Mu Qing went to the bathroom, and she asked Bai Ping to wait for her outside.

As soon as she entered the bathroom, Mu Qing immediately exchanged a pill from the space and threw it into her mouth.

As soon as the pill was taken, the dull pain in the abdomen disappeared instantly.

She knew that with the urine of these white people, things would not be so simple.

Sure enough, they started right away.

Mu Qing also didn't know if the outstanding players in the previous competitions had encountered such a thing.

Just as Mu Qing went to the toilet by the way, and was about to go out, there was a sudden noise outside.

It was the voice of Bai Ping arguing with people.

When Mu Qing heard this, she immediately opened the toilet door and walked out.

As soon as Bai Ping saw Mu Qing coming out, she quickly turned around and hugged her.

"Student Mu! They are here to find fault. I'll hold them back later. You find a gap and rush out immediately."

"You rush out! Just rush out."

"Comrade Bai, don't be nervous." Mu Qing reassured her.

"Trust me, it's just fine for me to solve the matter."

Mu Qing took Bai Ping's hand and pulled her behind her.

Bai Ping wanted to struggle, but Mu Qing held her hand tightly.

"Don't worry, I'll fix it." Mu Qing said again.

Bai Ping listened to what Mu Qing said and agreed with a slight gasp.

The person on the opposite side, if Mu Qing guessed correctly, should be the finalist in the next round.

Mu Qing glanced at them, and with her hand behind her back, vaguely stuffed Bai Ping with two bottles of anti-láng spray.

This anti-láng spray, she just taught Bai Ping how to use it two days ago.

Give it to her now, just to prevent uncontrollable things from happening later.

Mu Qing silently gave Bai Ping the anti-láng spray, and then asked in a fluent foreign language.

"This is the women's toilet. What's the matter with so many of you coming in?"

The people on the opposite side also clearly stated their purpose.

"Ms. Mu, we want you to lose the next game."

"You also know that your country is backward, savage, and doesn't deserve the first place."

"Also, when you really compete, you won't necessarily get the first place."

"If you are willing to give up the next game, we will give you some compensation."

"Ms. Mu, you'd better give me a satisfactory answer."

"Otherwise, in your current state, even if you play, can you tap the keyboard? That's not necessarily true?"

Hearing this, Mu Qing frowned and asked.

"Is it you who put the medicine in my water glass?"

"Ms. Mu, you only reacted now, it's a little late."

"We advise you, it's better to know each other."

"Otherwise, in the end, maybe you won't be able to get the money, and you will make a fool of yourself in front of your international friends!"

"You don't have to worry about it." Mu Qing said coldly.

"I won't agree to your conditions, and I won't give up the game, so just give up."

Mu Qing said that at the end, her voice became fierce directly.

The moment her voice became fierce, she took out two bottles of anti-láng spray in her hand.

Then, facing the person on the opposite side, he sprayed fiercely.

Seeing this, Bai Ping immediately jumped out from behind Mu Qing.

Holding the anti-láng spray in his hand, he sprayed it at the person opposite.

For a moment, the entire bathroom was filled with a dizzying sound.

After a while, Mu Qing covered her mouth and nose with one hand and ran out of the bathroom with the other holding Bai Ping.

"Wow! Damn! It's all tears! This anti-láng spray is too powerful!"

Bai Ping said, she had a lot of tears and snot.

She wiped it quickly, and immediately raised her head to speak to Mu Qing again.

"Mr. Mu, let's go back quickly."

"Let them take care of the latter matters. Let's prepare for the next game with peace of mind."

Bai Ping said, and quickly pulled Mu Qing back to the rest table.

Teacher Luo saw that the two of them came back a little awkward, and there was a faint smell of choking in the air.

There was something wrong in my heart, and I immediately asked.

Chapter 438

Get ready to slap in the face, sisters

"what happened?"

"Didn't you go to the bathroom? Why did you get into trouble again?"

Bai Ping tugged at Teacher Lalo's sleeve, "We'll talk about this later, you guys should prepare for the competition first."

After Bai Ping finished speaking, she asked Teacher Luo to accompany Mu Qing, and she turned around to find someone from the International Computer Society to solve the problem.

This way of splitting up will not affect Mu Qing's game, nor will he spare the person who was looking for trouble just now.

An hour sounds like a long time, but for players who are already a little tired.

This hour is just to allow them to sleep for a while.

Soon, 45 minutes passed, and the players who closed their eyes and rested also opened their eyes one after another.

Mu Qing suddenly stopped as she moved her fingers.

Because, she felt a bad look and fell on her.

Mu Qing looked up, and her eyes just met the man's.

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