He pulled out a cigarette and wanted to smoke it.

However, I remembered that the hospital does not allow smoking.

He could only smash the cigarette in his hand violently, and then threw it into the trash can.

However, compared to their nervousness, Mu Qing's mind was wider.

Because Li Hongxia drank the physique booster, generally there would be no problems.

If there is a problem, unless it is an external force.

This can now be completely ruled out.

However, since Yu Zhenyong was a man, it was not easy for Mu Qing to come forward to comfort him.

Just stand by and wait silently.

About half an hour later, there was a loud cry of a baby in the operating room.

That voice, full of energy, especially loud.

As soon as the voice came out, the people who were guarding outside the operating room couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Yu Zhenyong said even more excitedly.

"I have a child."

"Listen to this full of air, it must be a big fat kid."

As soon as Yu Zhenyong said it, Mu Qing immediately congratulated Zhou Tianze.

"Captain Yu, congratulations."

"Captain, congratulations!"

"Haha, I'm happy, I'm happy." Yu Zhenyong bowed his hands in the direction of Zhou Tianze and Mu Qing very happily.

Soon, the door to the operating room was opened.

The nurse came out with a child.

"Who are Li Hongxia's family members? The mother and child are safe."

"Mother and son are safe, I gave birth to another son."

Yu Zhenyong stepped forward excitedly.

It's just that the nurse gave him two glances at the child, and then hugged it back.

It didn't take long before Li Hongxia and the child were pushed out together.

Yu Zhenyong came forward happily and went to see his wife and children.

Mu Qing also stepped forward, "Sister Li, congratulations."

"Thank you, big sister." Li Hongxia nodded slightly, the corners of her eyes moist.

"I thank you very much, really."

"Both of us are good friends, we said thank you and went out."

"You have just finished giving birth now, you must pay attention to protect your body."

"Later, I'll go back and cook something delicious for you."

"Then I'll trouble you, big sister." Li Hongxia smiled and quickly wiped the corners of her eyes.

"No trouble, let's go back to the ward first, and then talk slowly."

Mu Qing followed the nurse and sent Li Hongxia into the ward.

There was no one in the ward, so it just happened to be used by Li Hongxia.

The nurse was on the side and told Li Hongxia about the precautions after giving birth.

Mu Qing listened by the side and recorded everything one by one.

After the nurse left, Mu Qing helped Li Hongxia to urinate, and then rubbed away the swelling in her uterus.

It wasn't until Li Hongxia fell asleep that Mu Qing turned to look at Yu Zhenyong.

"Captain Yu, then I'll go back and prepare something to eat for Big Sister Li."

"Comrade Mu, then I'll trouble you."


Mu Qing and Zhou Tianze went home together, and then began to prepare confinement meals for Li Hongxia.

Li Hongxia has just finished production and is not suitable for major supplementation.

At this time, you should detox your body.

Therefore, Mu Qing prepared brown sugar water and yam millet porridge for Li Hongxia.

The yam and millet porridge was boiled softly by Mu Qing, and the three little guys in the family couldn't help drooling.

Mu Qing boiled enough for Li Hongxia, and then gave the rest to the three little guys.

In the end, Mu Qing boiled a few green vegetables for Li Hongxia, and then put it in a food box and sent it to her.

Chapter 390

ticket money for three little guys

Li Hongxia's body recovered very well.

On the third day, Yu Zhenyong picked up Li Hongxia's mother and son.

Yu Zhenyong, who has a son, is a man of joy when he walks with wind.

Directly let people carry candy cakes and send them all the way from the family area to the troops.

Just for fear that others would not know that he gave birth to a son.

Mu Qing prepared two sets of clothes, shoes and socks for Li Hongxia's child. The ceremony was neither light nor heavy, and she was not afraid to say it if it was seen.

However, it was the end of August on the Gregorian calendar, and it was time for Mu Qing to return to the capital with a few children.

The three children are playing wild in the army, and they don't want to go back now.

Mu Qing went to buy a ticket, and deliberately showed them only two.

When the three little guys saw that there were only two tickets, they began to struggle.

Confused about what?

Of course, why did their mother only buy two tickets?

Don't you want to take them back?

The three little guys frowned and tangled in the same place for a long time.

The last one finally realized that they were wrong, and went forward and hugged Mu Qing's thigh, and started to shake.

"Mom, where are the Yuanyuan tickets?"

"Mom, where's Kangkang's ticket?"

"Mom, where's Ann's ticket?"

The three little guys showed a pitiful expression.

Mu Qing looked at the three of them with a smile, "Don't you want to go back?"

"Follow your father directly and be a soldier here."

When Mu Qing said this, the three little guys became even more entangled.

Although they think that Dad is also very good, but living with Dad is definitely not the same thing.

As rough men like their father, they should be mud children in the future.

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