All the warriors felt the tremor of their souls, this was the pressure from the strongest.

In the face of such a powerful man, even the ancestors who are as strong as the Dragon Clan, have to lower their arrogant head and bow down.

Because this is the **** of war, the strongest man in the mainland of China, the worldly figure of martial arts and gods.

"Even you have become a **** of war, but unfortunately... you have fallen!" Although the ancestors of the Jiaolong clan had no emotions, they couldn't help showing sadness at this moment.

He recognized this person. This was a true disciple of Nine Heavens Palace. He was still his junior at the beginning. Although he was talented, he didn't care about it.

But I didn't expect that this younger generation actually achieved the position of the Valkyrie, more powerful than some saints and saints.

It is a pity that such a strong man has also fallen into the long river of time.

"Why on earth?" The ancestors of the Jiaolong clan were full of deep doubts. Although he participated in the ancient battle, he still didn't know how that battle happened.

Those enemies appeared inexplicably and outrageously powerful, causing the palace lord of the Nine Heavens Palace for more than ten generations of the Martial God level to fall, and the disciples under it were almost completely destroyed.

Rumble...Thunder and lightning are surging, but at this moment, Ye Tian can no longer be injured. Those terrifying thunder and lightning have been converted to destructive power, leaving only the purest vitality to transform Ye Tian's body.

Ye Tian felt that his body became more and more adaptable to the amount of lightning power, and the true essence contained the attributes of lightning. He was like the **** of thunder and could be manipulated freely.

"Lucky guy, unexpectedly got the incomplete battle soul of a Valkyrie!" The ancestor of the Jiaolong clan looked at Ye Tian and couldn't help but sigh.

It's amazing luck to survive this way!

"Maybe the guardian elder values ​​your luck!" A trace of enlightenment appeared in the eyes of the ancestors of the Jiaolong His body was getting lighter and lighter, and it began to appear and disappear.

"Time is running out, let me help you again!"

Sigh softly.

The ancestors of the Jiaolong clan suddenly turned into a huge sea of ​​thunder and rushed into Ye Tian's body together.

Suddenly, the boundless thunder and lightning gathered, constantly shrinking, forming a purple solid ball of light, condensed at the center of Ye Tian's brow.

The stalwart figure also kept shrinking at this time, and the bright eyes gradually lost their color.

For a long time, between heaven and earth, there was only a light sigh, and it passed away with the wind.

The entire Dragon Island did not return to calm because of this. Ye Tian rose to the sky, his eyes flashed out, he shook the void with a howl, and his entire body released boundless lightning, shining with dazzling light.

He finally got the power of thunder and lightning, and his strength went to the next level!

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