Seven World Martial God

Chapter 452: Smog Strait

"Listen, boy, open the small world obediently, otherwise we'll do it ourselves. [Starter]" The Wu Huang headed by him looked arrogant, and he didn't put Ye Tian, ​​the little Wu Wang, in his eyes.

In fact, they randomly took out one person, all of whom had a higher cultivation base than Ye Tian.

"Are you disciples of Tiandaomen?" Ye Tian looked at these people coldly, and he had guessed it since they took out the portrait.

Because the person painted on the portrait is Duanyun, the young master of Rendaomen.

Only the people of the Heavenly Dao Sect would want to stop Yun.

Ye Tian didn't want to be troubled at first, but he didn't expect these people to rob him, and he was really confused.

"Boy, you have good eyesight!" The Wu Sovereign in the head gave Ye Tian a surprised look, then smiled, and said to everyone under his hands: "Hands, since this kid knows our identity, he can't Let him go out alive."

The disciples of the Tiandaomen rob and loose repair? This was not without it, but if it were spread out, wouldn't it make Tiandaomen's face all shame.

Ye Tian didn't expect that a word of his own would arouse the opponent's killing intent, but he didn't care. He directly took the bleeding magic knife and slashed at the opposite Martial Emperor.

"Good come!" The Emperor Wu of the Heavenly Sword Sect curled his mouth in disdain, and fluttered at Ye Tian with a fist.

"Dare to use a knife in front of our Heavenly Sword Gate, it's courageous!" The Emperor Wu of the Heavenly Sword Gate snorted coldly, and his entire fist burst out with a dazzling light, as if a big mountain banged against him.

However, there was a mocking smile at the corner of Ye Tian's mouth, and he saw his hundred small worlds burst out together, and his whole body was poured into the Blood Demon Sword. The blade suddenly trembled, and a fiery blade burst out.

"This..." The Heavenly Sword Sect's Martial Emperor was stunned. He didn't expect that the Martial King boy who was vulnerable just now would suddenly explode with a more powerful aura than him.

That terrifying killing blade intent, carrying around 10% of the power of the world, slashed to the Emperor Wu of the Heavenly Sword Sword fiercely.

"Impossible...How could you control the power of the heavens and the earth?" The Emperor Wu of the Heavenly Sword Gate was even more shocked, looking at Ye Tian as if he had seen a ghost, his face was full of shock.

You know, only Emperor Wu can control the power of heaven and earth.

"Go down and ask the **** of death!" Ye Tian sneered, slashing with a slash, the terrifying blade force combined with the might of heaven and earth, causing the void to tremble and collapse.

The disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect who were about to make a move next to them were all shocked and did not dare to do anything. They looked at all this in disbelief. It wasn't until the Emperor Wu of the Heavenly Sword Sect was beheaded by Ye Tian that they reacted and fled in all directions. 【First Release】

"Let's go to death together!" Ye Tian shouted, chasing those people, he didn't dare to let these people escape.

Rumble...Ye Tian didn't hide his strength this time. He put away the Blood Demon Knife and turned into thunder and lightning. The speed was so fast that he quickly caught up with those Tiandaomen disciples.

Without any resistance, these Tiandaomen disciples were killed by the power of lightning, and none of them escaped.

"Still the power of thunder and lightning is cool!"

Looking at the scorched corpses, Ye Tian pulled a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Now he, even though he can compete with the power of Wuhuang two or three ranks even without the power of lightning, his strongest trump card is still the power of lightning.

"My current comprehensive strength is almost equivalent to the fourth level of Emperor Wu, and I have more than enough self-preservation in the Sea of ​​Three Swords, but it is still not enough to safely travel to the Shenzhou Continent." Ye Tian pondered for a moment, and then collected the spirit stones of these Tiandaomen disciples. Scratched, and flew away again toward the Haze Strait.

He decided to practice for a period of time in the Haze Strait, and then go to Sandaomen.

Now, he has more than one thousand high-grade spirit stones, enough to improve the cultivation base of several levels and increase his strength, there is no need to rush to the three swords gate.

Moreover, he still has a lot of low-grade and middle-grade spirit stones, enough for the Seven Princes and them to practice, and it will not delay their upgrading.

Although the Haze Strait is chaotic, it is a good place for Ye Tian.

There is no shortage of opponents, and there is no powerhouse at the Emperor Wu level.

However, on the way to the Haze Strait, Ye Tianzu encountered seven or eight waves of Tiandaomen's interception. At first, he thought that his whereabouts had been exposed, but later he realized that the opponent was trying to intercept Duanyun.

In these seven or eight waves of obstruction, the leaders were all powerful people at the second and third levels of the Emperor Wu, and only one powerful person reached the fourth level of the Emperor Wu, but Ye Tian escaped and did not fight him.

You know, after turning into thunder and lightning, Ye Tian's speed is very fast, even the fifth and sixth rank Wuhuang experts can't catch up.

"Tiandaomen is really obsessed with Duanyun, but that kid has the support of Emperor Wu, so he is not afraid!" A few months later, Ye Tian finally came to the Haze Strait, a little lamented.

Because he killed many disciples of the Heavenly Dao Sect, the news had already spread. During this period of time, he suffered many interceptions, but fortunately, he was fast.

More importantly, the people of the Tiandaomen didn't expect that he would have such a strong strength as a martial king, so they didn't send a powerful person to chase and kill, so that Ye Tian escaped.

Looking up at the smog strait in front of him, Ye Tian couldn't help but smile.

There are more than 3,000 large and small islands in the Haze Strait. These islands form a curved link that looks like a giant python lying on the sea.

On these islands, there is a special kind of plant that can release the mist that erodes the will of the martial arts, so that the martial artists below the Emperor Wu dare not release the will of the martial arts here.

As everyone knows, a martial artist cannot release the will of martial arts, it is almost no different from a blind man.

Like Ye Tian, ​​as long as he releases his will, he can clearly see the situation in a radius of more than a dozen miles. But now, he can only use his eyes to observe the situation, and no matter how powerful his eyes are, he can only see the scene within a kilometer of his surroundings. The gap is much larger.

But Ye Tian likes this kind of place, because as long as he enters the Smog Strait, the chasers behind the Heavenly Sword Gate will not be able to detect him, unless the opponent sends a Wudi-level powerhouse.

"Duanyun, the young master of the Sword Sect, can attract the emperor Wudi, but I am a little Martial King, I am afraid that I am not qualified to let the Heaven Sword Sect send the Emperor Wu!"

Ye Tian smiled self-deprecatingly, then stepped into the strait of smog and disappeared into the white fog.


Half a month later, a group of Tiandaomen disciples chased into the Haze Strait, looking bitterly at the white mist, but did not dare to step in.

"Let's go, the casual cultivator here is full of hatred for us, it's better not to go in." said a martial emperor from the heavenly sword gate.

The disciples of their Heavenly Swordsmen are used to being domineering in Sandaohai, and they will rob them when they encounter casual repairs, and they are almost the entire Sandaohai casual repair enemy.

It is a pity that there are very few Wudi-level powerhouses in the casual cultivator, and even if there are, they have left the Sea of ​​Three Swords to go to the mainland of Shenzhou.

Therefore, the Tiandaomen were not afraid of what the casual practitioners could do. However, in this special place of Haze Strait, no disciples of the Three Martial Arts dared to come, otherwise there would be no life except Emperor Wu.

"Find a place to retreat!"

After Ye Tian entered the Smog Strait, he randomly chose a small island, found a secluded place, opened a cave, and began to retreat.

There are many islands here, but most of them are unowned, usually sparsely populated, and Ye Tian is not afraid to find them.

After all, you can't use your will here, and it's harder to find someone than going to heaven.

This is also the reason why casual practitioners gather here, because it is very safe, unless the enemy is a powerful man at the Emperor Wu level.

However, a powerful Emperor Wu didn't need to put down his identity and come here to kill San Xiu unless he was full and had nothing to do.


In the temporarily opened cave mansion, Ye Tian took out all the high-grade spirit stones and began to refine it with all his strength.

Suddenly, his cultivation base increased rapidly like riding on a rocket. As the top-grade spirit stones were refined, his cultivation base began to sprint towards the seventh level of the Martial King.

However, the gap between the sixth rank of the Wu King and the seventh rank of the Wu King was very large. Ye Tianzu had refined more than one hundred high-grade spirit stones without being promoted, which made him stunned and shocked.

In the end, Ye Tian could only be attributed to the fact that he had too many small worlds, and the energy he needed was too huge.

Three months later, Ye Tian refined all the high-grade spirit stones, but the cultivation base did not advance to the eighth rank of King Wu as he imagined, but only reached the late stage of the seventh rank of King Wu.

"I really didn't expect that the further behind, the energy needed would be so huge." Ye Tian opened his eyes. Although his cultivation level had been improved by one level, he was not at all excited.

Raising his cultivation level this time let him know the difficulty of cultivation in the future.

Although he is very fast at refining spirit stones, where can he find so many spirit stones for cultivation?

In the Sea of ​​Three Swords, the high-grade spirit stones are very precious, and some of the martial masters are worth more than a hundred yuan, and these are still those with martial arts support.

Like the casual repairs in the Haze Strait, a martial master can only have more than one hundred high-grade spirit stones at most, and some even have only a few dozen.

Wuhuang level powerhouse also only has a few hundred to thousands of high-grade spirit stones, all of which are regarded as treasures.

Like Ye Tian this time, he was also lucky and robbed the output of a vein of Fengyun Chamber of Commerce for half a year. Unless he robbed the vein of Fengyun Chamber of Commerce again, where would he find so many spirit stones?

"It's no wonder that the Sea of ​​Three Swords is so chaotic. Even the disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect came out to rob, and there is no spiritual stone to practice. After reaching the seventh level of the Martial King, the speed of improvement is too slow." Ye Tian smiled bitterly, knowing that he wanted to increase his cultivation quickly , It is necessary to find enough sources of spiritual stones, and also to be high-grade spiritual stones.

"With my current cultivation base, I am afraid that it will take a few thousand high-grade spirit stones to be promoted to the eighth rank of King Wu, and tens of thousands of high-grade spirit stones to be promoted to the ninth rank of King Wu. What about the tenth rank of King Wu, or even the Emperor?"

Ye Tian had to be dignified, and counting like this, it would not be enough for him to rob Wuhuang, unless he found a vein of spirit stone.

However, after so many years of development in the Sea of ​​Three Swords, all the discovered veins of spirit stone have already been divided by the three major cliques, and the rest have been occupied by various small forces.

Ye Tian is a lonely family member, and he doesn't have the strength of Emperor Wu's rank.

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