Seven World Martial God

Chapter 457: The price

"Brother Ye!"

"Brother Zhu!"

On Ou Sheng's warship, Ye Tian and Zhu Hongming looked at each other with sorrowful faces, while Zhou Long and Ou Sheng dodge wittyly. [More exciting novels, please visit]

The two stood on the bow, talking about each other's experiences.

"The Sea of ​​Three Swords is too dangerous. If it weren't for the protection of the king and windless along the way, our first batch of people would have all died."

"However, once we met a very strong enemy, the king dragged the opponent and gave us a chance to escape, but the king himself has no news yet, and he does not know whether it is dead or alive."

"Later we encountered many crises. Song Haoran and Su Qingfeng both died, and the other young talents also died."

"When no wind brought us to the Smog Strait, we were already a quarter left."

Zhu Hongming's eyes were red, and an iron man like him could not help but tears.

"What happened later? Are they also in the Smog Strait?" Ye Tian asked, with a heavy heart. Originally, he thought that with the king and the wind, the first batch of young talents would be better off.

But now it seems that the second batch of people are better, at least one person died.

"Is this the price of coming out?" Ye Tian couldn't help but hesitate. Although the young talents after coming out all have a sharp increase in cultivation base, like Zhu Hongming now has the third-level cultivation base of King Wu, but the price is too great. .

"Wufeng has his own pride. His strength is much stronger than mine. When he reached the fifth rank of King Wu, he had already left the Haze Strait with a part and headed to the mainland of China. And I, with the rest A few people didn't want to live the life of fear, so they stayed in the Phoenix Village." Zhu Hongming sighed, now he has no ambition to find people to challenge everywhere.

In this king Wu walks everywhere, and can encounter Emperor Wu's three-sword sea everywhere, Zhu Hongming knows that his strength is only the bottom.

What young king, what five great arrogances? In this Sea of ​​Three Swords, without the strength of the Martial Emperor's level, he is not qualified to rule the roost at all.

"What about the few people who stayed with you?" Ye Tian continued to ask.

However, Zhu Hongming's eyes are even redder. He clenched his fist and said with regret: "The Smog Strait is not absolutely safe. I thought I could stay here and practice with peace of mind, but there are a few people who want to earn spiritual stones. , Died outside, and another person was killed by the deacon named Lin Heng just now. In the end, I was left alone...I'm sorry for them!"

"'s not your fault!" Ye Tian took a deep breath, then patted Zhu Hongming on the shoulder, comforting. 【First Release】

"Their death made me fully understand that in this cruel world, no place is safe without strength. Therefore, this time I decided to fight to the death and participate in this time of merchant shipping." Zhu Hongming's eyes Full of determination, if he had been before, he would definitely not participate in this dangerous task.

"You have become stronger. I think even if they die, they will be very pleased." Ye Tian nodded, and then told Zhu Hongming and Sun Yun about the matter.

After hearing this, Zhu Hongming was very surprised, and said with emotion: "They are lucky, the mining area is the most suitable place for cultivation, and they also met you. So, except for Sun Yun going back, the rest are in your little one. In the world?"

"Well, but it's not easy for you to meet now." Ye Tian nodded.

"I understand!" Zhu Hongming naturally knew that it was not the time to meet. He smiled bitterly: "Oh, I now finally understand the price. Fortunately, you set the rules and only allowed young Jun Wu to come here. , Otherwise we may die more."

Ye Tian also felt a little fortunate when he heard this. He didn't know how cruel outside was. Just instinctively told him that it is better to be safe, and this has made the Eighteen Countries of the North Sea less loss.

"Are you going to stay in the Smog Strait in the future? After a while, I will leave here and go to Rendaomen. I know the young master of Rendaomen and can let him take in the Seven Princes. Will you go?" Ye Tian After pondering for a moment, he asked Zhu Hongming.

Zhu Hongming was stunned. He didn't expect that Ye Tian would even know a person like the Young Master of the Sword Sect. He couldn't help feeling even more in his heart.

After thinking about it carefully, Zhu Hongming shook his head and said: "As far as I know, the admission of the three main sects is very strict. I am afraid that even if you have friendship with the young master of the sword, it is impossible for all of us to worship. Isn't it a human sword?"

"This is not a problem. As long as some people worship the sword gate, you can take care of the rest. With your talent, once you worship the sword gate, your strength will definitely improve quickly. As long as you become Emperor Wu, you can Let us have a place for the warriors of the Eighteen Kingdoms in the North Sea." Ye Tian said.

"Emperor Wu?" Zhu Hongming smiled bitterly when he heard the words. He shook his head and said, "Brother Ye, only you dare to say that. Among us, besides you, I am afraid that there are only King, Wufeng, Yang Shaohua, and Gongsun Xuan. The four of Xuan have a chance to become Emperor Wu. My goal is only Emperor Wu."

"Furthermore, as far as I know, the relationship between the three main sects is very bad. Fights will take place every time. Once you become a disciple of the three sects, you have to participate in this kind of battle. Often ten people will die and seven will die. Only three people can get the key training of the martial art and have the opportunity to go higher."

Zhu Hongming looked ashamed and said: "Sorry, I know your kindness, but I'm really not sure I can survive the cruel struggle of the swordsman."

"Huh?" Ye Tian frowned when he heard this. He thought Zhu Hongming had become strong just now, but now it seems that the other party still left a dark wound in his heart, and there is no longer a cloud of heroism.

The atmosphere between the two suddenly became a little awkward.

After a while, Zhu Hongming broke the embarrassment. He smiled and said, "Actually, I am quite good here. With my cultivation base, I can become a deacon in a few decades. I will be promoted to Emperor Wu after a hundred years. Maybe I will also go to China mainland at that time."

Ye Tian heard this, no longer reluctantly, and smiled: "Well, I hope one day I can meet you in the mainland of China."

"A word is settled!" After Zhu Hongming laughed, he returned to his warship.

But Ye Tian sat on the bow of the ship and began to meditate. He had a conversation with Zhu Hongming. It was a big trigger. He decided that he could not hand the Seven Princes and others to the sword gate so casually. At least he had to discuss with Duan Yun. .

"Let's talk about it then, if it doesn't work, I will take them directly to the mainland of China." After a long time, Ye Tian sighed.

Time flew by, half a month later, the group of Fenghuangzhai finally arrived in Wujiao State.

It was the first time that Ye Tian saw the Pentagonal State. In fact, they are five huge islands facing each other, looking down from the sky, like a huge five-pointed star, so it is called the Pentagonal State.

On the five islands, the forests are vast and green, and they are not desert islands. The tall and towering trees hide 10,000 people in Phoenix Village. There is no problem at all.

"It is indeed a good place to ambush." ​​Ye Tian praised.

"Although the location is good, it is still very dangerous to really fight." Zhou Long sighed, shaking his head.

"Yes, although the Lin Nan Chamber of Commerce is not a top-level chamber of commerce, its owner is also a powerful emperor, and it is not something we can deal with in the casual repairs of the Haze Strait. There must be more than one powerful emperor in their merchant ships. This battle is very difficult." Ou Sheng was serious.

Ye Tian's expression also became solemn when he heard this. Although he was confident in his strength, he did not dare to underestimate a chamber of commerce that had a strong Emperor Wu.

"Brothers, everyone has kept their breath, and the fifteen deacons came to discuss with us." Soon after, the three elders gave orders, and Ou Sheng went to discuss the battle plan with them.

Ye Tian, ​​Zhou Long and others found a place to hide.

The more than 10,000 Phoenix Villages took a casual repair, and in a blink of an eye, there was no longer a figure. There are five more islands in such a large forest, and each island hides more than 2,000 people. There is no problem at all.

"Unless the Emperor Wu comes to explore the island personally, even if a King Wu comes, don't even think of finding us on an island." Zhou Long said confidently.

"Don't be careless, in case they really send Emperor Wu!" Ye Tian joked.

"This is impossible. Most Emperor Wu are extremely arrogant. How could they do such things? Wouldn't they be laughed out of their teeth, unless the Emperor Wu was ordered to do so." Zhou Long shook his head.

"I hope so!" Ye Tian nodded, but there was some worry in his heart. He felt that the Lin Nan Chamber of Commerce has existed for so long, it is impossible not to be prepared for being robbed, and it will be a fight to death when he does not get it.

Soon after, Ou Sheng hurried back from the three elders, his face was gloomy, his face was very ugly, and he was obviously in a very bad mood.

Zhou Long asked worriedly: "What happened?"

"It's not Yu Huaxiong's despicable and shameless guy. He actually suggested that I take ten people to the direction of Lin Nan Chamber of Commerce to investigate the situation. You also know that there must be Emperor Wu in the merchant ship. I am not sure that Emperor Wu will be rejected. Found out, didn't this make us die?" Ou Sheng said angrily.

Zhou Long's face sank after hearing, clenched his fists and said: "Isn't the other two elders having nothing to say? Isn't it clear that we should die?"

"Hey, it's a good thing for you to be the other two elders? Anyway, they are looking for someone to investigate the situation. They have no friendship with me, so naturally they don't want to offend Yu Huaxiong for me." Ou Sheng sneered.

"Damn it!" Zhou Long stamped his foot bitterly, then said firmly: "I will go with you."

"And me!" Ye Tian also said.

"This..." Ou Sheng looked at Ye Tian and Zhou Long with some emotion, but he felt that the cultivation base of these two people was too low. Originally, he wanted to find a few Wuwang eighth-level and ninth-level experts.

"Don't stop me, if you don't take me, I'll go by myself." Zhou Long's toughness left Ou Sheng speechless, so he nodded moved.

"I think it's best to go with the three of us. If there are more people, the goal is the biggest. It won't be easy to escape when the time comes." Ye Tian suggested.

"Okay, let's go together with the three brothers." Ou Sheng laughed proudly.

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