Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 941: ?? The raid before the war??

Geonosis planet with beautiful multi-layer colorful planetary rings. It is a harsh rocky planet located in the outer border of the Republic of the Milky Way. It is as far away from the core area of ​​the Republic as Naboo, but slightly farther away , And the distance to Tatooine is less than one light second. Therefore, just like Tatooine, which has poor public security and rampant crimes due to the remote mountain council and lack of effective control, the situation on this planet of Geonosis is the same as Tatooine is basically not much better than that.

Its surface is similar to the desert environment of Tatooine. It is also made up of lacking vitality terraces, hills and large areas of barren and hot desert hard soil or sandy land, but it is worse than Tatooine!

Because, unlike the hot Tatooine planet where people can live freely on the ground, on the surface of Onosis planet, no one will stay on the ground under normal circumstances, because although there is an atmosphere that can directly breathe, the star’s Radiation storms will often sweep across the surface of the planet, forcing creatures to go underground to survive and take refuge.

In addition to high temperature and high radiation, the dense dust and fog in the sky will also affect the creatures living on this planet, because it will produce a dark environment like night, even when the weather is the best, it will be a yellowish reddish brown piece. The sky and the rocks are glowing with the same bleak color, like smog, and that bad situation often lasts for several weeks...


Even under the action of the harsh natural environment, the creatures that evolve here in Geonosis, whether they are intelligent creatures or those pure beasts, they all have the powerful ability to survive in this harsh ecological environment and multiply here. A powerful civilization and technology have been born and gradually evolved.

Now, the most advanced life forms on this planet are the humanoid creatures named Geonosis-they are insect-shaped creatures with advanced intelligence. They have hard shell exoskeletons and long and narrow faces. Insect-like arthropods, and use a weird “worm” language that sounds like a ticking sound, inhabiting the towering spire nests on the ground.

Although compared to other intelligent creatures in the Galactic Republic, the Geonosians are ugly and ignorant, simple in mind, and far below the average level of the Milky Way, but these insect-style Geonosians have to let the entire galaxy Acknowledge that they are indeed good players in the machinery manufacturing industry! For example, they are good at making those large-scale projects, or the construction of extremely simple and cheap B1 combat robots?


This planet is under the rule of the Galactic Republic and is a member of the Republic’s star chart. However, after the establishment of the Independent Galaxy Federation, the Geonosians soon joined the Independent Galaxy Federation and became the “rebel” elements. Our robot and weapon manufacturer!

So, naturally, this planet has now become a military production base of the Independent Galaxy Federation and the assembly and troop transport base of some unnamed fleets of the Independent Galaxy Federation, and those trade alliances are modified by merchant ships. The huge armed merchant ship with a circular ball, the'battleships' are now entrenched here.

So, the great and omnipotent Master Anne, of course, is bringing a small team of ghost agents here, they are preparing to perform missions on this planet of Geonosis, and perform the kind of battle in front of it. What was necessary before, asymmetrical reconnaissance and raid warfare!

The soldiers in the Kepulu zone know that there is nothing more frightening than letting a ghost agent or a group of ghost agents sneak into their home base or behind! Because, you never know what those guys who can’t see will do in your base or military factory...

Oh oh...



The slight sound of breaking through the air rang slightly on the planet ground with the reddish-brown earth and the dim sky, just like the kind of sound made by a gust of air flowing over the hills on the ground?

However, there are still many Geonosians or beasts on the ground at this time, but they will never think that it is not a natural wind, but a normal ship that'blows' toward the front. An advanced stealth ghost transport ship that is invisible and has extremely low engine noise!

The "Kentriti APOD-2020" ghost dedicated stealth transport ship is a special improved model of its predecessor, the "Kentriti APOD-33 transport ship". And the development is a special special ship specially equipped for the use of the ghost force.

This type of ship is equipped with the most advanced medical station, wound inspection station, large-capacity troop transport space, and several gravitational tubes that can quickly drop and recover ghost agents, as well as powerful The shield array and the same advanced stealth coating device and advanced post-combustion plasma propulsion system like the giant battleship "Phantom Crisis"!

And this is why it can fly freely at low altitude on this Geonosian planet without worrying about being discovered by the enemy's sight or equipment.

Toot~! Toot~!

‘! ! ’

‘Attention all ghosts, all stand up! set! ’

When the Kentredi APOD-2020 ghost dedicated stealth transport ship was about to arrive at its destination, the one in the cabin was ready to go. There were a team of twenty ghost agents, one with the others. People are all wearing red, black and white ghost suits, with a fully enclosed helmet on their heads, only a pair of eyepieces flashing red, but the bear head badge on the chest lacks two more bars, it looks like The officer who seemed to be Captain Ghost stood up and shouted.


He looked at the seat in the distance of the spaceship with some hesitation, and looked at the beautiful man in red, white and gold. He knew the workmanship was not the same as their mass-produced ghost suits. At present, he only eats himself. After taking a look at the little head of East and West Anne, after thinking for a while, he continued to explain to the ghosts who stood up from their seats and surrounded him:

‘In five minutes, our spacecraft will arrive at the mission assembly point, now we will proceed to the final mission description! ’

‘We will stop the spaceship here. At that time, two people will take a stealth motorboat to the factories you have assigned to perform tasks! You must collect information such as the production list and robot data of the enemy's factory and install the fusion blasting device without disturbing the enemy! ’

'remember! ’

‘Don’t be spotted by any enemy, especially the timing device you put in place! Once you are discovered by the enemy or those explosive devices are discovered, it may lead to a complete failure of the mission and follow-up operations! ’

‘Have you heard clearly now? ! ’

The ghost agent who seemed to be the captain looked at a device in his hand, looked at the holographic map that appeared above, and found that the green dot of the spaceship was constantly approaching the pre-established assembly point, and finally shouted loudly. One sentence.

'Roger that! Sir! ! ’

'Roger that! Sir! ! ’

'Roger that! Sir! ! ’

The ghosts straightened their bodies one after another, and promised loudly in unison...


( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

Of course, a certain messy little girl who is lawless, unorganized and disciplined, and no one can manage, just glanced here at this time, dangling her short legs on the seat, and continued to eat her. My own stuff went.

'well! ’

'Now check your omnipotent tools, check the blasting devices and ammunition in the micro space inside, if there are no problems, return to your vehicle and stand by now, you still have two minutes and thirty-two seconds to do the final ready! ! ’

After screaming, the ghost agent with the captain's appearance, together with the other ghosts, checked the mass effect world on his left arm for the first time, and was merged into the space storage by the guys from the Federal Academy of Sciences. High-tech equipment with physical functions-mass effect universal tool.

The equipment from the world of Mass Effect has gradually begun to install part of the military in the Kepulu region, but due to the lack of element zero, the portable gadgets, except for a few officers of the three clans, are just Equipped to a small number of core units, such as their elite ghost agents?

'report! ’

"Your Excellency! Excuse me, do you have any help?!"

After seeing the elite ghosts under his command turning round neatly and swiftly moving towards the invisible floating motorboats behind them to take their place and become invisible, the captain of the ghost agent hesitated and walked to the little girl's. Standing at attention and saluting in front of him, asked loudly.

He had heard that a few days ago, when the other party went to scout the enemy's robot manufacturing factory on a certain planet in the ring of the galaxy, there was a small mistake?

So, now he is a little worried, and wants to tell the other party some matters and issues that need attention, such as not being careless, not setting the blasting time indiscriminately, and not alerting guards or alarm facilities at will?

But it's a pity that the identity of the opponent is there, and his little ghost captain, the level difference is really too big, so it is not easy to say too much clearly.

That's obvious, because ah, he must have no power to mobilize or order their legendary little girl head of state! Therefore, when the action is about to begin, he really has no way to interfere more except to make the final confirmation and request to the other party in an inquiring tone.

If he could, he really didn’t want to let this little head of state, who admired and respected him, but was helpless, casually blend in in the operation he was in charge of...but it’s a pity that they are now invisible in space. The'Phantom Crisis' was requisitioned by the opponent, so the mission instructions issued by the commander of Nova, such as today's'breaking mission', must be unstoppable.

"No no!"


"Don't worry, my bag is full of various fusion devices, but it's just a robot factory. There must be no problem! You should go to your business first, anyway, the biggest factory I Go alone and deal with it!!!"


Although she didn’t carry that kind of troublesome universal tool, Xiao Annie said that in addition to her space bag, there were all kinds of airplanes, various types of battleships, Gundams, various vehicles, magic weapons, various guns and ammunition, and several In addition to a container of super large Ivan, all kinds of delicious, fun, and some messy metals and gems, there are also a lot of timed fusion blasting devices just installed yesterday!

Therefore, she felt that there must be no problems with the task later, and she has some ways to complete the key points described in the task instructions. There is no need for the guy in front of her to point her fingers!


"Yes! Your subordinates are going to prepare now, Your Excellency, I wish you all the best!!"

No way, although I still feel a little uneasy, but after thinking about it, the little head of my own family may be a little silly sometimes, but he has never lost the chain at a critical time, so he gritted his teeth, paid a salute, and said nothing. He turned around and walked to his stealth floating motorboat, then directly opened the stealth device, and disappeared directly from the cabin of the transport ship.

In less than a minute, the spacecraft will arrive at the assembly point...

At that time, their team of twenty people, together with their Anne Führer, will carry out reconnaissance and sabotage missions on the ten most important underground robot manufacturing plants of the Geonosians in order to attack the independent galaxy federation. The sustainable combat and production capabilities of the United States will provide necessary intelligence support for the next war.

And now, the way they ghost agents destroy the enemy's factory is obviously a nuclear explosion, there is no other better way!

After all, the fusion strike is the specialty of the ghost agents. Otherwise, such a sentence would not be popular in the Kepulu region:

Where the ghosts pass, there will be no grass! The nuclear bomb landed, the base is not guaranteed!

It can be seen from this that what kind of love and fear attitude do the warriors of the three races in the star area have towards ghosts? After all, a ghost who is not good at guiding fusion strikes or installing fusion devices is not a good ghost?

So, now they are ordered to once again prepare to carry out the attack mission of infiltrating reconnaissance, gathering intelligence, and fusion blasting strikes, it is nothing more than normal!



"Huh! Another boring task..."


Seeing that everyone else was ready, and feeling that the spacecraft was slowly decelerating and was about to reach the predetermined location, Little Annie had to jump up from her seat.

She patted the food scraps in her hands first, and then shook her hands and feet, preparing to walk towards the little motorcycle in front that was obviously her own.

A few days ago, her first beloved little motorcycle was accidentally blown up by her. I hope, today’s one can last longer, right? Anyway, Master Anne said that she would definitely not set the wrong time this time, and would definitely not blow herself up again.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Tibbers didn’t pay much attention to his own disgusting little master’s broken thoughts. From his point of view, war or something, it’s not like that. You blow me and I blow you. It’s really a bit bored. It's boring, but it knows that a certain messy guy was very excited when he zoomed in on the fireworks!)

"Really, can't they change their style of play?"



(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(The ghost agents were originally dedicated to assassination, reconnaissance, infiltration, and sabotage of special operations units. In addition to this kind of attack mission behind enemy lines and the kind of guided fusion strikes in frontal operations to assist conventional forces, what could be better? How about playing?)

"Let's go! Tibbers, it's all here, let's go down and have a good time!!"


Perceived that under the action of the gravitational tube of this ghost ship, the invisible ghost agents have been dropped on the ground one by one, and they spread out and galloped towards their respective mission targets. After leaving, Xiao Annie also quickly picked up her own little bear, pinned it to her waist, and stepped onto the small motorcycle that belonged to her with such care.


‘Don’t rely too much on your eyes...’

'idea! ’

‘Use your heart to feel the force and the weak changes around you. Only then can the lightsaber in your hands have time to resist the enemy’s blast energy beam...’

In the Jedi Temple, Master Yoda, as an elder, is teaching Jedi apprentices who are only less than five or six years old. Although they are not his students, he is still dedicated to giving them these due to his own mentor. The little guys who perform their tasks and are temporarily unable to be taught.

And what he is teaching is the ability to wield a lightsaber and slash the "bullets" fired by the enemy!

Perhaps, Master Yoda didn’t have time to leave with the little Anakin, and now he doesn’t know where Quigan King said: There was once an invincible Sith warrior, just because he was killed. Bullets, that's why they were shot to the head by a fierce little girl before they had time to show more sense of existence. Those terrible blood and brains still splashed them all over?

'Ok? ’

‘Kids, stop first, we’re here as guests...’

Suddenly, Master Yoda, who seemed to sense something, waved his hand, indicating that the little Jedi apprentices who were temporarily handed over to him because of the absence of their mentor stopped the childish behavior of waving the lightsaber and turned to look towards Closed the closed door.


As the sensor door opened automatically, soon, Master Yoda and the children in this training room saw a young Jedi knight hurriedly entering from the opening of the big door.


"Obi-Wan Kenobi?"

‘Children, go back first and remember the points I taught you today...’

No one would easily disturb a master who was teaching an apprentice, so Yoda knew without asking that the other party must have something important, so he waved his hand to signal the apprentices to go out first before asking directly.

"Come to me at this time, what do you want? Huh?"

I don't know why, Master Yoda felt that something bad was happening. Next, what Obi-Wan was going to say might not be a good thing.

"I'm sorry to disturb you at this time, Master Yoda, this is how it is!"

"I just received a distress call. It was my master Qugang Blond. He was arrested by the Count Dooku. He is now locked on the planet Geonosis, so I want to apply to leave Coruscant. Go to Onoxis and rescue him!!"

The young Obi-Wan was not long-winded, and directly stated the purpose of his trip here to find Master Yoda, and made a request to leave the Jedi Temple.

"Qui Gang Jin was arrested?"


To be honest, Kui Gang Jin left without saying goodbye, and brought his unrecognized little apprentice. They had always thought that the other party was a mentor who ran to seek refuge with the other party, and had taken refuge in that Earl Dooku! After all, the other party used to agree with some of the other party's views very much, and has always been dissatisfied with the policies and systems of the Galactic Republic.


"Obi-Wan, how do you know your master was arrested?"

The Jedi Committee did not receive this message, but Obi-Wan, who had great potential and had just been promoted to the Jedi Knight, was the first to know it. This made Master Yoda a little fanciful.

"It's Anakin!"

"He seems to have assembled a simple device and sent me a message from where they were under house arrest! But there is no image, only a simple text description!"

After speaking, Obi-Wan quickly handed his portable communication device to Master Yoda.


"You are going to Geonosis? Obi-Wan, believe me, that's not a good idea!!"

Since the two of Kuigang and Jin are under house arrest by the other's former mentor, what is not said, the Earl Dooku and his party members must be there now, and he knows the strength of that Dooku very well, so, Going to the other side's territory to save people, this Obi-Wan alone is definitely not a good idea.

"I must go!"

"Master Yoda, my teacher is there, and I received a reliable request for help. He was caught and locked up. There is no doubt at this time, so I must go!"

Seeing that Master Yoda, who had read the distress message, hesitated, Anakin couldn't help but plead again.

Actually, if it weren’t for the strict rules in the Jedi Temple, and he wouldn’t dare to be as maverick as his teacher, Master Kui Gang Jin, and he didn’t put the rules in his eyes, he would be the one who received the news. From a moment on, I had already rushed to Geonosis by snatching a Jedi Starfighter and auxiliary propulsion device regardless.


"Obi-Wan, you can go..."

"But, you can't go alone! That Dooku is very powerful, and you can't do it alone..."

Master Yoda suddenly remembered one thing:

Recently, that Schiff Palpatine has united many congressmen, and has also come to persuade them many times, intending to let their Jedi Committee take the lead to establish the exclusive "Second Republic Army" of the Galactic Republic, and let their "neutral" The parliamentary delegation and the Jedi Knights are jointly led to grow and allow the Galactic Republic to have its own official armed forces, while at the same time it can be used to contain the Speakers’ faction headed by the Hero Federation and the opponent’s “Great Republic Army” so as to avoid the opponent’s family Domination and bring some dangerous changes to the Galactic Republic?

To be honest, some Jedi committee masters have been persuaded by Congressman Palpatine who can talk and think about the Galactic Republic everywhere, but Yoda himself and Master Windu are still a little bit hesitant, so they have been procrastinating. I didn't even dare to agree...

However, this is a good opportunity now!

Now that their Jedi Knights knew that Earl Dooku and his party members were likely to be on the planet Geonosis, does that mean that they could launch a surprise attack on the heads of the independent galaxy federation? In that case, once it succeeds, maybe it can completely disintegrate the confederation that was just hastily formed by the conspiracy against the republic?

By then, their Jedi Committee can not only prove to the world that the Jedi Order can still continue to function and maintain the order of the galaxy, and still have a powerful force to deter the entire galaxy! And that Palpatine's plan to form the ‘Second Republic Army’ can be cancelled and no longer need to be considered!

And once the Independent Galaxy Federation is disintegrated, presumably the Speakers’ faction headed by the Hero Federation will definitely withdraw the troops that have gradually taken control of the Republic’s capital Coruscant and nearby core areas, right? Then, the corresponding Galactic Council and Galactic Republic will definitely return to their original orbits again, and the entire galaxy can also quickly gain peace, avoiding more unnecessary killings?


"Well, Obi-Wan, you wait here first. I will discuss with the masters of the committee, and I will be able to answer you immediately!!"

Master Yoda, who didn’t come back when he felt the opportunity was indispensable, frowned and tangled for a he immediately jumped into his special suspension seat, and then hurriedly took him without waiting for Obi-Wan to speak Using the portable communicator that the other party had just given him to the Jedi Committee Tower...


Seeing Master Yoda's departure, the young Jedi Knight Obi-Wan subconsciously scratched the back of his head, completely wondering what the other party wanted to do.

Seriously, he just came here to convey the news of his mentor, Kui Gang Jin, to the master and apply for permission to go out. Why did the other party leave in a hurry after persuading him a few words, and still think Go to discuss with the elders of the Jedi Council? That kind of small request, disagreement is just a matter of the other party, is it necessary to trouble those busy elders? !


(*^▽^*)?? Ask for a ticket?? (*^▽^*)

Wonderful book house

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