Shadow Apostle

Chapter 132 Mysterious Color

"You guys get in the car first and avoid it."

Wielding a multi-jointed whip, when the two ordinary people hid in the carriage, the mysterious weapon took action for the first time.

The steel whip filled with red mist hit the glowing wellhead hard.

However, there was no sound.

The steel whip felt like it hit something that didn't exist.

The castration stopped.

But I didn't feel any vibrations in my hand.

Only a shower of light exploded from the center of the collision.

Colorful, the sky is filled with light and shadow.


Horst's eyes narrowed and he took a step forward.

The arm spreads out and the multi-jointed whip rotates, drawing a half circle in the air.

Then swung out again.

Fixed target, no skills required.

The red mist is thick and the colorful lights are bright.

Collided together again.

The second time the light shined brighter.

Half the room was illuminated by colorful lights.

The light and shadow are reflected on the retina, and the spots linger for a long time.

Take the third step.

However, Horst only felt that the color at the wellhead suddenly became brighter.

While change heralds opportunities, it often also heralds crises.

Horst subconsciously stepped forward and blocked Miss Berndt.

At the same time, the wrist vibrates sharply.

Amidst the crisp sound of the chain, the multi-jointed whip shortened rapidly.

Retract into a cane as quickly as possible.

The cane hit the ground hard, and the force of the rebound was used to lay it horizontally in front of him.

The next moment, the colorful light flourished.

The colorful light swallowed up the nearby darkness.

The light even extended to the farmland in the distance.

The barren farmland was illuminated with every detail.

Wherever the light touched, everything around seemed to lose color for an instant.

It's bright and eye-catching, but it feels like a black and white photo.

Only the presence of the cane seemed to tear a crack in the light that filled the sky.

Let the light pass by the two of them.

Fortunately, the two of them were allowed to hide in the car. The mystery of light cannot take effect through opaque barriers. This is a rule determined by the characteristics of light itself.

If he hadn't hidden in, God knows what would have happened.


There was still a halo of light on his retinas, and Horst had already shaken the cane out again, spinning it above his head again.

However, before cracking the whip again, the driver's inexplicable voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Sir, what's wrong with you? Are you okay?"

Both Horst and Jessica couldn't help but feel nervous.

Then I felt a light tap from a small hand on my back.

The sound of footsteps left quickly behind the body.

Horst also took a few steps back, took back his cane and blocked it in front of him, looking at the well entrance warily.

But color is color.

It just exists there quietly, emitting a faint light alone.

"Mr. Horst, please be careful, Mr. Kent is not in good condition."

After confirming that the color had returned to its original state of ignorance and desire, Horst took a few steps back again and turned his gaze.

My heart immediately sank.

Kent had collapsed in the carriage.

The whole person is weakening at a speed visible to the naked eye.

There was a lot of dust scattered around, making the entire carriage turn gray.

Yes, gray.

Within a few seconds, he returned to his original gray appearance. Even more serious than when I was at the bank just now.

And he has completely lost consciousness.

"Damn, this thing seems to be sucking harder. Jessica, do you feel anything?"

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Horst felt vaguely weak inside his body, especially the mental power in his consciousness, as if he was using a mysterious technique.

And Jessica's answer was not optimistic.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the weakness to disappear, and Kent stopped feeling further weak.

However, it was obvious that he was in a state of near-death.

"Go back to your room first."

Not daring to attack the color at will, lest it absorb the power at high intensity again, Horst quickly approached Miss Berndt and helped Farmer Kent up with her.

"Mr. Stead, you... please go back to the car first. Don't come out unless we ask you. By the way, can you leave now?"

Jessica knew it was safest not to see the colorful coachman.

"Ah? That's not possible, miss. You can't find a carriage in Qingmai District. I have to stay with you."

"Well, okay, it's nothing. You go in first."

Horst and Jessica looked at each other and shook their heads relative to each other.

It seems that ordinary people without knowledge can't leave.

It's just that the connection has not been established and it is not absorbed for the time being.

This is trouble.

Lifting Kent up, the strong farmer was already as light as a child.

The weight is only seventy or eighty pounds at most.

The two of them carried Kent on their shoulders and hurried into the farmhouse. They closed the doors and windows and tightened the curtains, and then they breathed a sigh of relief.

At least you don't have to worry about that kind of all-round light attack.

In theory, this is true.

Although they were worried, the two of them quickly laid Kent down on the ground. Jessica squatted next to her, measuring Kent's heartbeat, and said quickly: "Mr. Horst, why don't you go and check the people inside? , I'm a little worried whether they will be like Mr. Kent."


Horst picked up his cane and walked towards the side room, leaving only Jessica still checking.

An extremely slow heartbeat is a very dangerous sign.

The pulse was weak, as if it might break at any time.

There was even a flickering feeling like that of a small shrimp swimming in water. Jessica knew that this was a serious life crisis.

He hurriedly opened the medical box and injected a shot of nutrient solution. The crisis was slightly relieved, but it was still quite troublesome.

After putting the needle back and letting Kent lie on the ground to absorb the nutrient solution on his own, Jessica remembered that Horst hadn't come out yet and looked up nervously.

Horst was standing at the door of the side room, looking a little dazed inside.

Jessica's heart tightened. .

Holding the hem of his robe, he quickly ran to the side room.

"It's okay, don't be nervous."

Horst, who heard the footsteps, turned around and waved his hand.

But Jessica had reached him and saw the peasant woman inside.

Not humanoid.

The whole person was as gray as a plaster sculpture.

If it weren't for the faint rise and fall of his chest, he would have mistakenly thought he was a dead person.

With a slight touch, it felt as light as if it was about to float off the bed.

Obviously more serious than Kent's situation.

"Oops, where are the others?"

The two of them had recovered from the shock of the gray-white human form and quickly ran to the room of the three children next door.

Fortunately, the three of them were still lying down normally, and there was no change in color.

It's just that he had clearly regained consciousness just now with the help of nutrient solution, and now he fell into a deep sleep again.

Go up and touch it. Your body is still warm, but your eyes are closed and motionless.

Damn, what the hell is this.

Horst felt as if his fists were full of strength, but there was nowhere to swing them.

Now you can't fight with a mysterious weapon.

This thing seems to be indiscriminately draining the power of its associated people when it is injured.

After one confrontation, the Kent family almost couldn't hold on anymore.

If we come here a few more times, I and Jessica will probably become like the Kent family.

It's like sending yourself to a dead end.

But it’s impossible not to fight.

Because even at this point, the two of them couldn't even think of leaving.

You can only fall into a dilemma.

Trapped in the farmhouse, facing the strange colors.

Like a wild beast caught in a trap.

There is nowhere to escape but to gradually face the fate of being eaten.

Two hearts sank to the bottom.

"Mr. Horst, we can't stay long. Now I have a suggestion." Jessica gritted her teeth and said, "I'll knock you out, throw you into the carriage, and then whip the horse so that it can take you out of this place." range, and then you can find a way to pull me out from the outside."

"Are you sure the horse can get out? Miss Jessica." Horst smiled bitterly, "Moreover, are you sure it will be effective if you leave this area and you won't want to come back right away?"

Jessica was silent for a moment: "You have to try it, otherwise is there any better way?"

"I have an idea." Horst pointed at Kent, "He just left the farmhouse with illness and returned voluntarily."


"I wonder if it was because the effect of the thing at that time was not that strong, so even though he was extremely resistant to selling the farm, he was still able to leave here and negotiate a contract with people from the Minsheng Company."

"It was..."

"It was daytime." Horst whispered, "There was light. Whether it is common sense or the mysterious world, the biggest influence on color is always..."

"Light. Do you plan to wait until dawn tomorrow?"

"No, the more it won't let us leave, the more we should leave." Horst said solemnly, "I'm wondering if there is any way to create extremely bright light."

Jessica was silent for a moment and pointed to the ground.

"Gas pipe explosion."

"Let the gas pipe go. Besides, it's useless and the bill is in arrears."

"Hmm..." After thinking for a while, she opened the medical kit, "I'll give it a try. I hope I can make it."

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