Zhou Tianhui only felt that her ears were ringing a bit, and the sound that sounded was somewhat unreal.

Her body had already stiffened when the voice sounded.

She never thought that she would meet Chen Siyuan again in this place.

Shouldn't he stay in the small yard?

How would it appear here?

If she had known that he would appear here, she would not have followed her sister-in-law.

Why are you coming here?

Now this situation is really embarrassing and embarrassing.

Zhou Tianhui stood where she was, thinking with her head lowered, her face even more fiery.

She didn't know how to deal with this gay guy who was younger than her and who was rejected by her.

Chen Siyuan said happily, but Zhou Tianhui did not respond for a long time.

"Comrade Zhou Tianhui..." Chen Siyuan took a deep breath.

"Why don't you talk? Are you upset when you see me?"

Chen Siyuan mustered up his courage and asked in a tentative voice.

Zhou Tianhui heard this, her voice wandered a bit.

She quickly denied, "No! No!"

"Oh, no? Really?" Chen Siyuan listened, with a bright smile on his face.

He then said, "Comrade Zhou Tianhui, are you and Comrade Mu here to look for Mr. Jiang?"

"Mr. Jiang has moved, and he doesn't live here now."

"I'll take you there to find him later, let's recognize the way."

"Okay." Zhou Tianhui replied in a low voice, still keeping her head down.

Chen Siyuan continued to speak happily, his voice was clear and confident, with the unique flavor of young people.

Just listening to Zhou Tianhui, she felt that it was a sin for her to have thoughts about him.

What an excellent comrade Chen Siyuan is, how could he be a woman from the countryside?

If only she were better.

"Comrade Zhou Tianhui, are you happy for me? Comrade Zhou Tianhui..."

Just when Zhou Tianhui was distracted, Chen Siyuan's voice grew louder in her ears.

Zhou Tianhui looked up at Chen Siyuan with a dazed look in her eyes, and asked.

"Comrade Xiao Chen, what did you ask me just now?"

"I said, I was admitted to Kyoto Medical College, are you happy for me?"

"Huh?" Zhou Tianhui's eyes tightened instantly when she heard this.

"Where did you say you were admitted?"

"You took the college entrance examination?"

Zhou Tianhui's reaction made Chen Siyuan a little confused.

However, looking at the crimson on Zhou Tianhui's face, he repeated happily.

"Yes, Comrade Zhou Tianhui, I was admitted to the Kyoto Medical College in the college entrance examination, and I didn't expect to be able to pass the test."

"Who knows I just passed the exam."

Chen Siyuan felt a little embarrassed when he said this.

But Zhou Tianhui was panicked when she heard Chen Siyuan's words.

Kyoto Medical College, wouldn't it mean that they will meet every day in the future.


Just thinking about it, Zhou Tianhui couldn't help her face getting hot, her whole body getting hot...

Chapter 296

Then we will be alumni

Seeing that Zhou Tianhui didn't react, Chen Siyuan straightened up and grabbed his hat in embarrassment.

"That...that..." Chen Siyuan looked for something to say.

"Well... how are you doing recently?"

As soon as the words came out, Chen Siyuan regretted it.

This kind of thing should have been asked from the beginning. Now that I ask it, Comrade Zhou Tianhui must think that he can't speak.

Thinking of this, Chen Siyuan immediately made a sound.

"Kyoto Medical College is very beautiful. I'll show you around when I have time."

"Well, I know that." Zhou Tianhui replied in a low voice.

Hearing this, Chen Siyuan seemed to have found a common topic, and immediately told Zhou Tianhui about the environment of Kyoto Medical College with a smile.

Here, Mu Qing came to the small courtyard, and the guards here told Mu Qing that Jiang Yansong had moved to another place before the New Year.

But leave the address of the new place and tell him that if a lesbian named Mu Qing comes to him, give her the note of the new address.

Mu Qing followed the guard to the courtyard, the guard went to the study, took out the note left in Jiang Yansong's study, and gave it to Mu Qing.

"Comrade, this is the address. Mr. Jiang asked me to give it to you."

Mu Qing opened it and took a look, remembered the address in her heart, then raised her eyes and thanked the guard comrade with a smile.

"Thank you, comrade."

Then, Mu Qing walked out.

Mu Qing just walked out of the door when she saw Chen Siyuan in front of Zhou Tianhui.

Seeing this, Mu Qing couldn't help but smile.

How to say, sometimes fate is such a magical thing.

Mu Qing slowed down and slowly pushed the bicycle up.

She walked up, and neither Chen Siyuan, who spoke in high spirits, nor Zhou Tianhui, who listened carefully, did not notice her coming.

Mu Qing waited until Chen Siyuan was almost done talking, and then she opened her mouth with a chuckle.

"Comrade Xiao Chen, what a coincidence to meet you here."

"I heard you talk about the beauty of Kyoto Medical College just now. Are you going to study there?"

"Comrade Mu Qing, you are here too." Chen Siyuan was pleasantly surprised.

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