Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 947: ? Hogwarts is back to school, and your Professor Anne...

Today, one week after the Quidditch World Cup event, is the day when Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry reopens. At this time, students from the four colleges of Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin The students are wearing their own school uniforms, chatting, loudly or quietly sitting on the long tables of their respective colleges, discussing something with each other, and patiently waiting for today’s every semester There was an opening ceremony and the most sumptuous opening dinner in the following semester.

Watch the new first-year students sort out, see if anyone makes a fool of yourself, and then eat a lot of food, and enjoy the most hearty dinner of the entire semester except for important festivals. This becomes the upper grade. One of the few pastimes for the students.

This is still the auditorium. It is still almost the same as when Little Annie came for the first time two years ago, but it may be because the new semester has begun, or it may be because of other reasons, such as Hogwarts. The funding for the company has increased, so it has been re-decorated again. It looks a little different from the previous years?

In the auditorium, those hundreds of candles were lit and suspended above the table with a levitating curse. Together with the large bonfires in the iron plates around the auditorium, the entire auditorium was illuminated by the students. The goblets and golden plates on the long table were shining brightly, like a magnificent sight.

From time to time, the white and translucent ghosts of Hogwarts drifted from among the floating candles, finally adding a touch of weird and mysterious color to this originally lively and noisy festive auditorium...

'Hey! ’

‘Hermione! And Harry! Come take a look? ’

In the auditorium, when Hermione Granger and Harry Potter, who can now be regarded as a Hogwarts fourth-grade student, are watching those who were led into the auditorium by Professor Hagrid and McGonagall The first-year freshmen, while waiting patiently for them to be sorted out, suddenly Ron Weasley on the side brought a copy of the Daily Prophet to the two of them:

"Look at it! Check out here, the latest report on the Quidditch World Cup!!!"

As Ron leaned over and pointed out the conspicuous headline in the newspaper "The Horror Scenes at the Quidditch World Cup and the Incompetent Ministry of Magic" to the two of them, they were curious and didn't know what Ron was excited about. They leaned over together, and soon Harry and Hermione saw this paragraph:

'Nearly 100,000 wizards were panicked and could only hide helplessly in the woods waiting for news... They should have been protected by the Ministry of Magic and the Aurors, but unfortunately, the terrifying Dark Mark still appeared. Above the World Cup camp, the entire camp and countless precious tents were torched by the Death Eaters... Even if the Ministry of Magic claimed that there were hundreds of Aurors and officials maintaining order on the scene, they did not take those few Death Eaters. Any way...Finally, according to reliable sources, there have been hundreds of casualties due to chaos and attacks by Death Eaters! But the Ministry of Magic shamefully blocked the news, they...’


"Okay! Ron!"

Seeing this, Hermione couldn’t stand it anymore, because when she saw that the writer was Rita Skeeter’s special correspondent for the Daily Prophet, she could guess what the other party would say. What's up.

Because she had already known this whole week, that guy, that fascinating witch is just an exaggeration who deliberately fabricated and deliberately made rumors to gain attention and make more money?

Therefore, the content of the report written by that guy must never be taken seriously!

"You know!"

"It must be true that the camp was burned and caused heavy losses and the appearance of the Dark Mark. It is true that there are Death Eaters, and it is true that many people have been injured, but it is not too serious! Also, Mr. Weasley He and Passy are officials of the Ministry of Magic, don't you know if there are any dead?"

"The rumors stop at the wise. Just read this kind of news in the future. Please don't take it too seriously."

She shook her head helplessly. Hermione looked at the freshmen in front and found that there were no familiar faces. Then she saw that the professors hadn't arrived yet. The sorting ceremony might take some time before she started. After thinking for a while, he took out a notebook from the pocket of his academy robe, and began to take time out and watched it seriously.

The new semester has begun, and she still has a lot of content to learn that she hasn't fully mastered, so she has to read more now, and absolutely can't leave the content and knowledge that she can't master in the classroom or wait for the professor When we explain.


Harry wanted to express some of his own opinions on the report, but he looked at the Hermione who had turned his head and was immersed in the notebook, and then at Ron, who was refuted to be speechless. In the end, he closed his mouth and said nothing.


Rumors and rumors stop at the wise? !

"Harry, was she just saying I was stupid? I must be? How could she be like this?!"

After Ron pondered Hermione’s words in private, he soon figured out the meaning of it, knowing that it was the nasty good student Hermione was saying that he was stupid. !

Therefore, a bit aggrieved, when he put down the newspaper in his hand, he tried his best to lower his voice, but he was able to guarantee the intensity of being heard by Hermione not far away. Harry's ear and protested angrily:

"Don't think I don't know..."

"Her grades and magic are very good, in fact, it's because that Professor Anne secretly taught her a lesson! At my house that night, when I got up to the bathroom, I heard it: they, the three of them are in Ginny Talking in the room, and still discussing the application of magic and spells!"


"They have a professor who has taught them lessons and magic for several days, and they still secretly carry us at night, so can their grades be bad?!"

Yes, now Ron is full of envy, jealousy and hatred when he thinks of that kind of thing!

His grades are poor, his spells are poor, and his ability to cast spells is even worse. He admits all of these! However, it is definitely not because he is stupid, but because he has no new dresses, no new wands, no new cauldrons, no new pets, and even no professor is willing to secretly teach him new courses in private. ! !

Otherwise, how could his current spellcasting ability be worse than his sister Ginny? It's not because they can all have their own new magic wands and a school professor secretly teaches them and tutors them in the evening, but he and Harry can only be like unattended wild children in the last few days of the holiday. Can I just stare at you in the sky?



After listening to Ron’s complaint, Harry was stunned, then subconsciously looked at the face of Hermione, a friend and classmate next to him, quietly, when he saw the opponent's board down and extremely cold. After the horrible side face that was almost covered with'frost', he could only turn his head and laugh awkwardly, and ambiguity of two words without comment.

Because he knew that Ron was going to be unlucky soon, and he didn't want to be caught between his two good friends and become inhumane inside and out.


Huh! !

Sure enough, when Harry heard the sound of closing the notebook fiercely, he knew that Ron could be unlucky again, and apart from cursing others into anger, Ron must have been unable to argue with Hermione.


"Do you know? You are not too stupid, but jealousy has made you lose the most basic ability to judge!!"

"I tell you: Ginny and I never asked Professor Anne to give us special counseling on magic, nor did she teach us any form of teaching, nor did we whisper anything at night. It was actually because Ginny and I just took advantage of the time before going to bed at night to ask Annie for some knowledge and spell-casting skills we don't understand!"

"We lowered our voice just because we didn't want to disturb you!!"

"Also, our grades are good because we have been reviewing and preparing for the first few days before semester, and you and Harry knew they were playing! Just now, I was still preparing for the important content and Do you not feel ashamed when you recite the key mantra while you are discussing why I did good grades and reading that kind of boring rumor newspaper?!"

After staring fiercely into Ron and Harry's eyes, they only retracted back when they saw them, and didn't even dare to look at each other. Then Hermione turned her head back angrily and opened it again. My notebook.

Two years ago, there were many magic books that Annie gave her that she couldn’t understand, so now Hermione still focuses on the magic knowledge that can be learned in school, because Professor Dumbledore had warned in person before. After her, it is extremely dangerous to learn or try to use magic that you can't master without any guidance?


"What does it matter to me? I didn't say anything..."

Harry shrank to the other side of his seat a little wronged. He didn't understand. Isn't the other party condemning Ron? Why now, even he has been accused together?

So, now he intends to stay a little further away from a certain aura suddenly becoming extremely powerful, and classmate Hermione, who has entered the preaching mode, so as not to suffer from that kind of innocent disaster because of Ron again?


"It's not fair at all. That Professor Anne never gave us any guidance, and no one told us that we can go to her for advice!!"

After glanced at the opponent's notebook from a distance where he didn't know what was written densely on it, Ron still muttered something like that.

If he knows that there is something like that, then he...well, he probably won't ask for advice, because learning magic or studying spells is all right in class, and they play the rest of the time. If the results are not good enough, then the professors can only be blamed for not explaining in detail and teaching in class.

Of course, it could be that his new wand was not easy to handle?

Anyway, if it weren't for the broken wand that Ron had used for two years, his current grades would definitely not be what they are now! Of course, besides that, he might need a more fashionable dress?


After Hermione glanced at the Ron who was on Harry's other side, she stopped talking at all when she was a little angry, but began to hold back her anger, trying to immerse herself in her notebook.

She didn't understand. Anne stayed at the other party's house for several days and didn't come to school with her until the beginning of school. Why couldn't Ron and Harry learn from themselves, learn from Ginny, Even learn from the twins of Fred and George. How about taking advantage of that opportunity to seek advice?

You know, the twin brothers took advantage of that great opportunity to ask Anne a lot of key questions about alchemy!

‘Okay, Ron! ’

‘Let’s talk about who the professor of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class this semester will be....’

‘Guess now, who will teach us this year? ’

Harry, who didn't want his two friends to quarrel again, and then became quarrelsome and might have a cold war for a while, quickly turned the subject off.


‘Sorry Harry, I don’t know...’

Ron now only wants to know what will be delicious in the future, whether there will be big trotters, venison, and mashed potatoes like in previous years. As for who the professor of the magic defense class is, it doesn’t seem to have much to do with him. Relationship, anyway, his course has always been not good, no matter who changed, he is not interested in that kind of thing, and does not want to guess.

'You said……'

‘Will it be Professor Anne? ’

Harry saw the teacher’s seat. There, beside Professor Dumbledore, besides the empty position of Professor McGonagall, there was a small figure, but it was not Felius. Professor Flitwick, but a little girl who they are familiar with, whose appearance and height have not changed at all.

‘! ! ’

'Oh! Do not! Harry, I don’t want her to teach us the Defense Against the Dark Arts class at all. If you believe me, it will be a disaster. I can assure you, in the name of Merlin...’

Because of the conversation with Hermione just now, Ron now doesn't like that Professor Anne Hasta, not at all!


'But, she is really amazing... You didn't see that I was by her side at that time, she didn't use a magic wand at all, as if she waved her hand, and she instantly countered twenty Aurors. Subdued! ’

‘And the dragon from the old Gringotts. Speaking of which, she is a living dragon slayer! ! ’

Anyway, when Harry experienced in the Quidditch World Cup camp and saw the opponent easily knock down 20 Aurors with his hands, he completely admired the Professor Anne and felt that the opponent was probably not weaker than The powerful presence of Professor Dumbledore and the mysterious man!

Especially, Harry knew that the other party seemed to be younger than him, Ron and Hermione?

'Do not! Even if that’s the case, I don’t want her to teach us the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, anyway I don’t like her...’

‘Ron, how can you do this? ’

'Why not? ’

‘Then tell me, besides Professor Anne, who else will be our Defense Against the Dark Arts professor? I don’t seem to see a new face...’

‘Anyone but her is fine! ! ’

‘Hush... Ron, keep your voice down, be careful Hermione hears it and complains to you, that Professor Anne is very careful...’

'what! She wouldn't be so unfeeling, would she? ’

'I do not know……'

‘I’m telling you, Harry...’



Soon, as the two people’s voices became smaller and smaller, while watching their notes, there was also Hermione who remembered to be distracted to'eavesdrop'. After hearing no more content, she could only After defaming a few sentences, she looked at the professors' podium, because she saw that the freshmen's sorting ceremony was about to begin.

Of course, there is also the open class professor at their school, but she wouldn't be like Harry said, rushing to Annie for a little thing to file a complaint, who do they think of her?


However, now their dinner is believed to begin soon!

Unlike Ron, Hermione eagerly hopes that after the dinner, Dumbledore can announce something interesting to her, such as Anne of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class?

The other party is so powerful, I believe it will definitely not be affected by the curse of the mysterious person, right? Then, maybe Annie can keep teaching them Defense Against the Dark Arts for many years? Or, Anne will hold that kind of public class again this semester, so that all of them can learn some more useful practical skills?

Of course, it doesn’t matter if the other party does not start classes. As long as the other party is still in school, Hermione will definitely seize every minute and every second of her time to ask Annie about the magic knowledge she doesn’t understand, especially that. She reads the book like a heavenly book, the magic book that the other party gave to her two years ago!

That book is too esoteric, and the knowledge is still very fragmented, not systematic at all, just like the other party copying a little here and writing a sentence there? As a result, although a lot of magic knowledge and spells in it seemed very powerful and terrifying, she couldn't understand at all except for some basic parts!

Even last year, she had to ask Professor Dumbledore for advice. However... What made Hermetic to the surprise was that even their first-class Merlin Medal winner and president of the International Federation of Magicians , The chief magician of Wiesengamau, who has been nominated by the Minister of Magic for many times, and the principal, who is recognized as the greatest wizard of the time, can't figure it out?

"Classmates, please keep quiet!"

"Now, it's time, the sorting ceremony officially begins!!"

Soon, without waiting for Ron and Harry to whisper more, nor for Hermione to think about more, Minerva McGonagall shocked the noisy school with the help of loud magic. After the auditorium, the shabby sorting hat finally began to sing the extremely ugly ballad:

‘That’s over a thousand years...’

‘I was just woven into shape at that time,’

‘Hogwarts Castle has four famous wizards...’


After being placed in front of the auditorium by Professor McGonagall, the shabby-looking hat on the back chair next to the freshmen finally started to yell in a tone of decay, this year Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry opened. The ceremony and the sorting ceremony are finally officially started!



"Hey! Old Dumbledore, what time are these, you just pull a few wires from the Muggle world and light some brighter lights, will you die?!"


Look at the Hogwarts Auditorium, which is gathering a large number of students of all grades and preparing to start school dinner, as well as the number of bonfires around the auditorium and the number of floating cursed feathers Gady Leviosa floating in the middle of the auditorium. At least there were thousands of white candles, and Little Annie couldn't help but rubbed her little nose with some annoyance.

She didn't like the smell of kerosene from a campfire and the smell of minerals from candles!

Because even if they are ignited by magic, they consume kerosene and paraffin when they are burned, especially in such a closed indoor environment with noisy people. The temperature is mixed, not to mention how unpleasant. Up!

You know, although Little Annie can do magic herself, she never refuses the convenience and quality of life that technology brings her, such as those mobile phones and computers that can play super fun games, modern homes, and airplanes and cars. Wait for transportation?

"I'm telling you, it's not good to light too many candles and bonfires in this environment, it's not as good as an electric light and save money!!"


Little Annie even thought maliciously. There are so many candles and bonfires here, and hundreds of people and teachers are crowded here. If carbon monoxide is poisoned or the carbon dioxide concentration is too high, things will be fun... …


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

"This one……"

"I'm sorry, Professor Anne, there is one thing you may not know. In fact, our Ministry of Magic prohibits wizards from doing that, because the Ministry has a Department of Prohibition of Muggle Supplies, which prohibits all wizards from abusing Muggles. Items to prevent wizards from casting spells on Muggle items, thereby inadvertently harming some unknowing Muggles?"

"and so……"

Therefore, it must be impossible to pull wires or install electric lights at Hogwarts!

It’s also because those stubborn and conservative wizards generally disdain to use those Muggle items, and except for those who were born in Muggle families, other students or professors are not very Those who know how to use Muggle objects are also difficult to learn again, and he, the principal, is not too assured that the students will use the dangerous electricity created by Muggles, so as to prevent the wizard students from being electrocuted. accident?

Therefore, in summary, Dumbledore still feels that it is safer to light candles and bonfires. Anyway, Hogwarts Castle is all made of stone and has been magically cast. He is not afraid of being burned! Besides, there are some ancient traditions that need to be followed. There is a significant difference between the wizarding world and the Muggle world.



"What's wrong with Muggle items? People think it's pretty good. You are wrong to do this!"


Annie doesn’t think that magic is necessarily better than technology (Muggle) items. You must know that when technology develops to a certain level, the level that can be achieved is far better than magic to some extent, and this world The magic world is so stubborn, it will be finished sooner or later!

Especially, wait until the world's technological development is one or two hundred years later?


"Perhaps? However, since the Ministry of Magic has such a request, it must have their considerations, and as a wizarding school, Hogwarts must not openly violate the Ministry's regulations."

Dumbledore did not deny the practicality of Muggle objects, because, more than one or two hundred years ago, the Muggles in this world were still in the era of gunpowder weapons and wooden sailboats, but now, in a short time, The Muggles can already go into the sky, or even fly into the starry universe, which is indeed beyond their imagination.

But even if this is the case, their wizards still have a detached position and a sense of superiority in this world, and if it were not for the fact that the number of wizards has become less and less in modern times, they don't even need that. Deliberately separated from the Muggle world...

However, Dumbledore didn't want to talk more about this kind of thing to this little girl magician from outside the world, because the situation in their world was not the same as that of the other party, and they were not comparable.


"When is the meal? Old Dumbledore, I seem a little hungry..."


Touched her belly, Xiao Annie said that she had been sitting here for ten minutes, but now, in addition to watching those little kids sorting out the hospital and making noise and watching the empty dishes in front of her, she actually Don't even have anything to eat?


"Don't worry, it will start soon. They will finish the division later... You know, our Hogwarts tradition is to start after the division... Okay, maybe I can save my speech. After everyone has eaten and drank enough?"

Looking at the freshmen in that row, they looked like dozens of people, and Dumbledore patiently explained this to the little girl.

He wanted to say a few words before the meal, but after seeing the impatient face of the little girl, he suddenly changed his mind and prepared to wait until everyone was almost full before announcing his intention to say The important thing that came out.


"Professor Annie, among the students I met today, many of them asked me, saying they wanted to know: Will you give them back to teach this semester? If it is convenient, can you tell me first? ?"

"After all, you are also a member of our Hogwarts. As a professor of magic, you can't do nothing, can you?"

Dumbledore, who watched the freshmen in front orderly sorting under the command of Professor McGonagall, smiled pretentiously and applauded each and every freshman who had successfully sorted out. He thought about it and came to his side. In the seat next to him, asked a little girl who had been waiting more and more impatiently for the dinner.


(* ̄△ ̄*)

"I am very hungry now, and I don't want to think about that troublesome thing. If I remember it later, I will definitely tell you!"


Now that I have been hungry for a long time, I haven't been able to eat. This bad old man wants her to get ready to work. He never even thinks about things like that, never think about it! !


No way, Professor Dumbledore, who felt that the timing seemed wrong, had to turn around in embarrassment, and then took out his wand, preparing to sort out the last few small freshmen by Professor McGonagall. Just start today’s school dinner.



"It's really cool!"

"Harry, did you just hear what Professor Dumbledore said? He was talking about the Triwizard Tournament that had not been held for more than a century!"

"That's the Triwizard Tournament. It was founded about 700 years ago. It was held once every five years before. One was selected from the three schools of Witchcraft and Wizardry at Hogwarts, Boothbatten and Durmstrang. The strongest warrior, go to run for a place in the strongest and get the Goblet of Fire..."

"Hopefully, I will be that warrior and play on behalf of Hogwarts. How good would that be?"

When the opening ceremony was announced, and when Principal Dumbledore had finished talking about the great decision of the Ministry of Magic, and had just walked out of the gate of the school's auditorium, Ron couldn’t wait to talk about his friends Harry and Hermione excitedly and endlessly. With.

You know, about the Triwizard Tournament, when he was a child, he heard his mother talk about the legendary stories and heard in "A History of Hogwarts", but he didn't think, now, in his Ron In the fourth grade, they were fortunate enough to be able to see that kind of great event with their own eyes, and it was still held in their Hogwarts?

If Ron can be elected and become a Warrior, he will be able to defeat the players of the other two academies, help Hogwarts grab the Goblet of Fire and become the strongest Warrior? Then, a certain jack-of-all-trades lady who thinks she has good grades and is arrogant will definitely treat him differently, right?

Of course, the most important thing is that one thousand Jin Jialong bonus!

If Ron gets that huge bonus, he will definitely replace all his clothes and utensils with new ones, new dresses must be available, new pets must be available, and the owl that is dying of old will be similar. Want to change?

‘All right, Ron! ’

‘Everyone knows that you are one of the famous poor students in Gryffindor. Apart from deducting points for Gryffindor Academy, you really can’t do anything at all! Just like you, still want to represent us at Hogwarts? ’

‘If something like that really happens, it will definitely be a huge disaster...’

‘Gryffindor and Hogwarts will also be the laughing stock of the world, and our mother will be so ashamed to send you a roar letter! ! ’

‘No no no! Fred, he won’t have a chance to receive a yelling letter from his mother, because we all know that if he does participate, we will definitely lose one younger brother. I bet that if he does participate, for sure Can't survive the first scene! ’

‘That’s really bad news, and then the Triwizard Tournament will be suspended for a century again due to the death of ‘Warrior’ Ron Weasley? ’

‘Merlin’s beard, that’s really unfortunate news...’

‘George! I would rather lose a younger brother than see the Triwizard Tournament be frozen again, that's really too bad! ’

‘But fortunately, our dear brother will definitely not be selected because he is not old enough? ’

‘Yes, he is only fourteen years old. He must not be able to participate. This is good news. It’s worth going back for a good drink! ’


However, Ron's words hadn't been finished yet, that kind of imaginative thought had just begun to sprout, and it was ruthlessly shattered by two familiar voices.

From the other party’s unbridled ridicule and the two identical faces and blonde hair that the other party gathered on his left and right shoulders, Ron didn’t need to look closely to know that the people who would ruthlessly blow his enthusiasm like that, except for Slater. Apart from Draco Malfoy, a member of Lin’s Death Eater family, there must be only his two twin brothers, Fred Weasley and George Weasley. Incorrect.

"you guys!"

"Don't be proud of you, I know, Professor Dumbledore said: Only students who are over 17 years old will be allowed to participate, and your age is not enough!!"

In a hurry, Ron directly patted the two on his shoulder and ridiculed him, shouting at the unscrupulous brother who was about to leave.

If Ron was brushed down just because of his age and lost his qualifications to become a "warrior", then he also knew that his two twin brothers were equally bad, because their age was a little bit worse. , Because they were all only sixteen years old, completely not up to the seventeen-year-old age standard required by Professor Dumbledore and the Ministry of Magic.

‘Aha! ’

‘It’s a pity, dear Ron, we have our own way! George, what do you think of ageing agents? ’

‘It only started in October, and before the people from those two schools come, I think we should have enough time to dispense the medicine! ’

‘Yes! Fred, that is indeed a good idea! But you shouldn’t say it...’

‘Don’t worry, our brother Ron is a poor student. He is definitely not worthy of ageing agents! In fact, he might not even recognize potions. He was really a poor fellow. ’

'what! ’

Soon, Fred and George walked away with a smile while talking, and they also directly explained their own methods. It seemed that they didn't mind that his brother listened to and followed suit?

Of course, maybe they wouldn’t worry at all even if they knew their brother would follow suit, because they knew that unless the professors at Hogwarts or the magic contract tool were blind, they would choose their Weasley family. The worst boy ever to be a warrior representing Hogwarts! Therefore, they are relieved, because Ron must be hopeless.

"you guys!!"

Ron just wanted to rush to continue the theory, but he was grabbed from behind.

"Alright, Ron..."

"Don't fight with your brothers, you are asking yourself for boring!"

It was Hermione who held Ron, because she didn't want the other party to argue with his brothers to attract more onlookers.

Just now, when the other party said that he wanted to be a warrior at Hogwarts, he already attracted a lot of ridicule. Could it be that this cheeky guy didn't notice at all? You know, even if she thinks she has the level of the spell of a seventh-grade student and the magic of an adult wizard, she still doesn't dare to imagine whether she can become a warrior of Hogwarts. How can Ron dare to think about it? ?

"Also, I think no matter it is you or your brothers, they will never have the opportunity to sign up. Don't think the professors of the school are so stupid. They must have set up complete precautions. !"

"And, Ron..."

"I really don't want you or your brothers to participate in the so-called'Triwizard Tournament'. Haven't you heard of it? That's not a joke. That kind of dangerous event is deadly and dead. It took a lot, so it had to be interrupted for a full century!"

"If I can, I even hope that brutal events will never be held again!!"

Unlike Ron, who is incapable but who likes to be competitive and eager to save face, he is now among all the students at Hogwarts who can be said to be the best Hermione in terms of knowledge and practice. I have never wanted to participate in the'Triwizard Tournament' that sounds terrifying!

In her opinion, learning magic should be a humbly and cautious process, and magic is not learned for the sake of being competitive. Therefore, the ‘three-strong competition’ shouldn’t exist!

"Ron, I also raised Hermione's right..."

Seeing that Ron was still a little bit aggrieved, Harry quickly persuaded him.

Anyway, Harry Potter himself thought about becoming a warrior, but given that the Triwizard Tournament is an extremely dangerous thing, and his abilities are temporarily limited, he has not yet reached the most basic level. He is seventeen years old, so he will not be as urgent as Ron.

In any case, he will definitely not sign up, even if there is really ageing agent, because they still have a lot to learn, and now, he and Ron are hanging out in the end of the class all the year round. , The things learned are definitely far from enough.


"you guys……"

Staring bitterly at the two guys in front of you, you know, that's a thousand Jin Jialong, how can these two people attack his enthusiasm like this? !


Suddenly, without waiting for Ron to say anything more, Hermione exclaimed, and then greeted a little girl who was slowly pacing out of the hall with her belly.


Originally, Hermione wanted to greet the other party directly, but after thinking about it, she felt that this was Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and that it was not good to call the other party’s name directly, so she quickly added an The title of the professor.

Although the relationship between them is very good, but from the perspective of magic alone, it is absolutely not wrong for her to call each other a professor.

"Hello, Professor Anne!"

Seeing the little girl professor he admired coming out of the auditorium, Harry also hurriedly stood up straight and greeted him.

Seriously, Harry still regrets that their Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is not the little girl in front of him. In his opinion, the little girl in front of him must be stronger than the retired former Auror’s crazy eye. Hammoody's!

But no way, Professor Dumbledore didn’t know why, so he didn’t do that...


Ron did not speak, not even the basic etiquette he should have to a professor, but still hid away sulking, not knowing whether he was mad at his two brothers or his best. Friends are attacking him?

"How are you..."


Originally, Annie wanted to go directly to her room above the castle and take a good rest, because it was dark now, and there were only a few interesting places around Hogwarts School. She was already familiar with it. So I didn't think about going around in the evening.

"Huh? Strange, what happened to him?"


However, after seeing the silent, and still staring at herself angrily, as if she had provoke a certain blond Ron like him, she couldn't help but ask a little curiously.


"Ron said he wanted to participate in the Triwizard Tournament. Harry and I persuaded them both, and then he was like this..."

Hermione was also a little bit dumbfounded about Ron's petty temperament, but since Annie asked, she didn't dare to hide it, so she said it directly.

Anyway, this is not a big deal.

"Huh? He wants to participate too?"

?? (??`▽????)╭??

"Forget it, don't go, otherwise, he will definitely die ugly, and he will never survive the second scene!!"


Little Annie would not tell the three people in front of her that she originally wanted to participate in the ‘Triwizard Tournament’, but because she is a professor, not a student, UU read www.uukanshu. com So that bad old man Dumbledore relentlessly rejected her request... However, after she threatened to burn the entire school, she argued with the bad old man in the auditorium before reluctantly gaining to become What are the qualifications of referees and contestants?

Therefore, her future referee of the Triwizard Tournament can responsibly say that the Ron in front of her is definitely not eligible to participate, unless the Goblet of Fire that Dumbledore just said was blind, otherwise , Even if you just choose any passing student, you won’t choose him!


Unexpectedly, he actually received a blow from his brother, friends, and teacher today, which made Ron very angry, as if he stepped forward to theorize again.

But unfortunately, Harry and Hermione by his side held him tightly, so that he could only watch the little girl who walked and hopped around and the professor gradually disappeared into the dim Hogwar after laughing at him. Far in the corridor of the castle.


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