"Mu, it's really nice of you to say that." The sullenness on Catherine's face dissipated.

"When the computer conference is over, I'll come back to celebrate for you..."

"Thank you, Catherine!"

"Oh, that's all I should do, my darling."

Catherine is very busy, but will be leaving soon.

Mu Qing specially took a bottle of lady perfume that was very suitable for her from the space.

Women with good taste will like perfume very much.

This one was specially prepared for her by Mu Qing.

"Catherine, I brought you a present, I hope you like it."

Mu Qing handed the packaged perfume to Catherine.

Seeing this, Catherine quickly waved her hand.

"Oh, Mu, you know, I can't accept your gift."

"I know, but it's just a gift from me as a friend to you."

"I think it will be very suitable for you, so I can't wait to give it to you."

"I can't bear the game is over."

"Look at..."

As Mu Qing said that, she opened the beautiful box in her hand.

The perfume lying quietly inside is like a beauty that has been covered in dust for a long time, exuding a seductive luster.

When Catherine saw it, she could hardly control her heartbeat.

She looked at Mu Qing and couldn't help but say.

"Baby, it's so beautiful!"

"Also, it suits you very well. Why don't you try it?" Mu Qing suggested.

"Baby, try it!" Catherine said, reaching out and taking out the indescribably beautiful perfume.

"Pu Pu..." He spat softly.

In the air, there seems to be a scent of blooming flowers, which is strong and elegant.

It is really suitable for a lady like Catherine.

Catherine sniffed the fragrance in the air intoxicated, "Mu, this gift from you is so much in my heart, I have no way to refuse it."

"Then it's yours now, it's yours."

"Baby, I really love you so much, and I love your perfume so much."

"Every time your surprises and surprises always make it hard for me to refuse..."

Finally, Catherine took the perfume and left, leaving a white man to stay with them.

Chapter 435

Game start

Catherine kept the white man, so Mu Qing and the others could move more easily.

The international computer competition is imminent, and they don't have much time to go out.

But it is three meals a day, plus ventilation.

Seeing that the game is going to be played tomorrow, Teacher Luo is more nervous than anyone else.

Even if he was nervous himself, he was there to comfort everyone not to be nervous.

Mu Qing looked at Teacher Luo's white hair that was about to come out of worry, she couldn't bear it.

"Mr. Luo, don't go back and forth."

"You've been walking all afternoon this afternoon. If you go further, you'll almost be walking through the floor."

"Ah? Oh, yes... yes... right?" Teacher Luo still couldn't react.

"I'm sorry, classmate Mu, will this affect you?" Teacher Luo's face turned red with apology.

"Otherwise, I'd better go back to my room and stay." Teacher Luo said, and was about to leave.

"Mr. Luo, don't go! You are really in a hurry."

Mu Qing said and couldn't help but smile.

"The game is going to be played tomorrow, and we should also relax today."

"What should be learned, what can be learned, I have a general idea in my mind."

"It's not too early now, why don't we order dinner?"

"It's better to have dinner in the room." As soon as Mu Qing said this, Bai Ping immediately followed.

Because these days, they have seen quite a few scenes of black people and people being bullied by white people.

The game is going to be played tomorrow, so it's better to be cautious and safe.

Otherwise, if they are accidentally injured, they will lose their qualifications for the competition.

And white people will only receive verbal lessons.

For Bai Ping's proposal, Mu Qing nodded in agreement.

"Okay, we'll eat in the room."

"Then do you have anything to eat?" Bai Ping continued to ask.

Her face was calm and stern, but she was very careful and patient.

"No special needs, just prepare as usual." After Mu Qing finished speaking, she nodded at Bai Ping.

Then, Bai Ping collected other people's suggestions, opened the door, and told the white people what they wanted to have dinner now.

The white man went down to prepare, and quickly brought back the dinner for several of them.

A few people were in the room and simply settled their dinner on the eve of this match.

The next day, the International Computer Competition officially started.

The delegations of white countries, most of which have a luxurious lineup, and many spectators who came to cheer.

However, the scene of backward countries is very bleak.

Like Mu Qing, there are still a few people to accompany, which is good.

Some even have only one companion, or none at all.

With the announcement of the competition, Mu Qing and players from other countries slowly entered the venue.

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