After Xi Ze finished the work at the base, he only rested for half an hour, and then ran to ask Shi Ying what else he had to do.

Shi Ying was sitting in the office napping, and she couldn't help but be a little surprised to see him work so actively.

"It's done so soon, don't you take a break first?"

Xi Ze's eyes were firm, "I've already rested, and people will rust if they rest for too long, so I still have to continue working."

Shi Ying suddenly felt a little weak: "Then aren't I


After all, she hasn't done any work since she entered the base, at most she is commanding Xi Ze.

Xi Ze hurriedly comforted her: "I'm not talking about you, you are pregnant now, it is normal to take more rest."

Shi Ying didn't care too much.

She remembered that she was going to visit the farm outside to make a decision on her plans for next year, so she said, "Let's go out and see what's going on outside."

So, the two of them went to the Corps farm outside.

Under the scorching sun, soldiers and military families were harvesting crops in the fields, sweating like rain.

Lin Rujiao just looked up and saw Xi Ze walking on the ridge, and couldn't help but look stupid.

"Why is he here?Will you be able to see him in the future?"

Thinking so, Lin Rujiao couldn't help but feel a spring in her heart.

After all, Xi Ze is so good-looking, and when he sees him every day, his mood will improve.

It's just that

when she saw Shi Ying walking in front of Xi Ze, the fire of jealousy couldn't help but burn.

"Damn, why is she so good-looking?"

Ying Fengqing, who was obviously married, was very good-looking

, but now she is not satisfied, and she has hooked up with other men.

Zhu Qianran saw Lin Rujiao standing still stupidly, so she urged her dissatisfiedly: "What are you doing there, don't

you have to work?" Lin Rujiao reacted, and sourness welled up in her heart, so she lowered her voice and said to Zhu Qianran: "Don't you think Shi Ying and that gay man have a leg?"

Hearing this, Zhu Qianran also raised her head to look, and saw Xi Ze also following behind Shi Ying.

This scene was not a big deal, but after Lin Rujiao's malicious speculation, Zhu Qianran couldn't help but think about it.

"No, Camp Commander Ying is much better looking than that man, how could she fall in love with him?"

Zhu Qianran felt that something was wrong again, if her man was as good-looking as Ying Fengqing, tall and strong, she would definitely not look down on other men again.

Lin Rujiao snorted coldly, "Eating in the bowl and looking at the pot, let me tell you, no matter how fragrant the house flowers are, there is no fragrance of wild flowers!"

Otherwise, how could Zhou Mingli fall in love with Lin Rujiao in the first place.

Hearing this, Zhu Qianran couldn't help but be suspicious.

"That's right, you said this for no reason, how could the two of them get together?"

Lin Rujiao was a little proud: "There must be adultery!" Zhuang

Chunyu saw that the two of them were lazy, and couldn't help but scold: "Hurry up and work, don't chat!"

Zhu Qianran hurriedly lowered her head to cut the wheat again, but Lin Rujiao refused to give up, and chewed her tongue at Zhuang

Chunyu and said, "Director Zhuang, don't you think Shi Ying and that gay man are tired?"

Zhuang Chunyu glanced at Shi Ying suspiciously,

and then glanced at Lin Rujiao.

"That's Xiao Shi's assistant, it's normal to be with the assistant, right? Don't spread rumors!" After

being choked, Lin Rujiao looked very unconvinced, and even gritted her teeth a little.

"Damn, how could she even have an assistant? And she is such a good-looking person!" She

glanced at Zhu Qianran and said hatefully: "Zhu Qianran, how about

you be my assistant?" "Ah? Why should I be your assistant? How much money do you give me?"

Zhu Qianran only felt funny and inexplicable.

Zhuang Chunyu reprimanded: "Hurry up and work! Don't talk to each other!"

They had no choice but to stop talking.

Shi Ying took a rough turn around the farm and said her plan for next year based on soil conditions and grain production.

"This one is suitable for growing corn, and that one is going to be planted with potatoes next year...... Xi

Ze carefully jotted down the notes he carried with him.

Shi Ying was relieved to see that he remembered seriously.

When she passed by Lin Rujiao's side, she heard her malicious speculation about herself, so she quietly came behind her and said quietly

: "Aren't you afraid of retribution for saying bad things about others

behind your back?"

Lin Rujiao was suddenly startled, and couldn't help but reprimand her loudly: "Why did you suddenly appear behind someone else's back!"

Shi Ying hugged her arms and hooked her lips coldly, "

It's not that what you do is too immoral, is it interesting to chew your tongue behind your back

?" Speaking of this, Shi Ying narrowed her eyes, "Or do you want to give me your third month's salary?"

As soon as she heard this, Lin Rujiao became angry, her salary for the last two months was gone, which was equivalent to two months of working for nothing.

"Are you

embarrassed to mention it?!" Shi Ying deliberately angered her: "Why are you embarrassed to mention it?I took your salary to buy a skirt, but it looks good, I will wear it to you next time~"

Lin Rujiao was so angry that she raised her hand and wanted to hit her, but Shi Ying grabbed her wrist and shook it off.

"You want to hit me? You're not qualified.

Xi Ze on the side looked a little embarrassed, so he said to Lin Rujiao: "I'm just Shi Ying's assistant, please don't spread rumors." "

If every time he and Shi Ying go out, someone spreads rumors, then he shouldn't be an assistant anymore?

Seeing Xi Ze talking to himself, Lin Rujiao looked like a nymphomaniac.

"Yes, yes, yes, you are right in everything!" Seeing

this, Shi Ying couldn't help but feel a chill, turned around and left.

And Xi Ze was also a little embarrassed and followed Shi Ying away.

When Shi Ying went home, she specially brought two fish out of the space.

Ying Fengqing came back and boiled her a pot of fish head soup, and when she scooped up a spoonful to try the taste, Shi Ying came in and hugged his lean waist.

Seeing that he was drinking soup, Shi Ying was also greedy, "I want to drink it too!" Ying

Fengqing was helpless, so he gave her the cold soup to drink, and asked in a low voice

: "Is it delicious?"

Shi Ying immediately nodded: "It's delicious!"

Hearing this, the corners of Ying Fengqing's

lips hooked slightly, and then cooked.

Shi Ying watched curiously from the side, helping to wash and chop vegetables, and stealing cooking skills by the way.

I have to say that Ying Fengqing's cooking looks really good, and her cooking skills are much better than hers.

Ying Fengqing suddenly spoke: "By the way, daughter-in-law, many people have seen you and Xi Ze walking together today."

Shi Ying cut the vegetables casually, "He's my assistant, it's normal to walk together."

Because she cut slowly, Ying Fengqing was already about to use it, so she took the knife in her hand and quickly cut it, moving quickly and accurately.

Shi Ying couldn't help but be stunned.

"Fengqing, your knife skills are too good!" Ying

Fengqing didn't care: "Practice makes perfect."

"If I'm as fast as you, I'll cut it!"

"Then let me cut it." "

Okay!" Shi Ying was also happy to be idle.

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