Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 937: |?)?? Hello? Is anyone at home?

Otto Ganga, this is a magical and beautiful place that originally belonged only to the Gungans...

Because this city was built in the sea area inside the vast and huge planet of Naboo, it is a place that terrestrial creatures cannot easily set foot on!

Speaking of it, it is actually built or planted on a fantastic city of huge Rokapu plants. At first glance, it looks like clusters of closely connected bubbles, and it also emits orange or Orange shimmer.

Therefore, in the dark and deep sea environment with almost no light source, looking at it from a distance, this Gungan city is like a dream and it exudes brilliant light like a diamond. In this dark Naboo The depth of the ocean is like a shining pearl, it represents the highest level of Gungan people's unique planting technology!

That's right, it is planting! !

Different from other countries in the Galactic Republic, the Gungan people’s scientific and technological goods are not produced by R&D and manufacturing, but by relying on a living area like agricultural planting.

One of their large or small spherical or elliptical buildings is decorated with sleek and clean, full of curves and chic decorations and fixed frames, including those bubbles, and those hydrostatic fields that separate the air and sea. The kind of air filled with air for urban residents to breathe, and the space and buildings that supply the Gungans of Naboo to live and live in these large and small bubbles are all planted!

And this is the real reason why this Otto Ganga exudes unique and unique beauty!

Among the large and small "bubble" buildings, countless schools of non-threatening fish and small shelled sea beasts are swimming freely in the urban waters that emit light. Obviously , They are already used to that kind of bubbles and light...

And in the bubble, countless Gungans live or work in their own houses or "high-rise buildings". In some places where privacy is not good enough, you can even see what Gungans are doing at a glance. What, but the Gungans didn't seem to care about it?

The large area where these large and small bubbles are located is actually the Gungan city Otto Ganga. For thousands of years, the industrious, honest and brave Gungan people have lived like this, even if they were theirs. The same is true when Naboo is occupied by a group of people named Naboo!

Although, due to the fact that Queen Padmé Amidala took the initiative to lower her body and seek reconciliation during the invasion of the Trade Alliance a while ago, the current Gungans have been with the colonists of Naboo, and those so-called The Naboo people formed an alliance and completely let go of their prejudices and misunderstandings, and allowed the Gungans to use the status of a Naboo citizen in any place on the planet, including Sid City. Live, play, travel or conduct necessary trading activities in the human cities inside?


Compared to the noisy environment on land, the Gungan people who are still not used to living in the air environment, for people who can adapt to amphibious life, they still prefer to stay where they belong only to them. In the Gungan’s own ocean world, do they like to live in the deep-sea city inside Naboo, such as continuing their isolated life in their beautiful and peaceful "Capital" Otto Gangari?

However, many of them may have realized that their isolation from the world will not last for long. I believe it will soon be due to the reconciliation and alliance between the Gungans and the Naboo people. When it is broken, Otto Ganga, this beautiful place, will probably no longer be unique to their Gungans.

In fact, there is no need to wait until later. Only now, the peaceful and peaceful days of Otto Ganga have been given by a wicked little girl who is lawless and still relies on her own power to act recklessly and do whatever she wants. Completely destroyed...



In the office of the senior officials of the Gungan Representative Committee, the Gungan’s Nass leader with a slightly large tonnage, the Gungan fat leader who is determined to abandon his suspicions and form an alliance with the Naboo on the ground, is turning The head looked vigilantly at the huge bubble-like static force field around the executive office. The round and funny eyes above the fat face scanned the surrounding calm sea, and found that there seemed to be nothing special outside. After the incident, he slumped on his equally wide throne and let out a sigh of rejoicing.


Today, he feels that everything seems to be peaceful here in Otto Ganga, everything is fine.

And the troublesome little girl, the little head of state that is said to be from a powerful country from the outside world, should have gone to a certain deep sea area inside Naboo, and did not continue to run mad in their city. , So that he finally felt a lot better in the heart of Nath Chieftain.

After all, this Naboo star is so big that the other party can't always know that they are coming to harm their Gungans? If he could occasionally go to land to harm those ‘Naboo’s,’ then he would definitely feel a lot of balance in his heart.




I don't know why, but Nath Chief always feels a little worried.

Because, he had heard the Captain Tubbs of their Gungans say that he had seen the little girl stray crazy in the city for a few days, and drove another boat early today.' Banggao's sneaking into the center of the planet... just don’t know, today she is going to provoke those things that shouldn’t be provoke, or is she risking to cross the center of the earth and want to take a shortcut to Sid on the other side of the planet To the city?

Hopefully, things will be the kind of situation he thinks later, right?

Anyway, Chief Nass said: He is a bit fed up with the little girl who bothers Gungan!

If the other party just spends all day eating and drinking in the sea in their Gungan city, that's fine, because it can't eat them... But the other party even runs all day to make trouble for others, and even touch them. Messing with things she shouldn't touch, and even wanting to start with the largest Rocap plant that is so precious to them Gungans, how can he not get bored and angry with the other party?

But there is no way to get angry, but who makes the other party the head of that powerful heroic federation country and also a little girl? After all, little girls are always privileged, and their Gungans have no special way except to try to accommodate each other and send people to stare carefully.

For example, now, when the opponent is not in the city, Chief Nas finally feels that the whole person has become relaxed, and he no longer needs to be as treacherous as the previous day.

‘! ! ’


Suddenly, the leader of Nas, who had just slumped in his seat, had not had time to rest for a few minutes, suddenly became agitated, and had to forcefully prop up his fat body and staggered to sit in the seat for a while. .

Because he saw that in the outer passage, their Gungan’s Captain Tubbs and the Ja. Ja Binks, who are in charge of security, are now anxiously piercing through the outside sea water. The root man represents the bubble wall in the office of the senior officials of the committee, and hurriedly ran towards him with the water stain on his body.

I didn't say it. From the performance of those two people, it is not difficult to guess that something big must have happened again! And he also subconsciously felt that it was very possible, or it must be related to the naughty little girl head of state that he was still muttering just before? !


"Ja. J. Binks, and Captain are here, still like this, is there something important happening again?"

Originally wanted to rest for a while, while the little girl was not in Otto Gangari and could get a good night’s sleep, he continued to grow fat to make his figure a little more rounded, and saw the faces of the two of them. After the look of horror on him, he had to ask such an annoyed question.

You know, since the little girl came to their Gungan city, he has been losing weight for many days, and that kind of thing does not bode well for him!

‘Big, big boss! ’

"Is such that……"

‘That little girl, she, the Bongao that she drove out this morning, is now leading her prey to our Otoganga side, and it’s coming soon! ! ’

Captain Tubbs said in a bit angrily tone, although this is not the first time, but every time, whenever this kind of thing happens, they will inevitably make their city jump around. Every time it gets worse, it doesn't even take a day to stop, plus the identity of the other party, so every time that little girl causes trouble, he will run to report to their big leader!

Originally, the other party caused trouble or something, usually it was not his turn to take care of...

But the bad thing is: he is the security captain of this city, and he is responsible for the security and defense of this city. If something goes wrong, it will be his serious negligence, so he can't be allowed to be cautious. The anxiety in my heart showed up again.

"Yes! That's right!"

"The big boss, the big boss, that little girl, she...she ran to the sea deep in the heart of the earth again, and then today led a big beast to swim towards us. I think we Run as soon as you have time?!"

Ja Ja Binks also urged loudly in that fearful tone, hoping that the big leader in front of their Gungans would decide to leave here for now, and seek refuge in other places first, and wait until everything calms down. come back?


"It's too late if you don't run!"

Anyway, if it wasn't for Captain Tubbs to pull himself, he would have ran away and escaped, and promised to stay away from this city, and would never run back here to waste time reporting.


However, Chief Nas did not rush to express his position, but pondered, as if he was thinking about the words.

"I know……"

"Let's talk about it, Captain Tubbs, the little land girl, this time, did she attract a big lice or another colo?"

Hearing it turned out to be this kind of thing again, the Nas chief said that he was already a little bit more able to bear it, because this was not the first time!

And he Jude, whether he or someone else lives in this city Gungan, sooner or later will get used to that kind of thing! And he was already thinking about it, after the other party killed that kind of big beast, at most it would just damage some city buildings and the ‘big bubble’. The Gungans could still afford such a small loss.

And if they can't afford it, they can go find the high-ranking Serendis executive in the outer surface world, and negotiate compensation with those protoss? Anyway, their Protoss are very rich and reasonable. As long as they are sure to be damaged by their heads of state, they will give them some energy and stones that are of interest to the Gungans as compensation. Then, the Gungans can do it. I forgave the little girl generously for the wrongdoing in their city.

‘Great lice? ’


"No, no, no! Big boss, what you said is nothing!!"

Hearing the big boss’s questioning calmly, Jaja Binks was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Captain Tubbs next to him, before hurriedly placing his large hands and holding on. Shook his head and said.

Because he knows that the sea lice in the mouth of Nas' leader actually refers to the ocean killer on Naboo-Opi!

That kind of body is 20 meters long and is used to lurking on the rock walls of the deep sea of ​​Naboo. It still has a hard crustacean-like carapace and limbs on its back, but it also has a hinged giant like a fish. At the same time, the throat can shoot out a sticky long tongue, sticking or hooking the desperately struggling prey, and then engulfing it in a mouth full of two rows of sharp teeth. It is a monster who chews and eats, but it is deeply loved by the Gungan people. Of fear!

But that kind of thing is relatively easy to deal with, because they are not too big, not too difficult to be killed and hunted, and the little girl just killed one a few days ago, so he Binks He certainly wouldn't be afraid of the arrival of that kind of thing, because it was not the first time he had seen Opi, the ocean killer.

As for the other kind mentioned by the big boss, the so-called colo claw...

The kind that inhabits the porous cave deep in the core of Naboo, has eel-like skin, can emit a terrible light, and has a giant underwater beast with a big mouth and teeth. He Binks is certainly not too I'm afraid, because the defense of the opponent's skin is slightly fragile, and the courage doesn't match the reminder. You only need to hurt the opponent a few times, and the opponent will dive and run away immediately. It can be said to be better than the ocean. Killer Opi is much easier to deal with?


‘Oh oh oh oh...’

"Since none of them? Okay, let's talk about it now, what kind of weird things she attracted this time?!"

It’s not, it’s not, there’s no way, Nath Chief could only shake the compost on his face a little annoyedly, make a burst of unidentified'whoops', and at the same time put his mouth in his mouth. A lot of slimy saliva shook out, splashing the two of Captain Tubbs and Binks not far away before he asked again in a bit annoyed manner.

"Big Chief!"


"Yes, it's Sandor Monster!!"

Finally, in that extreme sense of fear, Ja Ja Binks stammered for a long time before finally telling their leader that he felt terrified and seemed to make this hall. That terrible word that the surrounding air has reduced the temperature by several degrees in vain.


That is a kind of monster that lurks in the deep sea of ​​Naboo, arguably the most terrifying monster in the entire planet's ocean!

Without thinking, it is not difficult to guess that it is named as a water monster, it must be a carnivorous marine animal! Moreover, its size can easily reach the appalling length of two hundred meters or even longer...

At the same time, it has a strong and muscular body, which looks like the kind of cat on land? And its strong and powerful limbs also have huge sharp claws on the top, and the claws also have fins that are convenient for swimming quickly under the water! And the most terrifying thing is obviously that it can swallow most of the other sea creatures in one bite, even a Gungan submarine's huge fangs!

Such a giant deep-sea monster, if the opponent is led to their Gungan city Otto Ganga, it will open its mouth to swallow some smaller'bubbles' or completely destroy their city. , It will certainly not be too difficult.


Chief Nas did not speak immediately, but his fat face and the fat on top that were trembling all the time suddenly stopped at this moment, as if he was thinking about something?



"Quick! Captain Tubbs! Horse, immediately launch the infrasound wave that disperses marine life, and you must hurry away that monster before it gets close!!"


In the next second, the big leader suddenly stood up directly at a speed that was inconsistent with his size, and the expression on his face also became extremely hideous at the same time. He directly roared in a commanding tone and stretched out his fat fingers. Pointing to the Captain Tubbs, screamed and ordered.

Because, the Nas chief knew that once that huge monster was led by the little girl to their Gungan city and fought, their city would really be over!

Under normal circumstances, the huge and terrifying behemoth that has no natural enemies in the ocean will definitely not easily come to their Otoganga, which is shallower from the ground, because there is not only no Marine creatures large enough for them to prey, and the seawater pressure here is not enough, the environment here will make the monster creatures with huge pressure in their bodies feel uncomfortable?

However, if someone provokes death like a messy little girl, or provokes them, that terrifying ocean behemoth will definitely be drawn to the depths of their Gungan city. of.


Chief Nas is more worried about the buildings in their city, and the dim light emitted by those "bubbles", they are likely to drive the behemoth of the deep sea crazy, or mistakenly think it is the kind of colofish. In the light of the light, he launched a crazy attack. By then, I am afraid it will be the biggest man-made disaster in Otto Ganga in thousands of years!

If their brave Gungans still fear some existence, then the kind of existence that dominates the depths of the oceans of Naboo and can be said to be at the top of the food chain of marine life on Naboo, the kind of Sando Water monsters are one of the few species they fear and dare not fight against.

‘No, no! ’

‘Big Chief, it’s too late now! The little girl is leading it over, and our sound waves will only make it more angry in this situation. It must be useless! ! ’

However, Captain Tubbs did not directly turn around to execute the order. Instead, he patiently explained the situation in front of them in a sad tone of earnestness and helplessness.

Such a thing, if feasible, he would definitely not come here with Jia Jia Binks and report to the other party, he had already done it within his own authority and responsibility! However, obviously he did not. Because that approach was meaningless, so they had to rush to the big leader's place in the first time, in order to clarify the seriousness of the matter to the big leader in front of him. ?


"It's useless?"


"Yes! You are right... Now we really can't use that trick, but what should we do, do we just do nothing?!"

It is definitely unrealistic to send the brave Gungans to fight against the giant beasts in the ocean, because in the ocean, many of their weapons cannot be used. Even if they can be used, they will not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, hurting others. Your own kind, such as those throwing sticks, electric sticks, throwing sticks, explosive balls, etc.?

In the end, the Nas chief, who was eager and had no other particularly good solution, walked a few steps back and forth anxiously, but never thought of any other good solution, he could only look at it again. I looked at the two guys who hadn't let myself stop in these few days, who ran to report the news.

"Big Chief!"

"Or... or let's run?!"

"Now quickly issue an emergency mobilization order to let our people leave here and go to the ground first. After that little girl kills the monster, or is killed by the monster, let's come back?!"

That kind of sando monster definitely cannot go ashore or go to the shallower waters, because their body structure and size determine that they can only move in the deeper waters, so in the opinion of Jaja Binks, The best way for them right now, I am afraid, is the only option to escape.

After all, it is better to leave an empty city for the water monsters and little girls to destroy than to stay and die! The city is gone, they can continue to plant that Rokapu plant and rebuild it, at most it will take a while? However, if the Gungans died accidentally, they would really be dead...The pros and cons of things at the moment, he and Gar Binks can easily tell even if they are stupid.



"Yes! Yes! Yes! You are right, stupid Binks, you finally thought of a good idea! Yes, we should evacuate, and it is all evacuation!!!"

After recollecting it, knowing that there was no better way, Chief Nas hurriedly jumped off the steps in front of his seat, and then roared loudly, while Captain Tubbs and With the support of Ja Ja Binks, the Gungan guards in the office of the senior officials of the Gungan Representative Committee ran away tremblingly.


As the chief leader’s emergency evacuation order was accurately conveyed to all corners of Otoganga, the Gungans, who had already experienced a major evacuation, quickly, in less than a minute Leaving from their bubble buildings, using the way of swimming directly or taking those'Banggao' submarines, they quickly evacuated towards the surface of Naboo.

Before long, as the Gungan people, who were like frogs, walking up the familiar waterway towards the ground, quickly evacuated, this beautiful city Otto Gangari was only left with empty, large and small shapes. The static force field "bubble" buildings, either round or flat, and still exuding charming orange or orange light...


At this time,

In the depths of a dark ocean not much away from Otto Ganga, a Gungan submarine is slowly sailing diagonally upwards. The kind of'Bangao' submarine is turning on dim searchlights and slowly moving forward. With.

And not far away, the one that has been following its "Banggao" small submarine is indeed a dark-looking one. It is not too real due to the light, but it is at least the body length. Exceeding two hundred meters, a terrifying behemoth with a weight of several thousand tons or even tens of thousands of tons!



In the cockpit of ‘Bangga’, a little girl is humming some unexplained tunes happily. Obviously, she seems to be in a good mood now?

"Hey! Tibbers..."


"Tell me, this time we finally found and caught such a big baby and went back. Those foolish Gungans must be very surprised and admire us?!"


Driving the Banggao submarine to lead the way, leading the little Annie who was caught alive by her, and followed the big water monster awkwardly. At this time, she was directly at her Bang, which was set to automatically drive back. In the Gao' submarine, holding his little bear proudly showing off.

Anyway, the reason why she cruised back so slowly, she wouldn't say that it was because she didn't recognize the way! !


However, even Anne herself did not expect that in the ocean of Naboo, there is such a huge monster that is super large, super strong, and super vicious?

So, when I saw Hunter Xinxi just now, she met the opponent on the bottom of the sea and found that the opponent wanted to eat herself. When her anger grew from her heart to the courage, she ran directly outside the submarine and beat the opponent severely. Pause, and after a good talk with the other party for a while, I finally enslaved the other party for a while, and prepared to take it back to the Gungan people who thought they would only make trouble and not do business. Wisdom, let the platypus natives with big ears know the greatness of her Lord Anne?

After she gets bored with this big monster in the future, maybe she will give it to the Gungan natives in vain, so that they will finally find this ‘puppy’ for her to raise in the city as an auspicious pet? After all, the kind of ordinary creatures that can only live in the deep sea, are too big, and don't have any extra abilities, she will definitely not bring her Lord Anne.

(Report to the little master. The little one thinks that those Gungan people will definitely not behave as you imagined. You should die as soon as possible.

(● ̄(??) ̄●)

——After the submarine continued to sneak forward for a certain distance, although I felt that it was a bit ruthless to attack my little master now... However, the dedicated Tibbers refuted the other party’s point of view for the first time. I mumbled to myself. )

"Why? Why?!"


Little Annie said that when she brought the much smaller "little" monsters back to Otto Ganga a few days ago, she caused the Gungans to be "excited" for a while, and now she took it back. With a bigger and bigger guy, how could their natives react more without giving a point?

Anyway, she thinks that when their unseen natives see it, they will definitely be more excited than before! Then, from then on, she felt incredible about the feats and deeds of her Master Anne Führer, and she engraved her legend on the totem pole of Otto Ganga, passed on from generation to generation, let her master Anne Führer The name becomes the kind of existence in the mythology of the Gungan people, right?


Annie didn't care about the counter-talk of a bear cub, she just turned around in her own'Bangao' submarine triumphantly, looked at the cute big guy who was helplessly following her, and then began to think about it. .

(Report to the little master, now that Otto Ganga is very close, the little one thinks, you should go back and take a good look...

(● ̄(??) ̄●)

——Blowing is a must. It is absolutely impossible not to find a chance to hit a bad little master a few times severely. Only by finding opportunities to hit the opponent a few times from time to time, can he barely maintain his appearance?

Therefore, when the submarine gets closer and closer to the Gungan city and can already faintly see the countless piles of "bubbles" and the light emitted from them, it reminds them with thoughtfulness The little master who didn't know what good things he was thinking about but still had a smile on his face said. )



Although she didn't know what horrible idea a certain bear cub was playing, Anne still subconsciously turned her head and followed the small porthole and dim submarine spotlight of the submarine to look towards the Otto Ganga ahead.


!? (??''????)??

Soon, as the distance got closer and closer, as the bubbles became bigger and bigger in her sight, Little Annie quickly discovered that something was wrong.

"and many more!"


"This seems a bit wrong!"




"What about the native Gungans of them? A city that is so big, there were still hundreds of thousands of people, but why did people go out for a long time, and now they come back, no one is seen here?!!! "

(??⊙ω⊙`)? ?

Sure enough, as the submarine approached, it was not difficult for Little Annie to find that the exquisite and unique huge ‘bubble’ city is now empty, and there is still half of the Gungans there?

She even discovered that not only were there no Gungans here, but even the sea fishes were gone. The whole city was empty except for her own broken'Banggao' submarine and the black monster behind her. Outside the shadow, there is not even a living creature here!



"How can they be like this? It was hard for them to find this behemoth of the deep sea in their legend..."


Little Annie feels that she is very sad, sad, and aggrieved...

Because she did not agree to catch such a big fish, and it took such a long sea route to swim for a long time before returning... Now, just as she was ready to be in the native Gungan people When the people were screaming and behaving in front of them, they were so shameless and left their own city directly, and then all ran away clean? !

They ran away, in fact, it was no big deal, she didn't care!



Now that she caught the huge fish she caught alive, who should she show it to? Without an audience, it seems that her fish-catching behavior suddenly became boring and boring? !





"Tibbers, you bad guy, you didn't remind me soon!!"


I didn't say it, there are so many mistakes, all of which are the fault of a bad bear!

In short, Annie thinks that when she is unhappy, when she is wronged and has no catharsis, it is certainly not wrong to catch a pregnant bear and beat her up! !

(Little, little master, what is this little thing...)


"I do not care!"


"Anyway, it's your fault!!"



People who are far away on Coruscant don't know what happened on Naboo. Similarly, what is happening on Coruscant is definitely not known to those who have just gained peace on Naboo.

Isn't this?

At this time, in the capital of Coruscant, in a slightly more remote block on the entire planet, where the entire planet is a huge interstellar city, the slightly messy factory of the kind of air manufacturing and processing factory unique to the planet of Coruscant On the top terrace, scattered objects and a lot of floating cars and a large group of guard robots are surrounding here.

And surrounded by the police in Coruscant and the robots that strictly enforce the law, it looks like a somewhat impatient woman who is leaning on a metal box, holding a small knife and shaving her nails. ?

"this is……"

After a long time, when several suspended aircraft finally flew over here and slowly landed on the terrace, a man who looked like a Jedi warrior directly exclaimed.


"Congressman No, Nova? But, why are you here? Also, what happened here?!"

Looking at what has been collected by the dedicated security robots at this time, the defects that are lined up on the roof terrace of this giant air processing factory vary in degree, some have been shot, some have been beheaded, There were also corpses that were slashed in half or simply divided into two. The Jedi Knight who heard the news and was able to come here to check the news, when he saw the one in front of him surrounded by robot guards, he never left. After the woman was the congressman, he was a little stunned for a while.

The case of so many deaths in Coruscant is a major case, so he was notified to be sent here to deal with it, that is of course, after all, the Jedi Knights have a lot of responsibilities in the current Coruscant and even the entire Republic. Many, of course, include such vicious public security incidents in the capital!

It’s just that he never expected to see the situation in front of him. The incident involved a congressman... Or, this is the fact that the robots did not dare to arrest the other party, and instead reported it, and caused himself to be sent. The real reason for coming here, right?

"Huh! Actually, it's nothing!"

"These idiot bounty hunters don't know who hired them. They still want to hunt me, and then I came here to let them hunt?"

Nova patted the dust on her shoes boringly, and then directly abandoned the dagger in her hand to the corpses. It was the spoils she had seized from them, but she didn't want to keep it.

But anyway, she had a great time tonight, and she finally dispelled all the unhappiness in her heart that was caused by the clamors of those in the parliament. So now, after seeing someone come to clean up the mess, she just I plan to go back and have a good sleep.


"But, how come they..."

After listening to the Nova Senator and pointing at the corpses all over the floor, the Jedi Knight suddenly didn't know what to say. Because he didn't understand, who was hunting and killing all this happening before him? !


"The thing is like this: These idiots don’t have enough skills. They seem to be a bit layman for assassinations, and their weapons are a little bit poor... So, you see, there are 37 people who came down. Now one counts one. , I killed them all!"


Nova shrugged indifferently, then pointed to the corpses being classified by the robots, and said in a tone as if she had just done a small thing.

"Now, this handsome little Jedi...Do you have anything else I need to add?"

In fact, it can’t be said that all the enemies were killed by her, because at least she didn’t make any move to keep them behind, she just killed them, at least watching them from a distance or stalking them in the car. The choppy that came down is nothing but one of them!


"It turned out to be a bounty hunter..."

But this is too sturdy, right?

What can this Jedi Knight have to say at this time? You know, against so many bounty hunters, if you switch to a Jedi knight or a Jedi master like them, I am afraid it will be a bit choking, right? Even if they can defeat the enemy in the end, they certainly won't be as relaxed as the opponent is now.

"Hey! It's late!"

"I want to go back. There will be a boring resolution vote in the parliament tomorrow. If you have anything, just go to me and ask!"

"I'm leaving now, shouldn't this be a problem?"

Now that there is finally someone who can talk here, no longer the rigid guard robots, Nova finally slapped him, walked directly in front of the opponent, and ran towards the opponent charmingly. Winking, I want to stretch out my hand to tease the other's chin.

It's a pity that the other party didn't wait for her to touch it and then avoided, so Nova couldn't help but look at the Jedi Knight who looked like a human on Earth.

"No, no problem!"

"Of course it's okay! Your Excellency Congressman, please..."

"We will do a more comprehensive identification for them later and confirm their identity. As long as the situation is consistent with the information you said, you will never have any more trouble, I promise!!"

The Jedi warrior was so excited, he waved his hand to let the robots get out of the way.

A high-ranking member of the Republic was hunted by bounty hunters. It was too late for him to apologize. How could he make things difficult for him? You know, this is an extremely bad thing, and it must be thoroughly investigated!


Think about the situation in the Parliament of the Republic that I heard, UU Reading www. uukanshu. Coming to think about the recently opposed congressmen, this Jedi could not help but sighed inwardly, knowing that what he encountered today was something that made their Jedi knights feel hot.

"That's good……"

"Huh! I haven't done it for a long time. It seems that the skills are a bit rusty. I really hope they can send some more powerful guys next time..."

As if complaining, Nova, who walked towards her luxurious super-running suspension car, whispered such a word while twisting her waist.


And behind her, there are the Jedi Knight who was a little frightened by her words, and the large group of Republican guards who are carrying out routine investigation activities with various scanning lights and those robots of various types that maintain law and order. .


(*^▽^*)?? Ask for a ticket?? (*^▽^*)

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