Seven World Martial God

Chapter 596: Murder with a knife

Then General Wu flashed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and said evilly: "Of course the warriors in Fengqiu Town have freedom, but some people say that you killed someone, so I was ordered to catch you, and those who knew it would go back with me immediately, otherwise Don't blame this general for being polite. (Starting

"Fart! When did I kill someone?" Zhang Peng was instantly angry when he heard this. He stayed at home all day, how could he kill?

He is not a fool, and the other party is clearly looking for an unreasonable charge to arrest him back, and prevent them from leaving Fengqiu Town.

Zhang Xiaofan also roared: "Wu, don't spit people, my father didn't kill anyone."

General Wu sneered: "Is there any murder? Don't count what you said. Let me go back. If you are really innocent, the mayor will pay you back."

"I'm! When I didn't know it was Tang Renjie that **** who made you come?" Zhang Xiaofan cursed.

General Wu's face suddenly chilled, and he sternly said: "Little bastard, what are you? You are also the name of the young master?" After that, a powerful Wuhuang breath came to his face.

Zhang Peng's face turned pale, but he still gritted his teeth to stand in front of Zhang Xiaofan. He glared at General Wu and shouted: "General Wu, if you start with a child, you are not afraid of the jokes of the warriors in Fengqiu Town?"

General Wu snorted when he heard the words, and said: "If this general wanted to attack him, this kid would have died long ago. Don't talk nonsense, go back to life with this general quickly, and save this general by doing it yourself, you know the end. "

Seeing General Wu's threatening expression, the three of Zhang Peng and his son were shocked and angry.

Ye Tian frowned and slammed his mouth at Duan Yun on the side. Duan Yun suddenly bowed his head and said dejectedly: "A martial emperor of the fifth rank, hey, why are my opponents so good? When will I be able to break the cloud and be powerful? A handful!"

Before the words fell, Duan Yun's body had disappeared in place.


There was a muffled sound.

I saw General Wu not far away, and he was blasted out by Broken Cloud, blood spurted wildly in the air, and fell directly to the ground and passed out.

"General Wu!"

"General Wu!"

The group of martial artists around was stunned, all of them rushed to surround the general Wu who fell on the ground, their faces full of tension.

The three of Zhang Peng and his son stared at Duan Yun with all their faces in disbelief. They didn't expect Duan Yun to be so powerful.

"Third brother, are you too heavy?" Jin Taishan laughed.

"I've been fed up with this guy a long time ago, Haw kept crooking, but unfortunately the strength is so bad that I can't even catch my kick, alas!" Duan Yun spread his hands.

"Let's go, we have to hurry!" Ye Tian waved his hand and said. 【First Release】

Jintaishan, Duanyun and others immediately followed and flew up.

Those warriors in Fengqiu Town didn't dare to stop Ye Tian and his party. Didn't you see that General Wu, the most powerful of them, was kicked by the opponent? I'm afraid they won't be enough to kill them.

"Uncle Duan Yun is so amazing!" Zhang Xiaofan looked at Duan Yun with excitement and admiration in his eyes.

Young people naturally worship the strong. It should be said that the warriors of the Chinese mainland worship the strong.

"Even though Sanshishu is great, he still can't compare to my master, hum!" Pan Pan proudly raised his head and said.

Compared with a group of adults, these two little guys naturally flew together, and they got acquainted along the way.

"Your master?" Zhang Xiaofan's heart moved. He was very curious about Pan Pan. He was younger than him, but his cultivation base was so much stronger than him. He couldn't help asking: "Pan Pan, who is your master? "

"That's the one who wears purple clothes!" Pan Pan pointed to Ye Tian and said.

"Uncle Ye Tian!" Zhang Xiaofan's eyes lit up, yes, he almost forgot, Ye Tiancai is the leader of this team, he must be more powerful than Duan Yun.

It's just that apart from helping him restore his martial spirit, Zhang Xiaofan didn't see Ye Tian take action, so he didn't know how powerful Ye Tian was.

"Even the apprentice Panpan is so powerful, Uncle Ye Tian should be stronger!" Zhang Xiaofan looked at Ye Tian's eyes, a little hot.

"If... if I can also worship Uncle Ye Tian as a teacher..." Zhang Xiaofan suddenly thought of it.


Tang family!

Tang Renjie looked at General Wu who was carried back, his face was shocked, and he shouted at the warriors who were kneeling down, "Is the other party as strong as you said?"

"Young Master, it's true. There is only one person from the other party. We didn't even see the other party. General Wu... That's it."

The warrior kneeling down said quickly.

"You carry General Wu down!" Tang Renjie waved his hand with a gloomy face.

After General Wu was carried down, the old man on the side asked in a low voice, "Young Master, do you want to inform the Lord Mayor? You also know that the little bunny has a purple spirit. Once they go to the King of War, they will be warned. The king’s house found that the old man was afraid..."

"You don't need to say, this young master also knows!" Tang Renjie said with a sullen face and coldly snorted: "I'm afraid that my father is not their opponent. Even General Wu is vulnerable to the opponent's eyes. This time we are afraid that we will bump into It's iron plate."

Old Man Fan was startled, and just about to speak, a warrior rushed in from outside.

"Young Master, I know their identities..." The warrior exclaimed excitedly as soon as he came in.

Tang Renjie was overjoyed and hurriedly shouted: "Say it!"

"Young Master, look for yourself!" The warrior handed over a few portraits.

Old Man Fan watched from the side. The few people on the portrait were Ye Tian and his party, but they didn't have any discography.

From this look, both Fan Laotou and Tang Renjie had their pupils suddenly shrunk, their faces were pale, and they were all sweating.

These portraits were sent some time ago by disciples of the Hell Sect, and it was Lu Tianyi who wanted Ye Tian and his party again.

"It turned out to be them!" Old Man Fan's voice was trembling. He couldn't think that Ye Tian, ​​who made the Tianfeng Empire uproar some time ago, came to their Fengqiu Town.

And he dared to threaten Ye Tian and the others unconsciously before. Thinking about it, he felt cold, his body trembled, and his heart palpitated secretly.

The same is true for Tang Renjie. He patted his chest, his face full of lingering fear and said: "Fortunately, fortunately, I didn't recklessly go to find father. Otherwise, our Tang family will be over."

"Young Master, what should I do? This Ye Tian can escape from Lu Tianyi's men. Although he is only a martial artist at the level of Emperor Wu, he is extremely talented. Killing Emperor Wu is like cutting melons and vegetables. We are not opponents at all!" Old Man Fan looked anxious.

"Nonsense, it's not that the young master doesn't know how good he is. Even his two brothers are not something we can deal with." Tang Renjie shouted.

He pondered for a moment, his eyes flashed, and he coldly snorted: "Although this Ye Tian is powerful, my father is the head of a town anyway and belongs to the King of War. He dare not openly look for him unless he doesn't want to participate in the royal hegemony. We are in trouble, and we are afraid that the king of war will value that little bastard. If the king of war does something on us, it will be bad."

"Never let them enter the King of War City alive!" Old Man Fan also wanted to understand, and said viciously.

"With our strength, if we want to stop Ye Tian and the others, it's a maniac arm. This time we can only kill with a knife." Tang Renjie grinned sinfully.

Old man Fan was overjoyed and quickly said, "Do you have any ideas, Young Master?"

"It's not easy? Ye Tian's enemy is Lu Tianyi. As long as we inform the Hell Gate of this news, they will naturally help us solve Ye Tian." Tang Renjie sneered.

Old man Fan suddenly realized, he smiled and said: "You are still the young master, you are wise, the old man will immediately inform the gate of hell, it happened that we had a disciple from the gate of **** some time ago in Fengqiu Town, he should have a channel to quickly contact the people in the single war The strong man at the gate of hell."

"You go and notify him right away, hehe, I heard that there is a bonus, maybe you can use this matter to connect with the gate of hell." Tang Renjie said with a smile.

Old Man Fan immediately flew off against an inn.

After the battle with Ye Tian in the Palace of Death, Lu Tianyi immediately wanted Ye Tian again, and this time he not only wanted Ye Tian, ​​but also added Jintaishan, Duanyun and others.

No way, Jintaishan, Duanyun and others were exposed when they were in Dibo Wangcheng, and they were naturally found by Lu Tianyi.

Moreover, Lu Tianyi also knew that Ye Tian was going to the imperial capital to participate in the imperial hegemony, so he had already laid down dark lines in cities, towns, and even small villages near the imperial capital.

It can be said that as long as Ye Tian dared to go to the imperial capital, he would definitely not be able to conceal the people from the gate of hell.

The Hell Sect disciple staying in Fengqiu Town is just an outer disciple of the Wuwang level. He is only a hidden line, responsible for listening to Ye Tian's whereabouts. He doesn't need to be opposite Ye Tian, ​​so he has been living in peace.

When Old Man Fan hurried over to tell Ye Tian's whereabouts, the outer disciple of the gate of **** was suddenly overjoyed.

"Ye Tian and the others came to Fengqiu Town? Haha, God is really taking care of me. As long as I pass the news, it will be a great achievement. Not to mention the rewards, maybe I can still enter the Lu Sect Master. Eyes, hehe!"

This outer disciple carefully compared with Old Man Fan, and after confirming that it was really Ye Tian and others, he immediately took out the transmission treasure and notified a **** gate expert in the King of War.

As the premier king city of the Tianfeng Empire, there are naturally **** gate people in the war king city, and the one who sits here is a **** gate elder Wan Jin.

At the time, the two elders of the gate of hell, Wan Jin and Kong Chi, followed Shi Wei's deputy gatekeeper to the Flame City to capture Ye Tian. Unexpectedly, they didn't even see Ye Tian's shadow, instead they fled back embarrassed and embarrassed by the Taishan Liyuan clan, which was embarrassing and ashamed.

This time, Lu Tianyi wanted Ye Tian again, and the three of Shi Wei volunteered to come out and promised to help. Although they were to please Lu Tianyi, they also had a revenge.

However, this time the three separated. Shi Wei was in the Imperial Capital, standing before Lu Tianyi's fight, waiting for Ye Tian to come and die.

And Kong Chi and Wan Jin were seated in two royal cities near the imperial capital. The highest command of the **** gate of this battle royal city was Wan Jin.

When he received the news from his subordinates, with long gray hair and no wind, he laughed excitedly: "Ye Tian, ​​it seems that God is destined to let you die in the hands of the old man, haha!"

Immediately, Wan Jin left the War King City alone. He had absolute self-confidence. With his Wudi's seventh-level strength, he could definitely solve Ye Tian.

Of course, Wan Jin also passed the news to Shi Wei and Lu Tianyi in the imperial capital.

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