Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 944: King of the Swarm: ?Anakin Skywalker?

In the first battle of Geonosis, although Nova’s battleship squadron succeeded and wiped out the "armed merchant ships" of the Trade Alliance in the orbit of the planet Geonosis, it turned out that it was nothing more than a trade alliance. The part of is responsible for the transport fleet of b1 combat robots. They have more warships and countless army of cheap robots!

Because, even in the battle of Geonosis, the heroic Federation fleet belonging to the Galactic Republic won a complete victory, but over time, more galaxies have fallen...

The heroic Federal Fleet, which claims to have thousands of battleships, is a newly reorganized "great republic" with terrifying battleships as the main body, mixed with warships and armies of many other races, and that is extremely cheap, as long as you have money. Compared with the mass-produced b1 fighters, they are still slightly inadequate. Therefore, they can't completely defend the increasingly chaotic territory of the huge Galactic Republic!

Anyway, after suffering a loss, the Independent Galaxy Federation began to become cunning. They played the tactics of guerrilla warfare with the parliament, and relied on their numerical superiority to attack and dominate the galaxy everywhere, so that in a short period of time, even Let the'Great Republic' feel a little tired of coping, and have to focus on defending the core galaxy, and then let the rebels wreak havoc in the outer galaxy and grow stronger.


"The cruel facts have proved to us that the Independent Galaxy Federation is not so easy to defeat by us. It is said that the Trade Alliance alone has hundreds of thousands of large and small warships... and we have defeated it. A few hundred ships?"


On the tower of the Jedi Committee, Senator Palpatine who was in a meeting here said this, he paused for a while, and while contemplating what he would say next, he began to look up at the people present. The woman Nova that made him jealous, the Supreme Speaker of the Parliament Phoenix Valoren, Master Yoda of the Jedi Council, Master Windu, and some important and conference members.

"As far as I know, after the former Jedi Master Earl Dooku inherited the title of Earl of Sereno, he gained tremendous power and incredible wealth..."

"If, coupled with his major minions, those from the Chamber of Commerce, Trade Union, Interstellar Banking Group, and Technology Union, who split off, they can be said to be a group of people with huge wealth. It surpassed the chaebol group of the Republic!"


"I hereby implore all of you here, please be sure to carefully consider the previous bill proposed in Parliament: We need to establish a new Republican team in order to better deal with the increasingly powerful threats of the independent galaxy federations. ?"

Having said this, Senator Palpatine breathed a sigh of relief and sat down slowly, waiting for the opinions of others.

That's right, now they are here to discuss the plan to take the lead with the Jedi Order and form a new ‘Second Republic’, which is an army entirely belonging to the Galactic Republic! Rather than the so-called ‘great republic’ that was selected by a certain country to serve as a temporary peacekeeping mission, which has nothing to do with the parliament, as before, forced by helplessness and in an emergency?

‘I completely agree with Congressman Palpatine’s suggestion that the evil deeds of the Independent Galaxy Federation must be effectively cracked and stopped in time! ! ’

‘Yes! The establishment of the Second Republic is imminent, and we cannot wait any longer! ’

‘More than 10,000 galaxies have declared their independence and joined the Independent Galaxy Federation and become a member of them. If we don’t do more, I believe that soon, more galaxies will announce to join them...’

'Although the great republic of the Federation of Heroes is very powerful, when they attacked and recovered one after another planets and galaxies, more planets have fallen. If this continues, things will inevitably evolve to the point that all of us cannot bear it. Degree! ’

‘They must be stopped! ! ’

'Although the Milky Way has more than 200 billion stars, at least more than 100 billion galaxies and countless billions of planets, there are not many that are suitable for life, but now there are more than 10,000 galaxies occupied by the rebels. Occupies nearly one-third of the habitable galaxy of the Republic, and this must not go on! ’


The few neutral MPs who came from different races spoke at this time, expressing very clearly that they strongly support MP Palpatine’s proposal, and that they are eager to or want to urge Parliament and The Jedi Knights formed the'Second Republic' as soon as possible in order to achieve the purpose of containing the expansion of the independent galaxy federation.



Master Yoda and Master Windu glanced at each other silently, but said nothing, neither agreed nor opposed.

However, anyone can tell that the two masters and elders in the Jedi Order have already moved intentionally at this time! Perhaps it was because Geonosis’s raid was too deep for these Jedi knights, making them understand that the Jedi knight alone might not be able to meet the important needs of fighting the enemy and maintaining the stability of the galaxy?

Think about it as well, at that time they organized more than two hundred Jedi Knights to launch a raid on Earl Dooku's headquarters, and there were no shortage of powerful masters! But in the end, despite the heavy casualties, they still failed shamefully. They were captured alive by a group of robots, and almost died in a dungeon cell of the Geonosians...

They still remember what happened at that time, so they didn't have much reason to oppose the reasonable suggestion of Senator Palpatine.


"What can be done with more troops, the people of their Independent Galaxy Federation...maybe it's okay to make money, but will they fight?!"

At this time,

Nova, who has not spoken all the time, first saw the highest speaker who frowned and hesitated, then snorted, sarcastically at the congressmen who had vocally agreed with the ill-intentioned and wanted to separate parliamentary power and military power. One sentence.

She could see that those guys had been wooed by Palpatine, and seemed to want to gain a certain right to speak in the parliament and in the republic, in order to resist her Nova and the doglegs under her control against this country The kind of control that is getting stronger?


"Congressman Nova, we have to admit that when the quantity reaches a certain level, it can indeed cause qualitative changes!"

"Otherwise, the Jedi Masters will not suffer a crushing defeat on the planet Geonosis, and your fleet will not be exhausted to fight the robots of the Independent Galaxy Federation..."

Congressman Palpatine immediately refuted Nova's words, and glanced at two of the Jedi masters who had darkened faces and seemed to be extremely embarrassed.


Nova snorted and said nothing more.

She would not tell the careerist Senator Palpatine in front of her that the reason why she allowed the fellows of the Independent Galaxy Federation to develop was deliberate! Of course, although the other party's development momentum is a bit beyond her imagination, she doesn't care too much?

Because behind her is the entire Kepulu star area and the huge power represented by the star area! If you really get rid of it at the end, it's a big deal that she will pull in the Swarm army, or simply run to Mass Effect World and harvest the countless reincarnations of the galaxy, and pull a small part of the army of Reapers who are extremely experienced in destroying civilization. , It must be more than enough!

You know, if it is to destroy the entire galaxy or destroy the resistance in the galaxy, professionally harvest countless tens of thousands of years, and in the galaxy 50,000 years a cycle, count countless advanced and evolved intelligent beings as leeks. In another crop, even their own creators have been harvested by them, but even their hero federation is frightened!


After thinking about it, Nova, who didn't know what she thought of, suddenly closed her mouth and didn't say much about it.

"and so……"

"Dear deputies, parliamentarians and masters of the Jedi Council, we need more troops. The establishment of the Second Republic is imminent, and we cannot hesitate any longer."

Seeing that the most difficult Senator Nova didn't make a strong voice and objected, Palpatine hurriedly took advantage of the victory, stood up again to speak and pleaded.



Master Yoda and Master Windu still didn't speak, they just muttered silently in their positions, still the kind of disapproval or disapproval.

‘Your Excellency Palpatine! ’

‘Excuse me, if the Second Republic is to be established, how should the problems of military expenditure, ships, equipment and soldiers be solved? ’

‘Especially soldiers! ’

'Training an army is a very complicated matter, and it takes a long time... Compared to the robot army of the Independent Galaxy Federation, our newly formed army will probably not be those who absolutely obey orders and Never fear the opponents of death fighters? ’

At this time, seeing that no one of the parliamentarians and representatives present seemed to be particularly opposed to it, a representative of the Crooked Star with a knot on his head hurriedly stood up and asked about the biggest difficulty that may be faced in forming an army.

Because everyone knows that it takes time to recruit and train an army, and the robots of the Independent Galaxy Federation only need energy and steel. That kind of thing is everywhere in the galaxy, and people can easily be in various places. Building factories and rioting soldiers on a scale of tens of millions or even tens of millions every day is something that their republic can’t compare.

"Of course there is a way!"

Seeing that the trust he arranged finally played a role, Senator Palpatine smiled and walked to the middle of the Jedi committee meeting room and began to introduce it slowly.

"The matter of fleet, ordnance and military expenses, let's not talk about it. You all know that after sanctions the trade alliance, we have received a lot of funds..."

"So, let me talk about the soldiers first, right?"

"After my investigation, by an unexpected opportunity, I was surprised to find that on the Republic's star map, a planet was deliberately erased from the Jedi Archives!"

Having said this, Palpatine looked at the Master Yoda and Master Windu. After seeing the serious surprise of the other two, he went on to explain:

"You may not know..."

"That disappearing planet, it's called Camilo Planet..."

"And a very foresighted Jedi in our Jedi Order. He had prepared a group of troops for our great Galactic Republic long ago on the planet named Camilo. , A more practical army than combat robots!!"

"His name, presumably Master Yoda and Master Windu will remember?"


Senator Palpatine, who was smiling and groaning, took the case of the Jedi master Sever Dias, without the authorization of the Galactic Council and the Jedi Committee, unilaterally demanding the Prime Minister of Camino, Rama. Sue slowly said the creation of a cloned army for the Republic...



I was wandering boringly in the Jedi Temple, watching the Jedi apprentices training, but because I had not been officially recognized by the Jedi Committee, I had to watch the little kid Anakin wandering to the Jedi apprentices. When I was in the cafeteria, I suddenly saw a very familiar, beautiful little girl with blond hair and blue eyes hiding in a corner eating sweets?

"Are you head Anne? Why are you here? Didn't you go to the meeting?"

Therefore, he was curious and when his tutor Kui Gangjin did not arrange training tasks for himself, he walked directly in front of the opponent and asked such a question in wonder.



"People don't like meetings!!"

( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

Yes, in the eyes of Little Annie, sitting in line with those nasty old men and wasting time talking about little things for ten and a half days or something, and how can it be more important to go to the cafeteria to eat dessert by yourself? Fun?

Anyway, she won't get together with the guys who are too panic after eating, and then know that they have meetings and chats all day long!


For a while, Anakin didn't know what to say. After scratching his head, he gritted his teeth, sat directly in front of the opponent, and squatted on the table, just staring blankly at the opponent.



"Little kid Anakin, what do you want to do? If you want to eat, take it yourself. I have mine here, so I won't let you eat it!"


Feeling that the other party might want to grab her own food to eat, Annie hurriedly chewed what was in her mouth while reaching out to protect the delicacy on the table. Although, these things are completely free in the Jedi Temple, but if she feels that she is completely capable of destroying them, she will definitely not share them.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)


"Head Anne, I found that you seem to be really powerful, even better than the Jedi masters combined?!"

However, Anakin didn't care about the other party's food protection action, but after staring at the other party's round and cute little face for a while, he said such a sentence abruptly.



"Don't think that if you compliment others, they will eat it for you! Tell you, this kind of trick is definitely useless to others, you can die early!!"


After blinking her eyes, and squinting slightly at the other side for several times, Xiao Annie suddenly pointed at the other side and laughed.

What are you kidding about, how can the child tricks that approach and cheat things to eat, come to fool her, the omnipotent Master Anne?


"No! I don't want to eat your food..."

"I just wanted you to teach me the ability to fight..."

After a while, Anakin hurriedly waved his hand and directly explained his intention to the other party. Because in his opinion, the age in front of him is younger than him, but the very, very powerful little head of state Anne is indeed extraordinary.

If there is no other party, I am afraid that Anakin has died twice! !


∑(′△`)? !

"Don't you have a mentor yourself? That old Kui Gangjin, isn't he already teaching you how to use the force?"



"Compared with you, the Jedi Knights don't seem to be very powerful..."

While talking, Anakin lay down on the table in frustration.

In the past, Anakin wanted to be a pilot freely navigating the universe, wanted to see the entire colorful galaxy, wanted to take risks, wanted to see the kind that lived on the satellites of Yego Known as the most beautiful creatures in the universe, those'angels', look at their supposedly shiny white skin and three pairs of wings?

However, after meeting his teacher Kuigangjin and Queen Amidala on Tatooine, he suddenly changed his mind: he wanted to be a powerful, wielding a lightsaber and saving the world. Jedi Knight!

Of course, more importantly, he, Anakin Skywalker, must guard the Queen Amidala that he discovered, who is more beautiful than the "angel"...

And now, Anakin suddenly didn't want to be a Jedi!

After seeing some things, he changed his mind again, wanting to learn from the powerful head Anne of the powerful ‘ghost’ skills? He had already noticed that his instructor, Teacher Kui Gangjin, didn't seem to be so powerful, because ah, the opponent had been caught alive by the enemy twice! The same goes for the other Jedi warriors. There are more than two hundred Jedi warriors, but only a hundred are left by the robots. Even the most powerful one of them, Master Windu, was captured alive, and was almost there. Shot in prison?

And if it hadn't been for the head of Anne that he had appeared in time and saved them, I am afraid that Anakin would not have seen the huge red sun rising from the planet Coruscant today.

Therefore, he felt that, in comparison, the head Anne in front of him was a bit more powerful! And if I can learn something useful from this little head of state, then it is definitely better than just learning the skills of using the force from Master Kui Gangjin?



"You're really right, their Jedi Knights are just a bunch of inattentive guys! You can really become stronger by learning the Force from them, but you must not learn from them so stupid, you really think you will have supernatural powers. The world is invincible!"


For those guys who could be transferred to mage, but in the end they want to become fighters, Little Annie has always been very disdainful! Especially, when the opponent can choose to use advanced equipment and firearms, and then become more powerful, does he have to use only that kind of broken lightsaber pedantically and inconspicuously? Anyway, she has seen those guys displeased for a long time!

"Your Excellency, Head Anne, can't you really teach me a little skill? Even a little bit?"

Anakin looked at the other party's current expression, and seemed to think that the other party was in a good mood. After thinking about it, he pleaded again.



"Why do you have to learn? Can't you learn from the old man Kui Gangjin slowly? I think he is quite good, as long as you don't learn from them and only bring lightsabers, there is no problem at all!"


Undoubtedly, in Annie's eyes, the Jedi Knights are actually very powerful. The ability of the other party to wield a lightsaber to split or reflect a beam can definitely exceed most of the ghost agents she knows! And if the opponent wears the same equipment as the ghost agents, and then applies that kind of ‘bullet’ slashing quasi-head to the gun, then it’s definitely very powerful!

After all, after the opponent's physical fitness was developed and transformed by the Force, it has gradually become extraordinary.


"I want to go and rescue my mother soon..."

While speaking, Anakin dropped his head and bit his lips tightly.

Taking the Jedi Knight course can undoubtedly achieve his goal, but, in comparison, that time is still a little too long, which he cannot bear, and he often dreams of that kind face in his dreams. ...Even if his master, his teacher wanted him to forget Tatooine more than once, and let him devote himself to the training wholeheartedly!



"Your mother? Where is she now?"




"Then why are you saving her? Was she caught by some bad guy?"


Little Annie suddenly felt that if things weren't too troublesome, maybe she was able to help the other party?

"Because she is a slave..."

"At that time, when we left Tatooine, we couldn't take her away..."

Immediately afterwards, Anakin slowly explained what happened when Mentor Quigangjin and Queen Amidala went to Tatooin to repair the Royal Naboo Starship, and of course, they The owner of that greedy thrift store owner Wotu.

"So this is ah……"


"Although they want to teach you too much, you are still a bit too stupid. When you learn what they are capable of, your mother should almost die of old age!!"


"Well then, let me lend you some money, that kind of credit, you go and buy her back? And, you don't have to pay it back!!"


After thinking about it, Little Annie tentatively suggested.

Anyway, her Milky Way Republic has many credit points, so there is no problem in lending them tens of millions! If you want to have as much as you want, you can borrow it or not, but she won't mind anyway! After all, compared to other methods, directly borrowing money to let the other party buy back the other's mother is the simplest solution.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

"Credits cannot be circulated in Tatooine. Those people don't receive credits..."

"Moreover, that old Wotu is very cunning. He certainly won't easily sell his mother back to me. I can't beat him again..."

Anakin shook his head in frustration. Teacher Kui Gangjin and Queen Amidala tried, but the cunning guy just didn’t sell each other, and they couldn’t force it, or else the kind of connection in their slaves. The explosive device he can't find will explode!

"There are people who don't like money?"

(* ̄△ ̄*)

Little Annie expressed a little surprise, because in her opinion, most of the people she met were people who liked money very much! As long as there is enough money, she can buy anything delicious, even the flat peaches from the heavens in another world?

Thinking of Pan Tao, Little Annie's saliva couldn't help it, but she would definitely not take it out when the little kid in front of her was present, because the relationship between the other party and her was not good enough to make her willing. The degree of sharing.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

(Is that really bought? Tibbers is very skeptical about this...)



"Let’s do it! It’s definitely impossible to teach you abilities, and the fleet doesn’t want to lend you this idiot... But they can barely give you an interesting little thing. As long as you raise it, you can guarantee it. Fulfilling all your wishes, such as becoming stronger or fighting back to Tatooine, or protecting you, Miss Amidala who likes to peek all day, is also okay!"

Little Annie looked around thiefly, and found that no one noticed her side, she quickly took out a cylindrical glass bottle from her bag and stuffed it into the opponent's hand.

Inside the cylindrical glass bottle, there was a disgusting little bug that was not very big and had a hard shell, but now it looked motionless. As for when it was picked up and hidden by her, I am afraid that even Annie can't remember that kind of thing...Anyway, there are too many messy things in her space bag.


"A...a dead bug specimen?"

Staring at the glass bottle for several times, Anakin suddenly felt, is the head Anne in front of him teasing himself?


Therefore, there was a look of expectation on his face, but he soon became depressed again.

"It's not dead! And it's not a normal bug!!"


"Tell you quietly, its name is Larva! But it's still in a dormant state, I will help you activate it later, as long as you keep it well, you can guarantee that you will have what you want in the future!!"


The larvae can hatch into worker bees, and the worker bees can become a hatchery, and once the hatchery is created, the following things become very simple.

Whether it's strengthening your body or leading the Zerg army to Tatooine to save people, isn't it the same as playing? Moreover, at that time, it can be said that it is the result of the other party's own hard work, and it has nothing to do with her Master Anne?


Looking at the strange thing in his hand, Anakin still couldn't believe it.

"If I lie to you, I will make people like a bear!"


Suddenly, Annie picked up her own bad bear Tibbers, and then squeezed the other's head fiercely!



σ(?)? ? ?


"But, I don't know how to keep bugs, I have never kept a pet..."

Anakin shook his head regretfully. He still felt that the head of Anne in front of him must have lied to him. He was not as stupid as the other party had imagined!

"Do not worry!"


"It eats everything, and even finds it by itself. It's very easy to raise!"



"You really didn't lie to me?"

Anakin is still a little hesitant, always feeling unreliable...

"That's it! Remember to keep it well!!"

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

After finishing speaking, I didn't want to talk to the short-talking Annie who dared to question her, so she stood up, turned her head and left with her little bear.

As for the bug, she didn't take it to heart. Anyway, the other party would not be able to raise a large scale without three or two years! And after three or two years, she would have been thrown into other worlds a long time ago, how can she care what this world will become?

Besides, it doesn't matter if you raise a bunch of bugs, aren't they still hers? Maybe, when the time comes, Nova and the guys will be grateful that they have made a new army for them? !

"and many more……"

"feed me……"

Anakin just wanted to say that he didn't want it, but when he hadn't finished speaking, where could he still see the shadow of the other person? The little girl didn't know where she went after jumping for a few times, and she didn't even pay attention to his opinions.



I got to the glass bottle and looked at the little one in the bottle, about the size of two fingers, and then looked hideous and ugly, and had a lot of green compound eyes and a horrible bug with big-nosed pliers. It was really not a specimen, but alive, and even after turning his head slightly to look at himself, Anakin sighed helplessly.


"Really, how could this be..."

Anakin remembered that just now he obviously wanted to learn some fighting skills from the opponent, but now...

No way, after all, this little bug is a gift from the other party. Although I think the other party must have lied to myself, but after thinking about it, it may be a bit not good for him to throw it away, so he can only grit his teeth and plan to Take it back and keep it for a while to see?

If you really think it’s not fun or difficult to raise, then just let it go...

‘! ! ’

‘Anakin, what are you doing over there? ’

Suddenly, without waiting for Anakin to think more, a familiar voice in the distance called him.


"Ah? Obi-Wan? I just talked to Master Anne Führer do you want?"

Realizing that his brother came over, Anakin quickly jumped off the chair.

"The teacher is looking for you..."

'Well? What is in your hand? ’


"Ah! Nothing, this is the pet that the head of state Anne just gave me..."

Anakin quickly hid behind him.

'pet? ’


(*?′╰╯`?)? ticket? (?′╰╯`?*)

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