Seven World Martial God

Chapter 598: Run away

"At the beginning of Emperor Caiwu's seventh level, hehe, although he is stronger than Ma Tianhao, he still can't hurt me. [For more exciting novels, please visit]"

Ye Tian smiled coldly, he felt his own body, his blood boiled just now, but it calmed down all of a sudden, and his body was as good as ever.

This situation was the same as he expected. Although the opponent's attack was strong, it was weakened by 40% by the body of Tai Chi, and the Thunder God's Armor, the Silver Domain, and the Thunder Domain were also weakened a lot. The remaining attacks only caused weak damage to Ye Tian's powerful physical body.

And this weak injury, under the operation of the immortal body, disappeared instantly.

"Old Piff, doesn't it seem that your strength is nothing more than that?" Ye Tian triumphantly looked at Wanjin, who rushed out of countless swords, his eyes were full of confidence, and his fighting spirit rose to the sky.

"How is it possible!" Wanjin looked at Ye Tian who was intact as before, his eyes widened. Although the blow just now was not his full blow, it was not something ordinary people could take.

In his opinion, Ye Tian would be injured even if he did not die, but now, where did Ye Tian look a little injured? It was unscathed at all.

Wanjin's heart was boiling.

"Old Piff, you also take a knife!" Ye Tian yelled, and the human knives merged into one, ten small silver worlds, rushing out a horrible force into the great sword, and slashed at Wanjin. Down.


The void exploded, and this knife was like a doomsday trial, tearing the firmament, traversing the void, pouring down like a galaxy, forming an unmatched match.

"Hell Demon Hand!"

Facing this terrifying knife, Wan Jin snorted coldly, but he didn't panic, his arms soared. A layer of black devilish energy erupted, wrapping around his arms, and the heavy palm of his hand suddenly turned to jet black, exuding an evil murderous intent.


The piercing and sharp sound suddenly exploded in the sky. Ye Tian was shocked to find that the other party had blocked the sharp edge of his Great Sword only with the palm of his flesh, and he couldn't help being shocked.

The Emperor Knife is a powerful imperial weapon. Wanjin flesh body is obviously not very powerful, how can it be blocked with the palm of his flesh?

"Could it be that black magic energy?" Ye Tian's eyes condensed, and he stared at the black magic energy entwined around Wanjin's arms. From these two magic energy, he felt a slight threat.

"It deserves to be the martial art of the Tianfeng Empire. It has such powerful and weird martial skills. As expected, you can't underestimate the people of the world!" Ye Tian was secretly surprised, not dare to be careless at the moment, and dealt with it carefully.

"Boy, go to death for the old man!"

Wanjin displayed its supernatural power, carrying the aura of the sky, unparalleled, terrifying energy, sweeping across all directions, like a madman roaring, making the sky tremble, strong fluctuations, mighty nine days. [More exciting novels, please visit]

Suddenly, the sky boiled, the earth trembled, and countless towering trees rose from the ground and exploded in the sky. The entire forest suddenly became ruins, and the ground was covered with roads like spider webs. Cracks.

Wan Jin, the elder of the gate of hell, seemed to be several decades younger at once, and his posture and momentum didn't look like an old man at all. He was violent, his black claws tore through nothingness, and his terrifying power, like two tornado storms, strangling towards Ye Tian.


The sky trembled violently, and the sound was like thunder, endless.

Ye Tian held the Great Sword, the golden light all over his body skyrocketed, like a supreme God of War, slaying against Wanjin. Suddenly, the world was shining brightly, and countless blades and claw marks tore through the sky, like the doomsday.

"Little bunny, die to the old man!" Wan Jin yelled, he fought madly, his head was full of gray hair and dancing wildly, a pair of black claws formed a black silk net between the waves, and came towards Ye Tian. .

I have to say that this **** demon hand is indeed very terrifying, Ye Tian accidentally received several attacks, and the result was that there were many bloodstains on his body.

However, with an immortal body, the blood marks on Ye Tian's body quickly recovered, and this degree of injury did not weaken his combat effectiveness.

Ye Tian was like a Xiaoqiang who couldn't die. He fought Wanjin for hundreds of rounds. Although he was at a disadvantage, there was no danger at all. He was so angry that Wanjin yelled, his face full of disbelief.

"Ghost thorn!"

Wan Jin screamed fiercely. He waved his hands and condensed into a black magic spear in mid-air, entwining the sky-shaking magic energy, like a black magic dragon, roaring towards Ye Tian.


Ye Tian was severely injured. Even after the layers of weakening, the power of the magic spear was still terrifying, directly piercing his shoulders, and the terrifying power sent him out.

"Haha... I see you are not dead this time!" Wan Jin couldn't help laughing, his face full of triumph.

"Old Piff, you are too happy too early." At this moment, Ye Tian's sneer came from below.

Wan Jin's expression changed, and he looked down immediately, and saw Ye Tian fly up as well as before. Although his clothes were torn, the blood hole on his shoulder had been restored.

If it wasn't for Ye Tian's body that still had blood stains, Wan Jin thought he had missed the shot just now, but he clearly saw the shot pierced Ye Tian's shoulder, how could this be?

Wan Jin shouted: "How is it possible? How could this be? This is impossible!"

"Hey, go down and talk to the **** of death!" Ye Tian smiled coldly, he naturally wouldn't tell Wanjin that he has an immortal body, this is his trump card, he has an immortal body, if not for his strength too much , He basically can't kill.

"I don't believe it!" Wan Jin was furious and shot again.

But this time Ye Tian was prepared, and he sneered: "Do you think this trick is unsolvable? After fighting with you for so long, I have found your weakness."

"Weakness? How could the old man have weakness?" Wanjin smiled mockingly, waving his hands, curling up the monstrous devilish energy, he condensed three black magic spears at once, obviously wanting to kill Ye Tian in one fell swoop. Ye Tian's eyelids jumped all the time.

However, Wan Jin obviously took a lot of effort, and his face was pale for a while, obviously this trick was so easy to use.

"It came just right!" Ye Tian sneered secretly, carrying the power of thunder and lightning, and the terrible thunder field spread out in all directions, and the whole world was under the shroud of thunder and lightning.

"In such a weak field, do you think you can do anything to the old man?" Wan Jin was full of disdain.

"Really?" A sneer flashed in Ye Tian's eyes. He raised the Great Sword, and the ten small silver worlds behind him erupted together, and the boundless lightning gathered directly on the Great Sword.

"I don't bother to talk nonsense with you!" Wan Jin snorted coldly and waved his hands. The three magic spears above his head suddenly resembled three black dragons, whistling toward him.

From a distance, it seemed as if a piece of demonic energy was spreading, and the whole sky was instantly darkened.

"Old Piff, pick me up with a thunder and lightning!" Ye Tian also gathered the power of thunder and lightning to the limit at this time, he roared and slashed out.

In an instant, the boundless power of thunder and lightning burst out from Ye Tian's blade light, sweeping across the heavens in mighty force.

Chi Chi...

There was a sneer in the sky.

That evil devilish energy, after being bombarded by the power of thunder and lightning, melted as fast as ice meets a scorching sun.

Under the weakening of this side, even though the three black grinders rushed out, their power was greatly reduced, and they couldn't hurt Ye Tian's hair at all, and he was bombarded in midair.

"How is it possible!" Wanjin's pupils not far away shrank suddenly, his face full of disbelief.

"There is nothing impossible. Your devilish energy is an evil attribute, and my thunder and lightning power is so strong that it can restrain the evil power." Ye Tian laughed.

Before, he was attacked by a magic spear. Although he was injured, he accidentally discovered the power of thunder and lightning in his body, and he restrained the magic energy very powerfully.

So Ye Tian thought of Thunder Slash.

Although the power of Thunder Slash is not as powerful as the human sword seal and the sky sword seal, the infinite lightning power contained in it just restrains the opponent's martial arts.


Wan Jin listened to Ye Tian's explanation and watched Ye Tian laugh proudly. His heart was suddenly shocked and angry, his fists creaked, and his anger was soaring.

"Old Piff, it looks like you have lost!" Ye Tian raised the Great Emperor's knife, pointed the tip of the knife at Wanjin, with a confident smile on his face.

"Hmph, don't be ashamed!" Wan Jin snorted when he heard the words, and couldn't help the anger in his heart anymore. He rushed towards Ye Tian, ​​his claws brought terrible blood stains, tearing the sky apart.

"Do you think you can hurt me with the same trick? I think you're poor, haha!" Ye Tian greeted him with a big smile. The two sides fought fiercely again, and the sky was shaken.

However, because Wanjin spent a lot of effort to display three magic spears before, the internal consumption was very large, and he couldn't recover at once, so this time Ye Tian took the upper hand.

Wan Jin became more frightened as he fought, he finally knew how powerful Ye Tian's talent was. No wonder Lu Tianyi was so jealous that even Lu Tianyi let him escape by himself.

"If this child is not eliminated, I am afraid it will not be much worse than Lu Tianyi in the future!" Wan Jin was very shocked.

However, according to the current situation, he was the one who fell into the wrong, let alone getting rid of Ye Tian, ​​if it takes longer, he may not be able to withstand Ye Tian's attack.

"Strange? This kid has been fighting for so long, so why doesn't it seem to be consumed at all? And neither attack nor defense has weakened a bit?"

Wanjin suddenly became This is too strange, most people will consume very quickly in battle, especially when facing evenly matched opponents.

But even if Ye Tian faced an opponent whose strength surpassed him, he still didn't consume much strength, and he remained at the peak state.

Wan Jin became more and more frightened as he fought, and he gradually became anxious. If he continues to consume like this, I am afraid he will really be here today.

"No, this kid is too weird, the old man has to go back and tell the deputy sect master Shi." Wan Jin gritted his teeth and found himself a reason to escape. Following Ye Tian's sharp blade, he turned and fled.

Ye Tian was taken aback for a while, before reacting after a while, he shouted: "Old Piff, are you still shameless? Without saying a word, he ran away."

He really didn't expect Wanjin to flee if he said to escape. The opponent is a Wudi 7th-level powerhouse, so shameless.

However, this made Ye Tian very happy. He not only defeated a Wudi 7th-level powerhouse head-on, but also forced him to escape.

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