Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 963: ? The first person to die in the Battle of Three?

  '? ? ’

  ‘Hi~! ’

  ‘What’s wrong, dear Ron, sitting here alone in a daze? ’

'Oh! My dear brother, you must never tell us, because your two friends, Harry and Hermione, have replaced us in the Hogwarts competition, so you have lost the target of plagiarism? ’

When George and Fred were about to walk together in the Gryffindor lounge, where the crowd was dwindling, suddenly they saw their brother Ron in the corner and found each other. Sitting there alone, with a fourth-grade potions textbook next to him, and staring at a thick pile of parchment in a daze?

So, after the two twins looked at each other, they looked at each other with a sharp smile, dispelled the idea of ​​just going out for a stroll, then grinned, and walked over together, and One person put a shoulder of his brother, got close to the other side, and began to tease.

  Because they know, in the usual time, Ron, Harry, and Hermione belong to the famous Gryffindor Gang of Three in Hogwarts! But the situation is different now, because Harry and Hermione, the schoolmaster, both became the warriors of Hogwarts, and their professor Anne got into the super fun "Kingdom of Lordaeron" to take risks, and went How many days are still unknown, and I don’t know when they will come back... So, naturally, now their brother Ron is directly singled out. It seems to be alone and alone all day, just watching Feel very pitiful?

Snapped! !

   "No! I didn't want to copy someone's homework, because my homework is already done!!"

Seeing that his two twin brothers who almost never talk to him ran over, Ron hurriedly closed his textbook as soon as possible, and forced the two of them to see their homework. He continued stiffly:

"George and Fred, I want to correct you one thing: Harry is my friend, which is true! But, Hermione is no longer, and it can’t be considered for the time being anyway, because she hasn’t apologized to me, so we’re here I haven't reconciled yet..."

'what! ! ’

   "George! What are you doing?!"

Ron just wanted to continue to take a look, he wanted to tell his two brothers that the reason why he was in a daze was definitely not because Harry was absent, which made it impossible to borrow the notes of Miss Granger of the "Master", so he faced Snape. The potions class homework assigned by the dark wizard was blackened and had to sit in a daze?

   However, before he had time to finish, he realized that his pile of parchment was snatched by that George? !

For others, it may not be easy to distinguish two twin brothers who are exactly the same in terms of hairstyle and clothing, and often mischievous and deliberately confuse their identities, but for Ron, a member of the Weasley family , The two twin brothers can tell who is George and Fred with his eyes closed. It is no more difficult than copying Hermione's notes or homework before.

   "Not for the time being?"

"Oh! George, listen... It seems that we didn’t guess wrong. My good brother Ron is still because of the triwizard spot and the pride of our Gryffindor, and the perfect jack of all trades. Miss Lanjie is awkward!"

"But Ron, you should actually be thankful. Fortunately, they didn't call you when they signed up. Otherwise, we might have to pretend to cry and collect your body for you. We don't really think that our big family lacks you. Fun idiot brother..."

   Fred heard Ron's implication, so naturally, in order to prevent his brother from hiding here alone, he directly ridiculed him.

   "Why? I'm no worse than Harry!!"

With anger in his heart, Ron really became energetic and angrily wanted to stand up, but soon he was forced to sit on the seat by his two brothers and could not move, he could only blush and glared. At each other.

   "No! You are much worse!"

"Ron, look at you. These parchments are all blank. Are you writing potions class homework with invisible potion? Please... don't tell us, your potions class homework is up to now. Didn’t write a word! Maybe you should think about it now, what are you going to do the day after tomorrow to give Professor Snape a satisfactory explanation?"

   "If I remember correctly, you seem to have been sitting here since dinner, what else can you say?"

At this time, George flipped through the pile of parchment he had just grabbed, and found that the content on it was almost the same as he thought, and it was all blank, so he shook his head and threw it directly into it. In each other's arms.

   "Ron, Harry's Defense Against the Dark Arts class is very strong and talented, don't you deny that?"

   "As for Hermione, let's not talk about it. Sometimes when we can't find the information, we can only solve our homework by asking her for help. So, my dear brother..."

"You should be proud of having their kind of friends. You don't know how much money you have made, so you should reflect on it carefully, instead of getting into trouble with them for a little bit of things. very bad!"

   After George finished speaking, he and his twin brother Fred looked at each other and exchanged a helpless look. They are already thinking now, after Harry and Hermione are gone, is their brother Ron abolished?

   They know that there will be a potions class the day after tomorrow. When the time comes, without receiving the homework, they might be able to figure out what Professor Snape would do to fix and clean up this poor brother Ron in their house! Anyway, they definitely didn't believe that the other party could successfully make an assignment that satisfies Snape without the answer and no ready-made assignments to imitate plagiarism.


   "What does this have to do with you?"

"I was just thinking about how to write my potions class homework? Why did you run out and tell me so much? Now, George and Fred, I ask you to go away and don't disturb me!! "

   In shame, Ron opened the hands of the two of them around his shoulders, and then angrily stood up holding his textbook and the still blank potions homework.

   Now that there is interference in the Gryffindor lounge, I can only go back to my bedroom and write.

Although, Harry is indeed not there. However, he also has his roommates Seamus and Neville. Even if their grades may not be any better than himself, but... if they have finished writing and I am willing to lend him a copy...If you refer to it, he will definitely not mind too much.


   What Ron didn't know was, are they two in the dormitory now?

After all, he also knows the current situation. Basically most of the teachers and students at Hogwarts like to stay in the auditorium, which has now literally become a common room for everyone, including the professors and Deng. Principal Blido included!

   "Ron, you should go and make peace with Hermione earlier, we are for your own good!"

   "That's right! If you think about it, you still need to stay in school for four years. If you don't have Miss MasterCard, you might not be able to graduate successfully, right?"

Seeing Ron was about to leave, seeing that the other's mental energy was mobilized and not as depressed and desolate as before, the twin brothers continued to'make up the knife' loudly behind them, continuing to use that special agitation method, ruthlessly Hit the youngest brother in their family hard.

   "Shut up, you guys!"

   "I don't need you two guys to take care of my business!!"

   Ron has made up with Harry now, but he hasn't thought about when to make up with Hermione.

   Maybe, after the opponent won the Triwizard Tournament and generously took out a few Jin Jialong to buy him a new magic wand as a gift of reconciliation, he would forgive him?

   That's right, the script should look like this!

  Anyway, in Ron’s view, whether the Triwizard Tournament is subject one or the ongoing subject two, obviously it must be the strong student who won first! So, the last subject 3, which started on June 24th, will definitely not have much suspense... From the current situation, whether it is Harry or Krum, or even The Veeva Fleur who was at the rear of the crane was definitely inferior to that guy.

   "Hey! Ron, we are for your good!"

   "Listen to our advice, don't play with your kind of little temper, your friends are really running out, and Hermione..."


   "Hey! Lee, what are you doing when you ran out in such a hurry?!"

Originally, George and Fred wanted to persuade their unsuspecting brother a few words, but when they saw their good friend, Lee Jordan, who often fooled with them, they couldn’t even care about clothes. Wearing them, they rushed out of the dormitory with their school uniforms and disheveled clothes. When they were about to run outside the Gryffindor lounge, they naturally abandoned Ron and couldn't help asking curiously.

They remember that when they came out of the dormitory just now, their friend Lee Jordan was still holding the quilt on the bed to make up for his sleep. How come they run out like this now, is it possible that they didn’t know what happened? The big thing?

  '? ? ’

Just getting up from the bed in a hurry, and seeing the three Weasley brothers still in the lounge, this made Lee Jordan a little puzzled, not knowing why the three were here... But soon he Don't worry about the weird things anymore:

  ‘Quick! George! And Fred! ’

  ‘You guys go quickly, I heard that there’s a fight again, and it’s gone when it’s late! ! ’

Lee Jordan hurriedly put on Hogwarts uniforms and robes. He couldn't even put on his pants. With long shaggy legs, he hurriedly ran to the portrait of the fat lady, ready to get out of Gryffindor. With a burning eyebrow in the rest room, he seemed to ignore the question of the twin brothers George and Fred.

   "What is fighting?"

   "Lee! Tell me, who the **** is fighting with whom?!"

  George and Fred were a little puzzled. They had no idea what the other party was talking about or where they heard the gossip.

   "The Great Hall!"

   "They sent me a message just now. I heard that it was our warrior. They fought with those undead monsters again, and it was wonderful. Why are you still here? Why don't you come to see the excitement?!"

After speaking, as the door of the lounge was opened, Lee Jordan finally couldn't take care of explaining more, so he flew out of the ground, and then Sa Yazi ran to the far corridor, even his own white flowers. Both of his legs are exposed from the long-distance running of school uniform, and he can't care too much.


   "Oh **** it! Hurry up George, we must hurry up too!!"


   "Wait for me, Fred..."

  '? ? ’

  'Ron? No, what are you doing here, don't you want to do your homework? ! ’

After being reminded by Lee Jordan, the twin brothers, who knew what they should do now, ran out without thinking about it... Then, when they found out that they were also following their brother Ron at the same time. , He asked strangely.

   "Stop writing!"

   "Write again tomorrow!!"

   Originally thought that the four warriors were just Ron, who was doing boring things such as marching and dressing today. After hearing the news that Lee Jordan said, would he still take care of homework?

   Anyway, at this time, he doesn't care too much...

   As for homework, for example, if he couldn't finish writing tomorrow, he really couldn't care about what the dark wizard Snape would do to him at this time! In short, when the time comes, he will have to go and see the excitement first. Don’t go too late and don’t see it. Then when you go to bed tomorrow or at night, you can only listen to others discussing excitedly while you are Can stare aside.



Originally, the twin brothers wanted to persuade their younger brother. However, after seeing that Lee Jordan in front of him was running so fast that even his indecent leg hairs were exposed, they thought about it, but temporarily extinguished them and tried to persuade them. The idea of ​​their stubborn brother.

  ‘Ah~! ’


  ‘I know it’s wrong, Professor Anne, I’m going to spare my little ones, right? ’

  ’! ! ’

'let me go! ’

  ‘Will you let it go? ! ’

'you you……'

  ‘You hateful kid! Enemy of the Forbidden Forest! The evil of the Black Lake! The butcher who killed animals! The culprit of Pegasus! Thief in the school greenhouse! Crucible Destroyer! The culprit of the smuggling gang! I warn you, let me go! ! ’

  ‘Otherwise, I’ll shake off all your bad things and let everyone in the school know your true face! ! ’

In this deserted corridor of the school’s castle, Hogwarts’ Peppy, the ghost who specializes in pranks, is struggling and swearing desperately... However, no matter how it yells, swears, or struggles, it still I couldn't open the little hand that a little girl was holding on the back of her head.

Of course, although Pepigui is mischievous, and he has some serious evidence of crime from a little girl's professor... However, it only dared to shout in such a place where there is no one, someone or a ghost is there. At the time, it must dare not easily shake out the things that are likely to cause it to be burnt to death!

   After all, no matter how naughty it is, it still knows something about its own life and death.



   Suddenly, Annie, who heard some footsteps, hurriedly reached out and patted Pepigui's head severely, causing the other party to close the broken mouth instantly.



   "Hey! Tibbers, what are they doing? Are they playing some fun chasing game?!"

  ∑(′△`)? !

Soon, in the corridor, he was floating above the corridor, and he was holding Pippi ghost's back collar with one hand, ready to concoct the other party, let a certain unconscious ghost know what a terrible end would be if she provokes her. A little thing, Professor Anne, who knew how precious the medicine was, first saw a disheveled guy running over...

Then immediately, there came the Ron and those two super funny twin brothers. Seeing them running without looking up, she couldn't help but stop after she didn't even want to look at herself. , Floating directly in the midair of Hogwarts, looking at the directions of the four guys leaving without looking back.

   (Report to the little master that they are not playing any games!

  (● ̄(?) ̄●)

  —Tibbers certainly knew why the three Weasley brothers and the guy named Jordan who had just ran over behaved like that, so it directly rejected the speculation of its own bad boy. )

   "It's not playing games, what are you doing?!"


After discovering that the four of them had disappeared, Annie, who was puzzled, turned her head to look at the bad bear Tibbers, who was pinned to her waist, and wanted to see what the other party could say. Come.


   And at this time, a certain person couldn't get away no matter how hard he was struggling, and the yelling Pippi just now became quiet.

   Because it knows, this little girl professor seems to be able to talk to her little bear? Moreover, knowing that the teddy bear is so powerful, and wanting to know what happened, he stopped honestly, wanting to see what the little girl could know from the bear's mouth.

   (Report to the little master, that is because the ‘movies’ in the auditorium have reached a wonderful place, so they have to run to watch...


——In fact, most of the Hogwarts teachers and students are now in the auditorium, that is, a little girl who is idle will wander around in the castle and find the trouble of an unobstructed ghost. . )


  !? (?\'\'??)?

   "You said there is finally another good show in the auditorium? It's great!!"


   Little Annie cheered directly, and she was about to follow her. Then she heard it again, and looked at the Pepy Ghost who had been caught by herself.

   "My little bear just said that the'movie' in the auditorium is so good to watch, Pippi, do you want to see it?"

  ? 乛? 幛?

  Before I went to see it again, the Pepy Ghost I caught must be punished, and Xiao Anni had already planned the punishment.

  ’! ! ’

'miss you! really want! ’

   Of course, he nodded hurriedly when he heard that it was such a thing.

You know, now throughout Hogwarts, whether it is teachers, students or professors, even ghosts or those house elves, all of them, ghosts, and demons have a completely consistent entertainment activity, that is: Gather in the auditorium to watch'movies'! !

   So, at this moment, when I heard that the ‘showing’ in the auditorium had reached the exciting part, it must have waited for the Pipi Ghost to pass through the walls and rush directly to the auditorium.



   "You just provoke someone, so... Pippi, goodbye~!!!"

  -=????=?????(?) Slippery!

In the expectation and pleading gaze of a certain Pepi ghost, the thief smiling little Annie outrageously cast a spell and directly imprisoned the opponent with shadow energy on the wall of the corridor, before landing directly and stepping away. On her legs, carrying her own little bear Tibbs, Sa Yazi ran towards the auditorium, leaving only a stunned transparent ghost imprisoned on the wall...

   That's right, she did it on purpose, and she was going to deliberately disgust and **** that pippy ghost! Who made it dared to offend her just now, and clamored to shake everything out of her? She is so stingy, so careful!


  Ε=(′?`●))) alas

  ’! ! ’

'and many more! ’

  ‘Please wait, Professor Anne? ’

  ‘Dear Professor Anne? ! ’

  ‘Oh no~! Come on, please, let me go! Please~! ’


  ‘Damn little girl, despicable little girl, come and let me go! ! ! ! ’

'Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! ! ! ’

'woo woo woo woo……'

'Do not……'

  ‘I’m going to see it too...


Soon, the pitiful crying and struggling whimpers that belonged to Pippi finally resounded in this corridor of Hogwarts... However, at this time, whether it was a student, a professor, or Hogg The other ghosts of Watts had obviously gathered in the auditorium to watch the excitement, and no one would like to pay attention to the unrecognizable Pepi ghost.

   Besides, even if it cracks its throat, the sound will definitely not reach the auditorium...


The flames have completely besieged the surrounding farmland of Firestone Farm. The countless zombies, skeletons and ghouls who followed the fire finally fell dead in the flames and remained motionless. Let the flames slowly burn them. After turning into a piece of coke or ashes, it returns to the land of Lordaeron...

  At this time, Harry and Hermione, the two little wizards who were mercilessly abandoned and set fire to the periphery because of someone's bad ideas, were chasing and retreating under the chase of several ghouls who were on fire.

  ‘Harry! Here! ’

  ’! ! ’

'not good! Here too, Hermione run! ! ’


At this time, most of the time, Hermione was releasing spells to resist or attack the siege of those ghouls who were defying death, or it could be said that they had actually been'dead', and they were set on fire before. After the haystacks, granaries, and farmland outside Firestone Farm, Harry, whose magic power had gradually become unhelpful, passively followed Hermione's side, hiding in the shield that the opponent opened from time to time.

   He only reluctantly takes a shot or two when necessary to help Hermione to fix the omissions, lest the terrible monsters break through the barrier and bite the heads of him and Hermione?

  ’! ! ’

  ‘All petrochemicals! ! ’

Suddenly, following Harry sprinting in one direction, and realizing that a ghoul had jumped out of the fire in front of her and blocking her path, Hermione didn't even think about it, and quickly stretched out her wand in her hand. A petrification curse accurately hit the ghoul, making it suddenly stiff without being able to'brake', and then under the influence of inertia, it rolled directly into the fire on the other side of the road.

Under the condition of being imprisoned by the petrification curse and unable to move the slightest, even a very resistant ghoul, once it directly plunges into that kind of fire, I believe it will soon become a one that can never move. The real corpse.

  ‘Woohoo~! ’

   At this time, after the two stopped, the fastest ghoul who had just been chasing behind finally found the right time to pounce!

And so immortal, Hermione’s barrier shield happened to have reached the time limit at this time. Before she could make it up, the monster had already rushed up and stretched out its sharp claws and its mouth full. Her fangs, with flames on her back, were emitting bursts of stench and pounced behind Hermione!

   At this time, Hermione, who had just cleaned up the ghoul in front, did not see the situation behind her at all, and even if she saw it, she might not have time to cast the spell! After all, the wands in her and Harry's hands weren't chasing like big sticks like Jaina's, and they definitely couldn't turn around and hit people at this critical time.

  ’! ! ’

  ’Legs stand up and die! ! ’

   However, fortunately, Hermione is not alone at this time!

   In addition to countless people watching behind her worriedly, beside her, there is also her friend Harry!

Although, Harry, who has been overly ignited, is exhausted both mentally and physically, but at a critical moment, even if he learns to hang the tail, his actual talent is unexpectedly full, so he is brilliantly in a hurry. , Using his little magical power, squeezed out a key and practical little spell, and directly killed the ghoul who was running over at Hermione and his legs. Locked together!


Then, of course, a whimper sounded, and the two legs behind the ghoul suddenly stopped locking up, but when the claws were still waving in the air, it could only fall to the ground fiercely. After a fierce somersault, he immediately made a'poof' and rolled into a barn that was burning. It must be impossible to get out in a short time.

'what! ? ’

   Hermione, who found out that she was almost killed under the claws of a ghoul, exclaimed, and...

  ‘?Ναεμπ?διο! ’

Seeing that her shield was gone at this critical time, Hermione hurriedly stopped and waved her wand quickly again. After the wand had rotated three times in a very short period of time, following the operation of the spell, it was very Hurry up, a golden spherical shield once again protected her and Harry, who had just saved her life, tightly in it, and dangerously blocked the ghouls who rushed up behind him. .



  , ‘sizzle~! ’

  ‘Woohoo~! ’

  ‘Crack~Crack~! ’

Then, of course, the ghouls who were chasing her and Harry slammed into her shield, and they started to grab the golden shield with their sharp claws and teeth. It started to bite, seeming to want to break the shield and attack the two people inside?

  ’! ! ’

  Hoo! call!

  ‘Yugadim Leviosa! ! ’

Finally, seeing that the shield seemed to be able to hold on for a while, Hermione was not in a hurry to escape, and there were only a few enemies left. After taking a second breath and calming her beating heart a little, she thought A good idea.

In the next second, before the shield dissipated, the elastic and tough vine-wood wand in her hand traversed beautiful trajectories. Then, the ghouls were pointed at by her wand and floated directly. He got up and floated helplessly in the air. +

"go with!!"

Immediately afterwards, the ghouls, who couldn't use the tremendous strength from their bodies, flared their teeth and claws in the air and struggled in vain for a while, without any magic, no matter how powerful they were, they could only continue to struggle with their teeth and claws. They were caught, and Hermione waved her magic wand and threw it directly into the barn that burned the most and was the fiercest in the distance...


   "Huh! Huh!"


   "I finally got rid of them..."

   "Hermione, the floating spell you just had is really great, it works! But I am not as proficient as you with that spell!"

Seeing that there were no more chasing soldiers behind the two, Harry finally had time to support his knees and pant for breath and happily attacked the ghouls just now. He solved several ghouls at once. Min smiled reluctantly.



   Hermione, whose face was slightly pale, didn't come back for a long time.

   "They...Are they dead?"

   Hermione was also a little panting at this time, her mind was blank...

She just did it subconsciously just now, and there was no time to think about it, so now she can only watch her surroundings vigilantly, while maintaining the shaky barrier, letting the surrounding fire reflect her original picture. His face was flushed with heat.

"do not know……"

   "It should be dead, right? At least I can't see them outside here..."

   Harry sighed and stood up straight, wiped the sweat from his forehead that he didn't know if he was tired or roasted, and said with some uncertainty.

After the battle, the two of them just burned to death or killed almost two or three hundred zombies, skeletons and ghouls... In fact, even Harry did not expect that under the threat of death, he and The two Hermiones were able to explode such a powerful combat power... However, most of the credit was actually Hermione's, because the other's shields ensured the safety of the two of them and allowed him to set fires and compare them smoothly. Go down and cast all kinds of unskilled spells in a safe environment.


   looked around, and found that there was indeed nothing moving around, and then rushed out to attack her and Harry. Only when Hermione wiped the beads of sweat from her hairline, she nodded blankly.

"But Harry, we'd better hurry up and meet the Prince Arthas. This world, this kingdom of Lordaeron is really too dangerous here. My magic is about to bottom out now, I feel it My head is almost exploding!"


   After relaxing, Hermione couldn't help groaning, and then hurriedly urged Harry, because she was indeed overdrawn now.

   If a dozen more zombies or ghouls rush out now, she can't guarantee that she will be able to destroy their terrifying undead monsters, she may not be able to use a few more effective spells!


   "Yes! Hermione, you are right! Me too, let's go quickly!!"

   Harry’s condition will only be worse than Hermione, but, without knowing what the reason is, his spirit is still very good, except that he is a little tired and the magic has bottomed out?

   "Hurry up!"

   "They should be in front, I heard them talking and weapons slashing..."

After that, after discovering that there were no more monsters pursuing the two, Hermione and Harry found their way again, and ran in the direction from which the weapons struck and shouted, and gradually disappeared into the sky. And in the thick smoke.


When Hermione and Harry completed the flame blockade on the periphery of Firestone Farm and their super level performance eliminated those difficult, two or three hundred undeads, the innermost one on the farm may have been originally On the flat ground where the crops were piled up, Arthas, Jaina, Fleur, Krum, and the knights with nearly a hundred remaining, after cutting down the last undead, finally took a man in a red and black mage robe Be surrounded by the skeleton iron pot that still exudes evil red-brown steam.


   "Are you... a living person?!"

When the dust settled, when the opponent was surrounded by himself and others, Arthas was holding his glowing golden warhammer, the hammer of justice, Menethil. Zhili walked aggressively to the villain who was dying and wanted to protect the evil pestilence steamer.

   "There is evil!"

   "I don't understand, why do you guys create those plagues, why do you want to poison the people of Lordaeron?"

   "What the **** are you for?!"

Almost all the undead, zombies, skeletons, and ghouls that did not speak before, plus a small number of stitching monsters, etc., so, now I have caught a living person here, and it seems that the other person is not in identity After being low, and still being one of the culprits of spreading the plague, Arthas asked angrily.

   He could see that the guy in front of him, the necromancer, seemed to be dressed similarly to the contaminated granary that he and Jaina had encountered before? Therefore, he can basically judge that the mage in front of him, the other party must be inseparable from that Kel'Thuzad! !

"Hum hum……"

   "Stupid guys, you will never understand the great mission of our gods. Your victory today is meaningless. The end has come!!"

However, the necromancer did not raise Alsace's problem, but raised the skeleton staff in his hand, and the light of magic began to flash on it, as if he was preparing to release a powerful spell and resist it. ?


   "You crazy guys!!!"

Alsace was angry and planned to step forward to understand the other party's life, but he still held back, because he could see that the other party seemed to be of a low status, so he wanted to catch him alive and try to see if he could Obtain valuable information from the opponent's mouth to help Lordaeron understand the terrible plague that broke out more intuitively?

   "Put down your weapons and surrender!"

   "Now you are the only one left here. In front of us, you have absolutely no chance! Surrender and confess everything you know, I will consider letting you accept a fair trial by the kingdom!"


   "Can you still make a small life with your performance?!"

Yes, Arthas felt that if the other party could confess everything and help Lordaeron fight the plague, help Lordaeron obtain enough information to eliminate the Kel'Thuzad that he encountered before and those spreading in East Tiris According to the undead in Farwood, he will definitely use his crown prince's authority to save the opponent's life.


  ‘Stupid guys, you will never know that death is just the beginning. I, Belmore, may die here today, but we can get endless eternal life, and you poor mortals...’

As he said, the necromancer who claimed to be Belmore suddenly raised his gleaming skeleton wand and pointed it at the plague steamer next to him, as if he was planning to blow up the terrible boiler. Then die with his enemies?

  ’! ! ’

'Avada Kedavra! ! ’

   Suddenly, at this moment, Krum, who was standing behind the opponent and besieging the enemy with the others, shot it, and it was a cruel spell like the Unforgivable Curse.

Then, a green light from his 10.25 inches long, made of hornbeam wood, the core of the rod is the tendon of the dragon's heart, the wand made by Grigovich spewed a green light and penetrated directly He lost the bone shield on the Necromancer and hit the opponent directly.



Immediately afterwards, the person who just yelled unscrupulously and was about to destroy the plague steamer, his eyes rounded, and when the wand in his hand dimmed, he fell directly onto the dark withered ground, motionless. Up.



Jaina, who was just getting ready to do it, saw that Krum used a spell that didn’t know what faction spell to kill the evil necromancer, and then suddenly turned around and turned towards the sea of ​​flames behind her. Asked drinking.

"It's us!"

   "Sister Jaina, make us, me and Harry!!"

A familiar voice from Hermione rang, and Jaina quickly cancelled the arcane energy on her wand, causing the ice arrow that was about to fly out to shatter into snow flakes? And floating in the air.


   "Krum, you shouldn't have used the unforgivable curse just now..."

  Hermione and Harry looked tired, avoiding the burning houses, and came to the spacious flat ground of the farm, and then looked at the Krum who had cast the unforgivable curse just now.


   "In our school, our professor taught us that to deal with this extreme evil, we can use all cruel means, including the unforgivable curse!!"

   At this point, Krum, who was still wearing the bubble curse on his head, turned his head and looked at the figure lying motionless on the ground where he was holding his wand tighter.

You know, Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry treats dark magic very tolerantly. In addition, the **** necromancer just killed a brave knight... If it wasn't for the other party to help him block it at that time , It was him that Krum was lying on the ground... So, just now, his heart was full of fear, fear, anger and strong killing intent.

The kind of evil guy, the kind that releases the plague to poison creatures, makes the earth and plants wither, turns countless living people into undead, and makes villages into ruins. He Krum doesn't feel any regret for depriving him of his life. , Because it deserves it! !


   Harry looked at the Krum, and then looked at the surroundings, then he did not speak or comment on Krum's behavior when he knew him.

After all, in Harry’s view, this is not Britain or Europe. If the unforgivable curse is used, no law should be applied. Therefore, it is certain that no one will come here to capture Krum to Aziz. In Caban.

  Furthermore, Harry didn't think there was anything wrong with killing the evil plague spreader, who might be 10,000 times more evil than the Death Eaters.


   "Hermione, what is an unforgivable spell? Why is that green magic black magic?"

At this time, look around and look at Jaina, whose dust has settled here. After seeing Arthas and Adjutant Farrick, they have discussed with the dwarf leader Dajjal about blowing up the plague steamer, and they have nothing to do with them. After that, she asked Hermione curiously.

In Jaina's eyes, it was very good that Krum had just issued the green "Avada Suomen" spell. It killed the damned Necromancer in one fell swoop and avoided unnecessary injuries. So, she didn't understand at all, why should Krum be blamed for that kind of finally?

   "Sister Jaina, in our place, there are three unforgivable curses, they are: Heart-cutting, Imperius curse, and Avada Sole!"

"The law of the Ministry of Magic stipulates that the three unforgivable curses are extremely evil and extremely cruel black magic, and they are aimed at human souls. Therefore, once used on people, they will be in Azkaban, which is ours. Life imprisonment in a wizard prison..."

   At this point, Hermione looked at Krum with some worry. She didn't know, after the second round of the Triwizard Tournament, will the opponent be held accountable for that Avada Suo?

What's more, Hermione knows that there are many spells that can cause harm or lethality to people. For example, clear water like a spring can drown people, and broken bones can blow people to death, Transfiguration Curses, Levitation Curses, Imprisonment Curses, etc. Certain purposes can be achieved, and it is not necessary to use Avada to kill, even if the opponent is extremely evil.

   And, as far as Hermione has understood, it is said that the Avada Sutra is a direct soul capture? Therefore, in the eyes of the Ministry of Magic, although there are many magics that can kill wizards or Muggles, once the spell involves the soul, it is a big problem! Furthermore, the Avadasuo Manifestation Curse comes from the great malice and killing intent from the heart of the wizard, and it destroys the soul. It will pollute the wizard's soul to a certain extent... Therefore, it is related to the Imperius Curse, the heart-cutting bones, etc. The spells that control or torment the soul are considered to be blasphemy against the soul, so they are classified as unforgivable spells.

   "For the soul?"

   "Yes! The soul is indeed a taboo area, as can be seen from these cursed followers and these plagues..."

Jaina nodded, but did not continue to comment on Krum’s behavior or blame the other person, but she also knew that magic for souls, even in Dalaran, was a forbidden school of knowledge, and was not allowed by others. Understandable.


However, in the face of Hermione’s words that were more worrying than accusing, Krum didn’t say much, he just walked away silently, and walked to the one lying motionless on the ground holding the long sword. The breath of life has long been far away from the knight's side.

Afterwards, he thought for a while, squatted down, stretched out his hand tremblingly, and fumbled awkwardly on the helmet, seeming to be planning to take off the other party's helmet and see if the one who risked his death blocked him. What does the next knight look like?

"Do not!"

"Although I don't understand the classification of the tricks of your wizards and wizards, but for these evil existences that attempt to destroy Lordaeron and use the plague to mutilate the people of Lordaeron, I actually think that'Avadazo's life' is too much. Be kind!"

In the eyes of Arthas, who had never extinguished the anger in his heart, the Avadasuo Mantra, that is, the green light just now, after all, caused the death of the necromancer to be too happy and too kind... Like that kind of evil, should the opponent be burned to ashes or blown to pieces? !

   "Forget it..."

   "You better prepare, this place is too dangerous, and the toxic gas of the plague is too strong. When we burn this place and destroy the plague steamer, then we will go back quickly!"

Although they have just extinguished the firewood at the bottom of the plague steamer, the plague poison gas here is still very strong, so they can't stay here for too long, otherwise they will definitely cause irreversible and terrible damage to everyone's bodies. .

  ’! ! ’

  '? ? ’

"Be careful!"

"not good!!"

   At this time, seeing that the overall situation was set, Alsace, who was about to turn around and leave, seemed to feel something. He suddenly turned his head back and exclaimed in the direction of the Krum just now! And that Captain Farrick not far from Arthas was also, as a veteran, he rushed over in exclamation for the first time!

   It's a pity, their response seems to be a little slower...

  噗! !

Everyone was horrified to see that the corpse of the knight who was lying motionless on the ground suddenly lifted the long sword in the hand of'it', and then directly, it penetrated by surprise, or it could be said that there was no Any defensive Krum's chest?


"Do not!!"



   Harry, Hermione, and the somewhat hesitant Fleur exclaimed in unison at this time, and then watched the long **** sword hilt penetrate Krum’s thick back...

  锵! !

In a panic, Captain Farrick, who reacted the fastest and was the first to rush up, unsheathed the sword directly, and with a single sword, the hand of the'knight' who attacked the friendly army was cut off at the joints of the arm armor. , And then, Arthas, who rushed past, stepped forward and used his hammer of justice to bring the man back to life. It was obvious that the'knight' who was no longer their own slammed into the air.


   However, everyone soon saw that the ‘knight’ who had his arm cut off and his chest collapsed was struggling to get up even after landing? Moreover, there are bursts of roars of unknown meaning?


   "Be careful! The plague toxins here are very strong, and the corpses change into undead faster. Be careful of those corpses!!"

Seeing his subordinates surrounded the resurrected'knight' for the first time and chopped it up with a chaotic sword, Arthas warned him and shouted at his subordinates. After asking them to be careful around, especially those'fresh' corpses, he hurried forward and checked the wizard Krum who was now supported by the three little wizards and his adjutant Farrick.


   ", cheer up..."


   Harry and Hermione called out tremblingly, while Fleur stood by covering her mouth, not knowing what to do.


Although Harry and Hermione were holding each other’s chests hard at this time, the warm blood still kept pouring out of the blood slot of the knight’s sword passing through the chest, no matter how they pressed it. To no avail...


   Soon, the other party's eyes began to fade away, and his mouth was still closed, as if he wanted to say something, but he couldn't say a word at all.


   How could it be like this...

Furong, who did not dare to go forward, was completely stunned. Although this was not the first time she saw a dead person, but now it was her companion who was dead in the Triwizard Tournament like herself. Still scared!

and so,

She couldn't do anything except stare at everything in front of her trembling. She could only watch Harry and Hermione working and calling there with round eyes. She couldn't believe that this kind of thing would happen to her. In front of you.


   "By the way! Prince Alsace, don't you have that kind of magical light? Hurry up, please, save him!"

   At this time, Harry was the first to react, and quickly grabbed the big hand of Prince Arthas who had come to see Krum's injury, and then pleaded with a tearful anxious expression.


   However, his look of expectation was really just the movement of the other party gently breaking away his hand and a regretful sigh?

   "No, it's useless..."

   "Give up, Harry!"

   "He has left, his heart is completely pierced, bleeding too much, the plague has contaminated him, and my holy light cannot save him..."

   After finishing speaking, Arthas stretched out his hand and gently closed his eyes that stared at Krum, before he sighed and stood up.

   This kind of injury, unless his teacher Uther Lightbringer or Archbishop Fao existed at the same level, otherwise, it would definitely be hopeless!

However, his teacher Uther Lightbringer is not here, and Archbishop Faor has already passed away and was buried in Tirisfal Glades... So, at this moment, the little wizard Krum in front of you is indeed It's hopeless.

   This situation is very normal on the battlefield. If you don’t pay attention, you will die. Moreover, no one knows who will die next moment! Alsace had seen a lot of this, and even he himself was prepared to die on the battlefield at some point.

   "No, how could it be like this..."



   Looking at his companions, watching this warrior from Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry die in front of him like this, Hermione, Harry, and Fleur couldn't believe this was true!

   You need to know that the other party just killed the terrifying and evil necromancer just now, why now, when they are about to share the joy of victory, the other party says that it’s gone? !


"Now is not the time to grieve. Under the raging plague, whether it is the people of Lordaeron, our soldiers, or our friends and relatives, all people may die every moment! So, we should After leaving, there are more important things waiting for us to do!"

After that, Arthas waved his hand and motioned Jaina and his cavalry to mount the three little wizards who could not believe the truth, because they were about to blow up the evil plague steamer. And completely burned down this Firestone farm.


   "Write down the names of all the war dead, and burn them here immediately! We don't have time to bury the corpses of the warriors. Let them be turned to ashes and rest in the land of Lordaeron!"

   "From now on..."

   "After the victory, the Lordaeron royal family will definitely erect statues and inscriptions for them here!!"

  As he stepped on his horse, Prince Arthas gave his order, which was the last thing he could do.

'Yes! ! ’

   ‘Your Highness, don’t worry, I know what to do...’

With Farrick’s loud As Alsace and others turned on their horses and left, soon the entire Firestone farm, including the extinguished plague steamer, was fighting The dead dozens of Lordaeron knights and the corpse of Krum, they all turned into flames into the sky in a huge explosion and a fire...

Under the dark night, the fire here was very dazzling, and the fire almost reflected half of the sky...Perhaps, whether it was a natural disaster or the surviving people near Lordaeron, you can see the movement here from far away. Right?

However, the group of people who were riding on the war horse and leaving quickly at this time were not in the mood to see the scene...because they were already affected by anger, sadness, helplessness, hesitation and other emotions at this time. Full of.

   Although they won a victory and smashed a plague device at a very small price, no one can be happy at this time!

Because no one knows how many of those plague steamers are left, and no one knows how many people will die from those terrible plagues and become enemies facing each other, and no one knows, in Andorhal What terrible scene will be waiting for them...


Hey! !

Looking at Hermione who was being held tightly in her arms, looking at the other's sad face, and then at the two Harry and Fleur who were also saddled by the knights, Jaina thought for a while. Some of the comforting words that I wanted to export at the end only turned into a helpless sigh. .


  (*?′╰╯`?)? Ask for a ticket? (?′╰╯`?*)

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