Seven World Martial God

Chapter 449: Take advantage

"A strong man from Emperor Wu is coming!"

"No, Lord Wu Huang is dead. [For more exciting novels, please visit]"

"All three Wuhuang adults were killed."


When Li Chengfeng and Bai Yu were facing each other in the air, the mining area below the island was already in chaos.

With the fall of the three martial emperors, the three major mining areas were a sensation, and the warriors of the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce were in a mess, all of them panicked.

But Ye Tian and Wang Guanshi also learned the news immediately. Their faces changed. The difference is that the former was full of horror and disbelief, while the latter was surprised.

"How could it be!" Guan Shi was shocked, and the three Martial Emperors who had been looking up to him were all dead.

"God helps me too!" Ye Tian was secretly overjoyed, and his gaze changed instantly, like a cold blade, staring fiercely at the current manager.

"Brother Ye, even Lord Wu is dead, we'd better hide first..." Guan Shi turned around and said, but when he saw Ye Tian's murderous gaze, he couldn't help being taken aback.

"You don't need to hide, you go straight to accompany them!" Ye Tian said coldly, a blazing electric current immediately compensated for the whole body, flashing dazzling sparks.

Guan Shi was shocked, and he took a few steps back and looked at Ye Tian in shock: "Brother Ye, you..." He couldn't figure out how someone who was still a brother before suddenly had such a terrifying killing intent.

Ye Tian didn't say much, and immediately shot, a blazing lightning spear condensed in his hand, and headed towards Wang Guan.

Chi Chi!

The electric light was dazzling, the lightning was dazzling, and the terrifying power, with a strong sense of oppression, almost suffocated Wang Guan.

"Ah..." Guan Shi yelled, and in the midst of danger, he exploded with extreme potential, half-step the strength of the Martial Emperor, burst out with all his strength, and laid layers of defense in front of him.

However, the Lightning Spear was very penetrating, and instantly pierced through the layers of protection, and hit the Wang Guanshi's chest fiercely.

"Ah..." Guan Shi let out a miserable cry, his whole body flew out, blood spurting wildly, his face pale suddenly.


Ye Tian performed seven steps against the sky, stepping on Guan Shi's chest with one foot, his cold eyes, like a sharp blade, pierced the void with a sigh.

"You...who are you?" Wang Guanshi was full of horror, and then a mouthful of blood spurted out, and his ribs broke.

First, he suffered a thunder and lightning bombardment that was enough to severely injure the Emperor Martial Power, and then was hit by Ye Tian's kick in the chest. Even though Wang Guanshi had the strength of a half-step Martial Emperor, he completely lost his combat effectiveness at this time. (Starting)

He looked at Ye Tian desperately, with a face full of horror and disbelief. He couldn't think that the person who had called him brother before was the one who sent him to the west.

"Those prisoners!"

Suddenly, Guan Shi seemed to have thought of something, his eyes flashed.

He stared at Ye Tian fiercely, and shouted angrily: "You and those prisoners are in the same group!"

"Not bad!" Ye Tian said, waved his hand and released Sun Yun in the small world.

"Ye Tian, ​​did you do it?" Sun Yun was a little puzzled, but when he saw Wang Guanshi, his face suddenly became gloomy, and his eyes were full of earth-shaking hatred.

"It's him! If it wasn't for the Seven Prince to help me block him, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to escape." Sun Yun stared at Wang Guanshi firmly, with a strong hatred in his eyes.

Ye Tian didn't expect this incident. His eyes on Guanshi Wang became colder and colder. The strong killing intent made Guanshi Wang feel cold all over. He smiled miserably: "Unexpectedly, I really didn't expect Wang to have three swords. The sea has been planted in the hands of you two boys for so many years."

"Hmph, we just rested on the island. We have never offended you, but you were arrested as slaves. Life is better than death!" Sun Yun yelled coldly, his face full of hatred, and he punched hard. Under the bombardment, Wang Guanshi sank half of his body in a bombardment.

Guan Shi spouted another mouthful of blood, his face paler, but there was a mocking smile in his eyes: "This is the rule of the Three Swords Sea, and the strong are respected. Is this the first time you come to the Three Swords Sea?"

Ye Tian's eyelids twitched. He knew that Guan Shi was right. This was San Daohai's cruel rules.

But even so, it is difficult to dispel the hatred in Sun Yun's heart. He took out a long sword and said coldly: "Yes, this is the rule, but now we are stronger than you!"

Having said that, Sun Yun didn't hesitate to kill him with a single sword.

"Puff!" Wang Guanshi's **** head suddenly roared in the air, and you could see his desperate and unwilling eyes.

"Let's go, go back and bring the Seven Princes out." Ye Tian greeted and said.

"I'll enter your small world. My strength can only drag you down, and I can't help you in any way." Sun Yun smiled bitterly.

"Yeah!" Ye Tian nodded and put Sun Yun into the small world again.

Although Sun Yun has already been promoted to King Wu, the worst guards of the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce here are also strong at the third level of King Wu. There are many at the seventh and eighth levels of King Wu, so naturally they can't help.

Of course, all of this was vulnerable to Ye Tian.

After slaughtering Wang Guanshi, Ye Tian returned to the third mining area. His combat power was fully deployed, and all the guards he encountered along the way were mercilessly killed by him.

Time is urgent now, Ye Tian doesn't know how the two Wudi strong players are playing, he has to move quickly.

Without the slightest concealment, Ye Tian exploded with all his strength, with all his strength when he shot. These warriors below the Emperor Wu were not his one move at all, they were all instantly killed by him.

"What happened?"

"It's such a powerful coercion, I was almost scared to death just now, it's really scary."

"It seems to be Emperor Wei!"


When Ye Tian came to the gate of the third mining area, the guards of the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce warriors were talking in a panic, and the miners inside were also nervous and frightened.

I have to say that Diwei is too terrifying, even Ye Tian is trembling, let alone these people?

"Hey, Brother Ye, didn't you go with Guan Wang? You came back so soon?" When a warrior from the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce saw Ye Tian, ​​he couldn't help showing his doubts.

Other warriors from the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce also watched. During this time, Guan Shi often came to Ye Tian to discuss matters. They already knew that this'miner' would immediately become their companion, and his status was higher than them, so there was no A bit of vigilance.

However, even if they were vigilant, they were not, because the gap between them and Ye Tian was too big.

"I'm coming back to kill you!" Ye Tian smiled slightly at the warriors of the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce, and then swept across their puzzled, shocked, and unbelievable gazes.



Although these warriors of the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce were powerful, they were indeed vulnerable in front of Ye Tian and were directly killed by Ye Tian with a single knife.

"This..." The miners inside were stunned, their eyes widened, and their faces were full of shock, disbelief, and horror.

Everyone was stunned, Ye Tian actually killed the warriors of the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce, didn't he join the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce? Didn't they talk and laugh before?

Isn't he afraid of the three martial emperors of Fengyun Chamber of Commerce?

Amidst the doubts of the miners, Ye Tian didn't bother to pay attention to them, and directly called Tong Liang to ask him to find the Seven Prince and others.

"Ye...Brother Ye, I...I..." Tong Liang stood in front of Ye Tian, ​​his whole body shuddering, and he couldn't say anything tremblingly, fearing.

They are not fools. From the moment Ye Tian made the move, they knew that he was a strong man with hidden strength, probably not much worse than Emperor Wu.

Moreover, Ye Tian didn't blink his eyes at all in the murderer, and he shot fiercely, killing him with a single blow, making everyone panicked.

"Bring them here, don't talk nonsense!" Ye Tian said coldly.

Tong Liang nodded quickly, and ran away like an escape, using all the strength of the milk.

As for the miners next to him, they looked at Ye Tian nervously at this moment, and the atmosphere didn't dare to gasp.

Ye Tian glanced at them and said coldly: "You have also seen the movement just now. There was a Wudi strong who killed the three martial emperors of the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce, and he is now fighting against the Emperor Wu of the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce."

All the miners were stunned as soon as he said this. He guessed that it was Emperor Wei, but he didn't expect that it was the Emperor Wu who killed them, and there was a Wu Emperor hidden on the island.

What shocked them even more was that the three martial emperors who had been frightening them all died like this.

"Wait, I will leave here. Whether you go or stay, choose for yourself!" Ye Tian said lightly. He doesn't care about the life and death of these people. It's not that he is cruel, but the cruel place of Sandaohai is not merciful.

Regardless of Ye Tian saving these miners, if there is a large enough profit, at least half of these miners will betray Ye Tian.

Ye Tian naturally wouldn't dare to do such a thankless thing, he only had to rescue the warriors of the Eighteen Kingdoms in the North Sea.

"Brother Ye!" For a moment, Tong Liang came with the Seventh Prince and others.

"Ye Tian!"

"Ye Zhizun!"

"Brother Ye!"

The warriors of the Eighteen Nations of the North Sea were very excited. They knew that Ye Tian called them at this time, indicating that they could leave here.

Time is urgent, Ye Tian said directly: "We must leave this place right away. Before this you enter my little world first, and Sun Yun is also in it."

"it is good!"

"What do you say, we will do it!"

The warriors of the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea had no objections, and they had some fanatical worship for Ye Tian. And they also knew that their strength would only drag Ye Tian.

Even the Seventh Prince is like this, but before entering Ye Tian’s small world, he took Ye Tian’s arm and said in a deep voice: "Her body is still being dried in the No. 1 Mine. If possible, I hope to take her Get it back."

He stared at Ye Tian closely, begging.

Ye Tian sighed lightly. He had never seen such a Seven Prince. There was no pride or supremacy. There was only one ordinary young man from the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea.

"Don't worry, I won't let her die on this nameless island." Ye Tian nodded heavily. Since he has encountered this kind of thing, he can't ignore it.

Ye Tian knew that the seventh prince was talking about the companion who committed suicide, a woman who was forced to death.

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